May 11, 2015 Commissioners Meeting Minuets

Town of Brookeville
Commissioners Meeting Minutes
Monday May 11, 2015
7 PM

Present: Katherine Farquhar, Sue Daley, Buck Bartley, Andrea Scanlon, Susan Johnson, Diane Teague, Debbie Wagner, Barbara Ray, Fred Teal

Approve April 23, minutes
Open Discussion:
• Several town streetlights are out. They are located one each at the end of North St., Water St., High St. and two on Market St. There are several different bulb varieties being tested. Town is going away from amber Na-Halide. Need to choose a bulb type and have all replaced with the same type.
• Budget concerns: Overages/underages are usually in the same area with overall changes remaining within the same category. In preparing the budget the previous five years are considered. The goal is to get the budget posted and available before the town meeting.
• Commissioners will work to get the agenda out a week in advance of the town meeting.

Budget Update:
• Budget: reviewed proposed FY16 budget.

• Rentals: Spring continues to be good. Not much on the books for summer and fall yet but expect some graduation parties in June.
• Maintenance:
o Fire Alarm system: Andrea met with Bogan about new system. They are revising their proposal. Fixture counts off and need to look at annunciator panel to recommend options. The work will take 3 business days and the building will be off line during that time. Will try to schedule the work for a MW&Th. Drawings and permit submission are needed which should take 3 weeks. The contract will be signed in current FY.
o Exterior: Buck will get estimates.
 Outside light: Waiting for recommendation from Sandy and Miche. Work will be done after or at the same time as the brick walk.
 Walkway: Need price of brick and contractor. Don’t have enough information yet to get pricing. Buck and Andrea will contact Miche and Sandy for brick selection. Andrea will get pricing.
 Any funds not spent will be rolled over into undesignated reserve.
 Automatic accessible door opener: Have an estimate for similar installation at Salem UMC. The price should be roughly the same. When the exterior work is complete wheel chair access should be seamless.
 Roof: Andrea will get estimates for new roof both cedar shake and metal. Expense will be in the next FY.
• Contractor list: Leski, Mike Brown, Dan True
o School House:
 Remediation contractor’s work is complete.
 Electrician will install outlets 2-3 weeks after order.
 Two proposals for additional work for dehumidifier system.
• Remediation contractor
• HVAC contractor
 Used dehumidifier in the space. It pulls water but drainage is a problem.
 Andrea will meet with Academy HVAC contractor
 Attic: Insulation and mold remediation work will be done after roof issues are addressed. Getting estimates from remediation contractor.
 Work done and dehumidifiers estimated total cost $8,000.00
 Total for stable, safe and restored building estimate approximately $20,000.
• Adjustments to gutters
• Grading
• Painting roof
• Repairing rotted wood
• Remediation work in attic
 Possibility of moving school house to a spot where conditions are not so destructive to the materials. Don Moore’s committee will help clarify this.
o Town Streets:
 Considering speed limit signs entering east side of Market St. Buck will contact Chris Carey at Montgomery County to see what can be done.
 Rural road designation may limit number of signs possible.
 Speed bump sign is obscured by tree on Ferris/Moneyhun property.
 Goal is to make town’s east entrance safe for pedestrians.
 Contract for Leary: divide North Street for immediate fix. Stipulate NO vibrator/roller on North, South or Water Streets. Buck will sign contract and approve 50% down payment. Send flowers/card to Albus’ and Davis for interim fixes.
o Dumpster: Hire dumpster for clean-up weekend. Check on allowed content.

SHA: Moving ahead with plan. Getting into design phase where hydraulics, environmental issues will be addressed. Meetings are every two weeks now instead of monthly.
Team of 5 people attended hearing where current alignment (7 modified) was confirmed.

Beyond the Bypass Task Force: Don Moore will compose group with one member each from Commissioners and Planning Commission in addition to residents.

• Diane will print ballots, get list from county
Town Meeting:
• Diane will print sign-in sheets, get refreshments. Andrea will find child care.
• Budget, agenda and newsletter will be mailed one week before the meeting.

Adjourn: 8:50 pm
Respectfully submitted by: Diane Teague

March 9, 2015 Commissioners Meeting Minutes

Town of Brookeville
Commissioners Meeting Minutes
Monday March 9, 2015
7 PM (edited KF; approved KF/BB/SLD 9/15)

Present: Katherine Farquhar, Sue Daley, Buck Bartley, Andrea Scanlon, Susan Johnson, Diane Teague
Approved February minutes.
• Discussion of member qualifications: Ideally members would have some knowledge or expertise in historic architecture, historic preservation or planning. However, the commission will retain some of its expertise as new members come on and get up to speed. Interest and willingness to participate in training will count towards qualifications.
• Commissioners are responsible for appointing members. BPC has -Missed the wording-responsibility to the town.
• Put announcement in the newsletter asking for volunteers for the commission.

Town Meeting to Discuss Survey: Scheduled for March 30. Send email/postcard announcements to town. Agenda will include presentation of survey results. Afterwards break up into 4 groups monitored by commissioners and planning commissioners to discuss town priorities identified in survey.

