December 10, 2007
Present:Â Commissioner Michael Acierno, Commissioner Katherine Farquhar, Clerk Paul Geib, Gazette Reporter Terri Hogan
Minutes:Â Â The November 2007 Commissioners Meeting minutes were approved.
Financial Report:Â The October financial report was reviewed.
Holiday Party de-briefing:  All present agreed that the party went well and we got a number of compliments from residents. The turnout was one of the largest in recent years. We are assembling suggestions for improving next year’s event.
1808 Maryland General Assembly legislation:  Commissioner Acierno located a copy of the November 1808 authorization by the Maryland General Assembly to lay out the Town of Brookeville and the appointment of five paid commissioners. Based on this information, the commissioners believe the some sort of 2008 celebration is in order.
Summary of MML Legislative dinner:  The Commissioners enjoyed the MML Legislative dinner. Senator Kramer and delegate Montgomery came at our invitation. The Commissioner discussed the need for the bypass and repairs to Market Street to them and listened to their advice.  They were introduced to a key lobbyist.
Bypass (Letters to be sent by end of year):  We are working to get the letter regarding the Brookeville Bypass sent to the County Executive and legislators by the end of the year. Commissioner Acierno is drafting a cover letter.
Road maintenance contract – North, South, and Water Street:  The Commissioners decided to contract with Neil Leary of Leary Trucking to repair and add gravel as necessary to North, South and Water Street. He has started work.
Snow plowing contract:Â Â The Commissioners decided to contract with Todd Greenstone to handle snow plowing on the Town streets (if the snow reaches or exceeds four inches in depth.
Report on Academy rentals:  The Academy Manager provided a list of rentals to the Commissioners. While the Academy was rented most weekends in November, there is only one rental in December.  The week-day long-term rental will continue into the new year and there are advance rentals in January, February, March, and May.
Academy Heating problem and resolution:  The Academy Manager reported that the heat was down for repair for three days during the week of December 2-8 but was repaired in time for the annual holiday party. He allowed Jeff Issokson to use the office, which has a separate heater. Jeff also had some space heaters that he allowed us to use in the downstairs hallway and furnace room to avoid freezing pipes. The water was turned off on the coldest night. Due to the lack of heat in the main rooms, the Commissioners voted to refund three days rent to Jeff.
The heating burner unit had to be replaced due to rust damage. Brown’s Refrigeration also had to replace the gas control unit.
Problem with Market Street Ornamental Light replacement:  Clerk Geib mentioned that the contractor who is supposed to replace the destroyed light at 10 High Street has not responded to his requests to complete the work. Geib visited the contractor’s site and saw our light pole lying on the ground but no one was around. The Commissioner requested that he contact our other electric light contractors to see if they can do the work. We would then demand that the light be turned over to the alternate contractor.
Progress on the town directory:  Commissioner Farquhar reported that the directory is nearly done and Miche Booz will provide some artwork. She is investigating printing alternatives.
Meeting Adjourned at 8:37 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted by:
Paul R. Geib, Jr.