October 12, 2009 Commissioners Meeting Minutes

October 12, 2009
8:00 p.m.

Commissioner President Michael Acierno, Commissioner Robert Heritage, Commissioner Katherine Farquhar, Town Clerk Cate McDonald, Academy Manager Andrea Scanlon, Treasurer Susan Johnson. Present during all or portions of the meeting was Town Resident Fred Teal, Gazette Reporter Terri Hogan

Minutes: The September 2009 Commissioners Meeting Minutes were approved.

Financial: The September financial report was reviewed.

Academy Update: No increase in rentals. Not much business anticipated from being an exhibitor at Olney Community Night. Commissioner Farquhar requested name tags for community events.

Long term renter, Jeff Issokson, is willing to barter services (replace linoleum flooring, redo the hardwood floors) to lower his monthly rent. The Commissioners debated the pros and cons of having Issokson perform the work but determined it will be an insurance liability risk.

Schoolhouse: Walter Blank has yet to communicate his bid proposal. Repeated attempts to contact Walter Blank have not yielded a response. Town Clerk will solicit bids to have gutters installed in the schoolhouse.

Brookeville Energy Cooperative: Fred Teal would like to start a Brookeville Energy Cooperative similar to those mentioned in the Washington Post article of September 19th entitled “To Go Solar, Start Local”. He would like to survey the Town, via the monthly newsletter, to see which homes would be interested in an energy cooperative. If there is sufficient interest, he will start with obtaining a home energy audit and devise the basic goals and structure for the energy cooperative. The Brookeville Town Commissioner gave approval for a survey to be included in the next Brookeville Times.

Climate Action: Fred Teal informed the Commissioner that on Oct. 24, 2009 there will be a rally at Malcolm X Park in DC for a Day of Climate Action. Mr. Teal, along with Town Resident Debbie Wagner, are organizing a battery operated candlelight vigil at 7:00pm Friday, Oct. 23 at the Brookeville Academy and plan passing out flyers to cars that are stuck in traffic on High St. and encourage people to attend the rally. Commissioner President Michael Acierno oks the use of the Academy ground for the candlelight vigil but stressed that the candlelight vigil is not sponsored or endorsed by the Town of Brookeville. In case of rain, the candlelight vigil will move inside the Academy.

Debt Policy: Maryland recently enacted a law requiring municipalities to:

  1. Adoption of a debt policy and submit the policy to the State Treasurer
  2. Submit information regarding indebtedness from variable rate debt instrument, interest rates, and any other future debt to both the State Treasurer and Dept. of Legislative Services.

The deadline for these 2 requirements was October 1, 2009. Treasurer Susan Johnson will ask the State for an extension. The Town Commissioners reviewed the proposed Debt Policy prepared by Commissioner President Acierno. The Town debt is deemed to be 13% of our revenue. The Commissioners agree to a 15% debt limit threshold of the Town’s total revenues.

Debt Policy is unanimously approved.

Town Hall Meeting: The Commissioners decided not to hold a Town Hall meeting November 2nd. Instead, they will request a meeting with MoCo Councilmembers in Rockville to discuss the Bypass. The request will be for a meeting on November 18th.

November’s Commissioner Meeting: Commissioner President Acierno will be out of Town Nov. 1-15. The Commissioners will meet November 23rd instead of the regularly scheduled Nov. 9th. If the MoCo Councilmembers cannot meet on Nov. 18th, the Commissioners will meet on Nov. 18th. Town Residents will be notified of the November meeting date once it has been solidified.

Leaf Removal: To save money this fiscal year, the vacuum leaf collection will not be offered. Only a handful of Residents use the offered vacuum leaf collection and the landscaper contract is a flat rate, not rate per house. Residents will be asked to bag their leaves and take them to the curb for collection on a soon to be announced yard waste day. The Town will encourage alternative methods for getting rid of leaves (mulch or compost) to save collection and disposal costs and to help the environment.

The Town will get a limited supply of paper yard waste bags for Residents.

309 & 311 Market St: Commissioner Robert Heritage gave an update. On Sept. 29th, the court gave the owner of 309 Market a decree that he needs to get a roof on his property or produce a sales contract or the court will issue a demolition order. The next hearing on this matter is scheduled for Nov. 17th.

