November 13, 2006
Present:Â Commissioner Richard Allan, Commissioner Michael Acierno, Commissioner Robert Heritage, Treasurer Susan Johnson, Clerk Paul Geib, Gazette Reporter Terri Hogan
Minutes:Â The October minutes were approved as written.
Financial Report:Â The financial report was reviewed Treasurer Johnson reported that there is $156,208 in bank checking and CD accounts. The Greenskeeper contract payment was discussed. It was noted that the work for which the expense was incurred was approved by the Town. The required annual Town of Brookeville Financial Statements and Report for Fiscal Year 2005-2006 was received by the Town’s Certified Public Accounting firm – Linton Shafer Warfield & Garrett, P.A.
Report of the Academy Manager:
(1) A new pilot light and tubing to the furnace was installed by Brown’s Refrigeration. There was a leak in the old tubing and the pilot light thermocouple was rusted and worn out. Consequently the pilot kept burning out. The new pilot is much stronger now. Monty Brown stressed that the location of the pilot cannot be changed due to the requirements of the manufacturer’s specifications.
(2) Brown’s Refrigeration will send us a maintenance contract in December that will provide for quarterly inspections of the heating system.
(3) Brown mentioned that the rust on the heating system and the pipes in the basement is caused by moisture coming through the concrete floor. He recommended that we paint the floor with rubber sealant paint.
(4) The Academy is rented most of the weeks in both November, with only Thanksgiving weekend being available, and in December, except for the weekend of the Town party and the New Years weekend.
Grounds Maintenance: Clerk Geib reported that Greenskeeper after Thanksgiving will grind the stumps and clear the bushes and brush behind the Brookeville Angel. Leaf collection was scheduled for November 18 and December 2. He will send out reminders and put the December date in the next Brookeville Times.
2006 Holiday Party:Â The Commissioners discussed the annual Holiday Party for town residents. It will be a Pot Luck Dinner on December 9th at 6:30 p.m. The Town will provide soft drinks for all, wine and beer for the adults, and pizza for the children. The Commissioner invite residents to take part in the planning and operation of the event.
Town Flags:Â The Commissioners discussed take the flags off the poles in the Town. This is traditionally done after November 1st. Clerk Geib retrieved one flag that has come off its pole. We have a number of flags to be properly disposed of during the December 7th American Legion ceremony at the Academy.
New Town Sidewalks:Â Commissioner Allan reported that he talked with Kate Mazzara of the SHA staff and she noted that that the sidewalk project to Longwood Recreation Center will be 30% complete by January and is on track.
Planning Commission Deliberations:Â The Commissioners discussed recent Planning Commission meeting minutes and issues raised by them. It was noted that a resident who was not a commission member was allowed to participate in the meeting with a property owner and prospective developer as if a member of the Planning Commission. This was not considered an appropriate meeting protocol or practice. Additionally, in one case, an issue unrelated to the project being considered or the jurisdiction of the Planning Commission was raised. Commissioner Allan further noted that there were several errors of fact having to do with historical zoning and land use issues that needed to be corrected in the minutes. He made the point that it is very important that the public record of governing bodies be accurate. The Commissioners agreed to further consider these issue at their December meeting and will communicate their concerns to the Planning Commission Chair.
Meeting Adjourned at 9:30 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted by:
Paul R. Geib, Jr.