May 14, 2012 Annual Town Meeting Minutes

Town of Brookeville Annual Meeting Minutes
May 14, 2012

Commissioner President Michael Acierno, Commissioner Sue Daley, Commissioner Katherine Farquhar, Town Clerk Cate McDonald, and Academy Manager Andrea Scanlon.  Treasurer Susan Johnson was away.

Moment of silence to honor Jo Unglesbee, a Town Resident who passed away since last year’s Annual Meeting.

Commissioner President Michael Acierno acknowledged all the hard work of the Town’s employees and his fellow Commissioners.

Election results: Commissioner President Michael Acierno won re-election to another 2 year term; he stated this will be his last term and urged Town Residents to consider helping with the governance of their Town.

FY 2011-2012 Budget:  a draft budget was available for review.  Commissioner President Michael Acierno stated that the Town is in good financial shape with ample reserves.  The Town will have a slight deficit for the coming FY.

Welcome to New Neighbors:  our newest neighbors were acknowledged:  The Haris’s at 301 Market; The Davis’s at 13 North; and the Pollock’s building at 4 North.

Pepco and Trees:  Pepco will be removing several trees from various locations in Town that are encroaching on their lines.  Pepco will make trees available to be replanted.

New Construction:  work has begun at 4 North Street.  As part of the building process, the owner posted a bond in lieu of damages that might occur during the construction process.

Amphitheatre Sign:  The sign that banned all recreational fires in the Amphitheatre area was found several feet off the Mill Race path.  The Town will have the sign installed with concrete.

Academy Update:  Energy updating work started today and the Town will be reimbursed by the MEA.   An underground propane tank will be installed this Fall.

Website:  the Town’s new website will go live in a few days.  The Town will save money ($99 current hosting fee vs. $4.24 per month new fee) and will allow the Town to have more control over the content management.

Town Picnic:  all Town Residents were invited to the Annual Town Picnic to be held Sunday, August 26 from 4:00pm – 7:00pm.

War of 1812 update: Commissioner President Michael Acierno acknowledged Sandy Heiler, Chair of the War of 1812 committee.  Mrs. Heiler reported that the DAR awarded a grant of $10,000 to the Friends of the Maryland State Archives for researching and documenting the events of August, 1814 in Brookeville and making relevant documents available online.   It will be a micro history of the Town itself and the people living here back in 1814.    The DAR Fellows will be visiting the Town several Monday’s in June.  There are plans for a symposium at the Academy planned for Fall 2013.The Town will be applying for a Bicentennial Commission Grant for planning for 2014.

All grants require matching funds from the Town.

The White House Historical Association will be visiting the Town in August to do a survey.

There will be an archaeological dig this summer in the field behind the Madison House. The dig will take place in two phases over 2 years.

Sprucing Up:

The one room Schoolhouse has been painted

There will be plans in the coming months to fix the sidewalk pavers and general landscaping in Town.

SUMC will be donating time and talent this coming weekend within the Town as part of Methodist Service weekend initiative.

309 / 311 Market Street update: current projects are on hold.  The owner is no longer in contempt as he has shown a lack of resources.  MoCo does not have the resources to take over the clean-up.

Open Discussion:

  • Debbie Wagner: National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) for FY ‘12 was signed into law Dec. 31, 2011, by President  Obama.  She has concerns regarding sub-sections 1021 and 1022, which deal with detention of persons the government suspects of involvement in terrorism.  She wants the Town to pass a resolution that these sub-sections do not apply within the Town’s jurisdiction.  The Town Commissioners thought this should be an issue that Town Residents decide.  It was unanimous that more information was needed before the Town could pass a resolution.  Suggestions were for Mrs. Wagner to provide more information about her proposed resolution via the Town newsletter or on the Town website.  Also, the information needs to be in layman terms so everyone can understand the issue.   Than a special meeting can be called and Residents can vote on the issue.
  • The Town will discontinue use of its P.O. Box address within the coming year and use a mailbox at 5 High Street.
  • There will be a dumpster available to Town Residents this year in the Fall for large trash.
  • A request was made for Residents who have sidewalks in front of their house to trim their bushes and shrubs for easy access.