Trees: Commissioner President Acierno will survey sites to determine quantity, species, and location of trees to be purchased from Tree-Mendous Maryland.

The meeting adjourned at 9:45 p.m.

Cate McDonald
Town Clerk

September 14, 2009 Commissioners Meeting Minutes

September 14, 2009
8:00 p.m.

Commissioner President Michael Acierno, Commissioner Robert Heritage, Commissioner Katherine Farquhar, Town Clerk Cate McDonald, Treasurer Susan Johnson. Present during all or portions of the meeting was Gazette Reporter Terri Hogan.

Minutes: The July 2009 Commissioners Meeting Minutes were approved.

Financial: The August financial report was reviewed.

H1N1: Commissioners Acierno attended the Aug 25th policy discussion at the County Executive Building. The Town will subscribe to the Weekly Situation Report from OEMHS to stay current on H1N1.

Academy Update: Report reviewed – no new rentals; rental inquiries are down.

Highway User Revenue Fund (HUR): On August 26th, 2009 Maryland’s Board of Public Works slashed the Town’s allocation from $8030 to $803 – a 90% reduction. This budget cut came 2 months after the Town passed its budget in July.

Leaf Removal: The Town will not be renewing the contract with our current landscaping provider and will not opt to use them for leaf collection. Due to the state budget cuts issued by the BPW, the Town will need to reduce services it provides to Town Residents. Ways to accomplish this will be a reduced leaf collection in November and a reduction in landscaping around Town. Town Residents will be encouraged to compost leaves.

Town Hall Meeting: The Commissioners would like to hold a Town Meeting with our State Delegate, Karen Montgomery, and invited members of the County Council. The purpose of this meeting will be to educate Council members on the history of Bypass and ask them to update the priority of the Bypass from #4 to #1. Proposed dates are Oct 19, Oct 26, and Nov 2.

Schoolhouse: Walter Blank sent a letter to the Town stating he sought a second opinion on the schoolhouse roof and the roof does not need to be replaced. Walter Blank still has not responded with a revised quote for work on the schoolhouse.

August Picnic review: Positive feedback received from people who attended the picnic. Commissioners will consider scheduling next year’s picnic 1 week later, depending on when the school year starts.

309 & 311 Market St: Commissioner Acierno plans to attend the Sept. 29th hearing on the status of 309 Market St.

Resolution proposal: A Town Resident asked the Commissioners to support a single payer or public option for health care. The Commissioners did not accept or reject the proposed resolution as they are bound by the non-partisan makeup of the Town Charter.

National Volunteer Day: suitable tasks discussed included SSL hours to school children for work around Town; Resident doing cleanup work along the Mill Race Path.

Trees: Tree-Mendous Maryland is offering trees for fall plantings. Commissioners will decide on quantity, species, and location of trees to be purchased.

The large tree in front of the Academy needs to be pruned.

Academy Report: Academy Manager phoned in: Rentals are down with 2 cancellations.

Will rent table at Olney Community Night Oct. 7th at Longwood to showcase the Academy and donate an Academy rental for the Silent Auction.

Holiday Party: December 5th, 2009 has been set for the Town’s Annual Holiday Party.

Open Discussion:

Status of Donna Will’s was brought up and it was discussed that a contract between the Town and Ms. Will’s was not being pursued due to cost.

The meeting adjourned at 9:25 p.m.

Cate McDonald
Town Clerk

July 13, 2009 Commissioners Meeting Minutes

July 13, 2009
8:00 p.m.

Commissioner Robert Heritage, Commissioner Katherine Farquhar, Town Clerk Cate McDonald. Present during all or portions of the meeting were Academy Manager Andrea Scanlon, Treasurer Susan Johnson, Rev. Sue Shorb-Sterling, Gazette Reporter Terri Hogan, Jack Giacalone, Donna Will, Amy Fasting. Commissioner President Michael Acierno was away

Minutes: The June 2009 Commissioners Meeting Minutes were approved.

