July 11, 2005
Present:Â Â President of Commissioners Richard Allan, Commissioner Robert Heritage, Commissioner Michael Acierno, and Clerk Diane Allan
Minutes: Following review of the June Minutes, Commissioner Acierno made a motion to accept the Minutes as presented. Commissioner Heritage seconded and the motion carried.
Financial Report: President Allan noted that check number 661 for $1400.00 was outstanding and needed to be followed up on. The Commissioners then had a discussion on optimizing ways of distributing Town accounts among savings and checking accounts in the two banks the Town utilizes. The Commissioners agreed to have further discussions at future meetings, acknowledging that there are a number of options to review. President Allan and Commissioner Acierno thought that on-line funds transfer capability might provide a more robust financial return capacity. Commissioner Heritage commented that $23,000.00 is too much to be sitting for any length of time in the checking account. All agreed that the bulk of the $23,000.00 should be in a higher paying money market account. It was further agreed that a goal of perhaps having a monthly working balance of $10,000.00 in the checking account and the rest in a money market account should be pursued. The consensus was that revenues coming in should go into the Sandy Spring Bank money market account rather than the checking account. President Allan again raised the desirability of a Town credit card as a more efficient and effective device for miscellaneous purchases. The Commissioners agreed that it was time for a credit card so that Town employees and Commissioners would not have to use their own personal cards or funds for official business and then get reimbursed.
Announcements and reports: There are eight letters to the four State District 14 Delegates and Senator to be signed dealing with the Bypass and the sidewalk project. They will be available at the Brookeville Academy during the week. A discussion followed on the Letter to the Editor on the Brookeville Bypass written by President Allan. President Allan reported that SHA District Engineer Charlie Watkins responded to his letter about the Brookeville Road intersection and how badly it had deteriorated. Watkins said that they would follow up with Montgomery County to coordinate repairs. President Allan reported he asked Doug Lohmeyer, the town’s planning and engineering consultant, to follow up with the County Planning staff on why the sidewalk building requirement that the Town conditioned its approval of the Inn at Brookeville Farms project several years ago to provide a sidewalk from Goldmine Road to the Salem Cemetery on the east side of Route 97 had not been complied with. Allan had already talked to Charlie Loehr, County Planning Staff Director, on this subject who said he would look into it. Loehr did say that the county only had a few inspectors to oversee the many conditions imposed on developments, hence the delay. President Allan reported that the three historic site signs have been installed and are beautiful. On June 30, 2005, Commissioner Allan faxed a response to the SHA for grant funds which could be used for Market Street curbing and repaving. A letter from the Commissioners to resident Andrea Barr will be signed so she can go forward on various initiatives mobilizing support and otherwise lobbying for the Brookeville Bypass. President Allan reported that Heritage Days at the Brookeville Schoolhouse was a success with many older people attending, among them octogenarians. The Girl Scouts provided refreshments, cookies and lemonade and a red, white, and blue centerpiece. North Street resident Tom Teal acted as a docent and did a good job. Commissioner Heritage found another antique school desk at the Legion Yard Sale the morning of the event and it was a big hit. The school desk the Town had been given by Sandy Spring Museum was brought down from the attic with Richard Chandler’s help. The Heritages had refinished a third desk that had been donated by Amy Childs. The Commissioners discussed erecting a picket or other suitable wooden fence along the property line to shield the Montgomery’s anchor fence for about 100 feet.
Report on the MML Convention: President Allan reported that at the MML Convention in Ocean City he met with Secretary of transportation Bob Flanagan and discussed both the Bypass and sidewalks. Secretary Flanagan said it was up to county elected officials to kick the Bypass project up in terms of priorities to 2 or 3 rather than 6 or 7. President Allan asked him why the sidewalk project got stopped after he had been notified it was a go and the Secretary blamed it on the General Assembly. Secretary Flanagan supports both the Bypass and the sidewalk project. President Allan also met with the Secretary of Housing and Community Development, Victor Hoskins.
Miscellaneous Matters: President Allan indicated that the “Greener Brookeville Initiative” will be considered during the summer as to different things that can be done to improve the natural environment in town, including street trees. Other towns have green programs so it will be useful to consult with them. The Commissioners agreed that the Brookeville Road Town sign needs to be taken down for repair.
Town Safety and Infrastructure Committee:Â Commissioner Heritage reported on three trees that need attention in front of the fence at the Salem Methodist Church Cemetery.
Other Matters: The Commissioners discussed the possibility of asking Miche Booz to design a shelter or attractive streetside shield for the garbage cans on Water Street to screen them from the street. The Town will print out the final version of the forest conservation ordinance in August. President Allan asked if the Commissioners were in favor of canceling the August meeting. The vote was unanimous. President Allan led a discussion about options for North Street lighting. While the Planning Commission had the lead on this, President Allan thought the Commissioners should have input. Considerations will include where the lights should shine, the nature of the light source, and how high they should be, among other things. Commissioners Acierno and Heritage agreed that the Commissioners should have input since they are responsible for maintenance. A gooseneck style lamp was discussed. Commissioner Heritage suggested a letter to the Planning Commission stating that the Commissioners want input on the decision. President Allan suggested it was time for a fall clean-up day and Commissioner Acierno suggested a dumpster for large items. The issue of the Deeds Wells property and its debris in public view came up again for discussion. Commissioner Heritage has spoken to Sid Rotter about his collection of debris on Water Street. President Allan said the town can park a dumpster on Water Street as a central location and get rid of the Rotter debris more easily. The Clerk was asked to get a price on a 30 foot dumpster from Waste Management.
The meeting was adjourned at 10:00 p.m.
Respectfully submitted by
Diane Burr Allan