Town of Brookeville
Commissioners Meeting Minutes
November 8, 2015
Present: Katherine Farquhar, Buck Bartley, and Sue Daley
Absent: none
Quorum present? Yes
Present during all or portions of the meeting:
Academy Manager Andrea Scanlon and Town Clerk Cate McDonald.
Town Residents: Barbara Ray, Sandy Heiler,Fred Teal and Stefan Syski
Others: none
Meeting called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Commissioner President Farquhar
Open Discussion:
Stefan Syski was sworn into his position as a member of the Brookeville Planning Commission by Commissioner Daley.
Barbara Ray wanted to thanks the Commissioners for their participation at the September 29 SHA informational meeting. The revised SHA plan is beautiful. She has concerns about funding of the ByPass: $10M has been set aside already but she wants to make sure the State earmarks funds for the building of the ByPass, which is currently estimated to cost $30M to build. Commissioner Bartley, who has been regularly attending the SHA meetings in Baltimore, said that the ByPass has been fully funded and it in the Governor’s transportation budget, which is public record. He estimates that the ByPass will probably go over budget by $10M. He will have more information after tomorrow SHA meeting, which is the semi-final review. Commissioner Farquhar pulled up the Governor’s transportation budget to show Barbara Ray that the money is allotted for the ByPass and emailed a copy to Ms. Ray to review.
Minutes: The October Commissioners Meeting Minutes were approved as edited.
Financial: the budget was emailed prior to the meeting. Commissioners will review the updated budget when the Treasurer comes into the meeting
Academy Update: Academy Manager reports that rental inquiries are about the same but securing rentals is lower. Seems people are back to hosting event at home. Commissioner Daley asked the Academy Manager if she thought rentals will stay the same until we upgrade the facility. Academy Manager said she was not sure if upgrades will pull in more business; the size of the building is a downside – can only fit about 75 people in the dining room.
Questions was asked about advertising: People learn about the Academy by word of mouth, driving by the Academy, and googling. Commissioner Farquhar would like to upscale the advertising with ad cards and have them placed in strategic locations: MoCo tourism office, ask Heritage Montgomery where to place the cards, place a box similar to real estate agents outside the Academy. The targeted revenue for the Academy this fiscal year is $15K.
If we update the Academy for lecture series and business meetings, the echo effect in the lecture hall would need to be addressed.
Semi-Annual Town Meeting on Monday, December 14 from 7:00pm – 9:00pm with a short Commissioners Meeting afterwards.
There was a discussion that December may not be the best month to have a meeting due to hectic time of the year and that January 11, 2016 would be a better date.
Results: All 3 Commissioners voted to hold a Semi-Annual Town Meeting on January 11, 2016 from 7:00pm – 9:00pm.
Invited guest will be the Auditor Debbie Free and Josh Bryant from cph.
Sandy Heiler, representing the Beyond the ByPass Taskforce (BBT), with an update on Town signage. Mrs. Heiler applied for 2 grant for new entrance signs. These signs will have the important information that the Town is a Historic District (the only one in MD) and that we are on the Star Spangle Banner trail. The Town was awarded $1,250 from Preservation Maryland for new signs. This is an in-kind match grant. She is currently researching what other municipalities are displaying as signs. The signs will be similar to what Sandy Spring has erected and will be cast aluminum, which is cheaper than high density polyurethane.
Mrs. Heiler will contact MoCo to find out where the Town’s exact boundaries are; signs will be placed in the 3 entrance way into Town. She will also work on the approval process with BPC, HPC, and SHA.
In-Kind match: 50% Preservation Maryland and 50% In-Kind match (ie –work) from the Town.
Mrs. Heiler is working with Preservation Maryland on free consulting for the Town. She and the Commissioners will be meeting with Preservation Maryland this week regarding the Schoolhouse: how to preserve the schoolhouse and how to benefit the Town. Heritage Montgomery will be meeting at the Schoolhouse at the same time.
Commissioner Bartley ask Mrs. Heiler about HPC Tar & Chip approval. Mrs. Heiler said she cannot speak for the HPC but exposed aggregate has received approval with no issues.
Sustainable Maryland
Commissioner Farquhar have asked Fred Teal to look at the Sustainable Maryland program and advise if Brookeville should pursue this endeavor. A number of Towns are joining.
