September 20, 2011 Commissioners Meeting Minutes

September 20, 2011

Commissioner President Michael Acierno, Commissioner Sue Daley, Town Clerk Cate McDonald and Academy Manager Andrea Scanlon. Commissioner Katherine Farquhar and Treasurer Susan Johnson were away. Present during all or portions of the meeting was Gazette Reporter Terri Hogan.

Academy Update:   Donna Wills has teas 2 days booked and is considering using the Academy for a school program.     A local Girl Scout troop would like to use the Academy for their monthly meeting pro bono; Academy Manager suggest use of the Academy in exchange for a service project:  Commissioners approve the request.  A 13 year old girl requested a pro bono rental for a sea turtle fundraiser; Academy Manager will talk to the parents and offer a reduced rental rate.  A slushy machine exploded at a recent rental and a portion of the wall will need to be repainted and the floors possibly redone.  The floors being refinished was already included in the budget.  Community Night is Oct 5th and the Academy has a table rented and will donate a free rental for the auction.

The date for the Holiday Party was set for December 3, 2011.

Minutes: The July Commissioners Meeting Minutes were approved.

Financial:  the August Financial Report was emailed prior to the meeting.

Propane: tank was recently refilled.  Installing an underground tank needs approval from Maryland Historic Trust. 

Brookeville Bypass Smart Growth Meeting:  Commissioners Acierno and Daley will attend the Sept. 22nd meeting in Baltimore.

309 & 311 Market: at the last court hearing, the owner of these properties was order to clear the lots of debris and if he fails to do so, MoCo will clear the lots and bill the owner.

Artist:  Joan Reynolds, who proposed the art work Doors of Brookeville and notecards for the 2014 Bicentennial, requested the Commissioners authorize the work.  The Commissioners agreed not accept the proposal.

SHA:  Commissioner President Acierno will contact Cedric Ward and schedule a meeting as part of SHA outreach to municipalities.

Grants:  Peggy Erickson from Heritage Montgomery would like to attend the October Commissioners Meeting with grant opportunities for the 2014 events.  She cannot make the regularly schedule 2nd Monday of the month (Oct. 10).  The Commissioners agreed to reschedule to Monday, October 03 to accommodate Ms. Erickson’s attendance at the meeting.

Jo Unglesbee’s Funeral:  Commissioner Acierno will attend.  The reception will be held at the Academy.  Academy Manager will contact the family and offer to donate resources.

Open Discussion:  Commissioners authorized a $50 donation to SSVFD.

Bagged leaf removal will not be offered this year due to only 1% of the homes using the service.

Commissioners and Town Clerk will make an appointment with the Town’s snow removal contractor to review and discuss the Town’s snow removal needs.

The meeting adjourned at 9:05p.m.

Cate McDonald

July 11, 2011 Commissioners Meeting Minutes

July 11, 2011

Commissioner President Michael Acierno, Commissioner Sue Daley, Commissioner Katherine Farquhar, Town Clerk Cate McDonald and Academy Manager Andrea Scanlon.  Treasurer Susan Johnson was away. Present during all or portions of the meeting were Sandy Heiler, Roberta Staat, Tara Holl, and Gazette Reporter Terri Hogan.

Plein Air Olney:  local artists with Plein Air, Roberta Staat and Tara Holl, have the Academy rented on July 30th as part of the open air painting day in Brookeville.  They asked the Commissioners to waive the rental fee in exchange to be part of the 2014 Bicentennials events.  The artists were part of the 1996 celebration.   The Commissioners approved the waived rental fee.

War of 1812 update:  Sandy Heiler updated the Commissioners on her progress for an academic research project.   She is still trying to find a university and/or grad student for a research paper on the importance of Brookeville during the War of 1812; DAR Rockville Chapter may donate money towards a prize for the best student paper.   She has contacted the NPS to place the Academy and Madison House for an individual listing on the National Register of Historic Places.  She is enlisting Town Residents to do research on the houses in Brookeville.   Also, Mrs. Heiler is interested to find a geographer to research how people from Washington traveled to Brookeville when they fled Washington on 1814.

