December 9, 2013 Commissioners Meeting Minutes

Commissioners Meeting Minutes

December 9, 2013

8:00 pm

Academy Office


Present: Michael Acierno, Katherine Farquhar, Sue Daley, Andrea Scanlon, Terri Hogan, Diane Teague

November minutes: Approved


Review Budget: Proceeds from the Madison supper net nearly $11,000.00.  These funds will be put in the general fund for expenses incurred preparing for the 2014 Celebration. Sandy Heiler, Susan Johnson and Michael Yesenko, will coordinate so that expenditures made by Sandy will be paid by Susan and Michael will administer the individual grants.


Academy Report: Propane Tank and new Park Service Plaque: HAWP is approved by HPC and Planning Commission for tank and sign.  


School House Rental: Roberta Staat is no longer interested in renting the School House. The Flying Muskrat Theatre will not rent the academy because the insurance was too expensive. 


SHA Meeting Update: the Maryland 97 Brookeville Study Partnering Kick-Off Meeting scheduled for December 9 at 10 am was postponed because of the weather.


LGIT Survey: Most of the questions on the survey do not apply to Brookeville.


Sidewalks: Bid proposals for sidewalks are needed.


Open Discussion: Michael Acierno, Katherine Farquhar and Karen Montgomery will attend the Maryland Municipal League Dinner. The town will sponsor Karen and Craig Zucker.


Adjourn: 9:35 pm


Respectfully submitted by:

Diane Teague