March 21, 2005 Commissioners Meeting Minutes

March 21, 2005

ATTENDING: President Richard Allan, Commissioners Michael Acierno and Robert Heritage. Terri Hogan from the Olney Gazette was also present. The meeting began at 8:00 p.m. at the Brookeville Academy.

MINUTES: The minutes for January had the wrong year 2004, approved as amended. The minutes for February had the wrong year 2004, approved as amended.
FINANCIAL REPORT: The financial report was reviewed and accepted.


1. Town Operations and Maintenance – The Commissioners reestablished a formal Safety and Risk Management Committee to be chaired by Commissioner Heritage. This action was taken in response to a recommendation by the Local Government Insurance Trust. The Committee will meet for any business as appropriate during regular meetings of the Town Commissioners.

2. Schoolhouse – President Allan reported that the flooring is to be installed next week and that reproduction coat hooks have been installed in the cloak room, Walter Blank will install the floor trim and pot belly stove platform following the floor’s installation and finishing…

3. Bypass – President Allan reported that the Brookeville Bypass “officially” entered the next phase of an SHA project, that is, the final design, engineering, right-of-way acquisition, and construction. Lobbying efforts must continue to secure the necessary political support and funding.

4. Historic Marker Signs – President Allan reported that the signs’ sample will be shipped from Canada in next few days for review and approval of the colors. Once approved, sign production will begin.

5. Town Election – President Allan pointed out that the Town Commissioner election will be May 10. An announcement is to be put in the March newsletter about election and letter sent out seeking nominations.

6. Planning Commission – President Allan read a letter he sent to Derek Berlage, Planning Board Chair for Montgomery County requesting favorable consideration of a proposed land swap regarding the Kirby subdivision and the Water Street and North Street connection. The letter referred to the Sandy Spring Fire Marshall’s recommendations that such a connection be made.

7. Budget – President Allan mentioned that budget preparations for the 2005/2006 fiscal year need to get underway. A work session will be scheduled in the next several weeks.

8. Miscellaneous Issues:

Market/High Streets Intersection – President Allan reported he sent a letter to SHA’s District Engineer, Charlie Watkins, as a follow-up regarding the proposed traffic light installation re-iterating the result of an informational town meeting with SHA representatives that the SHA’s proposal for a traffic light installation at Market and High will not go forward.
Archeological Society of Maryland – The ASM and County staff were invited to assess and do some “diggings” at the site of the foundation of old church on North Street.

Building Permits – The Scanlon’s building permit for a house and accessory buildings at 203 Market Street was approved. The Commissioners requested that the Planning Commission explain the zoning issues and thinking they applied in approving the Scanlon project. A fence building permit was also approved for Renee Moneyhun.

Maryland General Assembly District 14 Delegate Reception. All three Town Commissioners attended the District 14 House Delegate reception in Annapolis on March 14, 2005. During the reception commissioners requested that our delegates please look into the status of the SHA sidewalk project on the west side of High Street (Georgia Avenue) to Longwood. The need for funding the Bypass project was also discussed.


Heritage Tourism Grant – There is a grant opportunity for up to $1,000 for a Heritage Tourism Grant. The deadline is April 8. President Allan said he would write it and ask for funding to buy various schoolhouse materials such as chalkboards, a retro American flag with stars for 1900-1920 period, etc. President Allan also indicated he would write a grant application for the Freeman Foundation (F.A.C.E.S.) seeking funds to assist with the schoolhouse restoration.

Maryland Municipal League – The annual Montgomery County MML – County Council Meeting is scheduled for April 21, 2005. The May MC-MML meeting will be with Derek Barrage and is scheduled for May 19 in Kensington. President Allan pointed out that April is Municipal Government Works month in Maryland.

Heritage Days – President Allan reported that the Town will participate in Heritage Days on June 26 from 12-4PM. The Town will have open the Brookeville Academy and the Schoolhouse. Walter Blank, the master carpenter for the schoolhouse renovation, will be asked to host the schoolhouse open house. Volunteers will be solicited to staff the Academy. The Commissioners discussed asking residents and children to provide lemonade and cookies for this event.

The meeting adjourned at 9:45 p.m. The next meeting is scheduled for April 11, 2005 at 8:00 p.m. at the Brookeville Academy.

Respectfully submitted,

Susan Johnson