Knights of Columbus: Jack Giacalone, Navigator for the Assembly, would like to do Flag Ceremony for the Aug 23rd picnic. Commissioners thanked him for offering to perform the Flag Ceremony but since the Town picnic will be a low key affair this year with no Bicentennials to celebrate, the Town would not like to have the Flag Ceremony this year.

Donna Will: gave report on Heritage Days at the Schoolhouse: about 80 people came to the Schoolhouse, had lots of people doing various outside activities (whittling, rolling hoops, yoke and basket). Mrs. Will wants a contract for teas at the Academy but cannot afford the offered rate of $125 per tea when she does not make a lot of money on the teas and especially when Woodlawn Manor is offering her $12.50 per hour but she would like to be at the Academy for her teas. She wants to rent the Schoolhouse for her school program but would need a port a potty as a minimum facility. The Commissioners decided to hold an Executive Session regarding contracts for Donna Will.

MDCASE: Amy Fusting, a lobbyist for Maryland Citizens Against State Executions, came to alert us that Senator Rona Kramer (D-14) voted against the repel of the death penalty in Maryland. Ms. Fusting is visiting all local governments in Sen. Kramer’s district so all citizen are aware of her voting record.

Academy Update: Rentals up this month mostly by residents. Fewer inquiries from groups/organizations then there were last year.

No new maintenance planned.

Various ideas about ways to attract new business discussed: theknow.com; HOA meetings; hosting Olney Chamber of Commerce BizBuzz; have a table at October Community Night at Longwood showcasing the Academy.

Clyde Unglesbee Memorial: SUMC still discussing various ways to honor Clyde, but memorial tree plaques is currently not being considered. Commissioner will discuss ways to honor Clyde with Anna.

Schoolhouse: Richard Brand of the Maryland Historic Trust opinion of the Schoolhouse is the building needs galvanized aluminum half round gutters and full round downspouts sized for the roof. After the gutters are installed and the walls are dry, loose paint would need to be scraped off to bare wood, treated with a preservative sealant and then recoat with primer and paint.

Will try and get funding from Project Open Space grant.

August Picnic: August 23rd picnic will be a low key affair compared to last year’s Bicentennial Celebration Picnic. Picnic will be 4:00p.m. – 7:00p.m. with music from 4:00p.m. – 6:00p.m. The Town will budget for hot dogs, watermelon, water, music, tables and tent. Town Residents will be asked to bring a side dish to share.

309 & 311 Market St: Commissioners Acierno, Heritage, and Farquhar will not attend tomorrow’s scheduled hearing on the status of 309 Market St.

National Night Out: The Town will donate a rental at the Brookeville Academy for the August 4th raffle benefiting National Night Out (evening of police awareness and crime prevention in the Olney Town Center)

August Commissioners Meeting: The August 10th Commissioner Meeting has been canceled; next scheduled meeting will be September 14th.

Financial: The June financial report was discussed but not reviewed.

The meeting adjourned at 9:45 p.m.

Cate McDonald
Town Clerk

June 1, 2009 Commissioners Meeting Minutes

June 1, 2009
8:00 p.m.

Commissioner President Michael Acierno, Commissioner Robert Heritage, Commissioner Katherine Farquhar, Town Clerk Cate McDonald, Academy Manager Andrea Scanlon, Treasurer Susan Johnson. Present during all or portions of the meeting was Town Resident Barbara Ray, Gazette Reporter Terri Hogan

Minutes: The May 2009 Commissioners Meeting Minutes were approved. The Annual Town Meeting Minutes were approved.

Financial: The May financial report was reviewed. The Academy Pepco bill has a $2,288.00 credit due to unmetered readings; credit will be used over time.

Academy Update: No new rentals; rental inquiries are down.

Clyde Unglesbee Memorial: Commissioners discussed option to honor Clyde by planting a tree with a memorial plaque. Commissioners will talk to the family at an appropriate time to find out their wishes.

Resident suggestion to memorialize Clyde and other Town residents: Town to establish a beautification program that allows people to donate trees and plantings with plaques to memorialize individuals and even families. This will help maintain the beauty of Brookeville for the coming generations.

Street Signs: Resident request to re-install 3 “High Street” signs that were stolen. Clerk authorized to replace signs.