• Budget: Bicentennial events totaled $250,000 (later corrected to $325K), Town contribution was approximately $2300 beyond the $65,000 committed and spent over two fiscal years.
The town collected $6000 more in grants than anticipated in the budget and $7000 more in donations than anticipated in budget.
Urgent Capital Expenses:
E. Market St.: Old estimate from county for repair was approximately $150,000.00. Estimate did not include replacing concrete sub-structure. Town will ask the county to do another estimate for repair from Water St. to Brighton Dam. Contact Craig Zucker for help. Buck will call Chris Casey with Montgomery County.
School House: Estimates are not all in and don’t include fixing the rot in the front.
Mold remediation: $7060.00
Electrician: $555.00 outlet installation
Gutters: waiting for estimates
Roofing repairs: $1000.00 stop leaks
$1600.00 paint roof
$980.00 clean/remove/reinstall gutters
Grading: $2,000.00
Total Estimate: $11,000.00-$13,000.00 Complete this FY. Funds from line 6147 Misc. Maintenance
Sidewalk: $7000.00 Complete this FY.
Roof Andrea will get estimate for both metal and shingle
Handicap door: No cost information yet. Complete this FY
Sign: $1500.00

Fire Alarm System: complete this FY
Siemens $15,000.00 Replace panel, upgrade devices
Bogan $9,000.00 “ “
Light Pole: Bogan ~$2,000.00 Options: Refurbish old, replace with
new, replace with new alternate
• Tax Rate Change: Commissioners are considering raising the town’s tax rate from $0.15/$100 of property tax valuation to $0.20/$100. Current budget cannot cover all of the Urgent Capital Expenses needed. Tax rate increase would provide the town with an additional $12,000 per year. Would increase the average resident tax burden by ~$250. Commissioners will vote at the next Commissioner’s meeting on April 13. Email/mail notices will be sent to residents.
• Academy Rental & Maintenance update:
o Possible new regular renter, support group Golden Habits. Interested in weekly possibly biweekly booking. Decision on long term will wait until after trial event. First rental $150, looking for lower rate for regular rental.
o Academy Roof: Buck learned from ??? that the original roof was wood shingle but that there was a metal roof on the building at one time.
o Fire Alarm System Monitoring: Currently ASG does monitoring and Siemens does maintenance and inspections. Bogan is providing estimate for maintenance, inspection and monitoring. Andrea recommends getting bids for the monitoring. Need to check with insurance carrier to find out liability issues.
• Town Maintenance: Street lights. Denis Bogan is waiting for town’s choice of the test lights he has installed. Light by Montgomery’s is too bright.
• Open Discussion:
o Academy parking problem during snow storm. Academy guests parked on both sides of High St. outside of the white lines and in the roadway.
o Change Heritage Day participation to Sunday from 1-4 instead of Saturday. School House will not be suitable for visitors so Academy will be open instead. Andrea will block the date. Diane will contact Romala.
o Scout troop would like to do Spring clean-up. Andrea will schedule them for April 18 from 8:30-11:30 pm.
o Schedule Town Clean-up. Buck will call SHA about plows dumping snow on the sidewalks.

Adjourn: 9:26

Respectfully Submitted by: Diane Teague

January 12, 2015 Commissioners Meeting Minutes

Town of Brookeville

Commissioners Meeting Minutes

Monday January 12 2015     

7-8 PM

Present:  Katherine Farquhar, Sue Daley, Buck Bartley, Susan Johnson, Andrea Scanlon, Diane Teague



  • Membership criteria, mission:  clarify  & have ready to discuss at February meeting
  • Discussion:  Enforcement of zoning code & HWP conditions/restrictions. HPC rulings are not always consistent.  The following have been identified as contributing factors:  property location (visibility from street), whether it is a contributing resource and the make-up of the Historic Preservation Commission. The character of the commission changes over time as membership changes.
  • Need to work with BPC to create method for communicating HPC requirements for work in historic district. Need to re-start the process of ensuring that every new household has a copy of the regulations and understands the requirements of a historical district.


  • December Meeting was cancelled.  Next meeting will be January 20, 10-12 PM in Baltimore.  Sue will try to attend.
  • 3 “Walk the ByPass” tours are now completed including “Jingle the ByPass”.
  • State budget deficit may impact bypass funding. Karen Montgomery has communicated an urgent need for town residents to write the governor’s office in support of the project.  Susan Johnson has tried however the new governor’s transition is not complete and it isn’t clear where to send such letters.  Katherine Farquhar suggests a target of 10-15 letters to the governor’s office including one from each commissioner.  Karen Montgomery suggested asking Quinn Anderson, father of Garrett Anderson at 2 High St. to write also. Buck Bartley will contact Aimee Zhang about real vs. perceived threats to the project.
  • Katherine Farquhar was invited by the Mayor of Clifton VA to visit their town and discuss issues in common to both municipalities. She will be planning a trip in mid-February and looking for interested residents to accompany her. Reason for this is it’s a similar sized historic town with a main road running through it and simply talking with the mayor and maybe some townspeople can give us ideas.   Katherine is also planning to talk with Mayor Dan Prats of Laytonsville, with particular focus on whether they have a maintenance staff/person whom we might hire for a day every two weeks or some similar arrangement.


  • Update from Sandy Hielor re:  final expenses/budget and grant reports nearly finished.
  • Still don’t have final invoice from Quinters or Video production company; virtually everything else done.  This is preventing Susan Johnson from closing out the bicentennial expense accounts.  Quinters have been unresponsive to several requests for final invoice covering bicentennial expenses. Buck will call and request that invoice be delivered no later than Jan 31, 2015.  This will be followed by a certified letter from Sandy. Video production bill is expected when video is complete.



  • December minutes: approved
  • Budget:
    • It is agreed that Susan will prepare the “budget report” summary of year to date expenses vs. budget at each meeting, but not print out the entire 60-something page details.   This will make it easier for the Commissioners to see any anomalies and they can ask for more detail from Susan as needed in the meetings.
    • Resolve issue of outstanding bicentennial expenses by Feb. Commissioners’ Meeting. Knowing the figures is necessary to rebudget our FY 2015 funds as needed for Town/Academy repairs/maintenance.
    • Compile and prioritize capital expenses to be made by end of FY June 1.
    • The Academy needs a new roof (estimated cost: $25,000), new fire alarm system (estimated cost: $15,000) and new walkway with steps.
    • The School House needs immediate attention to resolve water issues including regarding, roof cap and dehumidifier.


