June 13, 2005 Commissioners Meeting Minutes

June 13, 2005

Present: President of Commissioners Richard Allan, Commissioner Robert Heritage, Commissioner Michael Acierno, Clerk/Treasurer Susan Johnson, Diane Allan

Minutes: Commissioner Acierno moved to correct the spelling of Neil Peterson’s name to Pedersen. Commissioner Heritage moved that the minutes be accepted as amended. Commissioner Allan seconded the motion.

Financial Report: $80, 986 is in the reserves. Ms. Johnson had to access funds from the reserves because even though the bank loan had lapsed, charges and interest were assessed as usual. Commissioner Allan asked what part of reserves are in Sandy Spring Bank and which are in Chevy Chase Bank. Ms. Johnson said that the majority of the savings is in Chevy Chase Bank. Commissioner Allan would like the bulk of the money moved to Sandy Spring Bank. Commissioner Heritage agreed with Commissioner Allan. Commissioner Acierno said this makes sense politically, but that it makes sense from a financial perspective to have the larger amount of funds and receive a higher interest rate at Chevy Chase Bank.

Maryland Municipal League Convention: Commissioner Allan asked whether other commissioners are interested in attending the convention in Ocean City. He will attend.

CGI Communications: Commissioner Allan introduced CGI Communications which will send a film crew to town to create a free website welcome video, using video streaming. They provide help with the script and create music. This is sponsored by the Maryland Municipal League (MML). CGI makes their money from connections with local businesses. Comm. Acierno has seen the Annapolis video and thought it was done well.

Miscellaneous Business:

President Allan reported that the Commissioners received a note from Mary Garner thanking them for the basket garden they sent following former Commissioner Al Gardner’s serious stroke.

Two letters to State District 14 delegation regarding sidewalks and bypass for approval, asking for their support. Commissioner Allan made an addition to the sidewalk letter, saying the town of Brookeville is part of the Heritage Tourism Cluster. That is another reason the State and our delegates should be supporting the sidewalk project, in particular.

Op Ed draft on bypass for Gazette: Commissioner Allan would like to submit an Op Ed article on “The Bypassed Bypass” to the Gazette. He asked Commsissioners Heritage and Acierno to read it and make comments. Andrea Barr would like to take a leadership role in organizing support for building the bypass. She would like the commissioners to give her tangible support.

Commissioner Acierno suggested naming her effort “A Citizens Committee for Bypass Support” and will contact her. Commissioner Acierno would like to get a petition effort going with Matt McDonald heading it up, working the traffic queue which forms daily on Route 97. He suggested using postcards. Commissioner Allan asked whether the town had received a 2005 elevator inspection yet. Clerk Susan Johnson said the town has and she will put it up.

Schoolhouse Progress Report: Commissioner Allan announced that Walter Blank will be out of town for a couple of weeks before Heritage Days. Commissioner Allan reported that Paul Rankin, who lives in the Powers House temporarily, was talking to Walter Blank and Mr. Blank mentioned that he wished he had a piece of high gauge steel to put under the pot belly stove. Mr. Rankin said he will arrange to have a piece fabricated. Commissioner Allan reported that Amy Childs donated a child’s desk to the town for the schoolhouse. He said that we now have two desks. Commissioner Allan would like to arrange for window cleaning in the schoolhouse and asked if Saul Derr would do it. Commissioner Allan reported that he learned at the Strawberry Festival that the Sandy Spring Museum now has a Brookeville Exhibit, with many of our items in it. The materials have been catalogued and filed and are now accessible to researchers. Commissioner Heritage suggested that we publicly thank the Museum in our newsletter for having our materials there.

Commissioner Allan asked if Ms. Johnson could contact Waste Management for a large item trash pickup. She has had a hard time getting a response from Waste Management. She suggested that Mr. Derr might know of someone. Commissioner Heritage suggested it be divided into small bunches and put in the weekly trash, bit by bit.

Signs: The commissioners discussed placement of the signs on the Academy grounds and at the Schoolhouse. Comm. Allan said the sign at the Schoolhouse is a nice decorative sign and perhaps it could be rehabbed and used permanently. The new sign could be placed elsewhere on the property.

Commissioner Allan said that Loretta Murphy is concerned that the leaning locust trees on the Academy grounds might fall on her property. Don de Wall has offered to cut them down, but he cannot guarantee how they fall. Commissioner Allan asked who does our tree work and Ms. Johnson said that Arbor Care is the contractor. An Arbor Care employee told her that there is a very dead tree in the vicinity of the Wells house. Commissioner Allan then asked whether the Wells house is any tidier or more organized and Mr. Heritage said it’s worse, if anything. Ms. Johnson got out the Town Charter and the commissioners had a discussion about how to handle the situation. The Commission agreed to send another letter to Deeds Wells at 309 and 311 Market St. to clean up his property. Commissioner Heritage asked if Sid Rotter is presiding over demolition by neglect of his outbuildings. The commissioners will walk around town this weekend and see what can be done.

Other Business: Ms. Johnson asked when the town Newsletter will come out. Commissioner Allan has written a draft. Other additions will include the thank you to the Sandy Spring Museum and author Ann Morgan’s request for information about Brookeville.

New Business: A decision was deferred on the Scanlon building permit. The commissioners agreed that it is necessary to set a process for accepting building permits in a timely way. Commissioner Acierno will head the project.

The meeting was adjourned at 10:15pm.

Respectfully submitted by

Diane Burr Allan

May 16, 2005 Commissioners Meeting Minutes

May 16, 2005

Present: Susan Johnson, Bob Heritage, Michael Acierno, Rick Allan, Diane Allan

Minutes: Mr. Heritage made a motion to accept the Minutes. The minutes for April were approved as submitted.