The meeting adjourned at 8:50p.m.
Cate McDonald
Town Clerk


May 14, 2012 Commissioners Meeting Minutes

Town of Brookeville Commissioners Meeting Minutes
May 14, 2012

Commissioner President Michael Acierno, Commissioner Sue Daley, Commissioner Katherine Farquhar, Town Clerk Cate McDonald, and Academy Manager Andrea Scanlon.  Treasurer Susan Johnson was away.  Present during all or portions of the meeting was Gazette Reporter Terri Hogan. 

Minutes: The April Commissioners Meeting Minutes were approved.

Financial:  the Financial Report was not available.

Amphitheatre Sign:  The sign that banned all recreational fires in the Amphitheatre area was found several feet off the Mill Race path.  The Town will have the sign installed with concrete.

Town Mailbox:  Residents of 3 High received SHA approval to have a concert bib install.  During construction, the Town’s mailbox and 3 High Street will be installed at the end of 3 High’s driveway.

Academy Report:  USA Energy started work today.  The interior of the Academy has been painted.  The underground propane tank still needs MHA approval and work is slated to begin in the Fall.

Website:  will go live in a few days after domain transfer approved.  Hosting will be $4.24 a month. 

Annual Picnic:  date was set for Sunday, August 26 from 4pm – 7pm.

SUMC:  The church will be doing a community service project in Town on Saturday, May 15th as part of Methodist service weekend.  The Town will purchase some native trees to be planted in Town as one of the projects.

Open Discussion: Big Trash will be a budget item for the coming FY and slated for October.

The meeting adjourned at 7:30p.m.
Cate McDonald

April 9, 2012 Commissioners Meeting Minutes

Town of Brookeville Commissioners Meeting Minutes
April 9, 2012

Commissioner President Michael Acierno, Commissioner Sue Daley, Commissioner Katherine Farquhar, Town Clerk Cate McDonald, and Treasurer Susan Johnson.  Academy Manager Andrea Scanlon was away.  Present during all or portions of the meeting were Town Residents Rebecca Yount, Chris and Micole Haris, and Gazette Reporter Terri Hogan. 

Minutes: The March Commissioners Meeting Minutes were approved.

Financial:  the Financial Report was emailed prior to the meeting.  Treasurer will transfer 100K to a Capitol One account.

Water Street:  Rebecca Yount, 104 Water St, has complained to the Town about the general appearance of the yard at 301 Market Street and the parking of cars along Water Street.  She is concern that the “junk” in the yard, the general upkeep of the yard and property is negatively impacting the sale of her house.  She is concerned for her property values.  The some cars that 301 Market Street own are park at the end of her driveway and along the street.   Commissioner President Michael Acierno stated that the concern of the Town is for safe access to Water Street.  Chris Haris, 301 Market Street, stated this is the first time anyone has brought these complaints to him and he was not sure why this needs to be discussed at a meeting.  Town Clerk, also a resident of Water Street, stated that she had discussed that parking cars on both sides of Water Street does not allow for safe access for all vehicles, especially essential services.  Chris Haris stated that he talked to the recycle truck driver and the recycle truck driver said he could access the street fine.  It was pointed out to Chris Haris that the recycle truck comes on Tuesday when the Resident of 211 Market Street are not home but 211 Market Street will be home daily for the next several months.  Chris Haris and Rebecca Yount agreed that the Haris’s will park one car in her garage, one car in her carport, can park one car at 106 Water Street, and will park the remaining cars on their property abutting the house and that no cars from 301 Market Street will parking along Water Street.  This agreement seemed to please everyone.

Energy Grant Bids:  the Town Commissioners agreed to accept USA Energy proposal, per the Academy Managers recommendation.

Schoolhouse:  Roberta Staat is still interested in a long term rental of the schoolhouse, starting around July 1st.  The Town Commissioners talked about a list of items that they would like the Academy Manager to talk about with Ms. Staat:  porta potty cost and location; increase cost of the schoolhouse operations in the winter months due to base board heating.  Also, will need a specific rental agreement for this rental with concerns about who is responsible for any items in the schoolhouse (ie:  antiques, paint supplies) and the Town’s insurance policy would need to be updated to reflect the rental. 