  • Academy Rental & Maintenance update:
    • Academy income approximately $5,000 for first half of current fiscal year.   Reaching $10K Goal for current year 2015. Andrea will put Academy sub-budget together for work needed. Rentals will slack off in February and March then pick up again in April.
    • Academy roof: Once bicentennial expenses are closed out and budget numbers are known commission will decide whether to do the roof in FY2014-2015. Discussion of whether we should replace the shake roof or look into replacing with a metal roof.  The latter costs more but lasts longer.   We believe that both are consistent with historic preservation.  Diane will check with Miche whether there is evidence that the Academy ever had a metal roof.
    • Grant: Sandy Heiler recommended applying for a grant that would cover interior work. Buck Bartley suggested that exterior work on walkway is more pressing because it is hazardous. Outstanding bicentennial expenses make budgeting more difficult. Katherine Farquhar stressed the need for a comprehensive vision/plan for Academy.

□   The new propane tank is in and working. The old will be removed when weather permits.  Sink hole has formed near site of tank.  Will coordinate repair with other exterior landscaping work planned for the spring. Buck will consult with landscape architect in the meantime.

□   Andrea has submitted a HAWP for exterior walkway work to replace existing problem of uneven pavers and collapsing steps that are creating hazards, particularly by the entrance. The Commissioners will review any HAWP that is prepared in the name of the Town.

  • Exterior Light: Andrea Scanlon and Miche Booz will look at options and pricing and make a recommendation by the February meeting.
  • Town Maintenance:
    • School House:

□   Waterproofing: Buck is getting estimates for re-grading. Miche Booz is preparing a detail of roof cap and Chris Scanlon will size humidifier. Permit is needed to re-grade and re-grading plan is needed to get a permit. Buck will follow up.

□   Door knob is still needed and buckled hatch needs repair. It was suggested that this could be done by Our House as part of a larger contract.  However, replacement doorknob needs to be period-appropriate .

  • Flags: It has been very difficult to find someone to get the flags down. Some have been lost/stolen.  Buck will contact Our House to see if contract or other arrangement can be made to put flags up and take them down when needed. This would be part of a larger contract with Our House.  Katherine, Buck & Benny will meet.
  • This issue prompted a discussion about whether the Town should be relying so heavily on volunteers.  We discussed the challenges to young working families of giving up volunteer time on weekends; the fact that a number of older residents aren’t able to do the physical work.  And we discussed the question of what the Town SHOULD ask of its residents versus what is really town responsibility and we should take care of this. Later, in the Executive Session, the Commissioners agreed to put together a surveymonkey to get input from the town about preferences and priorities, and to get a sense whether a raise in the tax rate would be appropriate. Katherine agreed to have a draft SurveyMonkey to the Commish and town employees by end of Tuesday.
  • WSSC leak on Market St.: The water continues to leak on Market St. by North St. intersection. With the freezing temperatures it is causing ice to form all the way to the Madison House and further down the hill creating hazardous walking conditions. Diane reported the leak and followed up but no work has been done.  Diane will contact WSSC again and ask Karen Montgomery to contact them as well. Water is also leaking on Market St. by the South Street intersection. It is being forced up through the pavement and creating a large area of ice expanding along the curb in front of 208 and 206 Market St.  This occurred last year with ice expanding up and over the sidewalk.  It was reported but not fixed.  Diane will call and report it again.  It was suggested that we contact Michael, as well, and see if he can exert some pressure on WSSC, especially since Karen is busy at start of the legislative session.  We agreed that Katherine should write a letter from the Town Commission to WSSC to back up any contacts that Karen/Michael/Diane have. Concern was expressed that this underground water activity could result in a sinkhole.  
  • Trash & Recycle: Will continue to work with Waste Management on service interruptions due to snow and ice.  We did not make a decision at this point to put out a bit;  the general consensus seemed to be that while WM is big and bureaucratic, the service is at a fair level.  When we examined the calls that Diane is making to WM, it seemed that the problems are generally focused on North Street at the bottom of the hill, with occasional service lapses elsewhere in town.   Katherine Farquhar will ask residents at the end of North St. (House numbers: 1, 2 & 4) to bring their trash to the School House parking lot when during winter months.  The precedent for this is Church Street, where Residents bring their trash/recycle to the street corner weekly.   Diane, will notify Waste Management that we are doing this starting next week, during the winter months.   
  • E. Market Street curb damage:  There is a piece of curb damaged by a WSSC truck by 198 Market St. that falls into the road creating a hazard. Debbie Wagner has also asked again (in a text during the meeting) whether the TOWN will fix her stone wall that was damaged by WSSC.  The Commissioners discussed this earlier and agreed it was too much trouble to get WSSC involved – that this is something the Town can take care of.   Katherine will remind Buck of this so that he follows up on both items.
  • Pot holes/ruts on North St.: In spite of recent road work seasonal snow, rain and ice have caused ruts and pot holes again.  Need to consider having an engineer evaluate the problem. In particular, we discussed the recurring pothole right below the Aciernos’ parking space.   Water runoff from the top of the hill goes in a channel right through to North Street. Buck suggested consulting Mark Friis who is an engineer; we should get him to look at the North Street situation.  There was discussion as to whether this is Town responsibility.  The issue of whether to get our house or another contractor on a “retainer” or contracted agreement to help with this kind of issue was brought up but not fully resolved.  Buck & Katherine will talk with Bennie of Our House.
  • Responses to incoming business + need for letterhead, digital + paper. We did not resolve this. Responses to incoming business + need for letterhead, digital + paper.
  • Other Business:
    • Katherine Farquhar will be writing Donation letters/acknowledgements to donors of the desks, the Unglesbee family.   NEED STATIONERY
    • Karen Montgomery presented an Official Citation in appreciation of the Town of Brookeville Commissioners and staff at the MML dinner.  A letter will be sent thanking Karen.
    • Dave Yinger donated a Town of Brookeville commemorative coin from the bicentennial of the Revolutionary War in 1976. A letter thanking David will be sent.
    • The Bullard and Hussman families made a gift of 2 small children’s desks with attached chairs to Brookeville for the Schoolhouse.