Financial Report: Mr. Allan asked if there were recent numbers on the money market accounts in preparation for the Town Meeting tomorrow evening, 5/17/05. Ms. Johnson reported that one account had $11,500, the other had $74,300 in it. Mr. Heritage made a motion to accept the financial report.

Miscellaneous business: Derek Berlage letter re land swap on Water and North STs. The Planning Board has an executive session this week. They may or may not have a public hearing on the land swap as opposed to the connection of Water and North Sts. They are only being asked to rule on the land swap, not the Water and North Sts connection. Mr. Allan said he will be meeting with Mr. Berlage and will suggest that the Planning Board should not be ruling about Town of Brookeville issues. Ms. Johnson noted that the public hearing for the connection must be advertised in the Gazette. Pepco has new decorative street lights available. Pepco would like to know of the Town of Brookeville’s interest. Garrett Park converted all their lights and it cost over $ 250,000, however, it was noted that they would clash with the existing decorative lights. Mr. Allan suggested that perhaps the lights could be used at the Town of Brookeville gateways. Ms. Johnson raised the issue of expense in general. Mr. Allan asked if this information should be made available at the town meeting. Mr. Heritage noted that the comm..s don’t have much info on costs. The Comm.s will take this under advisement. Regarding grants: The Town of Brookeville received a Heritage Montgomery Grant for the schoolhouse, but did not receive any money from the Carl Freeman Co. The Heritage grant will be used for schoolhouse furniture and other furnishings. Sidewalks: Charlie Watkins was asked about where the sidewalk project was. Neil Peterson responded by saying that the General Assembly cut the sidewalk program back and so that funding source was lost. It doesn’t look especially promising in the near term; however, they still support it. The three Commissioners spoke with our delegates in Annapolis, but funding was cut, after years of planning, as noted by Comm. Acierno. A letter will go out to all three delegates to asked them to lobby for the project. Mr. Acierno suggested that the money saved by not erecting a traffic light might go to sidewalks, not to mention consultants. The schoolhouse floors are done and beautiful; the pot bellied stove is sandblasted, painted, and installed. Hardware, latches are in. Weatherstripping and seals need to be done. Mr. Allan asked Walter Blank for an estimate to construct four schoolhouse benches for the building. Mr. Blank needs to contact the painter to finish the roof. The electrician will be coming back to install the electric fixtures. Mr. Allan will contact David Yinger to lay a brick path to the schoolhouse.

Separating the Clerk/Treasurer position: Ms. Johnson and Ms. Allan presented their thinking in this area. They each will be working in areas that they enjoy and are proficient in. The Commissioners wondered whether there were charter issues involved. Mr. Acierno did not have any issues with the proposition, nor did Mr. Heritage. Mr. Allan brought out budget concerns and getting this in the budget. Visa Card in the name of the Town of Brookeville was raised. Ms. Johnson is unsure how to reflect the various categories. Mr. Acierno suggested that each member get a card in his/her name that would be in a town account. Mr. Heritage added that the Treasurer would know immediately who had charged what.

Select President of Commissioners: Mr. Acierno made a motion that Mr. Allan continue as President; Mr. Heritage seconded.

Budget: Mr. Allan said that revenues coming in this year should be around $93,00. Property tax should generate $24,000. State income tax will be about $50,000. Federal reports were way up in April so more money may be coming in. Highway user funds may be up. Brookeville Academy is budgeted for $5,000. $85,000 plus will be carried over and $93,000 should be coming in. This does not include the Town of Brookeville checking account. Inflation of 3% has been factored in. $1,000 has been added for legal fees. Insurance costs will be approximately $6,000. New to this budget is the Planning Commission Staff salary: $175.00 times 12. Trash collection will increase 3%. Everything else is the same. Snow removal is $1,000. Tree care/ removal/planting has been included to encourage residents’ planting native species, have an arborist consult about tree care. Caring for and monitoring our streams, planting trees will be encouraged. The Reddy Branch Stream Valley Park will be an opportunity for residents to have an impact on our local environment. The Paxton’s sycamore tree that fell at Brookeville Road should be removed. Brookeville Road is deteriorating badly and needs rehabilitation. Mr. Allan noted that Chris Scanlon has a company that is doing some tree work for him that the Town of Brookeville might investigate. Mr. Allan mentioned that Loretta Murphy had spoken to him about some locust trees that need attention. There was discussion about the schoolhouse electrical usage which seemed high to the Commissioners. The Brookeville Angel needs attention and $2,000 has been added to the budget for restoration. Jim Batchellor (sp?), who is a wood worker and has experience gilding, will be meeting Mr. Allan. Loretta Murphy has a wood worker who she has confidence in so he will be contacted also. For capital expenses, the Commissioners will go up to $20,000. State partnership on curbing was discussed.