Minutes: The June Commissioners Meeting Minutes were approved.

Financial:  the June Financial Report was emailed prior to the meeting and reviewed.   The FY Budget for 2011-2012 was signed by all three Commissioners.

Academy Update:   Donna Wills still considering using the Academy for teas 2 days a month.   The sprinkler valve has been repaired.  Stucco repair will be scheduled for August.  Thank You letter received for donation to Olney Theater.  Commissioners approved Academy rental donations for National Night Out and to purchase advertisement space in Shaare Tefila directory.

Brookeville Bypass Smart Growth Meeting:  June meeting was postponed and might be rescheduled in August.

309 & 311 Market: Commissioner President Acierno will attend the next court hearing on July 19th.

Gravel Road Maintenance:  contract has been signed and work to begin soon.

Truck length:  Fred Teal is researching the truck lengths restrictions and will be providing a summary of his research.

Open Discussion:  Commissioner Farquhar consulting with Fire Marshall for the sign to be installed at the amphitheater.

As holding with tradition, the August Commissioners Meeting has been canceled.

The meeting adjourned at 9:30p.m.

Cate McDonald

June 13, 2011 Commissioners Meeting Minutes

June 13, 2011

Commissioner President Michael Acierno, Commissioner Sue Daley, Commissioner Katherine Farquhar, Treasurer Susan Johnson and Academy Manager Andrea Scanlon.  Town Clerk Cate McDonald was away. Present during all or portions of the meeting were Debbie Wagner and Gazette Reporter Terri Hogan.

Minutes: The May Commissioners Meeting Minutes and Annual Town Meeting Minutes were approved.

Financial:  the Financial Report was not available.  The budget documents will be updated in July.

Academy Update:   Estimated cost of $950 to replace the sprinkler systems valve, which is stuck.  Commissioners approve the expenditure.

Gravel Road Maintenance:  Estimate cost of $6940 for the gravel road maintenance.  Commissioners approved the check to be issued before the start of FY’11 for the work to begin.

Brookeville Angel:  Commissioner President Acierno will ask the Sandy Spring Museum if they would like the Brookeville Angel.   The base is rotting and the angel may need some work.

Schoolhouse:  gutters clips need to be reattached.  Something is chewing on the wood along the north side.  Schoolhouse will be open June 25th for Heritage Days.  The Town will try and organize a cleanup and mulching.

Fire Pit:  Debbie Wagner raised concerns about another fire.   Commissioner Farquhar will work on wording so a sign can be expedited. 

MEA Grant: Academy Manager Andrea Scanlon confirmed that the Town will use the grant within the allotted time of 3 years. 

Brookeville Bypass Smart Growth Meeting:  Commissioners Farquhar and Daley will attend the June 15th meeting up in Baltimore, which should be a formality.   If exception to Smart Growth is granted, the next step will be funding in August.

Update on 309 & 311 Market: the next court hearing will be Tuesday, June 14th at 1:30pm.  :  Commissioner President Acierno will attend.

SHA and Speed Camera:  the speed camera along High St. is pointing skywards.  Does anyone want to contact SHA?

Emergency Operations Coordinator:  Does the Town need an Emergency Operations Coordinator?  And if so, should Fred Teal be asked to perform this job?   Commissioner President Acierno will write a job description by next month.

Truck Length Restriction: State Senator Karen Montgomery has given the Town the basis information and laws but the Town will need to research.

Open Discussion:  The Olney Theater is having a Community Appreciation Day; the Commissioners approved a $100 donation for the event.

Commissioner Farquhar will attend the June 16th informal GOCA get together at Starbucks.

The meeting adjourned at 9:25p.m.

