May 8, 2006
Present:Â Commissioner Richard Allan, Commissioner Michael Acierno, Commissioner Robert Heritage, Treasurer Susan Johnson, Clerk Diane Allan, Gazette Reporter Terri Hogan
Minutes:Â The April minutes were approved as recorded.
Financial Report:Â The financial report was reviewed with no comment.
Announcements:Â Commissioner Allan reminded everyone that the Town of Brookeville election is the next day, May 9, 2006, for the seat held by Michael Acierno.
Commissioner Allan reported that he met with Specialty Driveway Services, Inc., to review the surface condition of Market Street (east). The contractor recommended that rather than doing temporary repairs primarily along the curb line that he said would be prohibitively expensive for him to do, particularly given the Town’s intention to install new standard curbs, he would suggest using cold patch asphalt to make repairs until we’re ready for the finish job done by a contractor.
Commissioner Allan reported that Buck Bartley has poured a concrete ramp and steps at the Brookeville Schoolhouse as preparatory surfaces for Dave Yinger to complete with bricks. He indicated that Buck’s crew had done a beautiful job of it. Commissioner Allan commented that this was a fantastic contribution by Buck to the schoolhouse restoration that Buck had also previously donated work to. The schoolhouse will be open again for Montgomery County’s Heritage Days on Sunday, June 25, 2006, from 12:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Commissioner Allan suggested that it would be a good idea if all three Commissioners attended the MML Montgomery County Chapter meeting on May 18, 2006, at 7:30 p.m. in Gaithersburg. Featured at that meeting will be the State Highway Administrator Neil Pedersen and the new District 3 Engineer, Darrell Mobley.
Commissioner Allan reported that he and the Clerk selected a dogwood at Stadler Nursery for the Town of Brookeville to plant in honor of former Town Commissioner Pam Chandler who recently died after a long illness. Stadler will plant the tree on Friday, May 12th.
Commissioner Allan has arranged a meeting with the Parks Department to discuss possible County assistance in the Thomas Mill millrace restoration project.
Commissioner Allan met with a representative of the Yellow Book wishing to sell space to advertise the Brookeville Academy. He reported that small ads were priced at $35-42 per month. The commissioners all agreed that that was too expensive.
The Brookeville Academy Business Manager, Diane Allan, reported that the Academy is booked all weekends in June.
Budget: Regarding the annual budget proposed for 2006-2007, Commissioner Allan reported that the revenue situation was reasonably healthy at this point and he recommended that the Town begin to invest in infrastructure repair and enhancement – primarily sidewalks and curbs on High Street at the Academy and at the church and a small stretch on Market Street. The amount set aside is $50,000.00 although no estimates have been developed at this time. He further reported that he sent an email to the new SHA District Engineer citing the growing hazard associated with damaged sidewalk in front of the Academy.
Town Meeting: Commissioner Allan suggested that the Town’s success in its historic preservation efforts receive some emphasis as well as the progress on the Brookeville Bypass. The commissioners will meet next Monday, May 15, 2006, at 7 p.m. for a brief meeting before the town meeting at 8:00 p.m.. Commissioners Allan, Acierno, and Heritage will jointly present the proposed annual budget. Commissioner Allan will present a “State of the Town”.
Town website redesign:Â Commissioner Acierno reported that the redesign of the website is progressing and should be available next week.
Old Business:Â Commissioner Allan reported that he is waiting for Paul Howes Plumbing to get back to him regarding the possible use of a tankless water heater to replace the current propane traditional hot water heater at the Academy.
Commissioner Heritage reported that while the decorative streetlight in front of 307 Market Street is now working, the access plate at the base is held on with electrical tape as are several others that have been repaired by Pepco.
Commissioner Heritage reported that he has found a welder who will repair the Town of Brookeville gateway sign that have been bent as well as the schoolhouse sign framework that has been damaged. The Town entrance sign will have to be dug up and taken to the welder in Laytonsville for repair.
Planning Commission. Commissioner Acierno moved to send another letter to the Planning Commission reiterating that they must formally approve all minutes generated by meetings conducted by the Planning Commission.
The meeting was adjourned at 10:02 pm.
Respectfully submitted by
Diane Burr Allan