Town Meeting Agenda: Handouts were discussed: Revenue stream, capital expenses were suggested. Mr. Acierno added that the entire budget should be available. Mr. Heritage agreed. Mr. Allan said that this will be characterized as preliminary and that the Comm.s are not asking for a vote or approval on the budget. The Brookeville Bypass Petition will be out on a table as well for residents to sign. A format for the meeting was discussed. Andrea Barr suggested that the Bypass Video be shown. Mr. Allan agreed that it is a good idea, especially for new residents. Residents will be thanked for turning out for the election, as will Margaret Van Gelder for acting as Election Supervisor. Mr. McDonald and Mr. Heritage will be thanked for running for office, which is never an easy thing to do. (Mr. Allan mentioned that Al Gardner had had a serious stroke. He suggested that the Town of Brookeville send flowers or a plant from The Only Olney Flower Shop.) Mr. Heritage suggested an indoor plant. The Planning Commission will be thanked as well, naming each individual. The Town of Brookeville is very fortunate to have so many talented people: Dave Yinger, Rick Chandler, Buck Bartley, Pam Chandler, Suzanne Friis, Eric Van Gelder, Les and Clyde Unglesbee, Dee Heritage, Renee Moneyhun, Wayne Harding will be thanked for their contributions to the Town of Brookeville. Salem Methodist Church will be thanked, along with Lilian Geib and the Church Trustees, for their support to the Town of Brookeville. Volunteers for the Greening Initiative will be sought. Residents will be asked if they are interested in acting on a Bypass Committee. If Delegate Montgomery is present, she will be asked about the sidewalk projects.

Building Permits (2):
There was an extended discussion about building permits and their timely submission to the town comm., coordinating with the planning commission and HPC; perhaps the planning comm. secretary should send copies of building permits directly to the town commissioners. Mr. Heritage felt that the Commissioners need the time to peruse building permits; there was additional discussion about accessory buildings in the Town of Brookeville, since one of the building permits contain an accessory building. Mr. Acierno pointed out that the new owners of the Lang property will be changing the use of the accessory building. Associated issues as trash collection and recycling services were raised by Mr. Allan. Mr. Allan wondered if a family with children lived in an accessory building, would they be liable for taxes and usage fees; would the Town of Brookeville have to provide trash, recycling services? The Commissioners decided to approve the permits, but with the understanding that they will have to improve their process for accepting building permits.

Lastly, there was discussion about several false alarms at the Brookeville Academy last week, caused by a spider in the smoke detector in the archives room.

The meeting was adjourned at 10:28 pm.

April 11, 2005 Commissioners Meeting Minutes

April 11, 2005

ATTENDING: President Richard Allan, Commissioners Michael Acierno and Robert Heritage. Clerk-Treasurer Susan Johnson was also present. The meeting began at 8:00 p.m. at the Brookeville Academy.

MINUTES: The minutes for March were approved.

FINANCIAL REPORT: The Brookeville Academy loan has come due. There was an oversight by the bank regarding no notification. Ms. Johnson has contacted the bank to rectify this situation and to have a new note prepared. The financial report was reviewed and accepted.


1. Town Operations and Maintenance – President Allan suggested that the commissioners develop a tree planting/tree care initiative. This could be a program that financially rewards homeowners who plant native species trees. Partnerships and/or sponsorships with local nurseries might be arranged. “Tree-mendous” is a State program that also provides trees at a discount to local governments. There are also other environmental improvement ideas regarding the Reddy Branch and the Town’s two other streams that could be developed. The commissioners agreed to pursue this in the next meeting.

2. Schoolhouse – A fire extinguisher was hung in the schoolhouse vestibule. The floor finishing is in progress.

3. Bypass – No report

4. Historic Marker Signs – President Allan brought in the sign sample for everyone to see. Everyone liked the way it turned out and gave approval to order the final signs.

5. Town Election – Self-nominations are due to Ms. Van Gelder by April 29. Terri Hogan will put the date regarding nomination letters in the Gazette.

6. Planning Commission – President Allan reported on his meeting with Chris Scanlon and the State Forester for this area regarding the Forest Conservation and Reforestation Ordinance Act. Fred Teal, Planning Commissioner, also attended. President Allan recommended that the Town enact the ordinance as appropriately modified rather than have the County administer its provisions for the Town. Following a discussion, Commissioner Acierno moved to enact this ordinance based on the State’s model language. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Heritage and was approved unanimously.

7. Budget – A budget work session was set up for April 25, 2005, at 7:30 p.m.

8. Miscellaneous Issues:

Web site – President Allan discussed a new partnership between the Maryland Municipal League and CGI Communications that provides for a unique streaming video feature for interested Maryland municipalities for use on their web sites. President Allan has called CGI to further discuss its application to Brookeville. The service is free.

MML – Montgomery Chapter – President Allan stated that the Montgomery County Council will be meeting with the MML County Chapter on April 21. The May meeting on May 19 will feature Derek Berlage, Planning Board Chair, as its guest. President Allan pointed out that April is Municipal Government Works month in Maryland.


1. Heritage Days – Brookeville will participate in Heritage Montgomery’s annual
” Heritage Days” in June. Historic sites all over Montgomery County will be featured and open to the public. The Town’s Brookeville Academy and its restored one-room schoolhouse on North Street will be open on June 25th from 12:00 to 4:00 p.m. as part of the two-day event.

2. Grant Applications
 – President Allan wrote and submitted two grant applications for the schoolhouse. One went to Heritage Montgomery and the other to F.A.C.E.S., a foundation run by the Carl Freeman Company.

The meeting adjourned at 9:45 p.m. The next meeting is scheduled for May 9, 2005 at 8:00 p.m. at the Brookeville Academy.

Respectfully submitted,

Susan Johnson

March 21, 2005 Commissioners Meeting Minutes

March 21, 2005

ATTENDING: President Richard Allan, Commissioners Michael Acierno and Robert Heritage. Terri Hogan from the Olney Gazette was also present. The meeting began at 8:00 p.m. at the Brookeville Academy.

MINUTES: The minutes for January had the wrong year 2004, approved as amended. The minutes for February had the wrong year 2004, approved as amended.
FINANCIAL REPORT: The financial report was reviewed and accepted.


