Brookeville Commissioners Meeting
July 8, 2013
           Present: Michael Acierno, Katherine Farquhar, Sue Daley, Susan Johnson, Diane Teague, Terri Hogan
June Minutes: approved
SHA Sidewalk Plans: Viewing and discussion
Find out who is responsible for High Street through Brookeville after the Bypass is constructed. Would SHA still have responsibility? Who is responsible for what in Brookeville afterwards?
Neighbors on west side of 97 (#22-28) oppose sidewalk proposal. Don’t see need for sidewalk to be on that side of the road. Storm water runoff scenarios are tied to the sidewalk construction.
Inn at Brookeville Farms built a sidewalk on their property and residents question why that isn’t sufficient?  Two crossings needed: one from church parking over to Academy and one from church side of street to the cemetery.  Whether crosswalks would have lights or raised pavement will be determined and depend on ownership.
Commissioner’s Response to sidewalk meeting:
Commissioners should acknowledge and thank them for letter and presence at meeting. It was noted that the discussion wasn’t balanced.  The town’s greater interest wasn’t discussed.  A Proposal to provide sidewalk snow removal was suggested. Wait for feedback from residents who oppose sidewalks.
Budget: Michael will work on budget and have it ready for signatures at next meeting.
Open Discussion:Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â
- Sandy Heiler will send a letter to the Gazette explaining 2014 Commemoration expenditures.
- First installment of $20,000.00 grant was received in the amount of $15,000.00. It will be used to open a separate account to disperse 2014 Commemoration funds. Inform grant manager Michael Yeshenko.
- July 24th Board of Public Works Hearing: Brookeville should be well represented.
- Tree on Wells property has been removed.
- Dedication tree has bores. Call Pogo
- Try to reach Manfred again and call Neil Leary about rainwater runoff on Water St.
- Town Picnic: Schedule for August 24 from 3-6. Town will supply burgers, dogs, condiments, soft drinks and music. Pot luck for side dishes and dessert. Andrea will rent tables and chairs. BYOB
- No Commissioner’s Meeting in August.
Adjourn:Â 10 pm
Respectfully submitted by:
Diane Teague