Town of Brookeville Commissioners Meeting Minutes
July 20, 2015
Present: Katherine Farquhar (arrived 7:45), Sue Daley, Buck Bartley, and Cate McDonald.
Present during all or portions of the meeting were Town Residents Sandy Heiler and Don Moore; Michelle Ngwafon from Congressman Sarbanes office; Josh Bryant from cph Corp.
Open Discussion: no Town Residents were present during the allotted time (7:00pm – 7:20pm) for questions or comments.
7:10pm Meeting called to order.
Routine Town Business:
•June 8, 2015 Meeting Minutes approved.
•Update from Commissioner Daley regarding the MML 2015 convention. Written report was provided and has been sent to MML with our thanks.
•No updated budget was available at the time of this meeting
Town Property
•Written Academy Report was reviewed
•Commissioners voted to have Snider & Associates conduct a boundary survey at the Academy
•Academy walkway: approved Todd Greenstone’s contract for $8075 to include using existing bricks and additional bricks and masonry work.
•Other capital projects: no final prices yet
•Brookeville Angel: will ask the artist what he recommends for disposal of the Angel. Commissioners approved donating up to $300 to Our House for removal of the base.
Public Works
•Neil Leary needs to start work on Water Street.
•Bricks in front of 209 Market Street have been replaced. Commissioner Bartley has submitted a reimbursement request to WSSC for $925 for the work. WSSC is supposed to start repairs from North St to South St, across Market St – about 40-50 feet.
•Curb along eastern Market St. is being eroded away. Commissioner Bartley will set an appointment with Josh Bryant to see what his company can suggest / design to help this issue and divert the water from the street and to get to know our needs.
•The Town will solicit bids to redo eastern Market St. after the ByPass opens, hopefully in 2017. Also, will work with County official to reduce speed from 30mph to 25mph on Brighton Dam Rd coming onto Market St.
•North St trees: Trees along North Street are within the ROW. Pogo gave a bid of $4000 to remove 2 trees across from the Schoolhouse and prune trees. The Town will solicit more bids before the work is performed.
Town Government
•Property Upkeep: Commissioners Daley and Farquhar attended a discussion group at the MML Convention that focused on “blightâ€, which is a concern. The Town is waiting to hear back from Town Attorney Jody Kline regarding 309 & 311 Market Street.
Cars: Commissioner Bartley went to speak with 301 Market Street regarding the cars parked along Water St, especially the white van. The residents were not available so Commissioner Bartley will keep trying to reach them.
Commissioner Bartley also spoke to the resident at 104 Water Street regarding the items in the yard and driveway. The residents moved most of the items over the weekend and will continue to move more. Commissioner Bartley stopped by to thank them for being responsive.
Parking along Water St: Commissioner Farquhar will talk to the Montgomery’s about parking.
Town Operations
•Stationery: Sandy Heiler is working with the Quinter’s about redesigning the Town’s logo. Once approved, that logo will be used to order business cards for the Commissioners and for stationery.
•Computer: The Commissioners will ask Michael Acierno’s input on the purchase of a new computer or laptop with remote login. The Town will look for ways for employees to work remotely: ie – use Google Docs or Drop Box.
•Is an “On-duty†person needed when the Academy is rented? This matter was debated at length. Commissioner Daley feels having someone staff the Academy is not needed. There are very few problems with renters and staffing the Academy would increase the rental costs. Commissioner Bartley agrees.
Suggested: adding a rider to the rental contract to cover damages and difficult renters; increase the security deposit; keep credit card on file for damages.
Town Resident Don Moore agreed that there is little need to staff the Academy when it is being rented.
Commissioner Farquhar disagrees and feels there should be a person at the Academy during rentals.
No decision was made during the meeting and the Commissioners will wait until the Academy Manager is back from vacation for further discussion.
Beyond the Bypass
Don Moore gave an update July 2 meeting of the Beyond the Bypass Taskforce: trying to engage the community.
Task Force is chaired by Don Moore; Commissioner Bartley represents the Commissioners; and Fred Teal represents the BPC. There are no other permanent members as of yet.
Some topics being discussed fall within the boundaries of the BPC: should a member of the Task Force attend BPC meetings?
It seems most Residents have not read the Comprehensive Plan or the Town Charter, which are on the Town’s website.
Commissioner Farquhar will attend the August 4th meeting of the BPC and ask them to review the Comprehensive Plan and have a Q&A with Residents in September in conjunction with the ByPass Taskforce.
Next ByPass Taskforce will be August 20th. Meetings of the ByPass Taskforce will be determined on a monthly basis.
Next SHA meeting is July 29th. The Commissioners will ask the BPC if a representative can attend.
Commissioner Daley will found out who the SHA contact is for the High Street sidewalk project.
Open Discussion
•Sandy Heiler gave an update on the documentary premiere Saturday, July 25: not many RSVP’s from Town Residents; there will be wine and cheese; MPT will have someone make a few remarks before the movie. She will need help at 5pm for set up.
•Brookeville Times: projected publish date is July 24. Have an article for CNN’s Hometown Hero Benny Bienvenue and NNO
•Commissioner Farquhar sent in the registration for NNO. The Town will host a table to emphasis the need for the ByPass. Will ask Marti Andress to borrow her tent.
The meeting adjourned at 9:25p.m.
Cate McDonald
Interim Town Clerk