December 12, 2011 Commissioners Meeting Minutes

December 12, 2011

Commissioner President Michael Acierno, Commissioner Sue Daley, Commissioner Katherine Farquhar, Town Clerk Cate McDonald.  Present during all or portions of the meeting was Academy Manager Andrea Scanlon.

Building Permit:  The BPC approved the building permit for new construction at 4 North Street.  The Commissioners had several concerns:  work hours too long; type of shingles being used; and a deck.  Chris Scanlon was called for a teleconference:  he said that MoCo HAWP approved the deck and shingles and the BPC concern is with setbacks and zoning so the Town cannot deny the deck and shingles.  Also, he said the work hours on the permit he approved are the hours that MoCo says building can take place and since the Town does not have an ordinance regarding work hours it must be approved.  Normally with a new construction permit, the builder pays the fee for the Towns consultant and the Town’s building permits fees.  The builder, Matt Pollack, requested that the Town apply our building permit fee to reduce the cost of the consultant fee.  Chris Scanlon advised he did not have a problem with this and asked the Commissioners to approve the request.  The Commissioners did approve the request for building permit fee and signed the building permit.

Minutes: The November Commissioners Meeting Minutes were approved.

Financial:  the Financial Report was emailed prior to the meeting.  Two concerns were raised about the report: 1) LGIT bill amount and 2) the amount of money in our checking account.  Commissioner President Acierno suggested that the Town transfer part of the checking account balance into a savings account.  He will e-mail the Treasurer regarding the financial report.

Academy Update:  Academy Manager finally located the Archeology Report that the MD Historic Trust needs in order to have an underground propane tank installed.  The approval may not come until Jan / Feb with plans for installation in the Spring.

No more forward movement on the MEA Grant.

The Girl Scout Troop has moved back to SUMC due to concerns with crossing the street.

MML Legislative Dinner:  will be December 15th.  Commissioners Acierno and Farquhar will attend with Sen. Montgomery and Del. Zucker as their guests.

Town Cleanup Day: The Town will ask Residents to participate in another Cleanup Day:  street gutters cleaned; spruce up and mulch around the school house; and general tidying up the Town sometime in April.  A question was raised about having a large trash pickup:  the Town has not had a large item pickup due to budget concerns.  There is a possibility to have a large trash dumpster for a weekend at the Schoolhouse parking lot in March.

Town Mail: The Town will start using its street address (5 High Street) and will do away with the P. O. Box.  Plans are to have a mailbox installed in the Spring next to the existing USPS blue mailbox.

Water – North Street loop?:  The Town has no plans for a street connector.  Since there has been recent vehicle traffic and parking on the walking path, the Town will look to install some natural barriers (rocks) on the entrance to the path and perhaps a No Parking sign.

ICC Signs – Meeting Update with Peggy Erickson: Heritage Montgomery has received grant money to place ICC signs to Heritage sites within MoCo, including within the Town.  Commissioner President Acierno recently met with Ms. Erickson and expressed concern over the size of the signs and the placement.  Ms. Erickson agreed to less signs and will confer with SHA about the placement of the signage.

COHV:  on the agenda as an FYI to the Commissioners and all who attended the meeting.

Open Discussion:  none

The meeting adjourned at 9:30p.m.

Cate McDonald