  • Open Discussion:
    • Karen Montgomery has urged that a representative from the town be present at GOCA meetings.  Buck Bartley thought that attending meetings regularly was important but didn’t agree that every meeting required attendance.  Katherine agreed to be the primary representative of the Town at GOCA; however she won’t be able to start with the February 10 meeting.   Will have to start in March.   Will find a “sub” for February.



Adjourn: 9:05


Commissioners held executive session until 9:50 PM


Respectfully Submitted by: Diane Teague

February 9, 2015 Commissioners Meeting Minutes

Town of Brookeville

Commissioners Meeting Minutes

Monday February 9, 2015     

7 PM


Present:  Katherine Farquhar, Sue Daley, Buck Bartley, Andrea Scanlon, Diane Teague

Approve January minutes.

Brookeville Planning Commission Recommendations: 

  • Rewrite membership criteria, mission
  • Recommendations:
    • A five member Commission that reports to the Commissioners.
    • 3 year terms that are renewable once without a break.
    • Seek a balanced commission that includes residents with expertise in architecture, architectural history, contracting, etc. and represents four quadrants of the town.
    • All members must be legal residents of the town.
    • Staggered terms beginning June1 of each year. Start with 2 current commissioners will serve one year and 3 new commissioners will come on board.  For the first term the current serving commissioners can be appointed for a second 2 year term.
    • Contact HPC for information:
      • Certifying the BPC as formal Advisory Committee.
      • What enforcement measures are available for non-compliance?
    • Work with BPC to create method/policy for communicating HPC requirements for work in historic district.

BYPASS: Next SHA meeting February 24. Environmental studies done in 2002 need to be done again.


  • Budget: Get overall reconciliation of 1814 events from Susan
  • Academy Rental & Maintenance update:
    • Rentals going well
    • Parking sign: Andrea to get design for SUMC to approve. Commissioners approve $1,500.00.
      • Academy Roof: Shake vs. Cedar.
      • Ask Miche and/or Hank Handler about original roof.
      • Andrea will get estimates for both
        • Ask Miche about light pole.
        • HAWP for Academy sidewalk approved (not received)
        • Sidewalk: Estimated cost $6-7,000. No funds designated yet.
      • Possibilities:
        • Budget line item 6227: Public Area Maintenance $15,000.00
        • Budget line item 6225: Leaf removal $2,000.00
        • Budget line item         :Town Maintenance: $38,000.00
        • Can use $7000 from Public Area Maintenance
    • Fire Alarm System: Decision is pending whether to upgrade system or buy new. If new whether to look at different vendor than made previous recommendation. Need to research. Safety is priority.
      • Things to consider:
        • Current system has false alarm problem.
        • The actual use of the building is sporadic.
        • Siemens is both contractor and manufacturer.
        • Andrea will look at different vendors and ask Denis Bogan for recommendation
    • Electric Door Opener: Ask Miche about code compliance issues.
    • Closets: All are full, need to get guidance on document retention and destruction. Contact MML. Important things can be donated to the Sandy Spring Museum.
  • Town Maintenance:
    • Street lights: North St. LED get details from Denis Bogan. Black town lights: change all to LED. Pick type, determine how many lights and get bid.
    • Routine:
      • Our House Maintenance agreement:  $20/man hour
      • Punch List:
        • Angel base removal
    • School House: High Priority.
      • Issues: mold throughout, rotting siding
      • Emergency Measures: Need mold remediation, new roof, dehumidifier, grading, gutters: Bids: $7-8,000
      • Get estimates just for stabilization.
      • Door knob is fixed.
      • Make sure electrical feed is sufficient for dehumidifier.
    • Ash Trees: Emerald ash borer not here yet. Consult tree report from 12/3/2008. Barbara Neal
    • Pavers broken in front of Acierno’s house.
  • Open Discussion:
    • Karen Montgomery has asked that a representative from the town be present at GOCA meetings


Adjourn: 9:45


Respectfully Submitted by: Diane Teague


December 8, 2014 Commissioners Meeting Minutes

Town of Brookeville

Commissioners Meeting Minutes

Monday December 8, 2014     

7 PM


Present: Katherine Farquhar, Sue Daley, Buck Bartley, Andrea Scanlon, Chris Scanlon, Miche Booz, Diane Teague


Brookeville Planning Commission: Update from last week’s meeting of BPC

  • Brookeville Inn: Katherine will contact Michelle Rosenfeld and Brenda Sandberg for status update.
    • Rezoning request response options
      • Legacy Open Space: Find out if 4 acre parcel within town limits can qualify for Legacy Open Space. Miche spoke with Brooke Farquhar and Brenda Sandberg at Park and Planning but they have not responded yet. Need to consider appropriate compensation for property if so.
      • Propose town approval of four cottages on back two acres in exchange for the remaining two acres. This would require a zoning change to rearrange parcels
  • Membership criteria:  There are no term limits. Need to clarify number of members and cycle, requirements for members. Need to replace Mark Friis.
  • Historic District regulations.  Need process to keep town residents informed and up to date about the HAWP process. New residents need to be informed and the rest of the residents need to be refreshed. Need process to address violations.
  • SHA Sidewalks: Status update needed. Chris will contact SHA representative. Issues include maintenance of abandoned Rt. 97 after the bypass is completed.