Landscaping: Due to the quality of work provided and Residents complaints, the Town will not renew the landscaping contract when it expires and will not use the optional leaf collections. Town will survey Residents about decreasing leaf collections and “Volunteer Day” to help cut landscaping costs.

309 & 311 Market St: Commissioners Acierno, Heritage, and Farquhar will attend tomorrow’s scheduled hearing on the status of 309 Market St.

Heritage Days: The Schoolhouse will be open Saturday, June 24th as part of Heritage Days. Donna Will will be at the Schoolhouse dressed as a period schoolteacher.

Schoolhouse: Commissioner Acierno working with The Sandy Spring Museum and Maryland Historic Trust for options to fund the roof and ground work to prevent further water damage.

August Picnic: Commissioners will survey Residents about the Sunday, August 23rd Annual Town Picnic for ideas and suggestions.

The meeting adjourned at 9:20 p.m.

Cate McDonald
Town Clerk

May 13, 2009 Annual Town Meeting Minutes

May 13, 2009
8:00 p.m.

Commissioner President Michael Acierno, Commissioner Robert Heritage, Commissioner Katherine Farquhar, Town Clerk Cate McDonald. Treasurer Susan Johnson and Academy Manager Andrea Scanlon were away.

Present during all or portions of the meeting were Town Residents Harry and Karen Montgomery, Jeff Issoskson, Maggie Kay, Andrea Barr, Andrew and Mary Kay Spagnola, Deborah Wagner, Dwayne Heiler, Fred Teal, Teresa Meeks, and Gazette Reporter Terri Hogan

Clyde Unglesbee: Moment of silence to honor long time resident and former commissioner, Clyde Unglesbee, who recently passed away after a brief illness. Commissioners would like to honor Clyde and his service to the Town at an appropriate time and ask residents for thoughts and ideas.

Election results: Commissioners Farquhar and Heritage won re-election yesterday for the 2 commissioner’s seats.

Summary of the past 12 months:

  • Brookeville Academy: New energy efficient, stainless steel HVAC installed along with duct work; new propane supplier, interior has been painted, and WiFi installed. Planned for the upcoming year are a tankless hot water heater installation, exterior stucco repair and painting, and replacement of the vinyl flooring and carpet.
  • Trees: the Town consulted with a Master Arborist and upon her recommendation several trees on Town property or in the Town right-of-way were taken down. The Town will replace the trees with native species via Tree-Mendous Maryland program.
  • Sidewalks: work on the sidewalk in front of 3 High Street is in progress.
  • Speed cameras: while the speed cameras were not installed on Town property, they are a nice safety enhancement.
  • Road maintenance: The gravel roads had periodic maintenance Jan ’09; the SHA funds the Town receives does not afford for repaving of the eastern portion of Market St. The Town was able to replace curbing and have pot holes repaired this past year for eastern Market St.
  • 309 & 311 Market St: MoCo has sued the owner of 309 Market St regarding the condition of his property. As of today, no BPC permits have been issued or requested. A resident has observed the owner doing work at 311 Market without permits, as well as work on 309 Market. Both properties are owned by the same person. The Commissioners will continue to monitor the status of these properties to ensure the permitting process in regards to historic properties is followed.

Brookeville Bypass: Positive progress this year when County Council appropriated $10M for design and land acquisition for the Brookeville Bypass, which will take place beginning in FY2011–FY2014. No Stimulus funds for the Bypass as MoCo received very little Stimulus monies. Commissioners are trying to educate the County Council of the 40 year plus history of the Bypass so they have a sense of continuity. Commissioners would like to see the Bypass completed by 2014, when Brookeville will be prominently displayed in Maryland’s War of 1812 celebration.

FY ’09-’10 Budget: a draft of the upcoming budget was presented and reviewed. BPC allotted monies was increased for legal counsel and consultants for the comprehensive plan.

Renewable Energy Contract: Contract signed with Clean Current for a 1 year, June ‘09 to June ‘10 at $ .10127/kWh, 100% wind for the Brookeville Academy. The cost per kWh is lower than Pepco’s current rates and will save the Town money while reducing its carbon footprint.

