March 10, 2014 Commissioners Meeting Minutes

Town of Brookeville


Commissioners Meeting

March 10, 2014




Present: Michael Acierno, Katherine Farquhar, Sue Daley, Andrea Scanlon, Diane Teague

February Minutes: approved

Review Budget: Treasurer not present. Review again in May, July and September

Academy Rental report:

·       Increase in rentals. All Saturdays booked through first weekend in June

·       Approved: Joanne Keister’s request to use the Academy yard for a Town Yard Sale April 19 from 8 am – 2 pm.  Place announcement in newsletter.

Bypass Partnering Meeting: Scheduled for Tuesday, March 11th.  Debbie Wagner will attend. Chris Scanlon sent information about bridge and Yinger’s driveway. Survey will be completed soon.

Potholes: Clerk will call Neal Leary to repair potholes on North Street.

Water Street speed limit signs (2): In response to complaints about speeding on Water St. Commissioners approve installation of two 8 mph speed limit signs and one caution sign for children playing. An announcement about sign installation and caution to reduce speed will be placed in newsletter.

Snow Plowing Contract: Town will seek competitive bids for snow removal for 2015 winter.

2014 Commemoration: March Event at SSFS.  Confirmation received approval of Georgia Avenue closure for events in August.  

Market Street paving: There may be a possibility of more funding from the State for repairing Market St.  Water St. which floods at the end.

Brick Sidewalks: Andrea will work on narrowing scope of work to get bids for work to be done in May.

Election and transition: Michael will stay on in an advisory capacity after the election to help maintain continuity through the Commemoration events.  Commissioners will decide on a title for Michael during transition.

Adjourn: 9:04 pm

Respectfully submitted by: Diane Teague