Commissioners Meeting Minutes – May 8, 2017

Town of Brookeville
Commissioners Meeting Minutes
May 8, 2017

Present:  Buck Bartley, Sue Daley, and Jeff Johnson
Absent:  none
Quorum present? Yes

present during all or portions of the meeting:
Town Clerk Cate McDonald, Property Manager Andrea Scanlon, Treasurer Susan Johnson, and Events Manager Brooke Curley
Town Residents: Debbie Wagner
Others: Terri Hogan, Greater Olney News; Vikki Garcia, Community Outreach for John Sarbanes

 Meeting called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Commissioner Sue Daley


  • CPH Engineering:  the grading drawings for the lower end of North Street are nearing completion.  Once the drawings are received and reviewed, the bid process can start. 
  • The Property Manager is meeting with Serra Stone this week for pothole repair on the gravel roads.   Pothole repair will take place as soon as possible.
  • Property Manager is compiling a list of asphalt companies for bid out repairs to eastern Market Street. 

 Open Discussion for Residents’ questions and comments

Debbie Wagner  reports the Pepco light in front of her house is a danger  to her at night; she does not want the light repaired or in working order.  Debbie Wagner reports that she cannot see the cars approaching Market Street from Brighton Dam Road because of the glare of the Pepco light.


 Minutes: The approval of the March and April meeting minutes was deferred.

Financial:  FY ’16-’17 budget:  Line 6025 local income tax:  $130K was budgeted as income but only $30K received to date; $55K is the estimated amount at the end of the fiscal year. The anticipated amount for FY ’17-’18 is $60K.  There was a discussion about the Local Income Tax Overpayment Forgiveness bill. Commissioner Bartley is not satisfied with the response from the State.  The Town Commissioners and Treasurer will ask for a meeting with State officials, Jim Pasko (State of Maryland), and Senator Zucker.  The Commissioner want the State to be transparent and justify how they came up with the figures.

 The draft FY ’17-’18 budget was discussed at great lengths; line by line.   Several line items were consolidated. The majority of the line items were decreased from previous years to lessen the budget deficit.  The Treasurer will update the budget, send it to the Commissioners for review, and have the draft FY ’17-’18 budget ready to post to the Town’s website by May 15th.


  • Academy Rental Update: there has been a lot of interest in renting the Academy.  Rentals are strong for June.  The Events Manager wants to increase rental rates by $25 across the board with the exception of long term renters and the Resident rate (which will remain $150).    Unanimous approved by Town Commissioners.  New rental rates will take effect July 1, 2017
  • codifying/organize Brookeville Ordinance:  the Town’s current charter will be reviewed by the Town’s lawyer
  • Election:  scheduled for tomorrow, May 9, from 3:00pm -8:00pm.  Barbara Ray will be assisting Election Supervisor Marti Andress.
  • Heritage Days Sunday, June 25, 2017, 12n – 4pm:  Will be advertised in the upcoming Brookeville Times.



  • Academy Metal/Shingle-Shake Roof:  Property Manager is still soliciting bids for the Academy roof.
  • Academy Lawn:  project for next FY.


  • Arborist Report for North Street: Property Manager needs a letter from the arborist for the trees that need to be removed on the Schoolhouse ground.  Once received, she will submit an HAWP.
  • Work that needs to be completed:  rotted wood removal, structure and wood floor repair, replace some exterior trim and remaking the handicap accessible stairs.
  • A copy of the Heritage Montgomery agreement is needed.

Streetlights:  the contractor is still waiting on the ballast to be available.

ByPass:  next SHA Partners meeting is May 10th

Other Business

  • Estimated cost for redesigned website is $3,880 from Clark Concepts.  The new website will have a Resident portal and the ability to reserve the Academy and Schoolhouse on-line.    Commissioner Daley signed the contract.
  • The Treasurer will arrange a conference call with Jim Pasko and talk with MML.
  • The Annual Town Meeting is May 22.  Agenda items will update for the ByPass and Town roads; review of  FY ’16-’17 budget; presentation of FY ’17-’18 budget.
  • Town Clerk will renew the Town’s insurance with LGIT
  • Town picnic will be September 17 from 4pm – 7pm
  • Holiday Party will be December 2nd starting at 6pm.


The meeting adjourned at 9:27p.m.
Cate McDonald
Town Clerk