Town of Brookeville Commissioners Meeting Minutes
January 14, 2013
8:00 p.m.
Commissioner President Michael Acierno, Commissioners Sue Daley and Katherine Farquhar, Academy Manager Andrea Scanlon, Treasurer Susan Johnson and Clerk Diane Teague were present. Present during the meeting were: residents Buck Bartley, Chris Haris, Stefan Syski, David Yinger and friend. Also present was Fred Ambrose of Salem United Methodist Church.
Minutes:Â Minutes of the December meeting were reviewed and approved.
Financial Reports: Financial Report was approved. There were larger expenses this month due to street repaving and street clean up by Leary Trucking. There was also a large landscaping expenditure that included the cost of steps at top of walkway between Water and North Streets.
Academy Report: Andrea commented that inquiries were up. Also noted was the link to the calendar on the website needs to be switched from Comcast. Â President Acierno will look at this
Salem UMC: Fred Ambrose and Buck Bartley presented issues and proposals on behalf of Salem UMC. Their first concern is for pedestrian safety on sidewalks in front of the church and cross walks to the Academy and the grave yard. They are also planning new signage as well as improvements to the church exterior including landscaping and ways to correct drainage problems that are causing erosion in the back of the property. They would also like to replace the mulch on the playground. The discussion was about ownership of the sidewalks and SHA jurisdiction, what part the town will play in subsidizing the projects and signage that would coordinate Academy and Church pedestrian/parking directions. Katherine Farquhar suggested that sidewalk improvements maintain a uniform appearance with the Academy. It was resolved that Buck Bartley would get estimates for the landscaping and drainage work and that Fred Ambrose will draft a letter to SHA for the proposed work.
New Clerk: Commissioners welcome new Town Clerk Diane Teague. It was also discussed that planning commission secretary’s duties will be added to Clerk’s and position eliminated. The position is being eliminated due to there not being enough work to warrant a separate paid position.
Maintenance: Water/North/South St. maintenance completed. Gutter cleaning completed. Gravel pile to block vehicles from using path between Water and North Street was removed and two stones from fire pit were put in its place to block vehicles.
Grants: Star Spangled 200 Grant agreement for $20,000 signed and witnessed.
Meeting Dates:
- Date for Town Meeting set for Monday March 18th at 7:30 pm for 2014 Events presentation.
- Annual Town Meeting Set for May 13th. Election May 7th.
Misc: Agree to donate items from the town to the Sandy Spring Museum.
Open discussion:
- David Yinger noted the town’s poor appearance with examples of leaves, brush and loose trash left uncollected in the streets. Michael Acierno responded that Brookeville’s funding from the state has been drastically reduced in recent years. Recent improvements in the economy will hopefully return funding to prior levels. Also savings and a grant to prepare for the 2014 Celebration will be used to spruce up the town. Katherine Farquhar mentioned that town contractors need to be informed that the town limits extend North on Georgia Ave. past Dave Yinger’s house.
- Contractor issues: Chris Haris noted that Leary Trucking was depositing leaf waste and debris on his property. He also noted that Leary mentioned other sites in town where they dump clean up waste. It was resolved that all future contracts would be explicit about removing all waste from the town and that dumping on private property and town property was forbidden. He also noted that road maintenance should be performed in the Spring and that much of the work will be disturbed by winter weather and snow plows.
- Traffic: Chris Haris presented a letter to the Commissioners describing a recent traffic incident on his property. At issue is the continuing occurrences of speeding drivers failing to stop and hitting his fence before they regain control of their vehicle. Michael Acierno read the letter aloud and all approved sending it to SHA. He also noted that MCPS bus drivers refuse to pick up near the intersection because of safety issues. It was resolved to put an appeal for letters supporting the bypass in the newsletter.
- Utility Poles and Lights: Chris Haris noted a utility pole with snapped guy wires at the corner of Water and Market St.
- Commissioners welcome Stefan Syski a returning Brookeville resident. Stefan grew up in Brookeville and has moved back with his wife and family.
The meeting adjourned at 9:30 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Diane Teague
Town Clerk