1. Town Operations and Maintenance – The Commissioners reestablished a formal Safety and Risk Management Committee to be chaired by Commissioner Heritage. This action was taken in response to a recommendation by the Local Government Insurance Trust. The Committee will meet for any business as appropriate during regular meetings of the Town Commissioners.

2. Schoolhouse – President Allan reported that the flooring is to be installed next week and that reproduction coat hooks have been installed in the cloak room, Walter Blank will install the floor trim and pot belly stove platform following the floor’s installation and finishing…

3. Bypass – President Allan reported that the Brookeville Bypass “officially” entered the next phase of an SHA project, that is, the final design, engineering, right-of-way acquisition, and construction. Lobbying efforts must continue to secure the necessary political support and funding.

4. Historic Marker Signs – President Allan reported that the signs’ sample will be shipped from Canada in next few days for review and approval of the colors. Once approved, sign production will begin.

5. Town Election – President Allan pointed out that the Town Commissioner election will be May 10. An announcement is to be put in the March newsletter about election and letter sent out seeking nominations.

6. Planning Commission – President Allan read a letter he sent to Derek Berlage, Planning Board Chair for Montgomery County requesting favorable consideration of a proposed land swap regarding the Kirby subdivision and the Water Street and North Street connection. The letter referred to the Sandy Spring Fire Marshall’s recommendations that such a connection be made.

7. Budget – President Allan mentioned that budget preparations for the 2005/2006 fiscal year need to get underway. A work session will be scheduled in the next several weeks.

8. Miscellaneous Issues:

Market/High Streets Intersection – President Allan reported he sent a letter to SHA’s District Engineer, Charlie Watkins, as a follow-up regarding the proposed traffic light installation re-iterating the result of an informational town meeting with SHA representatives that the SHA’s proposal for a traffic light installation at Market and High will not go forward.
Archeological Society of Maryland – The ASM and County staff were invited to assess and do some “diggings” at the site of the foundation of old church on North Street.

Building Permits – The Scanlon’s building permit for a house and accessory buildings at 203 Market Street was approved. The Commissioners requested that the Planning Commission explain the zoning issues and thinking they applied in approving the Scanlon project. A fence building permit was also approved for Renee Moneyhun.

Maryland General Assembly District 14 Delegate Reception. All three Town Commissioners attended the District 14 House Delegate reception in Annapolis on March 14, 2005. During the reception commissioners requested that our delegates please look into the status of the SHA sidewalk project on the west side of High Street (Georgia Avenue) to Longwood. The need for funding the Bypass project was also discussed.


Heritage Tourism Grant – There is a grant opportunity for up to $1,000 for a Heritage Tourism Grant. The deadline is April 8. President Allan said he would write it and ask for funding to buy various schoolhouse materials such as chalkboards, a retro American flag with stars for 1900-1920 period, etc. President Allan also indicated he would write a grant application for the Freeman Foundation (F.A.C.E.S.) seeking funds to assist with the schoolhouse restoration.

Maryland Municipal League – The annual Montgomery County MML – County Council Meeting is scheduled for April 21, 2005. The May MC-MML meeting will be with Derek Barrage and is scheduled for May 19 in Kensington. President Allan pointed out that April is Municipal Government Works month in Maryland.

Heritage Days – President Allan reported that the Town will participate in Heritage Days on June 26 from 12-4PM. The Town will have open the Brookeville Academy and the Schoolhouse. Walter Blank, the master carpenter for the schoolhouse renovation, will be asked to host the schoolhouse open house. Volunteers will be solicited to staff the Academy. The Commissioners discussed asking residents and children to provide lemonade and cookies for this event.

The meeting adjourned at 9:45 p.m. The next meeting is scheduled for April 11, 2005 at 8:00 p.m. at the Brookeville Academy.

Respectfully submitted,

Susan Johnson

February 15, 2005 Commissioners Meeting Minutes

February 15, 2005

ATTENDING: President Richard Allan, Commissioner Michael Acierno, and Clerk-Treasurer Susan Johnson. Terri Hogan from the Olney Gazette was also present. The meeting began at 8:00 p.m. at the Brookeville Academy.

MINUTES: The minutes for January were not available.

FINANCIAL REPORT: The financial report was reviewed and accepted.


1. Operations and Maintenance – Academy – President Allan will be meeting with the Town’s fire protection service when they perform a building fire inspection (smoke detectors and alarms) on March 2. Town Maintenance – President Allan asked Ms. Johnson to notify the Town’s snow pushing contractor that they need to lift their plow blades when clearing North, South and Water Streets in order not to damage the gravel surface.

2. Schoolhouse – President Allan again updated the Commissioners about the status of the schoolhouse restoration project. The heating and electrical work has been completed. The electrical lighting fixtures are not installed because the fixtures have not yet arrived. Following the completion of the interior painting which should be this week, the wood floors will be installed.

3. Bypass – Carmen Harris, the current SHA project engineer, is no longer handling the bypass project as it is now out of the project planning stage. The next and final stage is engineering and final design and construction. The current cost estimate for the project is $18 million. President Allan suggested that we try and get partial funding for design and engineering which would cost approximately $2.1 million.

4. Local Government Investment Trust – President Allan and Commissioner Acierno met with Vance Petrella, LGIT, who was to perform a risk hazard survey for the academy and the schoolhouse. LGIT currently provides insurance for the Town Commissioners and the Town’s buildings. Mr. Petrella has made his recommendations available to the Commissioners. President Allan proposed that based on the recommendations of the survey, the town should appoint a Commissioner to be responsible for risk management. He recommended that Commissioner Heritage be so designated. The town must respond to the report within 60 days. LGIT does not require that all its recommendations be completed in that time frame.