Maintenance:  the exterior of the schoolhouse will be painted; painter will be asked to check for excessive moisture damage as the paint on the North Street side is peeling more than on the other sides.

Amphitheatre Sign stolen:  The recently install sign that banned ban all recreational fires in the Amphitheatre area went missing.  The Town will inform all Residents that amnesty will be granted to anyone that might know what happened to the sign

Open Discussion: none

The meeting adjourned at 9:25p.m.
Cate McDonald

April 9, 2012 Commissioners Meeting Minutes

Commissioner President Michael Acierno, Commissioner Sue Daley, Commissioner Katherine Farquhar, Town Clerk Cate McDonald, and Treasurer Susan Johnson.  Academy Manager Andrea Scanlon was away.  Present during all or portions of the meeting were Town Residents Rebecca Yount, Chris and Micole Haris, and Gazette Reporter Terri Hogan. 

Minutes: The March Commissioners Meeting Minutes were approved.

Financial:  the Financial Report was emailed prior to the meeting.  Treasurer will transfer 100K to a Capitol One account.

Water Street:  Rebecca Yount, 104 Water St, has complained to the Town about the general appearance of the yard at 301 Market Street and the parking of cars along Water Street.  She is concern that the “junk” in the yard, the general upkeep of the yard and property is negatively impacting the sale of her house.  She is concerned for her property values.  The some cars that 301 Market Street own are park at the end of her driveway and along the street.   Commissioner President Michael Acierno stated that the concern of the Town is for safe access to Water Street.  Chris Haris, 301 Market Street, stated this is the first time anyone has brought these complaints to him and he was not sure why this needs to be discussed at a meeting.  Town Clerk, also a resident of Water Street, stated that she had discussed that parking cars on both sides of Water Street does not allow for safe access for all vehicles, especially essential services.  Chris Haris stated that he talked to the recycle truck driver and the recycle truck driver said he could access the street fine.  It was pointed out to Chris Haris that the recycle truck comes on Tuesday when the Resident of 211 Market Street are not home but 211 Market Street will be home daily for the next several months.  Chris Haris and Rebecca Yount agreed that the Haris’s will park one car in her garage, one car in her carport, can park one car at 106 Water Street, and will park the remaining cars on their property abutting the house and that no cars from 301 Market Street will parking along Water Street.  This agreement seemed to please everyone.

Energy Grant Bids:  the Town Commissioners agreed to accept USA Energy proposal, per the Academy Managers recommendation.

Schoolhouse:  Roberta Staat is still interested in a long term rental of the schoolhouse, starting around July 1st.  The Town Commissioners talked about a list of items that they would like the Academy Manager to talk about with Ms. Staat:  porta potty cost and location; increase cost of the schoolhouse operations in the winter months due to base board heating.  Also, will need a specific rental agreement for this rental with concerns about who is responsible for any items in the schoolhouse (ie:  antiques, paint supplies) and the Town’s insurance policy would need to be updated to reflect the rental.

 Maintenance:  the exterior of the schoolhouse will be painted; painter will be asked to check for excessive moisture damage as the paint on the North Street side is peeling more than on the other sides.

Amphitheatre Sign stolen:  The recently install sign that banned ban all recreational fires in the Amphitheatre area went missing.  The Town will inform all Residents that amnesty will be granted to anyone that might know what happened to the sign.

Open Discussion: none

The meeting adjourned at 9:25p.m.

Cate McDonald

March 12, 2012 Commissioners Meeting Minutes

Town of Brookeville Commissioners Meeting Minutes
March 12, 2012

Commissioner President Michael Acierno, Commissioner Sue Daley, Commissioner Katherine Farquhar, Town Clerk Cate McDonald, Academy Manager Andrea Scanlon and Treasurer Susan Johnson.  Present during all or portions of the meeting was Gazette Reporter Terri Hogan. 

Minutes: The February Commissioners Meeting Minutes were approved.