Andrea Scanlon

May 16, 2011 Annual Town Meeting Minutes

May 16, 2011

Commissioner President Michael Acierno, Commissioner Robert Heritage, Commissioner Katherine Farquhar, Town Clerk Cate McDonald, Treasurer Susan Johnson and Academy Manager Andrea Scanlon.  Present during all or portions of the meeting was Gazette Reporter Terri Hogan.

Minutes: The April Commissioners Meeting Minutes were approved.

Financial:  The Financial Report was not available.

Academy Update:   The artist, Roberta Staat, has moved her items into the schoolhouse; she will use the schoolhouse for May and then again later in the year.   Ms. Staat is also using the Academy for a workshop in July.

Academy roof will need repairs; the Commissioners will budget for roof repairs once the BA loan is paid off.

All needed safety inspections have been performed; one sprinkler will need to be replaced.

May Election: Katherine Farquhar was reelected; Suzanne Daley was elected to her 1st two-year term as Town Commissioner.   Commissioner Heritage will be retiring this June.

Update on 309 & 311 Market: heavy equipment was brought in but so far no work has begun.  Commissioner Heritage reported that the bobcat used by the owner the other day was to make room for a dumpster.

Picnic:  the date was set for Sunday, August 28th from 4p.m.-7p.m.

Fire Pit:  someone used the fire pit recently and left a fire smoldering.  The Commissioners will consult with Fire Marshall regarding the correct verbiage for a sign to be posted by the fire ring.

Open Discussion:  The Town Directory needs updating this Fall.

The War of 1812 Committee will be asked to report to the Commissioners during the June Meeting.

Commissioners ok a sponsorship donation for the Sandy Spring Museum’s Strawberry Festival.

There was a question raised on whether the Town has an official seal, which it appears the Town does not have.

The meeting adjourned at 7:55p.m.

Cate McDonald
Town Clerk

April 11, 2011 Commissioners Meeting Minutes

April 11, 2011

Commissioner President Michael Acierno, Commissioner Robert Heritage, Commissioner Katherine Farquhar, Town Clerk Cate McDonald, Treasurer Susan Johnson and Academy Manager Andrea Scanlon.  Present during all or portions of the meeting were several Town Resident, SSVFD Chief George Brown, LDVFD Chief Buddy Suttons, numerous MCFRS professionals, and Gazette Reporter Terri Hogan.

309 &311 Market St. Fire Discussion: SSVFD Chief Brown gave a detailed recap of the event of early morning March 28th.    This fire was challenging due to the narrow road and limited working spaces.  There were rescue trucks lined up and down Georgia Avenue. The Commissioners expressed their gratitude to the hard working fire rescue persons.  The Commissioners presented each chief with a framed photo of the fire.  Also, the Commissioners gave thanks to 2 dogs, Tallulah and Ruby, and rewarded them with bones for waking up their owners that morning.

Update on 309 & 311 Market:  Commissioner President Acierno had spoken with the County Attorney and gave him an update on 309 Market St.  He has also spoken with Dan McHugh, Manager for Housing Code Enforcement and will send in a letter requesting an emergency abatement which will allow for the demolition and removal of the debris, removal of charred trees, and making the properties safe with fill, grading, and seeding.  The Town has also hired a lawyer to pursue other legal options since MoCo has been slow to act.  HPC has given approval to remove the debris without a HAWP.

Question was raised about the workshop located at 309 Market that was not damaged – owner has been working there and the Resident was worried about flammable items being stored in the workshop.  Commissioner President Acierno will contact Inspector Calloway and alert him about activity at the workshop.

Town Residents are urged to send letters to MoCo Executive Leggett concerning the hazardous property conditions at 309 & 311 Market Street.

Minutes: The March Commissioners Meeting Minutes were approved.

Financial:  The financial report was emailed prior to the meeting.

Commissioners approved a $500 donation be made to the SSVFD.

No changes to the tax rates.