5. Town Election – After reviewing the changes made to the town charter on staggered elections and projecting elections into the future, it was determined that in certain years there will be two commissioners up for re-election. This year both President Allan and Commissioner Heritage’s terms will expire. Next year Commissioner Acierno’s term will expire. The Commissioners agreed to continue with this election cycle rather than attempt to do another charter amendment.

6. Montgomery County Park and Planning Issues – Archaeological Site –President Allan mentioned that there is a foundation for a church that was located in town at the end of North Street near the Teal house at 3 North Street. President Allan said he would contact the M-NCPPC Montgomery County Archeology staff to see whether they would like to investigate the site.
Proposed Connector Between North and Water Streets – There was a brief discussion concerning the Planning Commission’s consideration of a connection between Water and North Streets as part of the Kirby subdivision development. Some residents have argued against building a connection. Mr. Kirby has offered to build the connection as part of his subdivision. The connection would allow for pedestrian and some vehicular traffic.

7. Miscellaneous Management Improvement Issues – Commissioner Acierno and Ms. Johnson suggested that future newsletters could be published in Microsoft Publisher which is on the town computer. They will be meeting to decide on a format. The Commissioners want the newsletter to the extent possible to be a monthly. Editorial material for the newsletter will be forwarded to Ms. Johnson within 10 days after the Commissioners meet. The next newsletter will have postcards enclosed requesting name, address, phone and e-mail address form each resident for inclusion into the town directory. Ms. Johnson has also been sending the newsletter out on e-mail and is asking those who have provided e-mail address if they would rather get a paper or e-mail copy of the news.

Signs – the design for the new signs designating three historic sites or artifacts was approved. There were several errors noted in the texts that Ms. Johnson was asked to have corrected by the vendor.


Maryland Mayors’ Association Meeting – President Allan attended this annual meeting and briefed the Commissioners on the bill Montgomery Municipal League and its members are sponsoring on electrical aggregation. This bill would allow local governments to pool together to buy electricity at a lower cost for their residents. Each municipality would have the ability to opt-out. If they wanted to be part of the group purchase, the municipality would be required to enact an ordinance. All savings would be passed directly on to consumers.

The meeting adjourned at 10:00 p.m. The next meeting is scheduled for March 14, 2004 at 8:00 p.m. at the Brookeville Academy.

Respectfully submitted,

Susan Johnson

January 10, 2005 Commissioners Meeting Minutes

January 10, 2005

ATTENDING: President Richard Allan, Commissioners Michael Acierno and Robert Heritage, and Clerk-Treasurer Susan Johnson. Terri Hogan from the Olney Gazette was also present. The meeting began at 8:00 p.m. at the Brookeville Academy.

MINUTES: The minutes for December were approved.

FINANCIAL REPORT: The financial report was reviewed and accepted.


1. Operations and Maintenance – Town Maintenance – North, South and Water Streets have been re-graveled and are waiting for rolling. President Allan is trying to set up a meeting with Montgomery County Parks Department to discuss the lack of maintenance at the Brookeville Road and Reddy Branch – Georgia Avenue intersection.

2. Schoolhouse – President Allan updated the Commissioners regarding the schoolhouse restoration project. The interior walls and trim have been installed. He reported that the interior painting had to wait for the completion of the electrical work in order to have appropriate heat. The installation of the wood floor would follow. The roof will be painted in the spring – weather permitting. The fire extinguisher will be delivered this week.

3. Bypass – Commissioner Acierno has written a model letter for the Town web site that explains how to write a lobbying letter in support of the bypass. It will include the addresses and e-mail addresses of the government and elected officials who should get the letter. Ms. Johnson is working with the Town’s web designer to get a new section posted on the home page to alert users to this area. Notification will also be put it in the newsletter.

4. Archives – President Allan delivered the major part of the town’s historic materials archives (non-governmental) to Sandy Spring Museum staff on January 10.

5. Town Election – Two Commissioner seats are up for election this year despite the ordinance enacted to provide for annual single seat elections. President Allan asked Commissioner Acierno to review the charter amendment text to see where the error in drafting it was made and to present any corrective recommendations if possible.

6. Planning Commission – Due to the significant workload of the Planning Commission, the Town Commissioners decided that there should be a part time administrative assistant. Town resident Margaret Van Gelder has been appointed to the position of administrative assistant to the Planning Commission and will begin work as soon as possible. She will attend all meetings, maintain minutes and records of proceedings, update and maintain the files, and be responsible for the building permits process.

7. Miscellaneous Management Improvement Issues –

Task Management – The Commissioners and Ms. Johnson discussed the current use of the task management system, Flyspray. Everyone who has used the program likes it and agrees it should be used. It was suggested that Ms. Johnson maintain a printed log of Flyspray input that could be made available for review at meetings of the Commissioners.

Resident Directory
 – Commissioner Acierno met with Andrea Barr to discuss the content and planning of the directory. They recommend that a postcard go out in the next newsletter that residents will return with the requested resident information. Commissioner Acierno will get the information that they need to Ms. Johnson and will also check into getting postcards for printing.

Web Site – President Allan stated that he would like Ms. Johnson to check into having back news articles form local papers linked to the Town web site.


Maryland Municipal League – President Allan attended the MML Montgomery Chapter Legislative Dinner. He will also be attending the Maryland Mayors’ Association Winter Conference in Annapolis in February. This event includes a reception with Governor Robert Ehrlich. .

The meeting adjourned at 9:45 p.m. The next meeting is scheduled for February 14, 2004 at 8:00 p.m. at the Brookeville Academy.