Financial:  the Financial Report was emailed prior to the meeting.  

Academy Update:  rentals doing well.  Received request for donation from Olney Chamber of Commerce for their scholarship program to high school seniors in the greater Olney area – Commissioners authorize a $250 donation.  Cub Scouts and Girl Scouts want to do a Service Project in exchange for using the Academy free of charge.   The Commissioners decide that cleaning up and mulching around the Schoolhouse would be an appropriate project.   The Town will order 30 bags of mulch and plan on Clean Up Day April 21.  One of the service projects proposed was having the Cub Scouts hang the Town’s flag but it is too risky to have young children along High and Market Sts.   The Commissioners will ask for a Town volunteer to hang the flags and the Treasurer will order commemorative War of 1812 flags. MEA grant:  received 2 bids out of 17 companies contacted; both bids are similar in price.  Academy Manager will proceed with the project and then submit the paperwork to the MEA for reimbursement.  The work will be done the end of April – early May.

Schoolhouse:  the Schoolhouse needs to be painted.  Commissioners authorized to get bid and to have the work completed before Heritage Days.

Heritage Days:  the Town plans on having the Schoolhouse open on Saturday, June 23rd.   Waiting for Donna Will to confirm her appearance as Marm.

Parking:  The Commissioners reviewed and signed a letter to be mailed to the Market St. Resident who park along Water Street.

Amphitheatre and Fire:  Commissioner President Acierno went back and reviewed the Town’s original intent for the amphitheater on North Street and concluded at no time was there to be a fire pit; the area was to be used as an outdoor amphitheater to compliment the Schoolhouse.    The Commissioners enacted an ordinance to ban all recreational fires in that area.  A sign will be ordered and installed.

There was discussion of a new parking sign for the Academy that would be more permanent to be installed at the corner of Church and High Sts.  Commissioner Daley will bring this up at the next SUMC Trustee meeting.

Commissioner Farquhar stated a post with chains needs to be installed at the Schoolhouse parking lot to keep wayward drivers from driving over the edge.

North St. – Water St. walking path:  another car drove from North St to Water St.  The Town Clerk contacted Neil Leary about erecting a natural stone barrier to prevent cars from driving along the path.  Neil Leary said it could easily be done but would be more cost effective waiting until the heavy machinery was doing the gravel road maintenance.

LGIT Hazard Evaluation Survey:  The Commissioners reviewed the recent hazard evaluations.

Open Discussion:
1814 update:  Sandy Heiler has a meeting with State Senator Rich Madaleno this week.

Angel:  Pogo has not picked up the Angel yet for refurbishment.  Town Clerk will call and get an estimated date.

The meeting adjourned at 9:20p.m.
Cate McDonald

February 22, 2012 Commissioners Meeting Minutes

Town of Brookeville Commissioners Meeting Minutes
February 22, 2012

Commissioner President Michael Acierno, Commissioner Sue Daley, Commissioner Katherine Farquhar, Town Clerk Cate McDonald, and Academy Manager Andrea Scanlon. Treasurer Susan Johnson was not present.  Present during all or portions of the meeting were Sandy Heiler, Robert Hines, Heather Blouslog, and Roberta Staat. 

War of 1812 planning update: Robert Hines, a History teacher with MCPS and Archaeologist volunteer with

M-NCPPC, and Heather Blouslog, an Archeologist with M-NCPPC, along with Town Resident Sandy Heiler came to discuss an archaeological dig for the 1812 celebration.   The location would be on private property (Heiler and Scanlon), the field that belongs to MoCo, and possibly WSSC where Thomas Mill was.  None of the land considered belongs to the Town.   They would be looking for places the soldiers camped while President Madison came to Town in Aug. 1814.  They would like to conduct Phase 1 this summer, which would be a shovel test to find an area in which to concentrate.  Summer 2013 tie in with Heritage Days and have a display of any found artifacts displayed.  Summer 2014 have the dig area open to the public with an Archaeologist there to answer questions.   This will be a volunteer driven dig.  Heather Blouslog will need to get permission to dig on MoCo property and have M-NCPPC discuss liability issues.  Commissioner President Acierno said the Town will help in any way possible, such as helping with site prep (mowing the field).

