December 8, 2014 Commissioners Meeting Minutes

Town of Brookeville

Commissioners Meeting Minutes

Monday December 8, 2014     

7 PM


Present: Katherine Farquhar, Sue Daley, Buck Bartley, Andrea Scanlon, Chris Scanlon, Miche Booz, Diane Teague


Brookeville Planning Commission: Update from last week’s meeting of BPC

  • Brookeville Inn: Katherine will contact Michelle Rosenfeld and Brenda Sandberg for status update.
    • Rezoning request response options
      • Legacy Open Space: Find out if 4 acre parcel within town limits can qualify for Legacy Open Space. Miche spoke with Brooke Farquhar and Brenda Sandberg at Park and Planning but they have not responded yet. Need to consider appropriate compensation for property if so.
      • Propose town approval of four cottages on back two acres in exchange for the remaining two acres. This would require a zoning change to rearrange parcels
  • Membership criteria:  There are no term limits. Need to clarify number of members and cycle, requirements for members. Need to replace Mark Friis.
  • Historic District regulations.  Need process to keep town residents informed and up to date about the HAWP process. New residents need to be informed and the rest of the residents need to be refreshed. Need process to address violations.
  • SHA Sidewalks: Status update needed. Chris will contact SHA representative. Issues include maintenance of abandoned Rt. 97 after the bypass is completed.


  • November Meeting was cancelled
  • 2 “Walk the Bypass” tours were completed.
  • Announce another walk “Jingle the Bypass” on Sunday December 14 at 1 pm. Weather forecast is good.  Kids could come.  Meet at Longwood baseball diamond. Diane will send email invitation.
  • There should be a Bypass plan in the office with link to website.
  • December SHA Bypass Meeting:  Sue Daley will call to get date.

Routine Town Business

  • November minutes: approved
    • Budget: Susan Johnson is ill, will send reports later in week
    • Academy Rental & Maintenance update:
      • Academy income goal for 2015: $10,000
      • Increase number of rentals:
        • Improve Marketing: improve website with professional help. Estimated cost $2,500-3,000.
        • Develop niche market:
          • Weddings – 60-75 people, young couples spending their own money and second marriages.
          • Investigate making improvements to kitchen and exterior landscaping.  Increase weekday rentals
          • Academy Exterior Light: Andrea will provide options and pricing.
          • Internal lights – Dennis Bogan replaced ballast in office light.
          • Holiday Party 2015:   Buck will bring ham next year. Finalize list with Susan. Outreach to young families.
          • Book Academy for 2015 town events:
            • Sunday September 13 town picnic.
            • Saturday December 5 for holiday party
            • Town Maintenance Updates
              • Waterproofing Schoolhouse: Miche talked to HPC about permit needed to re-grade. HPC needs more details to determine if permit is needed.
              • There hasn’t been any progress finding someone to get flags down. Katherine will call Pogo.


Hearing Resident concerns/ideas: Schedule for start of meeting, need for time boundary, advance notice by Resident when feasible.   All are welcome.


Open Discussion:


Adjourn: 9:25 pm