Present: Katherine Farquhar, Sue Daley, Buck Bartley, Andrea Scanlon, Susan Johnson, and Cate McDonald.
Present during all or portions of the meeting was Town Resident Barbara Ray.
Open Discussion: no Town Residents were present during the allotted time (7:00pm – 7:20pm) for questions or comments.
7:10pm Meeting called to order.
Routine Town Business:
•Katherine Farquhar, Sue Daley and Cate McDonald were administed the Oath of Office by Commissioner Bartley.
•Katherine Farquhar was nominated for President of the Commissioners by Commissioner Bartley; Commissioner Daley seconded.
•May 11, 2015 Meeting Minutes approved with edits.
•June 1, 2015 Annual Meeting Minutes approved.
FY15 Budget was review. The proposed FY16 Budget was reviewed with the following line items changed:
6003 – Public Utilities (income) Increase to $1500 from $1000
6010 – Cable/Fios (income) Increase to $1500 from $1200
Commissioners Farquhar and Daley will get an update at the MML convention regarding the Comcast Franchise agreement and how it will impact the Town, if at all.
6025 – Local Income Tax (income) amount stays the same
6143 – elevator (expense) increase to $1100
6146 – Fire Alarm (expense) decrease to $2000 from $2100
6235 – Snow removal (expense) Budget amount is $2500; FY15 spent $3720. Will budget $2500 since snow removal is not an item that can be exactly budgeted.
6185 – Professional Services $30,000
Professional Services of Jody Kline (Miller, Miller, & Canby ) were retained by the Town at $350 per hour. The Commissioners approved an expense for FY15 for approximately $2500 for research.
Academy – upgrade interior: $45,000 in the budget. Most Residents at the Annual Meeting were opposed to upgrading the Academy. Will leave the $45K in the budget. The Beyond the Bypass Committee will consider future options for the Academy.
Commissioner Bartley suggested having a professional look at the Academy, including the grounds, and make suggestions. He feels any upgrades will not be done in FY16 and the fund can be carried over into the Reserves. Commissioner Bartley suggested decreasing the amount to $35,000. If the Town wants revenue from the Academy, it will need to spend money to upgrade. Academy Manager expressed that she does not think the upgrades to the Academy will happen in FY16 as it takes time to hire a professional, come up with a plan and implement the plan. Suggestion was made to do marketing research to see what we should improve.
Commissioner Bartley motion to transfer $10K to Professional Services from the $45K Academy interior upgrade. Motion was 2nd and unanimously approved.
Changes toFY16 were unanimously approved.
Treasurer will send update to FY15 Budget after June 30, 2015.
Town Property
•Academy Report: No new rentals. Academy Manager has been tracking types of rentals and made a report with demographics.
2014 = 71 rentals / uses which is more than past years mainly because of the Bicentennial. She will send the report to the Beyond that Bypass Committee.
•Public Works
-Waiting to hear back from Todd Greenstone with a proposal to repair sidewalk
-3 roofer have come to take a look at the Academy roof; waiting on proposals
-waiting for proposals on the ADA door.
-Exterior cleanup Academy: need to hire a landscape architect to give options, especially if the Schoolhouse is moved there. Long range plan to evolve the Academy with sidewalks, etc. into a Town center.
Will ask the Beyond that Bypass Committee to consider options
Question was raised about where the Academy’s property line is located and any ROW.
Will need to have a boundary survey as a first step; will not have Schoolhouse surveyed.
Motion to approve funds for boundary survey was unanimously approved.
• Schoolhouse: electrician started to add outlets
Dehumidifier onsite and HVAC will install once electrician is finished.
• Outside light at Academy needs to be repaired
• Angel: Commissioner Farquhar will call Pogo to discuss an appropriate way to dispose of the Angel. Suggestion was made to have Karen Montgomery call the artist to discuss the Angel. Also, will consult with Marian Fathers. Discussion about having a plaque made to commemorate the Angel and to remove the sign.
• Dumpster for bulk trash is on North St and is filling up
• Town Streets: Leary is working on North St and then will move onto Water and South Streets. FY16 budget has money to hire a road engineer to work on drainage maybe in conjunction with the BPC.
• Bricks in from of Michael Acierno’s house will be replaced after WSSC finishes repairing the street.
• Parking on Water St: Commissioner Bartley spoke to Chris Haris about parking his vans on his property. Chris Haris moved his vans for the Montgomery’s party but moved them back to Water St the next day. Commissioner Bartley will have another conversation about parking his vans elsewhere. Commissioner Farquhar will speak to the Montgomery’s about parking their cars closer to their property and not so far onto Water St.
• Market Street: will look at options for a speed bump and patch repairs after WSSC finishes repairs.
• Contracted with Traffic Group was signed for traffic count
Beyond the Bypass
• No new news from SHA
• Contracted with Traffic Group was signed for traffic count
• Don Moore will help the initial meeting June 11.
Open Discussion
Brookeville Times: Deadline for submissions is June 17 with a projected publish date of June 22.
Heritage Days: The Academy will be open Sunday, June 28 from 12noon – 4pm. Commissioners Farquhar and Daley will be available early afternoon but need to be at MML Convention for registration. Sandy Heiler will conduct 2 tours of the Town; Don Moore will be a period Schoolmaster. Will need to ask for volunteers from the Town.
Cub Scouts: Service Project scheduled for June 12 for the 2 Dens that meet at the Academy will be deferred to the Fall.
Our House: Approved $200 donation to Our House for the 3 hours they spent to help hang the flags.
July Commissioners Meeting: date changed to Monday, July 20, 2015
BPC will meet July 7
Town Picnic is schedule for September 13 from 3:00pm – 6:00pm
The meeting adjourned at 9:30p.m.
Cate McDonald
Interim Town Clerk