August 10, 2015 Commissioners Meeting Minutes

Town of Brookeville
Commissioners Meeting Minutes
August 10, 2015

Commissioner President Katherine Farquhar, Commissioner Buck Bartley, Commissioner Sue Daley, Treasurer Susan Johnson, and Interim Town Clerk Cate McDonald.

Present during all or portions of the meeting was Town Resident Debbie Wagner.

Open Discussion: Debbie Wagner has a problem with her neighbor at 200 Market St. The homeowner at 200 Market St purchased his home from his in-laws several years ago. There is a shared driveway agreement between 198 and 200 Market St. Debbie Wagner has 2 issues with 200 Market St:
1 – The homeowner at 200 Market does not control water runoff from his property. She has called MoCo and they are sending an inspector. His dirt is on her portion of the driveway and rocks from his driveway are washing into her yard or across the street. The owner of 200 Market asked Debbie to pay for half of the repair costs because of the shared driveway agreement.
2 – Debbie Wagner believes his intents to rent out rooms in his house with the exception of the room he will reside. This includes the unfinished basement, which will need a permit to finish. All the people living in the house would be not related. Brookeville’s zoning allows up to 5 unrelated individuals living together in a SFH. There are no limits on the number of cars that are allowed to be parked at a SFH. Debbie Wagner, a current member of the BPC, has said the BPC has had discussions about limiting the number of cars that can be parked at a SFH but that there were no changes to the zoning regarding parking.
Debbie Wagner feels there needs to be some clarification in zoning and that it is time to update the Town Charter, Zoning Ordinance, and Sub zoning Ordinances. Debbie Wagner was asked to keep the Commissioners posted about what MoCo says about the driveway issue.

The meeting was called to order at 7:35pm.

Minutes: The July Commissioners Meeting Minutes were approved.
Financial: no report. New FY2015-2016 need to be loaded onto the computer. Treasurer will send Town Clerk the FY2015-2016 budget in PDF format to be loaded onto the Town’s website.
Next month there will be a current budget report.
The Auditor will be here September 1, 2015
Mark Ennes has not been sending bills to the Town for his services. Commissioner Bartley will talk to Mark about sending a bill and explain that the Town does not feel comfortable about Mark providing a service with no compensation.
Budget cover sheet was signed.
Town Property:
Academy report was emailed prior to the meeting and was reviewed by the Commissioners.
Academy maintenance/capital projects: walkway updates are currently taking place. The wooden lightpole outside of the Academy was removed during the work. Commissioner Bartley feels the light pole is not needed. There is a more open feel to the lawn area and feels the light pole should not be replaced. He suggested leaving the canister lights above the Academy door on all the time. It was agreed that the landscape architect that the Town will hire will be consulted regarding outdoor lighting.

Picnic: scheduled for Sept. 13th. Academy Manager has a list of items / quantity needed. Will ask to borrow tents from Town Residences. Will ask the Booze Family to provide music. Don Moore will grill – same as last year.

Sandy Spring Museum sent a letter asking the Town to buy advertising space. It was decided we did not need to advertise in their publication. The Town will decide later about making a donation to the Museum.

Commissioner Farquhar wants to have a paid attendant for any function over 30 people at the Academy. There seems to be more issues with large groups and rentals over 30 people will be charged more to cover the cost of an attendant.
There needs to be further discussion with the Academy Manager about this proposal and to find someone will be the attendant.

The date for the Town’s Holiday Party will be December 5.

Brick walkway in front of 207 Market St was burned through when the power lines fell there on July 30. Commissioner Bartley will ask contractor working on the Academy walkway to give an estimate for repair. Town Clerk will check with Pepco regarding reimbursement.

Commissioner Farquhar will be talking with Diane Teague tomorrow regarding transiting back into the Town Clerk job.

Public Works (sidewalks, streets, lights)

Trees: trees in front of 207 & 211 Market St need to be trimmed. The hanging limbs are limiting visibility and safety is a concern. A notice will be placed in the Times about tree trimming and once the Town hires a contractor, the homeowners will receive a notice of the tree trimming,

Academy Grounds Survey: Snider & Assoc, has been contracted to perform a boundary survey.

Gravel Road Maintenance: Multiple complaints about use of Round Up by Neal Leary. Petition received from Fred Teal for the Town to stop such herbicides by Town contractors. This would include East Coast Lawns, which uses fertilizer on the Academy lawn to prevent weeds. Town Clerk will ask East Coast Lawns to send the chemical breakdown of their product.
Commissioner Farquhar will ask Fred Teal to write up an article for the Times regarding RoundUp and viable alternatives.
The issue of banning Town contractors from using herbicides will be voted on at the September’s Commissioner meeting.

Engineering Needs for roads: Commissioner Bartley met with Josh Bryant of CPH Corp and walked through the Town. Tar & chip paving and drainage adjustments for Water Street and North Street are the a priority. Also, stabilizing eastern Market St.
The Town will solicit multiple bids and will find a hydrological engineer to consult.

Tree contractor: Commissioner Bartley will walk with the tree contractors before selecting a contractors as there was a large difference in costs. Need to make sure they bidding on the same trees.
Town Government
• Public thank you for the residences of Market & Water St. for tidying up
• Commissioner Farquhar would like to update the Town Directory for a December printing. Would like to add information from the BPC regarding building permits.
• 309-311 Market Street looking for Attorney Kline researching alternative solutions for the debris removal and clean-up of these properties.
• BPC: Debbie Wagner and Bruce Evens will stay on the BPC until the end of December 2015. Andy Spagnolo will join the BPC Jan. 2016 and will start sitting in on meetings starting in September. The Town Commissioners are searching for one more candidate to join the BPC.

Town Operations
• Computer: Susan Johnson will order the new laptop for the Town.
• Next Beyond the Bypass meeting will be August 20th.
• Next SHA meeting is August 19th in Baltimore
• No update from Town Attorney Kline
• No new updates on the SHA Sidewalk Project for High Street
• Tim Tamburrino from Maryland Historic Trust will be at Madison House Thursday. MHT has been asked to give an option on the Bypass to SHA.
• The Town will place an ad for the Academy in the first edition of the The Olney Reporter
• Next meeting of the BPC will be September 1.

The meeting adjourned at 9:28p.m.
Cate McDonald
Interim Town Clerk