Academy Update:   new long term renter for the Academy – Roberta Staat,  a local artist who will give drawing classes in the Academy. She will also rent the Schoolhouse for the month of May for $150. Rentals in general have picked up a bit.

Municipal Laws:  MoCo has asked the Town to serve as contact for information.

May Election: Currently the Town has received 2 nomination letters.

Open Discussion:

Commissioner President Acierno is working on FY ’11-’12 budget and will include money for gravel road repair and pothole repair on eastern Market.

Request to update walking tour brochure for 2014.

The meeting adjourned at 9:10 p.m.

Cate McDonald
Town Clerk

March 14, 2011 Commissioners Meeting Minutes

March 14, 2011
8:00 p.m.

Commissioner President Michael Acierno, Commissioner Robert Heritage, Commissioner Katherine Farquhar, Town Clerk Cate McDonald, Treasurer Susan Johnson and Academy Manager Andrea Scanlon.  Present during all or portions of the meeting were Town Residents Debbie Wagner, Fred Teal, Jr., and Rev. Sue Shorb-Sterling; Mollie Byron, Joan Reynolds,   and Gazette Reporter Terri Hogan.

Governor’s Office of Community Initiatives:   Mollie Byron, Capital Area Coordinator, introduced herself and her role for the Office of the Governor.   The Town will be able to use Ms. Byron as a resource with State Agencies and pass along any community events to the Governor’s office.

Local Artist:  Joan Reynolds presented her concept of art work to be sold during the Bicentennial celebration:  photo of the Doors of Brookeville and hand drawn note cards.  The items would need to be pre-ordered and she would give the Town 10% commission on the sales.  The Commissioners will discuss the proposal at next month’s Commissioners Meeting and get back in touch with her then.

Emergency Preparedness Survey results: Fred Teal went over the results of his survey with the Town Commissioners.  He determined that using SUMC Orandorff Hall as an emergency shelter would be the best courses of action.    This would require financial resources from the Town.  The Commissioners will discuss the survey results at next month’s Commissioners Meeting.

GOCA Award:  Fred Teal and Debbie Wagner received their award last Sunday from GOCA.

Town Flower:  a Town Resident requested the Town name an official flower.  Suggestions were the wineberry plant that grows behind the schoolhouse.  The Commissioners will solicit interest of naming a Town Flower at the Annual Meeting along with also naming an office bird.

Minutes: The February Commissioners Meeting Minutes were approved.

Financial:  The financial report was reviewed.   Snow pushing bill is within the budgeted amount; Commissioners will meet with our snow pushing contractor in the Fall to review areas of concern.

The Town has over 200K at Sandy Spring Bank which is over the FDIC insured limit; Treasurer will look at other options.

Academy Update:   Academy Manager will install the clear plastic fire pull covers as the estimate to professionally install was $800.  She wants to have installed a below ground for propane the above ground tank is not attractive, is leased, and only 500 gallons.  The supplier who owns the tank is allowed the tank to run out of propane several times.   Installing a 1000 gallon underground tank will cost approx. $3500. The Commissioners will try and budget for an underground tank next fiscal year.   Work on outside maintenance will start soon.

New Rental inquiries:  The Longwood Seniors will need to find a new place to meet over the summer.  They would like to use the Academy Monday’s from 10am – 2pm and will be offered the room at no charge.

Local artist wants to hold drawing lessons Mon. mornings and Tuesday afternoons.  These days and times do not interfere with any other lessons at this time and renter will be offered a similar fee structure as the yoga instructor.  Artist also inquired about renting the schoolhouse, which seemed like a good idea to the Commissioners.

Donna Wills will be hosting another tea with waltzing April 10th.

REC:  the Town will purchase REC for the streetlight Pepco account after the proposal is reviewed.

War of 1812 Research:  the Town will most likely have to pay for the research project; it most likely will not receive any grants because the research project would not be a draw for tourism.