Schoolhouse: Repairs are needed to maintain the schoolhouse: the roof is leaking and gutters are needed.

Annual Picnic: the Town’s Annual Picnic will be Sunday, August 23rd.

Open Discussion: request to add hoods to the Pepco street lights; as this request will require the Town to pay for the hoods, the Commissioners will look into hooding the street lights.

The meeting adjourned at 9:50 p.m.

Cate McDonald
Town Clerk

May 11, 2009 Commissioners Meeting Minutes

May 11, 2009
8:00 p.m.

Commissioner President Michael Acierno, Commissioner Robert Heritage, Commissioner Katherine Farquhar, Town Clerk Cate McDonald, Academy Manager Andrea Scanlon, Treasurer Susan Johnson. Present during all or portions of the meeting was Pam Saul, liaison of Senator Rona Kramer, Gazette Reporter Terri Hogan

Minutes: The April 2009 Commissioners Meeting Minutes were approved.

Financial: The April financial report was reviewed.

Academy Update:

  • No new rentals
  • Donna Wills has not confirmed any dates for her teas.
  • Academy Manager ordered highchairs and booster at $35 per unit. Will order one diaper changing station for ladies bathroom.
  • Annual inspections for elevator, fire alarm, and sprinklers: all passed. Fire Marshall asked that flammables in basement be moved and exit signs are check by electrician. Bogin & Assoc. replaced batteries in exit signs and dried paint is being disposed of via County hazardous waste program.
  • $500 added to the Academy budget for new permits required as of 1Jan10 for fire alarms and sprinklers and County will now charge for fire marshals inspection.

Clyde Unglesbee: long time resident and former commissioner, Clyde Unglesbee, passed away after a brief illness. Commissioners discussed various ways to honor Clyde and his service to the Town and will talk to the family at an appropriate time to find out their wishes.

FY 2009-2010 Budget: draft of budget was reviewed. BPC allotted monies was increased for legal counsel and consultants for the comprehensive plan.

Elections: Commissioners Farquhar and Heritage are the candidates for the 2 commissioner’s seats at tomorrow’s election.

309 & 311 Market St: Commissioners Acierno and Heritage attended the April 21, 2009 court hearing and were able to express the Town frustration and the lack of progress in this case and showed a recent photograph of the property to the presiding judge. Commissioners Farquhar and Heritage will attend the June 2, 2009 hearing will continue to monitor the status of 309 Market to will ensure the permitting process in regards to historic properties is followed.

Clean Energy: Contract signed with Clean Current for a 1 year, June 09 to June 2010 at $ .10127/kwh, 100% wind for the Brookeville Academy. Per Clean Current, they we were unable to acquire data for streetlight account and will try again in June.

Trees: Commissioners desire to replace trees that were deemed unhealthy with trees via Tree-Mendous Maryland, which provides high quality trees & shrubs at low cost for plantings on public properties such as schools, community open spaces, roadside rights-of-way, and government facilities.

Schoolhouse: a dehumidifier was purchased to help dry the schoolhouse out. Working with Miche Booz on gutter design.

Sidewalks: work on the sidewalk in front of 3 High Street is progressing

Greenskeepers: Resident complaint about the recent trimming by the Town’s landscaping contractor, Greenskeeper. Contractor trimming was aggressive and they weed whacked the hostas and flowers planted in the space between the front stone wall and the edge of the sidewalk. Contractor maintains the did nothing wrong and only did what they were supposed to do and did not weed whack any hostas, but take care of overgrowth that is a trip hazard and whack daffodils which were dead anyways. As this has been one of several complaints about the quality of work provided by Greenskeepers, the commissioner will consider options for the Towns landscaping needs.

Annual Meeting: The Town’s Annual Meeting is scheduled for May 13th at 8:00pm. Draft agenda was reviewed.

August Picnic: Commissioners approved Sunday, August 23rd for the Annual Town Picnic.

The meeting adjourned at 9:50 p.m.

Cate McDonald
Town Clerk

April 13, 2009 Commissioners Meeting Minutes

April 13, 2009
8:00 p.m.