Fred Teal reported that the program looks interesting and is based on a point system. Every Town would need 150 points to earn certification. We would need pass a resolution, form a Green Team, and have Action plan.
Would need to look at the list and come up with priorities. Fred will share the Sustainable Maryland information with the BPC and see if it is reasonable for Brookeville to participate. The Commissioners asked Fred to report back at December’s Commissioners Meeting with recommendations. If agreeable, the Commissioners will adopt a Resolution to pursue Sustainable Maryland certification.
Fred Teal was asked by BPC Chair Chris Scanlon to respond to a FEMA contractor regarding flooding issues/history in the town. Fred Teal will list Chris Scanlon as the Town contact and respond the inquiry.
MML Banner City/Town
Commissioner Farquhar would like to review the requirements of this program to qualify Brookeville. Commissioner Farquhar is in favor of working on this endeavor but Commissioners Bartley and Daley do not see the value. The Town would need to proclaim November as Municipal Government Month in Brookeville and hold a “If I were Mayor†program for current 4th graders in Town.
It was decided that this initiative will be put on hold and reviewed at a later date. Commissioner Farquhar will report to MML that the Town will not be pursuing Banner City status this year.
Town Property
The Academy Manger placed an ad in GONews for the week of November 24. She has asked the advertising manager is she can buy 5 ads and not use them consecutively; she has not heard back yet.
Academy Grounds: the trees on the Academy need to be trimmed. There was a discussion about should we wait until a landscape architect is contracted or work with an arborist. It was decided the tress on the Academy grounds will be trimmed for safety reasons. The Academy Manager will get bids for tree trimming. The Town Clerk will provide the Commissioners with contact information for landscape architects.
Brookeville Angel: Commissioner Bartley will contact Our House about removing the pedestal
Gutters & Roof: Michael Brown getting another quote for a tin roof. The sprinklers repair will be done this week. ADA door – waiting for one more part.
The cleaning service will apply a sealer on the floor downstairs.
Will need to check with Treasurer to see if a check has been issued to Mark Ennes for lawn mowing.
Schoolhouse: MoldStoppers coming out this week to cut a hole in the ceiling.
Exterior work: Michael Brown will get a revised estimate for ridge caps, roof, gutters and snow guards.
Will need to get a HAWP for snow guards.
Public Works (sidewalks, streets, lights)
Light Pole nearest the Schoolhouse: the wooden light pole is leaning. There was a discussion about moving the light pole to the end of the schoolhouse parking lot and changing the design of the pole to a sturdier material similar to the cast iron poles used in the rest of the Town. Commissioners will refer this to the BPC for location change and style of pole. No work will be done at this time; will wait until road work is started.
A request was made by the Residents on lower North Street to have a “Slow Children at Play†sign installed. There is a sign at the entrance to North Street but it was deemed another sign was needed due to the amount of traffic on North. The Town Clerk will solicit bids and start the approval process for a sign to be installed at the bend in the curve by the walking path.
CPH contract: will have cph to do survey work.
Leaf removal: it rained over the weekend so the leaf vacuum is delayed. Contractor will be out this week for leaf pickup.
Waste Management: the Commissioner will monitor WM service. The recent construction on lower North St was most likely the reason for the most recent service interruptions.
Town Government
New Town Directory will come out at semi-annual Town meeting. Directory will have current contact information, BPC & HPC permit requirements, and trash / recycle information.
Website: most Town website have photo and Commissioners biographies. Commissioner will think about adding this feature to the Town’s website.
Town Operations:
Stationery: Town Clerk will contact Sandy Heiler to work with the Quinters about Town branding.
Holiday Party: Town Clerk will send postcard invitations for the Dec. 5th event.
Susan has the to-do list for the party; Buck will provide the ham, the Haris family will make the turkey. There will be a collection box for non-perishable food for Olney Help.
Next Beyond the ByPass meeting is TBD. (Don Moore has been on travel)
Next BPC meeting is Dec. 1
Next Commissioners meeting is Dec. 15
Next SHA meeting is Nov 10 with all 3 Commissioners attending
Town Holiday Party is Dec. 5
Semi-annual Town Meeting is Jan. 11
The meeting adjourned at 9:15p.m.
Cate McDonald
Town Clerk