  • November Meeting was cancelled
  • 2 “Walk the Bypass” tours were completed.
  • Announce another walk “Jingle the Bypass” on Sunday December 14 at 1 pm. Weather forecast is good.  Kids could come.  Meet at Longwood baseball diamond. Diane will send email invitation.
  • There should be a Bypass plan in the office with link to website.
  • December SHA Bypass Meeting:  Sue Daley will call to get date.

Routine Town Business

  • November minutes: approved
    • Budget: Susan Johnson is ill, will send reports later in week
    • Academy Rental & Maintenance update:
      • Academy income goal for 2015: $10,000
      • Increase number of rentals:
        • Improve Marketing: improve website with professional help. Estimated cost $2,500-3,000.
        • Develop niche market:
          • Weddings – 60-75 people, young couples spending their own money and second marriages.
          • Investigate making improvements to kitchen and exterior landscaping.  Increase weekday rentals
          • Academy Exterior Light: Andrea will provide options and pricing.
          • Internal lights – Dennis Bogan replaced ballast in office light.
          • Holiday Party 2015:   Buck will bring ham next year. Finalize list with Susan. Outreach to young families.
          • Book Academy for 2015 town events:
            • Sunday September 13 town picnic.
            • Saturday December 5 for holiday party
            • Town Maintenance Updates
              • Waterproofing Schoolhouse: Miche talked to HPC about permit needed to re-grade. HPC needs more details to determine if permit is needed.
              • There hasn’t been any progress finding someone to get flags down. Katherine will call Pogo.


Hearing Resident concerns/ideas: Schedule for start of meeting, need for time boundary, advance notice by Resident when feasible.   All are welcome.


Open Discussion:


Adjourn: 9:25 pm

November 10, 2014 Commissioners Meeting Minutes

Town of Brookeville

Commissioners Meeting Minutes

ACADEMY 2nd Floor Meeting Hall

Monday November 10 2014    6:30 PM

Present: Katherine Farquhar, Sue Daley, Buck Bartley, Diane Teague, Barbara Ray


Outstanding Grants and Expenses:

  • One grant for $27,000.00 will not be received.
  • Waiting for final payment from one other grant.
  • Waiting for final bills from Quinters and Madison re-enactor.
  • Need to determine what other event expenses are outstanding.


  • Approve October minutes
  • Budget:
  • MDA report:  completed and sent before Nov. 1st
  • Academy Rental & Maintenance:

Academy continues to be busy.  Added two non-paying groups: a scout troop and parent scout troop. Chabad of Olney will use the Academy for 6 weeks for a nominal payment.

  • The new propane tank was installed and the new one will be removed when it is empty.  Dennis Bogan fixed lights inside the Academy and replaced the ballast in the office light.
  • Andrea would like to analyze Academy expenses by month to establish base-line costs such for utilities, cleaning etc.
    • Tasks:
      • Provide expense information: Susan
      • Analyze costs: Andrea
        • Classify costs, survey energy use to determine what events use the most, determine what if any changes to make.
  • Commissioners approved a pilot program to replace the workings in town street lights on North St.
  • Holiday Party 2014:  December 6th
    • Notice in newsletter, email reminder and mailed invitations: Diane
    • Set-up
    • Food list/quantities: Susan
  • Town Maintenance Updates:
    • Leaf removal: Buck will contact Todd Greenstone to pick up on November 23.  Not quantities for next year.
    • School House: Waterproofing Schoolhouse and new door handle/lock
      • Ask Miche Booz to call HPC about School House water issues and remediation.
      • Pick up new door handle at Home Depot.
      • Bartley Construction contract: final amended contract is ready
      • Light at end of Scanlon Driveway PEPCO. Diane will contact PEPCO again



  • Attended by Debbie Wagner: will get summary.
  • November & December SHA Meeting dates & Coverage: Town Commissioners place a high priority on monitoring the progress of the bypass.
  • November 25 at 10:00 am: Walk bypass route.  See if SHA representative will accompany commissioners.



Brookeville Next Steps:  After the Ribbon-Cutting (Discuss & plan)

Town Conversation Nov. 10th to follow Commissioners meeting to hearing resident concerns/ideas.


Open discussion:

Adjourn: 7:30 pm


Respectfully Submitted by:

Diane Teague

October 13, 2014 Commissioners Meeting Minutes

Town of Brookeville

Commissioners Meeting Minutes

Monday October 13, 2014   

7 PM


Present: Katherine Farquhar, Sue Daley, Buck Bartley, Diane Teague, Barbara Ray


  • Accounting underway – we will know by November meeting what Town paid
  • $3000 has been paid to Salem for food service, use of facilities, etc.
  • Thank you certificates: Certificates are being prepared for SUMC and the Inn at Brookeville Farms. The one for Royer needs to be redone. Certificate for Our House is ready to be delivered.
  • Sandy is filing final grant reports
  • On October 11 a reception was given for the volunteers and supporters at the Heiler’s in appreciation for their efforts during the bicentennial celebrations.
  • Disposition of Bicentennial Coins: The decision of how to dispose of the coins will be left up to the Bicentennial Commission.


