June 13, 2005 Commissioners Meeting Minutes

June 13, 2005

Present: President of Commissioners Richard Allan, Commissioner Robert Heritage, Commissioner Michael Acierno, Clerk/Treasurer Susan Johnson, Diane Allan

Minutes: Commissioner Acierno moved to correct the spelling of Neil Peterson’s name to Pedersen. Commissioner Heritage moved that the minutes be accepted as amended. Commissioner Allan seconded the motion.

Financial Report: $80, 986 is in the reserves. Ms. Johnson had to access funds from the reserves because even though the bank loan had lapsed, charges and interest were assessed as usual. Commissioner Allan asked what part of reserves are in Sandy Spring Bank and which are in Chevy Chase Bank. Ms. Johnson said that the majority of the savings is in Chevy Chase Bank. Commissioner Allan would like the bulk of the money moved to Sandy Spring Bank. Commissioner Heritage agreed with Commissioner Allan. Commissioner Acierno said this makes sense politically, but that it makes sense from a financial perspective to have the larger amount of funds and receive a higher interest rate at Chevy Chase Bank.

Maryland Municipal League Convention: Commissioner Allan asked whether other commissioners are interested in attending the convention in Ocean City. He will attend.

CGI Communications: Commissioner Allan introduced CGI Communications which will send a film crew to town to create a free website welcome video, using video streaming. They provide help with the script and create music. This is sponsored by the Maryland Municipal League (MML). CGI makes their money from connections with local businesses. Comm. Acierno has seen the Annapolis video and thought it was done well.

Miscellaneous Business:

President Allan reported that the Commissioners received a note from Mary Garner thanking them for the basket garden they sent following former Commissioner Al Gardner’s serious stroke.

Two letters to State District 14 delegation regarding sidewalks and bypass for approval, asking for their support. Commissioner Allan made an addition to the sidewalk letter, saying the town of Brookeville is part of the Heritage Tourism Cluster. That is another reason the State and our delegates should be supporting the sidewalk project, in particular.

Op Ed draft on bypass for Gazette: Commissioner Allan would like to submit an Op Ed article on “The Bypassed Bypass” to the Gazette. He asked Commsissioners Heritage and Acierno to read it and make comments. Andrea Barr would like to take a leadership role in organizing support for building the bypass. She would like the commissioners to give her tangible support.

Commissioner Acierno suggested naming her effort “A Citizens Committee for Bypass Support” and will contact her. Commissioner Acierno would like to get a petition effort going with Matt McDonald heading it up, working the traffic queue which forms daily on Route 97. He suggested using postcards. Commissioner Allan asked whether the town had received a 2005 elevator inspection yet. Clerk Susan Johnson said the town has and she will put it up.

Schoolhouse Progress Report: Commissioner Allan announced that Walter Blank will be out of town for a couple of weeks before Heritage Days. Commissioner Allan reported that Paul Rankin, who lives in the Powers House temporarily, was talking to Walter Blank and Mr. Blank mentioned that he wished he had a piece of high gauge steel to put under the pot belly stove. Mr. Rankin said he will arrange to have a piece fabricated. Commissioner Allan reported that Amy Childs donated a child’s desk to the town for the schoolhouse. He said that we now have two desks. Commissioner Allan would like to arrange for window cleaning in the schoolhouse and asked if Saul Derr would do it. Commissioner Allan reported that he learned at the Strawberry Festival that the Sandy Spring Museum now has a Brookeville Exhibit, with many of our items in it. The materials have been catalogued and filed and are now accessible to researchers. Commissioner Heritage suggested that we publicly thank the Museum in our newsletter for having our materials there.

Commissioner Allan asked if Ms. Johnson could contact Waste Management for a large item trash pickup. She has had a hard time getting a response from Waste Management. She suggested that Mr. Derr might know of someone. Commissioner Heritage suggested it be divided into small bunches and put in the weekly trash, bit by bit.

Signs: The commissioners discussed placement of the signs on the Academy grounds and at the Schoolhouse. Comm. Allan said the sign at the Schoolhouse is a nice decorative sign and perhaps it could be rehabbed and used permanently. The new sign could be placed elsewhere on the property.

Commissioner Allan said that Loretta Murphy is concerned that the leaning locust trees on the Academy grounds might fall on her property. Don de Wall has offered to cut them down, but he cannot guarantee how they fall. Commissioner Allan asked who does our tree work and Ms. Johnson said that Arbor Care is the contractor. An Arbor Care employee told her that there is a very dead tree in the vicinity of the Wells house. Commissioner Allan then asked whether the Wells house is any tidier or more organized and Mr. Heritage said it’s worse, if anything. Ms. Johnson got out the Town Charter and the commissioners had a discussion about how to handle the situation. The Commission agreed to send another letter to Deeds Wells at 309 and 311 Market St. to clean up his property. Commissioner Heritage asked if Sid Rotter is presiding over demolition by neglect of his outbuildings. The commissioners will walk around town this weekend and see what can be done.

Other Business: Ms. Johnson asked when the town Newsletter will come out. Commissioner Allan has written a draft. Other additions will include the thank you to the Sandy Spring Museum and author Ann Morgan’s request for information about Brookeville.

New Business: A decision was deferred on the Scanlon building permit. The commissioners agreed that it is necessary to set a process for accepting building permits in a timely way. Commissioner Acierno will head the project.

The meeting was adjourned at 10:15pm.

Respectfully submitted by

Diane Burr Allan