Commissioners Meeting Minutes December 14, 2015

Town of Brookeville
Commissioners Meeting Minutes
December 14, 2015

Present: Katherine Farquhar, Buck Bartley, and Sue Daley
Absent: none
Quorum present? Yes

Present during all or portions of the meeting:
Academy Manager Andrea Scanlon and Town Clerk Cate McDonald.
Town Residents: Sandy Heiler
Others: none

Meeting called to order at 7:10 p.m. by Commissioner President Farquhar

Open Discussion:

Minutes: The November Commissioners Meeting Minutes were approved as edited.
Financial: the budget was emailed prior to the meeting. Commissioners will ask the Treasurer to report any anomalies in the budget if she will not be attending the meeting.
The Commissioners will follow up with the Treasurer regarding the following line items:
• 6171 – Credit card – the amount needs to be broken down into categories
• 6180 – Insurance Other
• 6185 – Professional Services – the amount needs to be broken down into categories (ie –legal)
• 6225 – Leaf removal – there should be $3000 in the budget category

Also, has the Town paid Mark Ennes for lawn mowing and if so, how much? Did the Town pay SUMC for parking?

There was a discussion about road work. Commissioner Bartley will be meeting with WSSC about damage that occurred along the eastern portion of Market St. He will ask WSSC about the status of repaving and the speed bump.

There was a discussion about the Town’s Holiday Party. It was estimated that 60 plus Town Residents attended the event. It was a successful event.

Academy Update:
Donna Wills has contacted the Academy Manager about hosting field trips to the Academy starting in April. Her contract is ending with Woodlawn Manor. The Commissioners have no issue with this request but would like the Academy Manager to approve all advertisement for such functions and to ensure the Town and/or Academy receives proper credit as the venue.
Semi-Annual Town Meeting: The meeting is scheduled Jan. 11, 2016 from 7:00pm – 9:00pm with a short Commissioners Meeting starting at 6:00pm. There was a discussion about who the Town Residents would want an update from and was determined roads. The Town will have Josh Bryant from CPH attend to answer questions and will invite a SHA representative to answer questions regarding the ByPass.
The auditor, Debbie Free, will be invited to another meeting in late Spring.
There was a discussion about having people like Debbie Free and Scott Whipple from MHT talk at various meetings.

Commissioner Farquhar has a conflict with the March 14, 2016 and requested the meeting be moved to March 7, 2016. There will be a notice in the Brookeville Times regarding the date change.

The BPC Chair has been invited to speak at the Jan. 11th meeting to discuss permits and the updating of the Comprehensive Plan. BBT Don Moore will also speak about the Taskforce.

There was a discussion regarding notice to Town Residents when a HAWP is applied for. Commissioner Farquhar would like all Residents notified when a permits is submitted – only for major projects. Commissioner Daley was opposed. The HPC listed all HAWP online prior to each of their meetings – if Residents want to find out what permits have been applied for they will need to look online when the HPC agenda are posted. All Town HAWP’s will be advertised in the Brookeville Times. A message to Residents will be added to the Brookeville Times that HAWP’s are listed online.

Town Operations:
Sandy Heiler has worked with the Quinters and had 3 letterhead samples and 2 envelope samples. The Commissioners reviewed the samples and selected a designs.
Cost: $160 for 500 sheets, 70lb
$225 for 500 envelopes
The paper needs to be white as the design has a beige background. The Town will pay for the design and retain rights to the template.
Mrs. Heiler will work with the Quinters for business cards and name badges.
Commissioner Farquhar asked if the Quinters can make a generic banner with room for a message that can change. The sign would be semi-permanent with wooden poles. Mrs. Heiler will ask the Quinters what the cost would be.

No new updates. All 3 Commissioners and the BPC Chair will attend tomorrow’s SHA meeting.

Town Property

Academy: The Academy Manager has asked GONews about the rates for 2016 and purchasing 13 ads (one a month) & 1/16 of a page
Commissioner Farquhar suggested purchasing the 13 ad package and flexibility to make one ad 1/8 of the page and 12 ads 1/16 of a page.
Academy Manager said she will try to barter use of the Academy in lieu of paying for advertising. GONews used the Academy the first week in December for a Holiday gathering.

Academy Grounds: Academy Manager will arrange to have the tree trimming company come and trim the trees on the grounds.
The Commissioners will need to discuss what the priorities for the Academy Grounds before meeting with a Landscape architect.
Commissioner Bartley will ask CPH about their landscape design services. Beyond the ByPass will give input for design and concepts of uses.