Respectfully submitted,

Susan Johnson

December 13, 2004 Commissioners Meeting Minutes

December 13, 2004

ATTENDING: President Richard Allan, Commissioners Robert Heritage and Michael Acierno, and Clerk-Treasurer Susan Johnson. Terri Hogan from the Olney Gazette was also present. The meeting began at 8:00 p.m. at the Brookeville Academy.

MINUTES: The minutes for November were approved.

FINANCIAL REPORT: The financial report was reviewed and accepted.


Operations and Maintenance – Academy – Ms. Johnson reported that she had suggested to Ms. Allan, Academy business manager, that the town consider raising the rental rates due to the recent significant price increase for propane. Ms. Allan discussed this with President Allan after additional discussion among the Commissioners, it was decided that the rates be left as they are. It was also pointed out that rentals are off compared to last year.
Market/High Streets Intersection – President Allan reported on the public informational meeting that was held on December 8th with representatives of the State Highway Administration. This meeting had been requested by the Town Commissioners as the result of resident concerns and the concerns of the commissioners. Most residents came prepared to discuss the negative impact this light would have on the town and its residents. SHA’s District Engineer Charlie Watkins indicated that they would not move forward with a traffic light at the intersection given the compelling arguments against it raised by the residents. President Allan said he would send a letter to Charlie Watkins confirming that outcome.
Bypass – Also at the meeting above, SHA’s Bypass project engineer Carmen Harris reported on the status of the bypass. The preliminary design of the bypass is expected to be completed within three months. At this time, it was reported, there is no further funding for final design or construction.
Montgomery County MML Chapter Legislative Dinner Meeting – President Allan reported that the town will be sponsoring State Delegates Karen Montgomery and Herman Taylor for the dinner and that he will attend.
Planning Commission – The commissioners received a letter from a town resident who was upset that he did not get notification of the public hearing being held for the subdivision of the Lowder property. Ms. Johnson reported that notice was advertised two times in the Gazette in accordance with legal requirements and was also announced on the town’s website. The developer had also notified all affected property owners as required. President Allan pointed out that the Planning Commission is a separate legal entity with its own responsibilities and authorities. The commissioners agreed that further efforts should be undertaken to make the distinctions between the Town Commissioners and the Planning Commissioners clearer.
Miscellaneous Management Improvement Issues – The commissioners and Ms. Johnson will be meeting to set up web-based task management software and a town calendar. Once work tasks are entered, commissioners and the clerk-treasurer and business manager will be able to update them and keep track of the current status and progress of all projects. Ms. Allan will also be able to use the web calendar for rentals at the academy. President Allan said that he would like to include a list of Town accomplishments for 2004 in the next newsletter to go out in January. He also said that the commissioners needed to address setting priorities and objectives for 2005. President Allan put together a list of recommendations for next year’s holiday party based on the experience this year and encouraged others to comment as well. It was decided that the party would be run by a volunteer committee so that Ms. Johnson and the commissioners would be able to spend more time with town residents. Ms. Johnson indicated that Pam Chandler was interested in being on the committee as well as Shirley Bowker. An announcement seeking volunteers will be in the next newsletter.


Archives – President Allan reported that he visited the Sandy Spring Museum and had discussions concerning the possibility of merging Brookeville’s historical documents and photographs with Sandy Spring’s. He indicated that Brookeville had very little space and no professional/volunteer resources compared to the existing resources of the SSM and in light of the new research library to be build by the Museum. The Museum’s curator was enthusiastic about the idea and noted that there was a hole in Sandy Spring’s collection with respect to Brookeville. After some discussion, President Allan made a motion for the town’s archives to be transferred to the Sandy Spring Museum in order to provide them with professional attention and storage and to allow for public access. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Acierno and passed unanimously.

General Comment – Commissioner Heritage suggested that the commissioners hold a workshop on town government as a way to get more people involved as well as informed.

The meeting adjourned at 9:45 p.m. The next meeting is scheduled for January 10, 2004 at 8:00 p.m. at the Brookeville Academy.

Respectfully submitted,

Susan Johnson

November 8, 2004 Commissioners Meeting Minutes

November 8, 2004

ATTENDING: President Richard Allan, Commissioners Robert Heritage and Michael Acierno, and Clerk-Treasurer Susan Johnson. The meeting began at 8:00 p.m. at the Brookeville Academy.

MINUTES: The minutes for October were approved.

FINANCIAL REPORT: The financial report was reviewed and accepted.


1. Operations and Maintenance – Public Spaces – Ms. Johnson proposed to the commissioners the new furniture that she would like to purchase for the office. The furniture would provide much improved working space and increase efficiency. The commissioners approved the purchase from Ikea. Ms. Johnson also proposed that the commissioners consider acquisition of a new computer to allow for the use of XP and the new task management and web calendar programs that Commissioner Acierno has recommended. There was general agreement. President Allan suggested we delay immediate purchase from Dell pending some additional price drops before the holidays.

2. Sidewalks – President Allan reported that the State Highway Administration contacted him and advised that they were now prepared to fund the Town sidewalk project. Allan indicated that a letter to this effect will be forthcoming.

3. Signs – Ms. Johnson presented a proposal from Bill Cullin who is the designer of the civil war signs used by the State. The commissioners are interested in having him design the Brookeville Schoolhouse, Angel and Millstone signs. They asked Mrs. Johnson to obtain some samples of his work pending a decision on proceeding with a contract.

4. Schoolhouse Restoration – The ceiling drywall has been installed. The insulation has also been installed. The flooring has been ordered and should be delivered in the next two weeks. Once installed, the baseboards will go in and the interior painting can be completed. Light fixtures have been ordered. Pepco will construct the electrical connections and underground wiring on December 14th. President Allan proposed that window shutters be indefinitely deferred due to the cost considerations.