The Town received notice that our grant application to Maryland War of 1812 Bicentennial Commission was not selected in the first round.  Subsequent grant cycles are planned.

Sandy Heiler has a meeting with the White House Historical Association in March at the Madison House to discuss War of 1812.

Grad Students from UMBC will start their research papers and would like to use the Academy from 9am – 12:30pm June 7, 14, 28.    Commissioners approve this request.

Plein Air Olney:  Roberta Staat wants to have a workshop at the Academy.  She is working on a grant to pay for the Academy rental, which will be October 27-28, 2012.  She would also like to plan 2-3 more workshops for Plein Air artists.  Ms. Staat discussed her desire to have an art center in the local area and to possibly start with a long term rental of the One Room Schoolhouse.   As the Schoolhouse is under used, the Commissioners are in agreement that this would be an acceptable use of the building.  The issues that would need to be worked out are a source of water, insurance, and a portapotty.

Minutes: The January Commissioners Meeting Minutes were approved.

Financial:  the Financial Report was emailed prior to the meeting.  

Academy Update:  working on the MEA RFP.

Water St.:  parking on Water Street remains an issue.  The concern is safe access to Water Street for residents and emergency service access.  The Town will ask the Fire Marshall to survey the side streets for safety.

Congressman John Sarbanes: with the recent Congressional redistricting,   The Town falls within Rep. Sarbanes district.  The Congressman met with Commissioner President Acierno and Commissioner Daley on Feb. 13th to introduce himself and learn about the Town.

Open Discussion: none

The meeting adjourned at 9:40p.m.
Cate McDonald

January 9, 2012 Commissioners Meeting Minutes

Town of Brookeville Commissioners Meeting Minutes
January 9, 2012

8:00pm Commissioner President Michael Acierno, Commissioner Sue Daley, Commissioner Katherine Farquhar, Town Clerk Cate McDonald,Treasurer Susan Johnson and Academy Manager Andrea Scanlon.  Present during all or portions of the meeting were Town Resident Debbie Wagner and Gazette Reporter Terri Hogan. 

Minutes: The December Commissioners Meeting Minutes were approved.

Financial:  the Financial Report was emailed prior to the meeting.  Follow up to last month’s concerns: 1) LGIT bill amount should have been recorded as the auditor’s bill and 2) the amount of money in our checking account – Treasurer will transfer $100K into another Sandy Springs bank account to keep all accounts under the FDIC insurance limit.  

Academy Update:  A few more rentals on the books.  Yoga instructor will add a Saturday class, bringing the total to 4 classes a week.  Academy phone line finally fixed.  Academy parking sign is missing and the Commissioners authorized a new sign to be purchased.

Town Borders:  when Pepco was trimming trees by the WSSC lot, there was a concern that the Town’s municipal boundaries are not the same as MoCo, the State, and the Town Charter.  The Commissioners authorized up to $1000 for the BPC’s consultant to research the boundaries. 

MML Legislative Dinner: Commissioners Acierno and Farquhar attended and reported the focus was trying to funnel money from the State to municipalities.

Leary Contract: Leary presented the Town with a contract for gravel road work while the Town Clerk was away.  He contacted Treasurer Susan Johnson who signed the contract worth $1920.  The contract included raking North, South, and Water Sts, clearing the street gutters.   Since road work is done in the spring / summer time and not included in the budget, the Town has overspent its budgeted amount for road work.

Corporations are not People: Resident Debbie Wagner requests the Town consider a motion that “corporations are not people”.  Commissioner Farquhar suggested this is a topic to be discussed at the Annual Town Meeting to get the general consensus of Town Residents.

Commissioners agreed to set the Annual Town Meeting for May 14, 2012 at 7:30pm.

Power lines:  there are remnants of dangling power lines at the corner of North and Market Sts.  Pepco will be asked to fix the situation.

Open Discussion:There have been several complaints about dogs being lose and roaming around Town and owners not cleaning up after their pets. In the next newsletter there will be a reminder about the MoCo laws concerning pets.  If the problem still persists, the Commissioners will send a letter to the Town Residents with the problematic pets.

