May 21, 2008
Present: Commissioner Michael Acierno, Commissioner Robert Heritage, Commissioner Katherine Farquhar, Clerk Paul Geib, Clerk Cate McDonald, Academy Manager Andrea Scanlon, Gazette Reporter Terri Hogan, town residents
- Town directory is ready for distribution; one copy per town household. Resident present signed for their copy; remaining copies will be available from the town clerk.
- SUMC will be hosting a farewell luncheon for The Geib Family; all town residents are welcome June 15th 11:30am
- Introduction of new Town Clerk Cate McDonald and Academy Manager Andrea Scanlon
- Election results announced: Michael Acierno elected to another 2 year term
- Draft of FY08-09 budget reviewed
- Geothermal update: Town still reviewing Geothermal option; majority of town residents in favor of Geothermal vs. propane; Commissioner Acierno presented various options of financing including CELP, increased state grant money starting July 08
- Citizen Energy Committee announced via a brief presentation from Fred Teal. Interested residents should contact Fred Teale; the current membership (Fred Teal, Debbie Wagner, Harry Montgomery, and Andrea Barr) is working on their charter to be submitted to the Commissioners for review. There was suggestion from residents that they publish green tips in the Brookeville Times.
- Question posed to town residents: how Green does Brookeville want to become? Do the citizens feel that the Town should become a model of energy efficiency, environmental friendliness? Encourage residents to share their thoughts with the Commissioners.
- ByPass update: need to be a higher priority with county to receive funding
- Suggestion to invite County Exec Ike Leggett and County Council President Mike Knapp to a future town meeting related to the Bypass/Environment-Energy focus/Historical commemoration so they can personally hear the concerns of town residents and understand the issues.
- 309 Market St: owner of 309 & 311 Market St being taken to court June 17 for county code violations; process moving slowly through the county system. Town Commissioners will send a letter to the Judge supporting enforcement of county code
- Market St update: Town trying to get state / county funding for Market St but so far have received no support; Town’s stance is Market St is no longer a road for residence but it is a major thoroughfare for commuters lining in the developments around Brookeville. Will have county contractor to bid on pot hole repair; asphalt patch by town not a durable alternative.
- Master Plan: Planning Commission will review the draft Master Plan at their July Meeting. Master Plan will be made available to town residents for review prior to a community meeting. Interested residents should contact Town Clerk for a copy.
- August 24 Incorporation Celebration announced by Commissioner Farquhar; residents should contact Commissioner Farquhar if they are interested helping to plan this event; discussed pre-planning for 2014 celebration of the Madison party’s stay in Brookeville (Capital for a Day).
Submitted by Cate McDonald