May Election: The Commissioners will try to lobby residents for nominations for the upcoming Commissioners election.

Open Discussion:  Debbie Wagner requested speed humps be installed along North Street.  When she is walking her dog at night, it is too dark even with street lights and she is blinded by oncoming headlights of car, which are being driven too fast for her to react.   Commissioner President Acierno explained that since North Street is gravel the Town would not be able to install traditional speed humps.  Commissioner Farquhar suggested an e-mail be sent to the Residents on North Street asking them to drive more slowly.   Debbie Wagner also wants the potholes along North Street repaired and feels the current Town contractor is not doing a good job as the pot holes reappear every year.  There will be no road repair until springtime.

Open Discussion:

  • 309 & 311 Market Street: the Town will looking into hiring a lawyer to help speed the rebuilding process at 311 Market St.
  • The Annual Town Meeting will be Monday, May 16th at 7:30pm.

The meeting adjourned at 9:40 p.m.

Cate McDonald
Town Clerk

February 3, 2011 Commissioners Meeting Minutes

February 3, 2011
8:00 p.m.

Commissioner President Michael Acierno, Commissioner Robert Heritage, Commissioner Katherine Farquhar, Town Clerk Cate McDonald.  Treasurer Susan Johnson and Academy Manager Andrea Scanlon were not in attendance.  Present during all or portions of the meeting were Town Resident Debbie Wagner and Gazette Reporter Terri Hogan.

Minutes: The January Commissioners Meeting Minutes were approved.

Financial:  The financial report was not available.   Snow pushing bill has not been received as of yet.

Open Discussion:  Debbie Wagner requested speed humps be installed along North Street.  When she is walking her dog at night, it is too dark even with street lights and she is blinded by oncoming headlights of car, which are being driven too fast for her to react.   Commissioner President Acierno explained that since North Street is gravel the Town would not be able to install traditional speed humps.  Commissioner Farquhar suggested an e-mail be sent to the Residents on North Street asking them to drive more slowly.   Debbie Wagner also wants the potholes along North Street repaired and feels the current Town contractor is not doing a good job as the pot holes reappear every year.  There will be no road repair until springtime.

Academy Update:  the Academy reports were reviewed and Academy Manager called in for a verbal report.   During a music lesson at the Academy, the fire alarm was pulled by accident.  Academy Manager wants to install clear plastic pull covers to prevent anymore accidental fire alarms; estimated cost $2500.  Commissioners approved this expenditure.

3 options presented for the Academy to accept credit cards:  swipe machine, vertical terminal, and dial-in via phone.   To cover the additional cost of accepting credit cards, rates would be raised $25 across the board and a discount will be offered for cash payments.  Academy Manager needs to discuss the bank logistics with the Treasurer.

Snow Removal:  a mutual date will be needed between the Commissioners, Town Clerk, and our Snow Removal contractor so everyone can have the same expectations of where the Town’s  right-of-way boundaries are for snow removal, where to put the snow, and parking during snow emergencies.

Legislative Night:   Annual Legislative Night was held January 31, 2011 in Annapolis.   Commissioner President Acierno attended and met with our 2 new house delegates.  Topics of discussion included more budgets cuts but no cuts in education, environment, and help to the needy.   He will plan to call Del. Craig Zucker since he is on the procurement committee and discuss financial challenges and the Bypass.

Grant update:  feedback was received from MHAA regarding the Town’s intent to apply for capital and non-capital grants.  To MHAA it is unclear how the Research Project would provide a tourism benefit, but is an eligible non-capital project.  The sidewalks and mill race is a capital grant but it is unclear if it would have any significant tourism impact.

GOCA Award:  Fred Teal and Debbie Wagner will receive a GOCA award for individual notable contribution to the greater Olney community for their “green” efforts.  The ceremony is Sunday, March 6th at Longwood.

