May 19, 2014 Commissioners Meeting Minutes

Town of Brookeville

Commissioners Meeting Minutes

May 19, 2014

6:30 pm


Present: Michael Acierno, Sue Daley, Buck Bartley, Susan Johnson, Andrea Scanlon, Diane Teague, Barbara Ray, Terri Hogan


April Minutes: approved


Discussion of Annual Town Meeting Agenda:

·       Announce election results and Buck Bartley’s swearing in on June 9.

·       Recognize and thank both candidates for running and service to town.

·       Special title for Michael Acierno: To continue serving until 2014 events are over.

·       Review Budget

·       Reiterate importance of 2014 events and the benefits to the town.

·       Susan Johnson suggests scaling back requirement to hide cars.


Review of 2014-2015 Budget and Finances:

·       FY ends on 6/30/2014 so all expenses/income are not in yet.

·       $15K for Fire Panel replacement. Existing panel is zoned and will identify where trouble is but not what the trouble is. New panel will do both.

o   Preliminary pricing:

§  $9,500 to replace panel

§  $12,500 to replace panel and devices.

·       Capital Expenses: combined amount to 2/3 of budget deficit

o   Roof

o   Road Work

·       House Tour: Net profit between $4,000-5,000. (Madison supper $12,000)

Sidewalk in front of Salem UMC: represented by Buck Bartley

Bartley Corporation Bid/proposal for sidewalk repair: $22,000.00.  SUMC is requesting that the town contribute to the cost. Identify preliminary tasks.

·       Get survey to determine MD state property lines

·       Get SHA approval

·       Get HAWP

Commissioners agree to cover half the cost of the new sidewalk which includes replacement of concrete with brick pavers to match the other town sidewalks.  Town contribution is estimated to be between $10,000 and $11,000.  Buck agrees come back with a discounted price

Adjourn: 7:00 pm

Respectfully Submitted by: Diane Teague