Commissioners Meeting Minutes
June 10, 2013
8 pm at  Academy Office
Present: Michael Acierno, Katherine Farquhar, Sue Daley, Susan Johnson, Andrea Scanlon, Diane Teague, Teri Hogan
Review of Annual Town Meeting: Town Meeting went well, and provided a lot of useful information, but there was low turn-out.
May Budget: approved
Academy Report: Rentals are similar with the addition of a booking by Donna Wills for a Tea.
Vinyl floors have been replaced and sealed. Problems with popping have been resolved. Wood floors have been refinished and came out well. Area of high traffic on first floor did not come out as well as the expected. Carpet will be replaced and new felt pads will be put on all the chairs. Andrea discussed the list of emergency procedures for the academy.
SHA Sidewalk Meeting: The meeting is scheduled for Wed June 26. Representative from the town will attend. If useful SHA representatives will be asked to present plans at next Commissioners Meeting.
Sidewalk repairs: Manfred did not return calls. Will follow up and talk to Buck about curb repair on Market St. in front of 212-206.
Drainage Issues on Water St.: Rain water drainage pattern is different. Karen Montgomery has complained about runoff that is flooding her garage. Neal Leary will be called to check out the problem.
2013-2014 Budget: Michael will review and make changes. It will be ready for signatures at next meeting on July 8. Meeting will start at 7:30 instead of 8:00 pm.
Gazette Article: Commissioners were concerned about an article in the Gazette that was critical of expenditures for the 2014 Celebration in the budget. Michael requested a follow-up article that would cover the events planned and clarify that the Town is spending only $10,000 and the remainder is from grants.
Problem Trees: The Burned tree on Deeds Wells property has had all the limbs removed but the trunk remains and is leaning towards the road. Call Bob Heritage to see if he knows who worked on the tree and find out if they are coming back. There is a tree in front of Jeff Issokson’s house that appears to be unstable. Andrea will ask Chris to find out whose property it is on.
Open Discussion:
Jean Athy inquired about using the academy on a weekly basis for a documentary film series. The academy is determined to be unsuitable for several reasons. Friday night rental income would be affected.
It isn’t clear if the group is expecting to pay full rental price. Too much light comes in the windows of the second floor room. The tables would have to be moved out weekly for seating in first floor room. The series is too political. It is agreed to offer the academy for one screening at no charge and suggest a list of alternative venues for the group to consider.
Adjourn 9:30 pm
Respectfully submitted by:
Diane Teague