Open Discussion:

  • Commissioner President Michael Acierno and Commissioner Katherine Farquhar will be out of town during the same period in February.  Commissioner Robert Heritage will be available for any emergencies that arise.
  • No new news regarding Deeds Wells court proceedings;  the County Attorney has not return a call back yet regarding the status.
  • Commissioner Robert Heritage will not be seeking re-election this term.

The meeting adjourned at 9:00 p.m.

Cate McDonald
Town Clerk

January 10, 2011 Commissioners Meeting Minutes

January 10, 2011
8:00 p.m.

Commissioner President Michael Acierno, Commissioner Robert Heritage, Commissioner Katherine Farquhar, Town Clerk Cate McDonald, Treasurer Susan Johnson, Academy Manager Andrea Scanlon.  Present during all or portions of the meeting were Town Residents Barbara Ray, Sandy Heiler, Fred Teal and Gazette Reporter Terri Hogan.

Minutes: The December Commissioners Meeting Minutes were approved with one amendment.

Financial:  The November financial report was emailed to the Commissioners prior to the meeting.   No questions were raised about finances.

Academy Update:  the Academy reports were reviewed.   There are more inquiries for rentals.  The FDA is interested in renting the Academy for a meeting but they want to put the deposit on a credit card as it is difficult to procure a check.  FDA could be a long term renter and approval was given to waive the security fee in this instance.  The Academy does not accept credit cards because of the fees involved; the Town would need to raise rates or charge a fee for renters wanting to use a credit card or allow a discount for renters paying by cash or check.  The Academy Manager will look at the fee structure for allowing credit cards.

War of 1812 Committee:

Sandy Heiler said the committee had a brainstorming session and came up with 2 general ideas:

Research project and a celebration on the bicentennial (parade).  The research project would be to organize an interdisciplinary academic conference.  The Town would need to apply for a grant with matching funds from MD Historic Trust or the State’s War of 1812 Bicentennial Commission once it has grant funds.  The Town would need to partner with a University’s History Dept. for any academic work.

Barbara Ray attended an informational grant meeting with Heritage Montgomery, whose mission is to increase tourism in Montgomery County.  Non-capital grant for celebration event, which should be called a festival.    The deadline to file for the grants is January 17 and would require matching funds from the Town.  Capital grant ideas would be for sidewalk renovations to make the Town walkable and restore the Mill Race.

Town Meeting: Monday, January 17th, the Commissioners will host a Town Meeting to discuss the short and long plans for 2014 and beyond.   Topics will include looking into grants; Town pledging matching grant funds; sidewalk repairs; Mill Race trail possible connecting to Oakley Cabin.  The plans for the Bypass construction to start in 2015 and what do Residents want to turn this Town into once the Bypass is constructed.  Commissioner President Acierno talked with a SHA District Engineer about a new water management plan and sidewalk made with permeable materials along High St.  Commissioner Farquhar requested postcards be sent to Residents to remind them of the meeting.

GOCA Award:  The Commissioners approved submitting a nomination for Town Residents Fred Teal and Debbie Wagner for individual notable contribution to the greater Olney community for their “green” efforts.

 Emergency Preparedness:    Town Resident Fred Teal stated that 9 people responded to his survey.  He will bring printed copies of the survey to the Jan. 17th Town Meeting.  He wants the Commissioners to send an official request for Residents to fill out the survey.

Solar Power Installation:  Commissioner Farquhar wants clearer guidelines from the Brookeville Planning Commission (BPC).  The question raised is what other Historic Districts do regarding solar installations; the BPC should research and make guidelines, especially since the Town wants to encourage Residents to use solar power.

Sandy Heiler stated that the opinion of MoCo HPC is if it is not visible from the public roadway, than a solar panel installation is ok.

The solar panel installation at 9 North Street is visible from Market St.  Non-adjoining property owners are complaining because they were not advised about the solar panel installation and they can now see the panels.  HPC approval was given because the application submitted stated you would not see the panels from the public roadways and now the panels are in violation.  HPC does not have clear guidelines on solar installations.