  • September minutes approved with corrections. Copies of original and corrected minutes to be on file in the town office.
  • Budget: K. Farquhar will ask Susan for printouts before hand. The budget is balanced with $50,000 carry over from previous year.  Reserves were $511,000 on June 1 2013 and $397,000 on October 13, 2014.  Estimated revenues from sales during events are $175,000.  An additional $60,000 is expected in grant payments.  All bills for events haven’t been received.
  • KWF working on the MDA report: Official cover required by state that covers annual budget.
  • Town Properties:
    • Academy Rental & Maintenance:
      • Revenues and Expenses:
        • The Academy costs approximately $10,000 annually to operate and maintain.
        • Upcoming capital expenses: $25,000 for new roof
        • Revenues aren’t sufficient to cover expenses.
        • Review Academy’s purposes and marketability.
          • Upgrades needed for modern purposes
        • Academy Exterior Light: Dennis Bogan contacted.
        • New propane tank installed. Old one will be removed when it is empty.
        • Inquiry about pesticides/herbicides used on grounds will be done at a later date.  No pesticides will be applied until Spring.
      • School House:
        • There aren’t any revenues. Site issues are creating water and moisture problems that are causing damage. There are no vents and the floor is buckling.
        • Buck will get estimate for re-grading from Todd Greenstone.
        • Need new glass door knob with lock with 1920’s appearance.
        • Relocation:
          • It may be possible to move the building to the Academy grounds banked to include a basement.
          • Grant money may be available for the relocation.
  • Town Maintenance:
    • Leaf removal:
      • Buck will call Todd Greenstone for estimate.
      • Academy: get separate estimate for blowing leaves from yard.
      • The town will arrange for leaf pick up once on the weekend before Thanksgiving, Nov 22-23.
      • Bartley Construction contract: Contract has been amended and will be sent.
      • Light across from Wagner’s at the end of Scanlon property: request it to be taken out. Creates hazard when its dark pedestrians can’t see headlights.  Report sent to Pepco. Waiting for reply.
      • North St. street light. Pepco outage report sent.  Repair made.
      • Dennis Bogan Associates contacted to fix town lights that are out.
  • Town Picnic: Event was a success.  Date for next picnic is September 13. 2015.
    • o Holiday Party 2014:  December 6th: prelims: plans & publicity
    • o Gifts/Recognition for Sandy Heiler and Michael Acierno:
      • Contact Katherine Lavoie about appropriate gift for Sandy: $300-500
      • Plaque for Michael: years of service. Revisit at next meeting.


  • Update from 9/16 meeting:  Cancelled.
    • Next Meeting October 21, 10 am Rm. 147 SHA Headquarters. Sue will try attend
  • November SHA Meeting date:  No Date Yet


BROOKEVILLE FUTURE: Two be discussed at a Town Meeting for Kick-off: November 10 at 7:30 pm.

  • Brookeville Next Steps: After the Ribbon-Cutting
    • Set up task force to provide citizen leadership.
    • Members: Get 8 volunteers from the four quadrants of town with a diversity of perspectives and backgrounds with one commissioner and one planning commissioner as ex officio resources.
    • Commitment:
      • Monthly meetings Nov-Jan.
      • Develop and guide one or more learning activities for task force and interested residents such as field trips to similar towns and sites, museums, interviews, seminars etc.
  • Town Conversation held Sept. 22 – agenda & notes: Twenty-five Residents attended; The successful Bicentennial Commemoration was reviewed; implications for Town going forward were considered.  Samples of discussion included:  division of town by busy Rt. 97 was illustrated and talked about;   the impact of “living” in 1814 for two days was felt by all – a simpler, more neighborhood-oriented life; the opportunities and challenges for Brookeville beyond the ByPass were discussed.
  • Need for Follow-up process & steps: Ask Andrea for copies of Brookeville 2000 Comprehensive Plan (1994).
  • INN AT B-VILLE FARMS:   Commissioners & BPC met with Inn @ Brookeville Farms Oct. 6th.  Attorney Michele Rosenfeld and Owner Bob Sheehan there.  They briefed on zoning amendment plans and said they would keep us informed as this moves through approval process.

Other Business:

  • Hearing Resident concerns/ideas – at start of meeting – need for time boundary, advance notice by Resident when feasible.   All are welcome.  Meet in the 2nd floor hall has been recommended and was endorsed.
  • The Matter of the Dirt Bikes: Discussion addressed the fact that this was seen as an issue for local discussion and not at the level to involve law enforcement.  Recommendation to deal with this by discussion with families.
  • Brookeville Times:  Any contributions/needs:

Holiday Party

Town Meeting

2015 town picnic




Open discussion, Good of the Order

Adjourn: 8:54

September 8, 2014 Commissioners Meeting Minutes

Town of Brookeville

Commissioners Meeting Minutes

Monday September 8, 2014

7 PM



Present: Katherine Farquhar, Sue Daley, Buck Bartley, Sandy Heiler, Chris Scanlon, Susan Johnson, Diane Teague, Barbara Ray, Debbie Wagner


Town/Sandy received thank you letter from Mike Miller.

Preliminary estimates of attendees are: >7500 for Saturday and >3000 for Sunday or 10-11k people over both days. Final estimates were amended to 10,000 by Don Moore’s observations from the Academy Schoolhouse.

Event Expenditures:  Payments for event expenses are still going out against grants.  Heritage Montgomery has gotten a $10,000.00 grant for the Bicentennial.  Letters to granting agencies need to be sent out requesting final installments.

Costumes:  Grants for costumes stipulated that they be donated after the events.  The dragoon uniforms will be donated to the re-enactors who wore them. The civilian clothing will be donated to theatre groups.  Some can be sold possibly on ETSE or EBay or at sale at the Academy.