Commissioner President Michael Acierno, Commissioner Robert Heritage, Commissioner Katherine Farquhar, Town Clerk Cate McDonald, Academy Manager Andrea Scanlon. Treasurer Susan Johnson was away. Present during all or portions of the meeting was Gazette Reporter Terri Hogan

Minutes: The March 2009 Commissioners Meeting Minutes were approved.

Financial: The March financial report was reviewed.

Academy Update:

  • 1 new rental and 3 possible new rentals.
  • rental inquiry was made by a local Boy Scout Troop to hold their Eagle Scout Ceremony. They wanted to know if they could have a reduced rate in exchange for a service project benefiting the Town. Commissioners approved this request.
  • Donna Will expressed an interested in Heritage Days when the Town has the Brookeville Schoolhouse open. She will dress as a period school teacher June 27th 12noon – 4:00pm.
  • Donna Will requested a reduced rate for her teas to help get business off to a good start at a new location. She still is not firm as a long term rental. The Commissioners approved to offer 2 teas at the introductory rate of $100 for a Sunday
  • Brown’s Refrigeration completed the damper work and HVAC is working properly.
  • Academy Manager request to purchase a highchair and diaper changing station for both bathrooms. Commissioners approved this request.

Election Nomination: no nomination letters as of today. Election is schedule for May 12th 4:00pm – 9:00pm. Deadline for nomination letter is April 14th.

309 & 311 Market St: no new progress. Property owner has done some work. Commissioner will consult with BPC on what permits are required. Commissioner will try and determine property owners next court date and follow the progress with MoCo Code Enforcement and the court system.

Clean Energy: Commissioner Acierno approved the Town Clerks request to release our Pepco rate usage to Clean Current for a quote on 100% wind energy for the Town. Clean Current is part of MoCo Clean Energy Rewards program. WGES (Clean Steps) current rate is 12.20¢/kWh for a 1 year, 100% wind contract.

Schoolhouse: Walter Blank sent in his bid for repairs: $31,000. The Commissioners will ask Walter for an itemized breakdown of the cost associated with each repair and a priority listing of the repairs. Walter’s bid exceeds the budget allotted to the Schoolhouse.

Sidewalks: Commissioner approved the lowest bidder, Bartley Construction, for the replacement of the sidewalk in front of 3 High St.

Stimulus money: County Council replied that there is no stimulus money for the Bypass. MoCo received very little stimulus funds. The Commissioners will send the County Council the Record of Decision concerning the Bypass.

Speed Camera: Commissioner Farquhar wants the data from the speed camera location on Georgia Ave, the northern approach into Town.

Olney Chambers of Commerce: Commissioners approved a $100 donation to OCC Scholarship Fund. The Scholarships are awarded to local area high school students.

Annual Meeting: The Town’s Annual Meeting is scheduled for May 13th at 8:00pm.

The meeting adjourned at 9:25 p.m.

Cate McDonald
Town Clerk

March 10, 2009 Commissioners Meeting Minutes

March 10, 2009
8:00 p.m.

Commissioner President Michael Acierno, Commissioner Robert Heritage, Town Clerk Cate McDonald, Academy Manager Andrea Scanlon, Treasurer Susan Johnson. Commissioner Katherine Farquhar was away. Present during all or portions of the meeting was Pam Saul, liaison of Senator Rona Kramer.

Minutes: The February 2009 Commissioners Meeting Minutes were approved.

Financial: The February financial report was reviewed.

Academy Update:

  • A few more rentals, mostly town residents.
  • An inquiry was made about a rental contact by a sword master that wants to rent the Academy during a weekday night for historical sword practice. Currently this group meets at Gatsby’s Tavern but would like a more central location for their members to meet. Academy manager will meet with prospective renter and find out more information.
  • Donna Will’s has not pursued her long term Academy rental request.
  • Wind damaged a gutter down spout that will need to be repaired
  • Brown’s Refrigeration will be working on a damper that is sticking and causing all the hot air to go upstairs and not heating the downstairs. Repair estimated at $600
  • Academy snow removal seems to be more efficient during the last snow fall.

Snow Removal: Town’s snow removal contractor did not plow the hill along North St. during the March 2nd snow squall. Next winter season, the Town will look for a contactor that offers salt and sand as part of their services.