Open Discussion:  none

The meeting adjourned at 9:45 p.m.

Cate McDonald
Town Clerk

December 13, 2010 Commissioners Meeting Minutes

December 13, 2010
8:00 pm

Commissioner President Michael Acierno, Commissioner Robert Heritage, Commissioner Katherine Farquhar, Town Clerk Cate McDonald, Treasurer Susan Johnson, Academy Manager Andrea Scanlon.  Present during all or portions of the meeting were Town Resident Barbara Ray and Gazette Reporter Terri Hogan.

Minutes: The November Commissioners Meeting Minutes were approved with one amendment.

Financial:  The November financial report was emailed to the Commissioners prior to the meeting.   Quickbook has been installed.   The financial report was sent with a profit / loss report which raised some questions; Treasurer Susan Johnson said the profit / loss report is a budget report.  She will work on finding a way to prepare the financial reports to make the figures easier to read.

Academy Update:  the Academy reports were reviewed.   November and December were busy with discounted or free rentals.  Leads2Share will not be renewing their Tuesday morning rental contract.  Currently only 1 rental for 2011.  Exterior stucco and painting will start in the spring.

War of 1812 Committee:  The newly forming committee met with Sharon Hold on Dec. 9th to discuss ideas.  Town Resident Barbara Ray was part of the committee meeting Dec. 9th and feels the committee needs to become more focused; she requested that the Town Commissioners attend the committee meetings.  Ideas discussed were to restore the Mill Race with a grant, which will benefit the Town after 2014; publish academic papers on the history of Brookeville but the history may not be glamorous.    Thoughts about using the park land behind the Madison House for events; try to organize a reenactment.   The Commissioners will organize a town meeting to get input from residents.

Snow pushing contact:  Todd Greenstone did not send an amended contract.  Town Clerk sent the signed contract to Greenstone with the change to increase the amount of snow to 4 inches of accumulation before removal and to not clear personal driveways until all of the Town maintained streets have been cleared and made passable.

Sidewalks:  There is renewed interest from SHA to install a sidewalk along High Street.  Commissioner President Acierno will hold a meeting with SHA in the New Year.

309 & 311 Market Street: No new news.

Clean Currents:  the Town received a check for $270 for the Green Neighborhood Challenge.  Town Clerk will request quotes for buying REC’s for the street lights and schoolhouse Pepco accounts.

MML Legislative Dinner:  will be held Dec 16th.   Commissioners Acierno and Farquhar will be attending.

Resolution:  MML requested a local resolution for the State Shared Revenue.  No objections and Commissioner President Acierno   signed the resolution.

Open Discussion:  No news from Fred Teal and his Emergency Preparedness survey.

The Town will request the local Boy Scout Troop assistance in erecting and maintaining the American Flags that fly from Memorial Day until Veterans Day.

The meeting adjourned at 9:30 p.m.

Cate McDonald
Town Clerk

November 8, 2010 Commissioners Meeting Minutes

November 8, 2010
8:00 p.m.

Commissioner President Michael Acierno, Commissioner Robert Heritage, Commissioner Katherine Farquhar, Town Clerk Cate McDonald, Treasurer Susan Johnson. Academy Manager Andrea Scanlon was not in attendance.    Present during all or portions of the meeting were Town Residents Fred Teal, Debbie Wagner, Sandy Heiler, Mary Kay Spagnolo, and Sandy Spring Museum Executive Director Sharon Holt.

Minutes: The September Commissioners Meeting Minutes were approved; the October Commissioners Meeting Minutes were not available.

Financial:  The October financial report was not available.   Quickbook transition is still in progress and should be completed by this Thursday.  Any reports currently cannot be printed.  The audit for FY’09-10 is available in print form.