Donations: Most groups who volunteered to help with bicentennial events will receive donations. Our House will receive a cash donation and an Academy Rental for their auction, the Boy Scouts and the Montgomery County Police and the Maryland Horse Society will receive cash donations.

Unsold bicentennial merchandise: The unsold coins will be returned for a refund, T shirts will be sold and, cups will be given away and the Special Edition of the Brookeville Times will be donated to schools.  The Sandy Spring Museum will receive a folder with samples of all the materials printed for the events.

Disposition of Flags: Fifteen star flags will be kept to fly on Memorial Day, Labor Day and the Fourth of July.  Some replacements will be necessary.  Buck will take a count to estimate the number needed.  The flag flying at the Academy will be lowered at the Town Picnic folded and preserved in a flag case.

Twenty seven belong to Sandy and Duane. Some will be donated to people and groups that helped including the boy scouts, police, Ike Leggett and Mike Miller.


Inn at Brookeville Farms: Planning Commission President: Chris Scanlon

The Inn is proposing to build five 8 room cottages for a total of 40 rooms.  The property to be developed is behind the inn, is not within the town limits and will not be visible.  They will use existing parking and curb cuts. The existing entrance will stay the same.


  • As before there is a question of the impact on the bypass by triggering a smart growth violation by increasing the traffic. They don’t expect a greater number of guests only that some percentage will be spending the night.
  • The project will somehow increase development.
  • Overnight guests will create noise late at night disturbing the neighbors.
  • The project’s purpose is to make the property more attractive to sell.
  • What happens if the Inn fails?

Possible Advantages:

  • Are there potential tax revenues for the town?
  • Can the town gain amenities such as better pedestrian access.
  • Katherine Farquhar walked property with attorney Michelle Rosenfeld and discussed any mutually beneficial possibilities to the project.

It is agreed that the Commissioners and the Planning Commission should have a coordinated response. The Inn’s tenant Mary Ellen has approached SUMC for support.  It is anticipated she will make the same request of the town although the town does not have any veto power over the project. For the present a neutral position will be taken.  The Commissioners will invite Inn representatives to the next Planning Commission Meeting to make a presentation and answer questions. The Town Commissioners will also attend.


Sept. 21 Town Picnic: Andrea and Town Staff/Commissioners

Logistics & Responsibilities:  Town will provide burgers, veggie burgers, hot dogs, beverages and condiments.  Andrea will pick up dessert from Rita’s.

  • Notice to Town: Email invitations and postcards will be sent by the clerk.
  • Town Directory: Andrea has updated list with a few names still missing.  Commissioners will get information from those residents.
  • Don Moore and Buck will grill.
  • Clerk will contact Todd Van Gelder to provide music.
  • Clerk will pick up supplies from Costco
  • Program – Follow up of Bicentennial:
    • Awards: various participation awards will be presented by the Commissioners
    • Citations: Karen Montgomery will present special citations.
    • Academy Bicentennial Flag:  The fifteen star flag flown at the Academy for the bicentennial will be brought down and preserved in a glass flag case at the Academy.


Post Bicentennial Meeting: Reflections & Learnings: The town will invite residents and key partners to a meeting at the Academy to reflect on the event and its lessons for Brookeville.  It will take place on September 22 from 7:00-9:00 pm. There will be a continuous loop slide show during the meeting.

The meeting will address the following two questions:

  • What contributed to the success of the events?
  • What was learned going forward?

The Clerk will send email and postcard invitations to residents.



  • Review/approve August minutes: approved with corrections
  • Budget: (Documents: sent by Susan)
  • The monthly report covers two months.  A budget number per tax formula is still needed from Michael Aceirno.  There has been a lot of activity.  There is still grant money that hasn’t been received.  Sandy and Susan will finalize
  • Review/sign new budget final page
  1. $3000 will go to Salem for food materials Aug.30-31
  2. Auditor visited last week
  • Academy Rental & Maintenance: Andrea
  • Underground propane tank will be installed in the next two weeks.  This will allow open market purchases through the National Propane Buyers Club.
  • Olney Community Night: Town has a table as usual on Oct. 20 from 5-8:30 pm.
  • The town will donate an Academy rental to the Good Council High School Auction.
  • Holiday Party Date: December 6 at 6:00 pm.  Clerk will put announcement in newsletter.
    • Town Maintenance Updates
      • Neal Leary (301.802.2941) & road maintenance contract:
      • Bartley Construction: Not all of the work on the contract was performed in the end and will be deducted from the contract price.


  • Brookeville Times:  Announcements for September 29 meeting and Holiday Party



Remaining agenda items deferred to October meeting:

  • Leaf removal this fall
  • WSSC in action at East of Town
  • Brookeville ByPass


  • Other Business:

Discussion beyond Sept. Meeting: Strategic Priorities for 2014-15++

  1. Late Fall/Winter – consider future of Brookeville.
  2. Align Commissioner Priorities and Town priorities/needs.
  3. Open discussion:
  4. Adjourn: 9:30

Respectfully Submitted by:

Diane Teague

August 18, 2014 Commissioners Meeting Minutes

Commissioners Meeting Minutes

Monday August 18, 2014 

7 pm

Present: Katherine Farquhar, Sue Daley, Buck Bartley, Andrea Scanlon, Michael Acierno, Sandy Heiler, Duane Heiler, Diane Teague


