July 8, 2007
Present:Â Commissioner Michael Acierno, Commissioner Robert Heritage, Commissioner Katherine Farquhar, Town Treasurer Susan Johnson, Gazette Reporter Terri Hogan.
Minutes:Â Â The June 2007 Commissioners Meeting minutes were approved.
FY 2007-2008 Budget: Susan Johnson will finalize expenses and revenue and make final version of budget available for commissioners’ signatures in about one week.
Lamp Post Replacement Cost: Susan Johnson will ask Paul Geib about status of driver’s insurance covering cost of lamp post replacement in front of Bob Heritage’s house.
LSWG Auditors:Â Commissioners agreed to terms of LSWG audit contract and Commissioner Acierno signed the agreement.
SHA Sidewalk Proposal:Â Â SHA in house meetings with High Street residents resulted in unanimous dissent for the SHA sidewalk proposal. SHA needs unanimous consent from property owners to continue with sidewalk project. Due to lack of consent sidewalk project is put on hold.
Academy Sidewalk:Â Â The Commissioners approved a motion to fix the broken sidewalk in front of the Academy. The sidewalk will be replaced with pavers to match the current pavers that make up the walkway to the side entrance of the Academy.
Brookeville domain name:Â Â The Commissioners decided to reserve a .gov domain name for the Town of Brookeville. The current domain name is townofbrookevillemd.org. We will change it to townofbrookevillemd.gov. Our web hosting service will be asked to handle the re-direction of the old name to the new name.
Water Street Sign:Â Â Susan Johnson will provide Clerk Geib the company name and contact for making street signs. Water Street residents wish to have a No Outlet or equivalent sign placed at the entrance to Water Street to prevent future occurrences of trucks driving down Water Street thinking it is a thru street to Georgia Ave. A tree was destroyed when a truck was turning around to exit Water Street after mistakenly entering Water Street believing it was an alternative to turning left in order to continue north.
Knights of Columbus:Â Â Commissioner Heritage will get in touch with Joe Feakes of the Knights of Columbus. Mr. Feakes expressed interest in Brookeville celebrating its anniversary of self government.
School House: Web site update. Suggestion made to ask Miche Booz to provide updated text for school house article on town’s web site.
August Commissioners Meeting: Motion approved to cancel the August Commissioners Meeting. September will be the next Commissioners Meeting.
Meeting Adjourned at 9:30p.m.
Respectfully Submitted by:
Michael Acierno