Election Nomination: no nomination letters for the May 12th election have been received as of yet.

309 & 311 Market St: Deeds Wells showed up for his most recent court appearance before a different judge who gave him 30 more days to get his property up to date.

Schoolhouse: still no information from Walter Blank

Sidewalks: bids for sidewalk replacement in front of 3 High St were reviewed but not awarded.

Stimulus money: Commissioners sent a letter to our Governor, State Delegation, County Council members, County Executive, and SHA official asking for funding of the Bypass and repairs of east Market St. Residents will be encouraged to send letters in support of stimulus fund being used to fund the Bypass.

Governor’s Stimulus Workshop: Commissioner Michael Acierno will attend a Q/A session with the Governor’s Staff regarding stimulus fund March 13th. While in Annapolis, Commissioner Acierno will drop in on our State Delegation.

MML Montgomery County Chapter Meetings: Commissioners Acierno and Heritage will try and make the next meeting. Commissioners Acierno noted that our MML dues were increased slightly to $330.28 yearly.

Budget: Treasurer and Commissioner Acierno will begin work on the Town’s yearly budget to present at the Annual Town Meeting in May.

The meeting adjourned at 8:50 p.m.

Cate McDonald
Town Clerk

February 9, 2009 Commissioners Meeting Minutes

February 9, 2009
8:00 p.m.

Commissioner President Michael Acierno, Commissioner Robert Heritage, Commissioner Katherine Farquhar, Town Clerk Cate McDonald, Academy Manager Andrea Scanlon, Treasurer Susan Johnson was away. Present during all or portions of the meeting was Gazette Reporter Terri Hogan, Town Resident Fred Teal, area resident Jamella Nooore

Minutes: The January 2009 Commissioners Meeting Minutes were approved.

Financial: The January financial report was not available.

Academy Update:

  • No new rentals to report; State Attorney’s Office canceled their rental
  • Propane: Amerigas miscalculated the amount of propane the Academy used and tank ran out of propane. Amerigas has a new propane delivery schedule to prevent outages.
  • Snow and Inclement Weather Policy: The snow / ice / rain storm the week of Jan 26th caused some disruptions for Jeff Issokson’s long term rental. Considered following MoCo closure policy for inclement weather. Academy Manager will talk with Issokson and person contracted to remove snow from Academy sidewalks to determine a policy.
  • Donna Will: Meeting with Academy Manager Feb. 10th to tour the schoolhouse and have further talks with Academy Manager about a long term rental contract for her afternoon teas and “hands on living history” programs. Academy Manager presented the Commissioners with a preliminary long term rental contract for Donna Will. Commissioners reviewed the document and would like a lawyer to review prior to Donna Will’s acceptance of the terms.

Dishwashing detergent & phosphates: Fred Teal and area resident Jamella Noore presented a request to the Commissioners: grassroots action for all Town Residents to stop using dishwashing detergent that contains phosphates. This came about as the presenters felt that change starts at the local level and the Obama Administration is encouraging citizens to make changes at the grassroots level and asking Town Residents to consider changing dishwashing detergents is a small step in this direction. The Maryland General Assembly passed legislation in 2007 to cut phosphorus pollution to the Bay by requiring low-phosphorus dishwashing detergent; implementation of this bill starts in 2010. Phosphorus is a major pollutant in the Bay. The Commissioners were supportive of the idea and asked Mr. Teal to collect more data; will help educate Town Residents via the newsletter and ask them to switch to phosphate free detergents.

Schoolhouse: Walter Blank is working on a written proposal for upkeep of the one room schoolhouse

Sidewalks: Town Clerk will solicit bids for sidewalk replacement in front of 3 High St.

District 14: Commissioners Acierno and Heritage attended the Jan. 26th Maryland Legislature District 14 Meeting in Annapolis. They met with the entire State Delegation and talked about the Bypass. County Councilmembers Knapp and Floreen were also there and were confident of the Bypass funding.

GOCA: Commissioner Acierno will attend the Feb 10th GOCA meeting.

MML Dinner: Commissioners unable to attend this month due to schedule conflicts.

