Town of Brookeville
Planning Commission Meeting Minutes
Tuesday, January 5, 2016
7:30 PM
Planning Commission Members:
Present: Chris Scanlon, Debbie Wagner, Bruce Evans, Miche Booz, Stefan Syski, and Fred Teal
Absent: Andy Spagnolo
Quorum present? Yes
Others Present: Commissioner Sue Daley, and Chris Haris
Proceedings: Meeting called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Chair, Chris Scanlon
Minutes: The December BPC Meeting Minutes were approved with edits
Permits: No permits were submitted for approval
Preliminary permit discussion: Chris Haris, 301 Market Street, came to have a discussion with the BPC about the potential to change the location of the barn like building that he is looking to build. The building would have a 3 bay garage with room for storage and office room plus an additional 16 x 20 shed structure. Chris Haris has a HAWP but no permits from Brookeville or Montgomery County. There are no existing structures and he has a water color drawing of his concept from a few years ago but no building schematics. There is a 25 ft. easement located on Rebecca’s property (104 Water St.). Per Chris Haris, the easement is in its natural state and is not being maintained. Chris Scanlon said the BPC envisioned the easement as a private agreement between property owners and the cost of clearing the easement would be to the person who wants to use the easement. It is not the Town’s responsibility to maintain the easement. The easement is for public use for the Residents of Market Street to access their property.
Chris Haris said the location from his HAWP is the only spot in his yard that gets sunlight and is located across from Rebecca’s (104 Water owner) garage. He wants to move the garage to front Water Street where his firewood is located. He wants 2 structures: 16 x 20 shed plus a barn.
There was a discussion about having 2 accessory buildings, how they would be oriented, and would the garage doors face Rebecca’s property.
Chris Scanlon suggested the option of one structure with separate entrances. There would trees that would need to be removed. Also, there is a Town lamp post and a septic field to consider.
Chris Haris’s current HAWP is for a 24 x 30 garage but he wants to build a bigger barn – 35 x 40.
Chris Scanlon said it would be helpful to know where the trees, lamp post, and septic field are located and map the structures. Once this is complete, come back to BPC for another preliminary permit discussion before Chris Haris applies to change his HAWP. Chris Scanlon advised Chris Haris to check with MoCo about setbacks from well and septic system. He said he may need to bring his septic system up to to code before a permit is issued. WSSC and MoCo regulations must be followed before a permit is issued.
Semi-Annual Town Meeting
The Town is holding a meeting Jan. 11 and Chris Scanlon has been asked to give a review of what the BPC worked on during 2015 and the Comprehensive Plan.
Bruce Evans and Debbie Wagner were reappointed for no less than one year; BPC will be 7 members in order to update the Comprehensive Plan.
Year in review: Pollock garage; ground source heat pump; ByPass
Forward to 2016 focus:
Bypass; updating Comprehensive Plan; BBTF input; pedestrian access; road surface; parking; street scape.
Miche has an informal discussion with Scott Whipple and he did not think tar & chip surface for the Town roads would be a problem.
Comprehensive Plan
The updated Comprehensive Plan is due to the State in October 2016. BPC will work with BBTF to update the Plan. The Comprehensive Plan is carved up and the following BPC will work on these sections:
– Bruce Evans & Andy Spagnolo – Purpose of Plan, Look at the Past, Dealing with the present, Framework for Community Goals
– Stefan Syski, Chris Scanlon & Miche Booz – Transportation Plan & Community Facilities Plan
– Fred Teal & Debbie Wagner – Sensitive Areas Protection Plan & Mineral Resources Plan
– Unassigned – Land Use Plan & Plan Implementation – Policies & Programs
The Land Use section may not change much,
Transportation: This will be a large section to update.
Fred suggested we may need to have a section on sustainability and resiliency (climate change).
Will work with the BBTF for overall community goals.
BPC members were asked to review their sections in detail; to have an understanding of the big picture and have an outline for next months meeting.
Need to find out the deadline dates for the Comprehensive Plan.
Chris Scanlon will ask the MDP for help / resource.
Open Discussion: none
Meeting adjourned at 9:12p.m.
Minutes submitted by Cate McDonald, Town Clerk