The Town sent our intent to apply to Heritage Montgomery for the 2012 grant cycle.

Commissioner Farquhar will be unavailable for the February 13th Commissioner Meeting.  The meeting has been rescheduled to Wednesday, February 22.

The meeting adjourned at 9:30p.m.
Cate McDonald

December 12, 2011 Commissioners Meeting Minutes

December 12, 2011

Commissioner President Michael Acierno, Commissioner Sue Daley, Commissioner Katherine Farquhar, Town Clerk Cate McDonald.  Present during all or portions of the meeting was Academy Manager Andrea Scanlon.

Building Permit:  The BPC approved the building permit for new construction at 4 North Street.  The Commissioners had several concerns:  work hours too long; type of shingles being used; and a deck.  Chris Scanlon was called for a teleconference:  he said that MoCo HAWP approved the deck and shingles and the BPC concern is with setbacks and zoning so the Town cannot deny the deck and shingles.  Also, he said the work hours on the permit he approved are the hours that MoCo says building can take place and since the Town does not have an ordinance regarding work hours it must be approved.  Normally with a new construction permit, the builder pays the fee for the Towns consultant and the Town’s building permits fees.  The builder, Matt Pollack, requested that the Town apply our building permit fee to reduce the cost of the consultant fee.  Chris Scanlon advised he did not have a problem with this and asked the Commissioners to approve the request.  The Commissioners did approve the request for building permit fee and signed the building permit.

Minutes: The November Commissioners Meeting Minutes were approved.

Financial:  the Financial Report was emailed prior to the meeting.  Two concerns were raised about the report: 1) LGIT bill amount and 2) the amount of money in our checking account.  Commissioner President Acierno suggested that the Town transfer part of the checking account balance into a savings account.  He will e-mail the Treasurer regarding the financial report.

Academy Update:  Academy Manager finally located the Archeology Report that the MD Historic Trust needs in order to have an underground propane tank installed.  The approval may not come until Jan / Feb with plans for installation in the Spring.

No more forward movement on the MEA Grant.

The Girl Scout Troop has moved back to SUMC due to concerns with crossing the street.

MML Legislative Dinner:  will be December 15th.  Commissioners Acierno and Farquhar will attend with Sen. Montgomery and Del. Zucker as their guests.

Town Cleanup Day: The Town will ask Residents to participate in another Cleanup Day:  street gutters cleaned; spruce up and mulch around the school house; and general tidying up the Town sometime in April.  A question was raised about having a large trash pickup:  the Town has not had a large item pickup due to budget concerns.  There is a possibility to have a large trash dumpster for a weekend at the Schoolhouse parking lot in March.

Town Mail: The Town will start using its street address (5 High Street) and will do away with the P. O. Box.  Plans are to have a mailbox installed in the Spring next to the existing USPS blue mailbox.

Water – North Street loop?:  The Town has no plans for a street connector.  Since there has been recent vehicle traffic and parking on the walking path, the Town will look to install some natural barriers (rocks) on the entrance to the path and perhaps a No Parking sign.

ICC Signs – Meeting Update with Peggy Erickson: Heritage Montgomery has received grant money to place ICC signs to Heritage sites within MoCo, including within the Town.  Commissioner President Acierno recently met with Ms. Erickson and expressed concern over the size of the signs and the placement.  Ms. Erickson agreed to less signs and will confer with SHA about the placement of the signage.

COHV:  on the agenda as an FYI to the Commissioners and all who attended the meeting.

Open Discussion:  none

The meeting adjourned at 9:30p.m.

Cate McDonald

November 14, 2011 Commissioners Meeting Minutes

November 14, 2011

Commissioner President Michael Acierno, Commissioner Sue Daley, Commissioner Katherine Farquhar, Town Clerk Cate McDonald and Treasurer Susan Johnson. Academy Manager Andrea Scanlon was away.  Present during all or portions of the meeting were Town Residents Fred Teal, Debbie Wagner, and Gazette Reporter Terri Hogan.

Minutes: The October Commissioners Meeting Minutes were approved.