Priorities: 1) deep clean-up; 2) walk around for 2-hours with a landscape architect to get ideas.

Lawn Maintenance: The Town will need to seek options for non-herbicide lawn services for the Academy grounds.

Schoolhouse: HAWP for snow guards, gutter repair, and ridge cap. Once approved, Michael Brown will perform the work.
MoldStoppers has not sent any updates.

Heritage Montgomery has suggested that the Schoolhouse site could be the site of an archeological dig looking for the ruins of the Methodist Protestant Church.

Public Works (sidewalks, streets, lights)
No updates. The CPH will start surveying soon.

Commissioner Daley reported that the Johnson’s requested the curb be repaired by their house. Commissioner Bartley will ask CPH about this but the repair will have to wait until repaving of Market Street is approved.

Town Government
Brookeville Directory: need input from BPC and Commissioners.

BPC: BPC requested to stay 7 members while the Comprehensive Plan is being revised. The Commissioners agree to 7 members with defined term limits. The Commissioners will ask for monthly updates regarding the progress of the Comprehensive Plan.

Flags – Commissioner Bartley will work on taking the flags down after Christmas.

“Slow – Children at Play” sign: quote for sign and installation is $396. The Town Clerk will apply for a HAWP.

Town Operations:
Next SHA meeting is Dec. 15 with all 3 Commissioners attending plus BPC Chair
Next Beyond the ByPass meeting is Dec. 17
Next BPC meeting is Jan. 5
Next Commissioners meeting is Jan. 11 at 6pm before Semi-Annual Town Meeting

The meeting adjourned at 9:08p.m.
Cate McDonald
Town Clerk

December 1, 2015 BPC Meeting Minutes

Town of Brookeville
Planning Commission Meeting Minutes
Tuesday, December 1, 2015
7:30 PM

Planning Commission Members:
Present: Chris Scanlon, Debbie Wagner, Bruce Evans, Miche Booz and Fred Teal
Absent: none
Quorum present? Yes
Others Present: incoming BPC members Stefan Syski and Andy Spagnolo; Commissioner Katherine Farquhar

Proceedings: Meeting called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Chair, Chris Scanlon
Minutes: The November BPC Meeting Minutes were approved. There was a discussion regarding quorum, which is ½ the BPC plus 1. It was determined that the BPC will round down for 3 to be a quorum.
Permits: No permits were submitted for approval

Walkability: a document was shared from the Beyond the ByPass Taskforce (BBT) on walkability. The walkability document was created by Leszek. Syski. Debbie Wagner made comments regarding walkability directly to Leszek. Syski: he was not aware of Back Street and Spring Alley and they were not included in his document. She also included more history about the trail and the way things were in the past.
Chris Scanlon thought the document was a good starting point and asked if the BBT will turn this into a map or is this just the starting point. Debbie Wagner said it was discussed about turning this document into a map. She also would like an update from SHA about the High St sidewalk project. Commissioner Farquhar said the sidewalk project was on hold until we find out what is happening with the ByPass. Stefan Syski said the recent SHA presentation at Longwood showed a sidewalk on High St to the 19500 Georgia Ave. Commissioner Farquhar will asked Commissioner Bartley check with SHA.
The BPC does not want to duplicate the work of BBT – will need to see what BBT has done to see if it can be incorporated in the Comprehensive Plan. Fred and Debbie will attend the next BBT meeting and report that a map would be helpful. The goal of the document is the beginning of discussion for all of Brookeville; find information and keep the walkability document with the BBT for more development. Will need to add the Mill Race; what about biking and disable people. Fred and Debbie were asked to keep the BPC in the information loop.
Also – how to keep the Town informed about the Comprehensive Plan? Need to share information and get community feedback early so people do not derail the process later on.
There is a slot for the BPC at the upcoming Semi-annual Town Meeting to speak and present information.
One thing to add to the Comprehensive Plan is potential trails.
The BPC will asked the BBT to get the walkability document into to draft, send to the Town for feedback, then send to BPC for review / comment, then hold a public meeting.
Commissioner Farquhar would like Chris Scanlon and Don Moore (BBT) to speak the Jan. 10th Semi-Annual Town Meeting.

There was a discussion regarding Leszek Syski, 19500 Georgia Ave, and annexation. Would Leszek Syski be open to annexation by the Town since he has become more involved with the Town? Stefan Syski said he would bring the topic up with his father. There was a discussion about the annexation process; the Town would need to consul the Town’s attorney. There was discussion about if 19500 Georgia Ave would be part of the Historic District if annexed – Miche will talk with Scott Whipple about that topic. If both the Town and property owner are open to annexation, now would be a good time to include in the Master Plan update.

