July 11, 2011
Commissioner President Michael Acierno, Commissioner Sue Daley, Commissioner Katherine Farquhar, Town Clerk Cate McDonald and Academy Manager Andrea Scanlon. Treasurer Susan Johnson was away. Present during all or portions of the meeting were Sandy Heiler, Roberta Staat, Tara Holl, and Gazette Reporter Terri Hogan.
Plein Air Olney: local artists with Plein Air, Roberta Staat and Tara Holl, have the Academy rented on July 30th as part of the open air painting day in Brookeville. They asked the Commissioners to waive the rental fee in exchange to be part of the 2014 Bicentennials events. The artists were part of the 1996 celebration.  The Commissioners approved the waived rental fee.
War of 1812 update: Sandy Heiler updated the Commissioners on her progress for an academic research project.  She is still trying to find a university and/or grad student for a research paper on the importance of Brookeville during the War of 1812; DAR Rockville Chapter may donate money towards a prize for the best student paper.  She has contacted the NPS to place the Academy and Madison House for an individual listing on the National Register of Historic Places. She is enlisting Town Residents to do research on the houses in Brookeville.  Also, Mrs. Heiler is interested to find a geographer to research how people from Washington traveled to Brookeville when they fled Washington on 1814.
Minutes: The June Commissioners Meeting Minutes were approved.
Financial: the June Financial Report was emailed prior to the meeting and reviewed.  The FY Budget for 2011-2012 was signed by all three Commissioners.
Academy Update:  Donna Wills still considering using the Academy for teas 2 days a month.   The sprinkler valve has been repaired.  Stucco repair will be scheduled for August. Thank You letter received for donation to Olney Theater. Commissioners approved Academy rental donations for National Night Out and to purchase advertisement space in Shaare Tefila directory.
Brookeville Bypass Smart Growth Meeting:Â June meeting was postponed and might be rescheduled in August.
309 & 311 Market: Commissioner President Acierno will attend the next court hearing on July 19th.
Gravel Road Maintenance:Â contract has been signed and work to begin soon.
Truck length:Â Fred Teal is researching the truck lengths restrictions and will be providing a summary of his research.
Open Discussion:Â Commissioner Farquhar consulting with Fire Marshall for the sign to be installed at the amphitheater.
As holding with tradition, the August Commissioners Meeting has been canceled.
The meeting adjourned at 9:30p.m.
Cate McDonald