Financial:  the Financial Report was emailed prior to the meeting.

Open Discussion:  Fred Teal, Jr. and Debbie Wagner came with the GPC Challenge award plaque from the EPA and to discuss Green Energy.

Propane Tank:  Academy Manager looking for the 1996 Ph IA Archeology Report that the MD Historic Trust needs in order to have an underground propane tank installed.  Commissioners will wait for more information from Academy Manager before deciding on an above or below ground propane tank for the Academy.

Academy Update:   Academy report was e-mailed prior to the meeting.

Status of Bicentennial Grant: Sandy Heiler submitted the grant prior to the deadline.  Michael Yesenko, of Market Street, volunteered to be the grant manager.  Mrs. Heiler is working on a DAR grant and then will work on a Heritage grant.  The Commissioners wanted to express their sincere gratitude to Sandy Heiler and Michael Yesenko for all their hard work.

Parking on Water St:  Recycling was not picked up along Water St. last week due to the street’s entry being blocked by parked cars on both sides of the street.    A notice will be placed in the newsletter to remind residents about parking on the side streets as the roads are narrow.

MML Montgomery Chapter:  Annual Legislative Dinner will be December 15th.  The Town would like to invite Sen. Montgomery and Del. Zucker as their guests.  Town Clerk will coordinate with Laytonsville about our sponsorship of Montgomery and Zucker.

Holiday Party:  invitations will be mailed to arrive the day after Thanksgiving.  Town will sponsor a non-perishable food drive to benefit Olney Help.

309 & 311 Market: MoCo does not have the money to clean up the properties as the owner has not done so.  The Town will contact the County Attorney to see if the Town can pay for the clean-up and have a lien placed against the properties to recoup the money.

Open Discussion:  Town Clerk will ask snow removal contractor to plow and remove snow from the street in front of the Academy.  This will enable cars to park in front of the Academy during events.  Town Clerk asked if the Town should use its street address and have a mail box installed for mail delivery.  This will save money as the Town pays for a P.O. Box.

The meeting adjourned at 9:20p.m.

Cate McDonald

October 3, 2011 Commissioners Meeting Minutes

October 3, 2011

Commissioner President Michael Acierno, Commissioner Sue Daley, Town Clerk Cate McDonald, Treasurer Susan Johnson, and Academy Manager Andrea Scanlon. Commissioner Katherine Farquhar was away. Present during all or portions of the meeting were Sandy Heiler and Peggy Erickson.

Heritage Montgomery:  Peggy Erickson, Executive Director of Heritage Montgomery, discussed grant opportunities for the 2014 events.  She advised that Heritage Montgomery will add the Brookeville Academy and the Schoolhouse to the SHA signs coming from the ICC since they are part of the Quaker Cluster. The State has a $15M grant pot (both Capital and non-Capital) with deadline for submissions approaching. Commissioner President Acierno advised the Town is working on a grant proposal and will submit it prior to the deadline in November.  Ms. Erickson advised grants from Heritage Montgomery need to be tourism related.

Minutes: The September Commissioners Meeting Minutes were approved.

Financial:  the Financial Report was emailed prior to the meeting.  Susan Johnson advised that the Town’s CD is up for renewal at Sandy Spring bank but thinks we should move to another financial institution instead of rolling it over.

Academy Update:   Academy Manager advised that the best location for the underground propane tank is downhill and that she will contact Maryland Historic Trust to see if a permit is needed since there is an historic easement.

She is working on quotes for the Academy MEA grant.

Brookeville Bypass Smart Growth Meeting:  Commissioners Acierno and Daley attended the Sept. meeting in Baltimore and all went well.   Commissioner Farquhar plans on attending the meeting on Oct. 12th.

309 & 311 Market: Commissioner President Acierno will attend the next hearing.

Eastern Market St:  repairs have been completed.

EPA award:  Commissioner President Acierno will contact the EPA and see if they can attend the Nov meeting to present the award for the EPA Green Power Community with the highest participation rate in the nation.

Open Discussion:  none

The meeting adjourned at 9:20p.m.

Cate McDonald