The meeting adjourned at 9:40 p.m.

Cate McDonald
Town Clerk

January 12, 2009 Commissioners Meeting Minutes

January 12, 2009
8:00 p.m.

Present:Commissioner President Michael Acierno, Commissioner Robert Heritage, Commissioner Katherine Farquhar, Town Clerk Cate McDonald, Academy Manager Andrea Scanlon, Treasurer Susan Johnson Present during all or portions of the meeting was Gazette Reporter Terri Hogan

Minutes: The December 2008 Commissioners Meeting Minutes were approved.

Financial: The December financial report was reviewed.

Academy Update:

  • No new rentals to report
  • Propane: Suburban picked up their tank, which was empty of propane; Amerigas installed their tank. Currently, Amerigas charges the Academy $2.29 per gallon vs. $2.69 Suburban was charging; Amerigas rate will float based on market nalue of propane.
  • Commissioner approved a $100 discount off the Feb. rent charged to Jeff Issokson as he did not use the Academy during the recent indoor painting.
  • 2 organizations have approached Academy Manager and were discussed in detail by the Commissioners:
  1. Christ International Ministries inquired about renting the Academy as a satellite location from 9:00am-11:00am for their weekly Sunday worship service with approximately 10-20 people at the onset. The Brookeville Academy has a lease arrangement with SUMC for parking and would not be able to offer parking during SUMC Sunday service. Rental is not approved by unanimous decision of Commissioners.
  2. Donna Will, who specializes in “hands on living history” programs for school age children and formal afternoon teas. Mrs. Will holds her functions at Woodlawn Manor and pays them 10% of her earnings. Her contract is up for renewal at Woodlawn Manor and she is looking for a similar operation with the Brookeville Academy and possibility with the one room school house. The Commissioners will meet with Ms. Will to discuss her proposal.

Schoolhouse: Walter Blank will be sending a proposal for upkeep of the one room schoolhouse

Trees: tree removal estimate was reviewed. Commissioner President Michael Acierno will send a personal note to 17 North and 1 South to advise them that the Town will begin the permitting process for trees to be removed from their properties or boarding their properties, which are within the Town’s right of way.

Gravel Road Maintenance: Neal Leary finished the maintenance of the Town’s gravel roads

Speaker: postcards will be mailed to all Town Residents to remind them of the upcoming speaker at the Academy Feb. 2, 2008 at 7:30pm at the Brookeville Academy.

Empower Clean Energy Communities: Recently launched by the State; $8M grant fund for local governments and communities to facilitate projects that increase the energy efficiency and/or the use of renewable energy. Commissioners will look at how a grant from this program could benefit the Town.

Jane E. Lawton Conservation Loan Program: takes the place of the former Community Energy Loan Program (CELP) and would help fund energy conservation improvements by providing low-interest loans; can be used by local governments. Commissioners will look at how a grant from this program could benefit the Town.

Bypass: a letter was sent thanking all MoCo Councilpersons for approving $10M for design and land acquisition for the Bypass; a similar letter was sent to our State Delegation thanking them for all their hard work on behalf of the Bypass. Residents will be asked to send a letter to County Executive IsiahLeggett in support of the Bypass. SHA will be contacted to map out the exact route of the Bypass in order to invite County Council and our State Delegation as it has been more than 40 years the Bypass has been in the planning stages, so many different people coming and going, there is no sense of continuity as to what has already been studied and completed.

GOCA: Commissioner Katherine Farquhar will attend GOCA Jan. 13th meeting. County Executive Isiah Leggett will be speaking at this meeting.

Volunteer Drive: call for volunteers for “Yes Montgomery Can” for the weekend of Jan 16-20. Town Residents will be sent an e-mail informing them of this effort.

District 14: Commissioners Acierno and Farquhar will represent the Town in Annapolis Jan 26th at the Maryland Legislature District 14 party from 6:00pm – 8:00pm.

309 & 311 Market: no new information available.

Speed Camera: location of the speed camera is not on Town property. Speed camera still welcomed as it enhances safety.

The meeting adjourned at 9:45 p.m.

Cate McDonald
Town Clerk