September 20, 2011 Commissioners Meeting Minutes

September 20, 2011

Commissioner President Michael Acierno, Commissioner Sue Daley, Town Clerk Cate McDonald and Academy Manager Andrea Scanlon. Commissioner Katherine Farquhar and Treasurer Susan Johnson were away. Present during all or portions of the meeting was Gazette Reporter Terri Hogan.

Academy Update:   Donna Wills has teas 2 days booked and is considering using the Academy for a school program.     A local Girl Scout troop would like to use the Academy for their monthly meeting pro bono; Academy Manager suggest use of the Academy in exchange for a service project:  Commissioners approve the request.  A 13 year old girl requested a pro bono rental for a sea turtle fundraiser; Academy Manager will talk to the parents and offer a reduced rental rate.  A slushy machine exploded at a recent rental and a portion of the wall will need to be repainted and the floors possibly redone.  The floors being refinished was already included in the budget.  Community Night is Oct 5th and the Academy has a table rented and will donate a free rental for the auction.

The date for the Holiday Party was set for December 3, 2011.

Minutes: The July Commissioners Meeting Minutes were approved.

Financial:  the August Financial Report was emailed prior to the meeting.

Propane: tank was recently refilled.  Installing an underground tank needs approval from Maryland Historic Trust. 

Brookeville Bypass Smart Growth Meeting:  Commissioners Acierno and Daley will attend the Sept. 22nd meeting in Baltimore.

309 & 311 Market: at the last court hearing, the owner of these properties was order to clear the lots of debris and if he fails to do so, MoCo will clear the lots and bill the owner.

Artist:  Joan Reynolds, who proposed the art work Doors of Brookeville and notecards for the 2014 Bicentennial, requested the Commissioners authorize the work.  The Commissioners agreed not accept the proposal.

SHA:  Commissioner President Acierno will contact Cedric Ward and schedule a meeting as part of SHA outreach to municipalities.

Grants:  Peggy Erickson from Heritage Montgomery would like to attend the October Commissioners Meeting with grant opportunities for the 2014 events.  She cannot make the regularly schedule 2nd Monday of the month (Oct. 10).  The Commissioners agreed to reschedule to Monday, October 03 to accommodate Ms. Erickson’s attendance at the meeting.

Jo Unglesbee’s Funeral:  Commissioner Acierno will attend.  The reception will be held at the Academy.  Academy Manager will contact the family and offer to donate resources.

Open Discussion:  Commissioners authorized a $50 donation to SSVFD.

Bagged leaf removal will not be offered this year due to only 1% of the homes using the service.

Commissioners and Town Clerk will make an appointment with the Town’s snow removal contractor to review and discuss the Town’s snow removal needs.

The meeting adjourned at 9:05p.m.

Cate McDonald