March 13, 2006
Present:Â President of Commissioners Richard Allan, Commissioner Robert Heritage,
Commissioner Michael Acierno, Clerk Diane Allan, Phil Wilks, Richard Kirby, Treasurer Susan Johnson, Terri Hogan, Gazette Reporter
Minutes:Â The minutes were accepted as written.
Financial Reports: Mr. Allan asked the Treasurer how much was left of the $800 grant from Heritage Montgomery that the Town received for the schoolhouse. That data will be forthcoming. There were no further questions regarding the financial report.
Old Business: Richard Kirby, who is developing Powers Wood subdivision on North Street, brought Phil Wilks, land surveyor and consulting engineer, to the meeting to present the most recent plat for Powers Woods. Commissioner Allan noted that the Town of Brookeville could not deed over a section of the schoolhouse parcel that had been donated to the Town of Brookeville for the purpose of “cleaning-up” the new subdivision plat or for any other reason. Mr.Wilks explained that the reason for this was that there were internal parcel lines that might interfere with any future construction. Building restriction lines, for example, might impact on a gazebo or other structure that might be contemplated. He said the tax assessors office does not allow for 2 owners on a lot. All of parcel A should be under one ownership according to Mr. Wilks. Richard Kirby could grant all property to the Town of Brookeville, then the Town of Brookeville could deed it back  The entire area is dedicated to public use. In order to create that street (North Street extended) the Town would have to go through an amendment process. The current plat has no tax account numbers. He said the more quickly this can be settled, the better. Mr. Allan noted that there needs to be a signature block for the Commissioners as well as the Planning Commission. Mr. Wilks said there was some concern that the Town of Brookeville didn’t want anything built on the parcel. Mr. Allan said the Commissioners were looking forward to a natural park setting with perhaps benches, a table; trees and other landscaping. Mr. Allan anticipates room for at least two parking spaces. Mr. Wilks said there can be limitations in the general notes and that all structures could be limited to open structures. Mr. Acierno said that Parcel D would remain property of the Town of Brookeville. The Town Commissioners would be the owners legally and the Planning Commission would be signatories. Mr. Acierno wanted to be sure the Town of Brookeville is protected from unanticipated use of the land. Mr. Wilks responded that MNCPPC has a several page form to cover this or the general notes would cover the restrictions and protect the Town of Brookeville’s interests. Mr. Kirby was concerned that the Town of Brookeville should be specified as the maintenance entity of the parkland. Mr. Allan did not feel that the Town of Brookeville needs to be specified, that the presumption in the public record is clear enough – the Town will be responsible for the appropriate stewardship of the newly dedicated land and street. Doug Lohmeyer, Planning Commission consultant, according to Mr. Kirby, thought that this plat constituted a resubdivision but Mr. Wilkes disagreed. WSSC right-of-way requires a right-of-way deed for the plat. Most subdivisions plats in the County do not show the right-of-way on the plat. Mr. Allan said the Town of Brookeville would establish an account category in the upcoming budget to add maintenance for the park area. Mr. Allan suggested the park might be named Powers’ Woods Park. Both Mr. Kirby and Mr. Allan said the plaque to Sally Powers should be moved to a rock or tree in the park. Mr. Wilks would like the parcel recorded with the tax office as soon as possible.
New Business:Â Mr. Acierno indicated that he was planning to run again for Town Commissioner and will submit his letter of intent to run soon.
At a National Association of Home Builders – HUD sponsored event on housing technologies last week, Mr. Allan spoke with a representative of a tankless water heater manufacturer regarding the use of such equipment in the Brookeville Academy as an energy efficiency measure. The Clerk will find out if Monty Brown, who maintains the Academy’s HVAC system, installs them. Resident Chris Scanlon has offered to take the old water heater.
Mr. Allan reported that the annual County Council meeting with the Montgomery County Chapter of the Maryland Municipal League is tomorrow night at 6:30 pm at the County Council office building. He will be attending.
Mr. Allan reported that he had a meeting with the Montgomery County Conservation Corps about clearing out the Thomas Mill race and other related projects. They were most happy to partner on the mill race project and would begin in June and be done by September if appropriate funding and other arrangements can be worked out. The Town of Brookeville will go jointly with them to the WSSC for possible donations of equipment and other resources. Exposing the foundations and artifacts of the mill might be part of the project. This would be the first major historic preservation project for the Corps. The Town has previously received a grant from the Historic Preservation Commission for $1,400 to help cover costs of the mill race restoration and signage.
Mr. Allan reported that there will be a new subdivision containing 29 new homes near the Central Union Mission on Georgia Ave. The Town of Brookeville may make comments.
Announcement of the date of the Planning Board’s consideration of the project will be made soon.
Commissioner Allan announced that the Town of Brookeville must renew its liability insurance soon. The rates are expected to be considerably higher. He suggested that the Town might want to raise the deductible for general liability to $1000.00. That was agreed to by the commissioners.
While providing maintenance services, Olney Electric found there was no current going to the street light at 307 Market Street. The Clerk contacted Pepco to ascertain whether there was current. Pepco has repaired the current situation and Olney Electric will be called to finish the job.
The Clerk/Business Manager for the Brookeville Academy reported that she had received several new bookings for April, June, July, and September. Bookings have picked up considerably since December of 2005.
Commissioners Allan and Acierno spoke with Senator Rona Kramer recently about the Bypass and sidewalks. Mr. Allan will be sending her a letter soon to provide her additional details on the sidewalk project that had gotten caught up along with a lot of other jobs in a great deal of political back and forth between the General Assembly and the Governor’s Secretary of Transportation.
Mr. Allan indicated he was looking for a paving contractor to provide repairs to Market Street.
Respectfully submitted
Diane Burr Allan