5. Market/High Streets Intersection – President Allan has been in communication with SHA District Engineer Charlie Watkins regarding arranging for an informational meeting for the town residents regarding the proposal for a traffic light. The meeting will be set up for December.

6. Miscellaneous Management Improvement Issues – Commissioner Acierno presented the costs to have a business service through Comcast to use with a separate computer/server. President Allan suggested that alternatives be explored.

7. Montgomery County Chapter MML Meeting – The annual legislative dinner will be held on December 16th at the Golden Bull. President Allan will coordinate with Laytonsville to ensure that all the delegated for District 14 and Senator Rona Kramer are sponsored by Brookeville and Laytonsville.

8. Planning Commission – President Allan asked Mrs. Johnson to check with Planning Commission Chair Chris Scanlon to see if electricity has been turned on to the street lights on Water Street. He also advised that there is a public hearing on the proposed subdivision of the Kirby (formerly Lowder) property located on North Street scheduled for December 14 at 7:30 p.m. Ms. Johnson will place the notice in the Gazette as well as send the information to all the town residents


No new business

The meeting adjourned at 9:45 p.m. The next meeting is scheduled for December 13, 2004 at 8:00 p.m. at the Brookeville Academy.

Respectfully submitted,

Susan Johnson

October 11, 2004 Commissioners Meeting Minutes

October 11, 2004

ATTENDING: President Richard Allan, Commissioners Robert Heritage and Michael Acierno, and Clerk-Treasurer Susan Johnson. Terri Hogan from the Olney Gazette was also in attendance. The meeting began at 8:00 p.m. at the Brookeville Academy.

MINUTES: The minutes for September were approved. President Allan suggested that it might be useful and more informative to adopt a less formal approach to the way the minutes are currently structured (for example by “regular order of business, old business, etc.). He noted that a number of other municipalities use a less formal style and it seems to enable a more natural flow of information.

FINANCIAL REPORT: The financial report was reviewed and accepted.


1. Operations and Maintenance – Public Spaces – Ms. Johnson will be getting a contractor to clean the gutters on the Academy building. She spoke to Leary Trucking about replenishing gravel for North and South Streets. Leary indicated he was waiting on Crane Homes to have him do Water Street. At that time, he would also do the other streets named. However, if he doesn’t hear from Crane within the next two weeks, he will go ahead and do North and South Streets. The leaf pick-ups are scheduled with Greenskeeper Landscaping for November 20th and December 11th. Ms. Johnson received a new contract for snow removal. The rates did not increase. President Allan noted that Water Street needed to be added to the contract.

2. Sidewalks. President Allan and Commissioner Acierno met with four State Highway representatives to discuss the latest status on efforts to get the sidewalk construction/enhancement project that has been sought by the town for many years moving forward. SHA reported that it is continuing its review of the hydraulic study that pertains to water runoff problems affecting several residents along Rt. 97 at the southern entrance to High Street on the west side. Those issues must be dealt with before sidewalks can be built on that side. Also discussed was replacement sidewalk running from the old Post Office past the Brookeville Academy. The Town will seek to replace the deteriorated concrete sidewalk in front of the Salem Methodist Church and Manse as well. Adequate funding continues to be a problem but the Town is hopeful it can be resolved by leveraging as many resources as possible.

3. Signs. Susan Soderberg of MNNCP informed Ms. Johnson that the Civil War roadside signs were not purchased through the company that the town has been working with. President Allan expressed his disappointment in the revised design prototype and the apparent lack of interest by the vendor. He asked Ms. Johnson to contact the company that did the Civil War signs to get an estimate. He also asked her to review the contract that was signed with the current company to see if the Town can get out of it with minimal to no expense.

4. Schoolhouse Restoration. The building permit for Phase I of the restoration had expired and has just been renewed. Contractor work for Phase II, the final phase, has commenced.

5. Market/High Streets Intersection – Traffic Light.
President Allan and State Delegate Karen Montgomery (District 14) met with District 3 Engineer Charlie Watkins and Traffic Engineer Pete Campanides in a meeting arranged and hosted through Council member Nancy Floreen to discuss the traffic signal being evaluated for installation at the

High and Market Street intersection. Mr. Watkins and Mr. Capanides explained that the light would basically operate in a cycle mode from 4:00 to 7:00 in the PM (Monday-Friday) and in a flashing mode in the AM. SHA believes the light would achieve more efficient traffic flow and provide for a safer intersection. While President Allan and Delegate Montgomery agreed that safety was a paramount issue, they expressed an overall concern that Town interests had not to date been taken into account. SHA then agreed that an informational meeting with town residents would be very useful in explaining how the light would work and in getting resident feedback. President Allan will call Mr. Watkins with several dates and notices will be sent to all residents. A question also was raised as to whether traffic flow improvements that the traffic light might generate would further delay construction of the Brookeville Bypass. In responding that there was no connection between the two projects, Mr. Watkins mentioned that another town seeking a bypass had asked that roundabouts associated with its project be considered by SHA as a separate project phase. President Allan sent a letter to Mr. Watkins requesting a similar study of the proposed roundabouts that are part of the bypass plan as a potential initial phase.

6. Miscellaneous Management Improvement Issues. Commissioner Acierno heard from Solutions IC on maintaining the task management program. He said that for them to have it up on their server for us, they would have to do many months of testing, etc. The other option is for the town to lease a server from them at $275 per month. This would be a dedicated server only for the town. It would also be maintained by Solutions. Commissioner Acierno said that he thought the price was very reasonable and that there are other programs that we could use it for such as an interactive calendar. It was decided that Commissioner Acierno would install the task manager program on the town computer for now. The commissioners and Ms. Johnson will be able to use it at the office and will evaluate again after use.

