February 10, 2003
ATTENDING: President Richard Allan, Commissioners Robert Heritage and Les Unglesbee, Clerk-Treasurer Susan Johnson and Terri Hogan from the Olney Gazette were in attendance. Planning Commission Chair Chris Scanlon and Planning Commissioner Make Friis were also in attendance. Seven members of Boy Scout Troop 759 and their parents attended the meeting.� They are working on fulfilling the requirements for a government badge.� The meeting began at 8:00 p.m. at the Brookeville Academy.
President Allan welcomed the troop and gave an overview of town government and our Planning Commission.
MINUTES: The January minutes were read and accepted as submitted.
FINANCIAL REPORT: The financial report was reviewed and accepted.�
1. Planning Commission – Mark Friis, on behalf of the Planning Commission, raised a possible legal issue with the Town Commissioners concerning the residential property for sale at 14 High Street.� He reported that a builder has a contract on the property and believes that it can be subdivided to allow for the construction of a house.� The builder has cited an �old� map he alleges shows two parcels.� The property receives one tax bill.� Mr. Friis further reported that he contacted Stan Abrams, a land use attorney, for a preliminary opinion on this matter.� The builder, however, had already engaged Mr. Abrams.� All commissioners agreed that an attorney�s advice should be solicited. President Allan agreed to explore retaining an attorney and then set up a meeting with the Planning Commission and the Town Commissioners for further discussion.
Chair Scanlon brought three building permit applications for the Rotter property subdivision from Crane Builders for final approval from the Town Commissioners.� He reported that Crane Builders had agreed to make the changes that the Planning Commission requested.� The Town Commissioners approved the subject permits.� The Commissioners also approved a building permit for a gravel parking area to be installed at the Miche Booz Studio on South Street.
2.Operations and Maintenance:
Public Maintenance.� Leary Trucking delivered and spread a truckload of gravel on North Street. At the request of the Town, Mr. Leary also left a small pile of gravel midway on North Street for pothole repair and general maintenance.
3.Bypass- President Allan sent congratulatory letters to Chris McCabe, nominated by Governor Ehrlich to be Secretary of Human Resources, and Robert Flanagan, nominated to be Secretary of Transportation.� He also sent a letter to Delegate Peter Franchot, chair of the Transportation Committee in the House regarding the Town�s continued interest in seeing the Brookeville Bypass funded for the next and final stage of its development � design and construction.� He reported as well that District 14 Delegate Karen Montgomery has been working hard lobbying for the Bypass in Annapolis.
4.� Schoolhouse- The sub flooring has been installed. The new roof will be installed in February depending upon the weather.
The commissioners answered questions from the Boy Scouts and their parents concerning how the Town is governed, its budget, elections and land use and zoning.
The meeting adjourned at 10:00 p.m. The next meeting is on March 10, 2003 at 8:00 p.m. at the Brookeville Academy.
Respectfully submitted,
Susan L. Johnson