June 13, 2011
Commissioner President Michael Acierno, Commissioner Sue Daley, Commissioner Katherine Farquhar, Treasurer Susan Johnson and Academy Manager Andrea Scanlon. Town Clerk Cate McDonald was away. Present during all or portions of the meeting were Debbie Wagner and Gazette Reporter Terri Hogan.
Minutes: The May Commissioners Meeting Minutes and Annual Town Meeting Minutes were approved.
Financial: the Financial Report was not available. The budget documents will be updated in July.
Academy Update:  Estimated cost of $950 to replace the sprinkler systems valve, which is stuck. Commissioners approve the expenditure.
Gravel Road Maintenance: Estimate cost of $6940 for the gravel road maintenance. Commissioners approved the check to be issued before the start of FY’11 for the work to begin.
Brookeville Angel: Commissioner President Acierno will ask the Sandy Spring Museum if they would like the Brookeville Angel.  The base is rotting and the angel may need some work.
Schoolhouse: gutters clips need to be reattached. Something is chewing on the wood along the north side. Schoolhouse will be open June 25th for Heritage Days. The Town will try and organize a cleanup and mulching.
Fire Pit: Debbie Wagner raised concerns about another fire.  Commissioner Farquhar will work on wording so a sign can be expedited.Â
MEA Grant: Academy Manager Andrea Scanlon confirmed that the Town will use the grant within the allotted time of 3 years.Â
Brookeville Bypass Smart Growth Meeting: Commissioners Farquhar and Daley will attend the June 15th meeting up in Baltimore, which should be a formality.  If exception to Smart Growth is granted, the next step will be funding in August.
Update on 309 & 311 Market: the next court hearing will be Tuesday, June 14th at 1:30pm. : Commissioner President Acierno will attend.
SHA and Speed Camera: the speed camera along High St. is pointing skywards. Does anyone want to contact SHA?
Emergency Operations Coordinator: Does the Town need an Emergency Operations Coordinator? And if so, should Fred Teal be asked to perform this job?  Commissioner President Acierno will write a job description by next month.
Truck Length Restriction: State Senator Karen Montgomery has given the Town the basis information and laws but the Town will need to research.
Open Discussion:Â The Olney Theater is having a Community Appreciation Day; the Commissioners approved a $100 donation for the event.
Commissioner Farquhar will attend the June 16th informal GOCA get together at Starbucks.
The meeting adjourned at 9:25p.m.
Andrea Scanlon