SHA / ByPass:
Chris Scanlon reviewed the 65% complete SHA drawings. What he found missing is what happens to MD97 through Town after the ByPass. The Master Plan needs to show what Market and High Streets will look like. The Town will get to get that information from SHA ASAP to incorporate in the upcoming Master Plan. Planning Chair would like to see all roads tar & chips and narrower.

Planning Commission: Duties and Responsibilities
Planning Chair emailed a document from the MD Department of Planning (MDP) which explains the purpose of planning commissions and the specific authority entrusted to them via Article 66B of the Maryland Annotated Code. BPC members were asked to review the document prior to the meeting,
By law, the Town’s Comprehensive Plan needs to be updated and submitted to the State in October 2016. The BPC needs to prioritize what’s first: road, sidewalks, and paths.

Sustainable Maryland
Commissioner Farquhar asked Fred Teal to look at the Sustainable Maryland program and advise if Brookeville should pursue this endeavor. Fred talked to the Commissioner about this program at their Nov. 9th meeting. While the program looks interesting it would be way too much work for a small Town like Brookeville. We would need to get a total of 150 points and establish a Green Team of 5-6 people who will meet monthly for 3-4 years.
The Sustainable Maryland concept is based on larger communities. Some sections just do not apply to Brookeville. Also, there would be a large amount of reporting required to earn points. Fred reports we should do what will work for Brookeville in conjunction with BBT.
BPC – focus on planning (ie – Natural Resources)
BBT – non-planning items
Commissioners’ level – purchasing green
Commissioner Farquhar will advise Sustainable Maryland that Brookeville will not be pursuing certification due to paperwork requirements.

There was a discussion about energy audits. Bruce Evan just had an energy audit performed on his house and shared his positive experience. If the Town paid for residents to have energy audits done, would the residents have the work performed? What are ways to reduce energy consumption? Residents may get part of the money back in historic credits. Bruce Evans is willing to write an article for the Brookeville Times with his experience and hopefully inspire others in Town.

Pesticides Usage:
Is this an issue for the BTB or BPC?
Fred Teal shared a bill that was introduce in Congress several years ago that bans 3 chemicals. The bill failed to pass. Does the BPC duties fall into the category of the character of the Town; Does the BPC have thoughts on the kind of Town Brookeville wants to be? Don Moore has reported a decline in the bee population on his property which he attributes to the use of pesticides on the Academy lawn. In the past, the BPC has not veered off into solar energy, etc. and concentrates on planning. Should the Town adopt MoCo ban on pesticides? Should the Master Plan have a section about the environment similar to walkability? The emerging picture of the Town and how it deals with environmental issues. Or just a natural environment section (preserve open space). The BPC could have a section in the Master Plan called Sustainable Practices. BPC wants to preserve Green Space but feel a pesticide ban goes beyond the scope of the BPC – this should be at the Commissioner level of government.
There was a discussion about including an aerial view of the Town in the revised Master Plan. Miche will work on getting an aerial map.
The 1994 Master Plan has a Natural Resource section.

There is a need for an accurate map with boundaries for the Master Plan. Miche will work on getting an updated map from SHA. That map, combined with the survey the Town is conducting in conjunction with the road work in the Eastern portion of Town, should gave the BPC accurate boundaries to include in the Master Plan.
Commissioner Farquhar suggested that a member of the BPC make a personal contact with someone at MDP in case of questions / concerns.

Budget for Comprehensive Plan: BPC Chair asked Commissioner Farquhar have much money is in the Town’s budget for experts. Commissioner Farquhar said the Town has a budget for Professional Services. She asked that the BPC let the Commissioner know an estimated amount that the BPC will need.

Town Roads: Commissioner Farquhar asked if the BPC had any concerns about tar & chips road surface. BPC Chair said the BPC has no objection to tar & chip to replace gravel. The BPC would like to see the gravel road to be narrower. The Town will consult with the HPC for a preliminary approval on tar & chip as a road surface within the Town. The preliminary consultation meeting with HPC where be where Residents can come and give testimony, if needed. There was a discussion about pending permits and notification to the Town. Commissioner Farquhar would like the BPC to advise Town Residence when a permit comes up for approval for a large project (new house, major renovations). The BPC feels that current system of notify adjoining property owners is sufficient and no other notification needs to happen.

Open Discussion: none

Meeting adjourned at 9:10p.m.
Minutes submitted by Cate McDonald, Town Clerk