Town of Brookeville
Commissioners Meeting Minutes
February 13, 2017
Present: Buck Bartley, Sue Daley, and Jeff Johnson
Absent: none
Quorum present? Yes
Present during all or portions of the meeting:
Town Clerk Cate McDonald
Town Residents: none
Others: Terri Hogan, Greater Olney News; Boy Scout Ricky Pepper; Gary Pepper; and a local area resident
Meeting called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Commissioner Sue Daley
• CPH: no updates
• Chairs: Most of the chairs have been delivered to the Academy; some chairs are still at the painters.
Minutes: January 2, 2017, Commissioners Meeting Minutes were approved.
January 17, 2017, Semi-Annual Town Meeting Minutes were approved.
Financial: The budget reports were emailed prior to the meeting.
Academy Update: Academy update was emailed prior to the meeting.
• Commissioner Bartley presented a $3,500.00 contract between Maxxon LLC and the Town for repairs to the Schoolhouse: regrade around the schoolhouse, remove French drain, remove and then replace brick walkway, remove 2 signs and re-install if needed. Contract with Maxxon was unanimously approved.
• Commissioner Bartley presented a $2,647.00 contract between Brown Custom Roofing and the Town for custom chimney cap, and roof repairs to the Schoolhouse. Contract with Brown was unanimously approved
• Donna Will asked if she could put a metal cabinet (36″ W x 72″ H x 18″D) in the Academy to hold her tea things because she would like to do more teas this spring. The Academy Manager thinks there might be room at the bottom of the basement stairs for this cabinet. The Commissioners approved this request and require an addendum to Donna Will’s contact with the Town to state the Town is not liable for theft or damage any item stored at the Academy.
• Events / Marketing Manager: The Commissioner would like the position advertise in the next Brookeville Time. To date, there is one applicant for the job.
• Update on codifying/organize Brookeville Ordinances: still a work in progress. When the Town Charter is updated, the Commissioner will have a lawyer review / give advice about ordinances.
• BPC: meeting on the first Tuesday of each month. New and old members are seeming to become a cohesive group and working on updating the Comprehensive Plan.
Town Property
Academy Update:
• Roof: still in the bidding process.
• Academy Lawn: waiting on MHT review / approval.
• Academy interior: no update
Arborist: the formal report has not been received. Commissioner Bartley wants to walk the Schoolhouse lot with the arborist when the Property Manager returns to Town.
Streetlight: no update
ByPass – Commissioners Daley and Bartley will attend the Feb. 14th SHA meeting in Baltimore.
• SB 397: Town Resident Sandy Heiler was visiting with State Senator Madaleno where she learned about a hearing for SB 397 – Income Tax Overpayment – Forgiveness. The Commissioners will try to make the February 15th hearing to testify.
Other Business
• Ordinances for property upkeep: there was a discussion about declining property values due to proximate unkempt properties. There have been several Resident complaints in recent weeks about several properties in Town. Is there a Town ordinance to enforce neighbors to clean their properties? Commissioner Bartley has been in contact with Craig Zucker, and Commissioner Bartley expects to hear from Sen. Zucker after the legislative session ends. MoCo Housing Code Enforcement can enforce MoCo Housing Standards.
• Park and Planning are no longer in partnership with Heritage Montgomery and the Town for the education use of the Schoolhouse. An MOU between the Town and Heritage Montgomery was reviewed. It was agreed that the terns of the MOU would be 2 years. Commissioner President Daley signed the MOU with terms for 2 years.
The meeting adjourned at 7:57 p.m.
Cate McDonald
Town Clerk