April 11, 2011
Commissioner President Michael Acierno, Commissioner Robert Heritage, Commissioner Katherine Farquhar, Town Clerk Cate McDonald, Treasurer Susan Johnson and Academy Manager Andrea Scanlon. Present during all or portions of the meeting were several Town Resident, SSVFD Chief George Brown, LDVFD Chief Buddy Suttons, numerous MCFRS professionals, and Gazette Reporter Terri Hogan.
309 &311 Market St. Fire Discussion: SSVFD Chief Brown gave a detailed recap of the event of early morning March 28th.   This fire was challenging due to the narrow road and limited working spaces. There were rescue trucks lined up and down Georgia Avenue. The Commissioners expressed their gratitude to the hard working fire rescue persons. The Commissioners presented each chief with a framed photo of the fire. Also, the Commissioners gave thanks to 2 dogs, Tallulah and Ruby, and rewarded them with bones for waking up their owners that morning.
Update on 309 & 311 Market: Commissioner President Acierno had spoken with the County Attorney and gave him an update on 309 Market St. He has also spoken with Dan McHugh, Manager for Housing Code Enforcement and will send in a letter requesting an emergency abatement which will allow for the demolition and removal of the debris, removal of charred trees, and making the properties safe with fill, grading, and seeding. The Town has also hired a lawyer to pursue other legal options since MoCo has been slow to act. HPC has given approval to remove the debris without a HAWP.
Question was raised about the workshop located at 309 Market that was not damaged – owner has been working there and the Resident was worried about flammable items being stored in the workshop. Commissioner President Acierno will contact Inspector Calloway and alert him about activity at the workshop.
Town Residents are urged to send letters to MoCo Executive Leggett concerning the hazardous property conditions at 309 & 311 Market Street.
Minutes: The March Commissioners Meeting Minutes were approved.
Financial:Â The financial report was emailed prior to the meeting.
Commissioners approved a $500 donation be made to the SSVFD.
No changes to the tax rates.
Academy Update:  new long term renter for the Academy – Roberta Staat, a local artist who will give drawing classes in the Academy. She will also rent the Schoolhouse for the month of May for $150. Rentals in general have picked up a bit.
Municipal Laws:Â MoCo has asked the Town to serve as contact for information.
May Election: Currently the Town has received 2 nomination letters.
Open Discussion:
Commissioner President Acierno is working on FY ’11-’12 budget and will include money for gravel road repair and pothole repair on eastern Market.
Request to update walking tour brochure for 2014.
The meeting adjourned at 9:10 p.m.
Cate McDonald
Town Clerk