Emergency Preparedness:    Town Residents Fred Teal and Debbie Wagner requested residential emergency preparedness be included as an agenda item due to concerns raised during last winter’s weather and this year’s summer storms.   They want to find out what we can do as a Town during power outages and severe weather; how did other Town Residents cope; the possibility of outfitting the Brookeville Academy as an emergency shelter.  They want to survey Town Residents to see who has a generator, a snow blower, a way to heat their house without power and who is willing to share these resources during an event.   In response, the Town Commissioners approved doing basic research to inventory needs and resources that Residents of the Town of Brookeville might want to register in cases of severe weather or snow interruptions such as we had with last winter’s blizzards and this summer’s violent windstorms to pinpoint neighbors who should have someone check in with them when power’s out or travel is impossible, and neighbors who might take initiative to support the community in managing households’ needs if the County and State resources are late in coming or aren’t operative.

During this discussion, Debbie Wagner stated that while she was out walking late evening / early morning of Oct. 30, someone had used the amphitheater’s fire ring and left it smoldering.  There was also evidence of drinking.  Ms. Wagner called the Fire Department to ensure the fire was completely extinguished.  She would like a sign erected with regulations on the amphitheaters use.   Commissioner Farquhar wants to make sure any resident using the amphitheater follows MoCo regulations for recreational burns.     There was additional discussion that the people using the amphitheater must be local kids because of the location.  It was agreed that there will be a reminder in the newsletter about the amphitheater and fire regulations.

War of 1812 Committee:  The following Town Residents have volunteered to the War of 1812 Committee:  Mary Kay Spagnolo, Sandy Heiler, Daniel Laughlin, Margaret Kay, and Barbara Ray.  Sandy Spring Museum Executive Director Sharon Holt (who also serves on the Board of Heritage Montgomery) stated that the Museum would like to co-host the grant process for any War of 1812 events.    Heritage Montgomery has a funding pot from the State and that the State is very aggressive about promoting War of 1812 events.  Ms. Holt asked for a collective agreement with the Town for grant to the State for an event that would occur in 2014.  Since the museum is a non-profit, Ms. Holt suggests that we use the museum as a grant conduit.  Sandy Heiler asks what, if any, partnership there would be between Brookeville and Fort McHenry since their histories overlap.  Also, the Town would need to network with other War of 1812 sites.  There was talk of bus tours, conferences about the importance of the War of 1812 and using the Brookeville Academy as a venue for seminars and conferences and try to promote Brookeville as a center of education.    The newly formed committee will meet and brainstorm ideas and start the organizational process.

Snow Removal:  Susan Johnson talked to Todd Greenstone and asked him to send an amended contract to increase the amount of snow to 4 inches of accumulation before removal and to not clear personal driveways until all of the Town maintained streets have been cleared and made passable.   An updated contract should be mailed out.  Susan Johnson also talked to Mark Ennes about his rates, which is $12 per inch for snow removal at the Academy.  Mark Ennes said in a big snow (like this past winters back-to-back blizzards) he will not able to manually clear the snow from the Academy because he does not have the equipment.    Susan was unsure at what threshold would be considered a big snow.  If another major snowstorm comes this winter, the Town will ask Todd Greenstone to clear the front of the Academy.

309 & 311 Market Street:  next hearing for the Wells’s property is tomorrow, Nov 9th in the afternoon.  Commissioner President Acierno and Commissioner Farquhar cannot make the hearing; Commissioner Heritage is unsure. Commissioner President Acierno spoke to the County attorney and expressed his frustration.  The next step would be to declare the home a public nuisance.

Academy Update:  the Academy reports were reviewed.

Town Holiday Party:  The Commissioners approved having a non-perishable food drive to support Olney Help at the party.   Commissioner Farquhar will cook a turkey for the party.

Open Discussion:  The American Legion will hold a Flag Disposal ceremony Dec 4th outside on the Academy lawn.  A notice will be placed in the newsletter.

The meeting adjourned at 9:30 p.m.

Cate McDonald
Town Clerk