February 13, 2006
Present:Â President of Commissioners Richard Allan, Commissioner Robert Heritage, Commissioner Michael Acierno, Clerk Diane Allan, Treasurer Susan Johnson, Richard Kirby, John Austin (a candidate for delegate in the 14th district), Terri Hogan, reporter for the Gazette Newspaper
Richard Kirby provided to the commissioners for their consideration and approval a building permit for his residential project on North Street. The permit already was approved by the Brookeville Planning Commission. He left payment for the permit fee. Mr. Kirby also made a brief presentation of his revised plan for the Power’s Woods subdivision. Commissioner Allan reiterated the position of the commissioners that North Street had to be clearly delineated the record plat in order to make it clear that the street was a public street to be maintained by the town. It would also allow for identifying the location of installed street lighting, turning spaces, and the parking area at the Schoolhouse. While Commissioner Allan pointed out that this should have been done in the first place, given the apparent confusion during the deliberations of the Planning Commission, the approved original plat did not show these items. Redrawing the plat, Mr. Kirby indicated along with additional survey time, would cost an estimated additional $1800.00. He asked that the Town pay for half of the cost of the new plans. Commissioner Acierno asked whether there should be a written agreement between the Town of Brookeville and Mr. Kirby about this shared new expense that all the commissioners indicated under the circumstances they felt was a fair outcome. Commissioner Allan suggested that the minutes would reflect the agreement and the reasoning and that should be sufficient. Commissioner Allan requested that the previously agreed-upon footpath planned between North Street and Water Street be shown on the new plat as well. Mr. Kirby agreed.
January Minutes:Â Commissioner Heritage made a motion to accept as presented and Commissioner Acierno seconded.
Financial Report: The Pepco bill for the Schoolhouse was very high and there was discussion about having the meter checked. Commissioner Allan indicated he would check the baseboard heaters as well to make sure they were not on. There were no questions concerning the monthly financial report.
Website Revisions: Commissioner Allan expressed his view that the Town website was a vast improvement over what it was. Ms. Johnson asked that the commissioners go through each page and note changes so she can forward them to the web designers. Commissioner Acierno asked that all forms be formatted in a ‘printer friendly’ way.
Announcements: Charlie Watkins, the State Highway Administration district engineer, is retiring soon and a retirement party is planned for next week. The Town purchased a new combination printer, scanner, fax to replace the broken laser printer. Commissioner Allan reported that the Town has about $600.00 worth of toner cartridges and other supplies from the old Xerox printer and asked for suggestions to dispose of them while recovering some costs. Thursday night, February 16, 2006, at 7:30, the Montgomery chapter of the MML (Maryland Municipal League) has its annual meeting with County Executive Douglas Duncan. The County economist will be making a presentation on the state of the County’s economy. In March, there will be a similar meeting with the Montgomery County Council. Commissioner Allan invited the other commissioners to attend. Commissioner Allan indicated the Town will need to review its flood plain ordinance soon to accommodate new regulations by FEMA. He also announced that the new contract from Greenskeeper, the town grounds maintenance provider, has been received. The commissioners agreed to delete clipping and edging at two of the town signs from the contract. The proposal did not include Water Street and Commissioner Allan proposed that it be modified to reflect maintaining at least 6 trees planted during the subdivision process and related mulching and weeding. In addition, commissioner Heritage suggested the area behind resident Sid Rotter’s decaying outbuildings near the town streetlight be kept weed whacked and mowed. Commissioners Acierno and Heritage will take a look at some right-of-way plantings someone has put in on Water Street without approval by the town. The commissions will send back the proposed contract with revisions and request a new pricing schedule.
Approaching Budget Considerations:Â Commissioner Allan reported that in looking ahead to the upcoming budget season, the Town has gotten insurance projections from LGIT (Local Government Insurance Trust) that project many categories of liability insurance to be significantly higher.
Respectfully submitted
Diane Burr Allan