7. Montgomery County Chapter MML Meeting
The September meeting was held at the Rockville City Hall and was attended by President Allan. The major topic was the formula used by the County to determine payments to municipalities paid for services otherwise provided by the County such as solid waste services, police, road maintenance, parks, etc. The Chapter made a decision to form a task force of local mayors to quickly study in cooperation with the County how the formula has been working and recommend any changes to ensure that the municipalities are not financially shorted in the process.

8. Mayors’ Day in Washington
President Allan attended County Executive Doug Duncan’s annual Maryland Mayors’ Day in Washington. A close-up presentation of rare documents and briefing on the new and very impressive National Archives interactive research capability took place in the morning followed by a lunch with most of the Maryland congressional delegation. Remarks were delivered by Senators Mikulski and Sarbanes and by Representatives Al Wynn, Chris Van Hollen, Ben Cardin, Dutch Rupplesberger, Steny Hoyer, and Roscoe Bartlett. The day concluded with a tour of the new World War II memorial.


The Commissioner’s decided on December 11 for the Holiday party.

The meeting adjourned at 9:45 p.m. The next meeting is scheduled for November 8, 2004 at 8:00 p.m. at the Brookeville Academy.

Respectfully submitted,

Susan Johnson

September 13, 2004 Commissioners Meeting Minutes

September 13, 2004

ATTENDING: President Richard Allan, Commissioners Robert Heritage and Michael Acierno, and Clerk-Treasurer Susan Johnson. Resident Leslie Unglesbee and Terri Hogan from the Olney Gazette were also in attendance. The meeting began at 8:00 p.m. at the Brookeville Academy.

MINUTES: The minutes for August were approved.

FINANCIAL REPORT: The financial report was reviewed and accepted. Ms. Johnson stated that the annual audit is in the process of being completed by Debbie Free of Lynton, Shaffer and Co.


1, Operations and Maintenance – Public Spaces – Mr. Unglesbee asked about the maintenance being done on lower Market Street (west). He asked if the brush could be cleaned up on Market Street from 313 Market Street up to the Yinger’s property located at 19801 Georgia Ave. Ms. Johnson will meet will the town landscaper and discuss this with him. There is a concern about safety to workers from traffic, as the work would have to be done from the street itself. He also was concerned about the condition of the American flags. Some of them are missing and some are in bad condition. Ms. Johnson will order additional flags. It was also decided that the flags would come down after Veteran’s Day on November 11 and go back up by May 30. Once the flags are down, we will do an inventory to see which ones need to be replaced. President Allan pointed out that the Commissioners try to keep an eye on the flags but also depend on residents who might see a flag that got torn in the wind or blown down. Mr. Unglesbee also was concerned about homeowners who are not maintaining their property. President Allan stated that this is always a difficult issue to deal with but he was in the process of writing a letter to one particular homeowner about visible storage of construction materials and related items.

Town Roads – Commissioner Acierno asked about the future maintenance of Market Street and how it was being funded. President Allan answered by stating that the Commissioners have not established a specific account for Market Street repair and repaving to this point. An estimate was recently received from Montgomery County and was in the vicinity of $140,000 to pave and repair the street from Brighton Dam Road to High Street.

2. Sidewalks. President Allan and Commissioner Acierno will be meeting with the State Highway Administration on September 15th at 1:00 p.m. regarding the proposed sidewalks on the west side of High Street (Rt. 97) from Church Street to the Longwood ball fields. Mr. Unglesbee asked if the sidewalks were going to also be installed on Market Street. President Allan responded that sidewalk installation on Market Street has always been recognized as extremely difficult because of trees, stonewalls, driveways and no right-of-way. For those reasons it is unlikely that sidewalks would be installed there in the near future.

3. Signs. The commissioners decided that the signs (schoolhouse, millstone, and angel) should be more colorful perhaps similar to the Civil War signs put up by the State of Maryland rather than the prototypes suggested by the vendor. Ms. Johnson will call the company and move forward on this new design.

4. Schoolhouse Restoration. The schoolhouse will be on the Sandy Spring Museum Tour on October 16. The Madison House and the Montgomery’s house at 211 Market St. are also on the tour. Currently, we are waiting on the renewal of an expired building permit to complete the second phase of the project – the interior. President Allan visited a schoolhouse in Lewes, Delaware on vacation and made several comments on the design, furnishings, and future use of the building as a result.

5. Market/High Streets Intersection. The SHA has been conducting a study concerning installing a traffic light at this intersection. Concern was voiced by the Commissioners as well as from several residents that the process had been moving along without sufficient notification and consultation. President Allan will work to have a meeting set up so that the Town’s interests are fully taken into account.

6. Miscellaneous Management Improvement Issues. Commissioner Acierno installed the task manager software on his computer and reviewed the program with Ms. Johnson. He is working with Solutions IC, our web developer, to see if they can become the server for us so all commissioners and Ms Johnson can work on the program from any computer.


President Allan brought up the idea of clearing a walking path between Water Street and North Street in the near future. This would only be for pedestrians initially. He will ask the Brookeville Planning Commission to add this to its October agenda. He pointed out that the Planning Commission has already envisioned such a connection when Water Street was developed and as the new Kirby proposal for development of “upper” North Street. The Town Commissioners
Have similarly agreed to the connection.

The meeting adjourned at 9:45 p.m. The next meeting is scheduled for October 11, 2004 at 8:00 p.m. at the Brookeville Academy.

Respectfully submitted,

Susan Johnson