January 8, 2007
Present: Commissioner Richard Allan, Commissioner Michael Acierno, Commissioner Robert Heritage, Treasurer Susan Johnson, Clerk Paul Geib, Gazette Reporter Terri Hogan, Richard Kirby, developer – Powers’ Woods subdivision.
Revised Starting Time:  The meeting began at 8:30 p.m. rather than 8:00 p.m. to allow the Commissioners to attend a “Town Meeting†in Laytonsville called by U. S. Congressman Al Wynn. At that meeting Commissioner Acierno brought up the need to consider the importance of funding the Brookeville Bypass – particularly in the context of Georgia Avenue being an emergency evacuation route from Washington, DC.
Minutes:Â Â The December 2006 minutes were approved with minor corrections
Financial Report: The financial report was reviewed. The Commissioners and the Treasurer discussed moving funds between accounts to maximize return on the investments. The Treasurer assured the Commissioners that no Town of Brookeville accounts contain over $100.000 in any one financial institution. A check of $20.00 covering a fuel surcharge from the December 23 rental was returned for insufficient funds. The Academy Business Manager will attempt to contact the renter to recover those funds plus $7.00 costs.
Powers’ Woods Subdivision:  Mr. Richard Kirby, developer of the subdivision, made a presentation to the Commissioners regarding the subdivision plat. Several general comments on the plat were discussed and clarified. The Commissioners discussed with Mr. Kirby various landscaping alternatives for the subdivision, and costs for the various alternatives. The Commissioners accepted Mr. Kirby’s offer to approach several landscape designers for designs and cost alternatives and to coordinate with the Planning Commission.
Brookeville Planning Commission:  The Commissioners discussed reappointing the Planning Commission members. One member sent a written request to be reappointed. Following a discussion where careful consideration of the issues involved and considering the best interests of the Town, Commissioner Acierno proposed that the Commissioners reappoint the current members of the Commission for no more than one year. An additional member will also be appointed. All agreed that closer communication between the Town Commissioners and the Planning Commission was needed.
Greenskeeper Landscaping Contract:  Commissioner Allan provided Commissioners Heritage and Acierno copies on the proposed 2007 Greenskeeper Landscaping and Lawn Management, Inc. contract for their review and input. Following their review and approval, he will make any changes necessary and he or the Clerk will provide a signed copy to the contractor.
Public Hearing on the Brookeville Bypass: The Commissioners urged the Town of Brookeville residents to go to the January 25th County Council Public Forum on Transportation Priorities to be recommended to the Montgomery County State Delegation to the General Assembly. The Brookeville Bypass will be one of the priorities considered. They discussed strategies about how to approach the forum. The Clerk will send out an e-mail and mailing to Town residents regarding this important event. President Allan will prepare testimony for presentation to the County Council.
Town Project:  The Commissioners discussed the High Street sidewalk project and the Thomas Mill project. The SHA is proceeding with planning the former project.
Meeting Adjourned at 10:00 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted by:
Paul R. Geib, Jr.