Town of Brookeville
Commissioners Meeting Minutes
October 13, 2015
Present: Katherine Farquhar, Buck Bartley, and Sue Daley
Absent: none
Quorum present? Yes
Present during all or portions of the meeting:
Academy Manager Andrea Scanlon and Town Clerk Cate McDonald.
Town Residents: Jorge Chacon, Ruth Chacon
Others: Josh Bryant from cph Corp.
Meeting called to order at 7:15 p.m. by Commissioner President Farquhar
Open Discussion:
Ruth Chacon thanked the Commissioners for all their support at the SHA meeting – it was a very informative meeting. She came to tonight’s meeting to say:
– As an FYI, any property owner who wants to rent their property must register with MoCo as a landlord. The information can be found on MoCo website.
– Reading the Commissioners Meeting Minuets on the Town’s website has been helpful. She would want to see names and addresses be standardized to make the minuets more searchable.
Josh Bryant from cph Corp arrived to discuss the bid for North, Water, and Market Streets.
Josh came and walked through Brookeville with Commissioner Bartley. He sent a proposal broken down in 3 phases which can be modified to reduce cost. Work would need to be done in phases.
Phase A: Consultant
Design & Plan Prep for North, Water, and North
Pavement Repair Analysis for North
Bidding Assistance for North and Water
Construction Admin for North and Water
Phase B: Geotechnical Consultant
Phase C: Survey
Total not to exceed: $28,270.00
Phase A 1.0: information gathering, design, and plan for North and Water
North and Water each have their own drainage issues
Will consider surface change to tar & chip.
Survey subcontractor will be Adcock, the least expensive bidder, for the length and wide of North and Water. It will be just a topographic survey – no property lines or easements.
Commissioner Farquhar commented that water from South St is draining back down the hill.
Josh Bryant said the contract can be modified to include South St in the topographic and that is will be cost effective to survey South St. while the surveyors are in Town. Also, have eastern Market St. surveyed to save funds.
Phase B: Geotechnical for North and Water. This is to understand the soil to figure out the best pavement type.
Question about boring: do we need to do boring on Water and North since they do not carry much traffic.
There will be limited boring since there is not road surface failure and will use hand augers.
Market will need boring to see what the layers are.
Due diligence: Will cph Corp. talk with Residents about their concerns. Josh Bryant said yes they will talk to people experiencing problems first hand on a collaborative effort. Cph will come up with a pavement surface and look at the problem areas, look at the grade, and see if the proposed solution will address the problems and doesn’t create new problems.
Design timeframe: depends on what information is learned from the survey. The survey and geotech are done at the same time and will take about 1 month.
Market St – opened ended. At the lease, will have the survey. After that, the Town can look at different options and concepts; come up with a plan. Geotechnical will give options.
Discussion: the snow plow damages the gravel road. Will the BPC allow tar & chip instead of gravel. Will need to clarify that tar & chip is allowed before committing to a survey.
Information gathering costs:
Geotechnical: $7700.00
Survey: $8500.00
Adcock was the lowest bidder for the survey.
Permitting is not included in the cost but can be added in as a service.
Will need erosion and sediment control, which cph does as part of it service.
Motion by Commissioner Bartley to approve cph contract.
Phase C: Topographic survey for $8500.00 – unanimously approved
Phase B: Geotechnical Consultant for $7700.00 – unanimously approved
Commissioner Bartley will contact Josh Bryant tomorrow to move forward.
Minutes: The September Commissioners Meeting Minutes were approved.
Financial: the budget was emailed prior to the meeting for review.
Commissioner Bartley said SUMC was not paid for parking by the Town. He will check with the Treasurer to find out when the payment was sent.
The auditor, Debbie Free, suggest that the Town have a formal policy in place for credit card use. Treasurer suggests $200 limit that someone can spend without getting prior approval. Commissioner Farquhar suggested $250 without prior approval. Academy Manager said $250 was a little low.
Motion by Commissioner Farquhar that anything over $300 will need prior arrival from at least 2 Commissioners. – Unanimously approved
Next meeting date for the taskforce has not been set due to Don Moore’s travel schedule.
Commissioner Bartley attended the last meeting and reported the topics discussed were:
Streets and Walkability
Communication within the Town
Schoolhouse. Sandy Heiler will work on the feasibility of moving the Schoolhouse.
The Taskforce has asked for the Town’s email listsev. Due to privacy issues, any communication the Taskforce to be send to the Town as a whole will be sent via the Town Clerk.
Town Property
Academy Report: Rental report was emailed.
Kathy Lynn may be interested in renting the Academy since the Schoolhouse is out of commission.
Advertisement in Greater Olney News: Commissioner Farquhar would like to run an ad for the Academy in the next edition and once a month after that. The cost is $96 per ad. Academy Manager advised we used to place an ad in the Spring to raise visibility as a venue. It was agreed that the Academy would place an ad twice between now and the end of the year and the Academy Manager would decide which editions.
Snow removal for the Town maintained streets was received from Todd Greenstone. Plowing will begin after 4 inches of accumulated snow. Commissioner Bartley signed the contract.
Schoolhouse: Academy Maintenance:
Mold test came back positive.
Would need to get the roof fixed to eliminate moisture. Also, take out insulation. After that, take a tape test in the drywall to make sure the mold is remediated.
Moldstoppers proposal for this work is $13,000.00
Option: take drywall and insulation out and leave roof rafters open.
Jorge Chacon joined the conversation and said old buildings were not meant to be insulated. Moisure is trapped from the roof leak, insulation got wet and moldy. He offered to go the Schoolhouse and take a look at the issue.
Clean out the ceiling and see if mold count goes down.
Conversation about why spend more money to stabilize the schoolhouse if we might move it. Should we just stabilize and leave in place. The Town has a duty to stabilize the schoolhouse no matter where it is located.
Quote for $2000 for gutter guards. Miche Booz needs to meet with the contactor Hines regarding the roof.
Academy Manager will have Moldstoppers come out and investigate by cutting a hole in the ceiling and see if they can remediate the mold.
Public Works (sidewalks, streets, lights)
Leaf Removal: Todd Greenstone quoted $3500 for leaf vacuuming 2 times this Fall. Commissioner Bartley will negotiate with Greenstone and see if he can get the price to $3000
North Street lights: parts on order and electrician should be out Oct. 19th to repair the lights.
309-11 Market – no update from Attorney Kline.
Commissioner Farquhar will ask the BPC to have a work date in November to review documents.
Pepco replaced the utility pole across from Debbie Wagner’s house but not the pole by the Town’s sign. Pepco needs to replace the pole by the Town sign.
Town Government
Next Beyond the ByPass meeting is TBD
Next BPC meeting is Nov. 3
Next Commissioners meeting is Nov. 9
Next SHA meeting is tomorrow. Commissioners Bartley & Daley will attend
Town Holiday Party is Dec. 5
The meeting adjourned at 9:20p.m.
Cate McDonald
Town Clerk