November 10, 2008
8:00 p.m.
Commissioner President Michael Acierno, Commissioner Robert Heritage, Commissioner Katherine Farquhar, Town Clerk Cate McDonald, Academy Manager Andrea Scanlon, Treasurer Susan Johnson was away. Present during all or portions of the meeting were Councilmember Nancy Floreen, Gazette Reporter Terri Hogan, and several Town Resident
Brookeville Bypass: Councilmember Floreen, Chair of the Transportation and Environment Committee for the Montgomery County Council, gave an update regarding the Brookeville Bypass. Her Committee will recommend $10M funding for the design and land acquisition need for the Bypass at next Tuesday’s public meeting of the full Council, funds to be used starting FY2011. If all approvals are met, construction of the Bypass could begin in 2015. County Councils goal is work with our State Delegation for funds.
Councilmember Floreen is proposing an Environmental Impact Study before funding the Brookeville Bypass. Commissioners plan on sending the County Council letters stating that the Brookeville Bypass has already been approved and is now waiting funding – no additional studies / surveys are needed and the Brookeville Bypass is the least expensive project on MDOT’s list that will benefit the County. Town Residents will be urged to send letters in support of the Brookeville Bypass.
Academy Update:
- no new rentals to report
- Heater is working fine and did not exceed the $8000 estimate
- Commissioners approved interior painting of the Academy
- Academy Manager working with suppliers to determine cost effectiveness of buying our own propane tank vs. leasing the tank from a supplier.
Holiday Party: Town’s Annual Holiday Party is Dec 6th from 6pm – 11pm. Town will provide a supervised children’s room, beverages, ham and a cake. All Town residents will be mailed an invitation.
Emergency Preparedness:Â seminar will be presented by the Auxiliary of MoCo Volunteer Fire and Rescue Association 7:30pm Nov 17th at the Brookeville Academy
Light Shield: request made to determine if a light shield can be attached to Town’s ornamental lights.
MML Fall Conference:Â Commissioner Farquhar represented the Town at the Friday, Oct 24th business session and dinner and gave a short review of her day.
Minutes:Â The October 2008 Commissioners Meeting minutes were approved.
Financial:Â The October financial report was reviewed.
309 & 311 Market:Â case is moving forward with Montgomery County with a court date of Nov 25
The meeting adjourned at 10:25 p.m.
Cate McDonald
Town Clerk