June 14, 2004
ATTENDING: President Richard Allan, Commissioners Robert Heritage and Michael Acierno, and Clerk-Treasurer Susan Johnson. Two observers were also in attendance – a Boy Scout fulfilling requirements for a merit badge in communications was accompanied by his father. The meeting began at 8:00 p.m. at the Brookeville Academy.
Michael Acierno was sworn in by President Allan and took the oath of office as Commissioner for a two-year term.
MINUTES: The minutes for May were approved as amended.
FINANCIAL REPORT: The financial report was reviewed and accepted. At the suggestion of President Allan, Commissioner Acierno has agreed to review the adequacy of the Quicken financial software now being used and to look at the current budget and account categories for possible modifications for management improvement purposes.
1. Operations and Maintenance – Public Spaces. Resident David Yinger repaired and reset a segment of sidewalk at 209 Market Street that had become a safety hazard to pedestrians. President Allan asked Ms. Johnson to begin to get bids for repainting and cleaning the Town decorative light posts and for painting the exterior trim of the Brookeville Academy. President Allan reported that he had sent an email to Councilman Mike Knapp concerning the intersection of Brookeville Road and Georgia Avenue. He pointed out that there were several fallen trees and excessive underbrush growth that looked very unsightly. David Yinger advised that he had inspected the damaged (bent) Welcome to Brookeville sign at Brookeville Road and concluded that it would be difficult to straighten out and might require a new bracket. Commissioner Heritage said he would look at the sign as well. Mark Ennes reported to Ms. Johnson that the wooden base of the Brookeville Angel might have a termite problem. Ms. Johnson said she would have an exterminator look at it. She also indicated that she was waiting for Arbor Care to submit its estimate for tree work at the Academy and at the schoolhouse. Ms. Johnson reported that a three-year contract was signed with Waste Management for waste removal and recycling. The new contract represents a significant price increase but it was noted that the previous three years reflected significant undercharges to the Town.
2. Schoolhouse Restoration. President Alan reported that the schoolhouse is in Phase II of the project and could be completed by early September. The schoolhouse will be open to the public on June 26 for Montgomery County Heritage Days as a restoration project in progress. Diane Allan will be hosting and students will be solicited as volunteers for Community Service Hours. President Allan added that he would like to begin work on a plan for specific uses of the schoolhouse once restoration work is completed.
3. Water Street. The street signpost has been re-erected by the developer but without the new signage attached. Commissioner Heritage said that he would look at the pole and try to install the individual street signs.
4. Elections. Michael Acierno won the election for Town Commissioner over incumbent Les Unglesbee by a margin of just three votes out of a total of 48. There was a 67% turnout of eligible voters.
5. Miscellaneous Technical Issues. President Allan said that the Town should consider the process of digitizing its Code of Ordinances. Commissioner Acierno will do an overall review of existing technology equipment and software. He suggested purchasing a hard drive back-up. That was agreed to.
6. Insurance. President Allan reported that LGIT will be reducing the Town insurance premium to reflect cancellation of the LGIT health insurance program plan and resultant cost savings to LGIT clients.
7. Bypass. President Allan reported that the SHA was performing preliminary survey work regarding the possibility of installing a traffic control device at the Market/High Streets intersection. He also reported that he had several discussions with SHA officials on this matter to express concern that the Town had not been properly informed or consulted about this potential traffic light or its operation.
President Allan reported that Montgomery County had sent a letter to all towns for which they collect property taxes that a fee will begin to be charged for that service starting this tax year. Brookeville will be exempt from such a fee because it falls below the population threshold.
The meeting adjourned at 10:00 p.m. The next meeting is scheduled for July 12, 2004 at 8:00 p.m. at the Brookeville Academy.
Respectfully submitted,
Susan Johnson