Update re recent Town & Principals meetings

    • Todd Greenstone will be delivering cord wood and bales of straw and hay.  Buck will talk to him about removing it all after the events. Locations include Evans driveway and corner of South and Market Streets.
    • Katherine/Diane: will pick up 36 bags of ice for camped re-enactors on Sat morning before the roads close.  They will deliver what is needed and put the rest in freezer truck behind the church. Pick up an additional 18 bags Sunday morning.
    • There is a problem with the Quaker costumes.  Delivery is delayed.
    • There is also a problem with the reservation for a 500 gal water tank. The reservation doesn’t guarantee availability. Buck will call other suppliers possibly get two 200 gal tanks.  Will need truck to pull tank and trailer.
    • There will be two broadcasts from Madison House:  Morning Joe on August 26 and Fox Friday on August 29.  If there are any problems they may need to use the Academy.
    • Horse trailers will be parked on Brighton Dam Rd. Sat. am.
    • Send email/flyer reminder about:
      • Road closures
      • No parking on Market and High Streets
      • Making cars inconspicuous.
      • Parking passes
      • Pre-events activities like arrival of toilets, tents, hay bales and TV crews and town clean-up.
    • Newsletter announcement asking for volunteers for Olney Farmer’s Market table, golf cart drivers and town clean up.
    • Arrange for Academy to be cleaned Saturday night.  Katherine will contact her provider.

Ask cub/boy scouts to begin clean-up Sunday night.

  • Quaker Workshop Weds 7-8:30, Academy – Katherine & co.
  • Town Cleanup:  Saturday August 23, 8:30-11
    • Overhanging branches & other hazards on walkways: Buck will email Kate at SHA to determine if they can trim the branches and clean on the road shoulders where there are heavy objects that pose a hazard.
    • Andrea will get sod planted at Acierno’s where new sidewalk and grading has left exposed earth.
    • WSSC damaged stone wall by Debbie Wagner’s place: Short letter from commissioners will be sent describing damage and asking them to make repairs.  If they refuse then town will contact Mr. Eugene Williams Government Relations Manager for WSSC. (
    • Sidewalks update:  Salem underway;  Miche/Diane corner;  email sent to Renee & Warren re: reimbursement for plants
  • Aug. 30-31 Event (& SETUP ON FRIDAY 29th)
    • Parking Passes – There will be 35 resident passes for each day. Clerk is managing the process.
    • Period attired Help needed at OFM this final Sunday the 24th August.  Will put announcement in newsletter
    • Bicentennial Town Meeting Was Held  (MONDAY AUGUST 11)
    • 10-15 households came; Sandy et al reviewed scenario.
    • FAQ needs to be finalized, sent out
      • Town picnic will be held Sept. 21.



  • Review/approve July minutes
  • Monthly reports: Susan Johnson was not present.
    • Budget: Need additional information. Commission will postpone signing to next meeting
  • Approved $3000 to Salem for food materials Aug.30-31


  • Academy Rental & Maintenance: Reports were reviewed.
  • Town Maintenance Updates
  • Successful Schoolhouse Cleanup: thank you to be sent to Boy Scouts
    • Neal Leary & road maintenance contract: In process on North, South and Water Streets.
    • Landscaping on The Hill (down from Madison House)
      • Proposal from Friis Landscaper was mentioned but it was determined not to be needed.
      • Brookeville Bypass: August 5, SHA Meeting was attended by Debbie Wagner who reported the following:

The bypass construction is funded and the alignment is set. The county has agreed to maintain the “old” (present) Georgia Avenue/High St and west end of Market St through town.  There is a Memorandum of Agreement with the Maryland Historical Trust now. SHA will erect signs explaining the importance of Newlin Mill and the Oakley Cabin trail.  Probably we’ve all seen the surveyor trucks which have been here most every day. They realized that there was another stream in the Reddy Branch system (there are three that come together to make Reddy Branch as it is in town) which was close to the bypass route. This was previously known, and 1200’ was included in the Army Corps permit which expired a few years ago, so renewal of the permit with stream impact is expected.  There was discussion of the feasibility of moving the stream, or of pipe, since the alignment cannot be changed without impacting two houses and a steep slope. The stream morphology studies on the east side of the bypass have begun, and the west will be started soon.  A new attendee was from the county parks department. She reminded SHA that a park permit is required since the entire project is on park land.  There was discussion about whether a roundabout is actually needed at the south end of the bypass. Some folks thought it would be feasible to not have the roundabout, the traffic flow from Olney going onto the bypass, and a spur with a stop sign into town.

The last discussion was road surface. When the other aspects of road design and engineering are done, another new attendee does a cost analysis since the paving cost is expected to exceed $3M. Concrete is more expensive initially, but lasts longer than asphalt.


Other Business:

  • Market Street Neighbors meeting:  5-7 participants concerned about adverse effects of sidewalk work. Remedies include:
  • Stop sidewalk work for now except Acierno & Booz
  • Late Fall/Winter – consider future of Brookeville.
  • Align Commissiors Priorities and Town priorities/needs.
  • Post-Bicentennial Town Celebration:
    • Sept. 21, 4 PM
    • Have Town Directory by that date.


Open discussion


Adjourn: 9:45 pm


Respectfully submitted by: Diane Teague

July 15, 2014 Commissioners Meeting Minutes

Commissioners Meeting Minutes

Tuesday July 15 2014

 7 PM

Present: Katherine Farquhar, Sue Daley, Buck Bartley, Michael Acierno, Sandy Heiler, Duane Heiler, Andrea Scanlon, Diane Teague


BICENTENNIAL (Sandy/Michael)

July 22 Star Spangled Banner Sign Dedication: 3-4 PM @ Academy: Dignitaries, Townspeople, Town staff and commissioners invited. Town will provide refreshments. Clerk will ask Miche Booz to photograph the event for use in event publications.


Aug. 30-31 Events

Town Resident Engagement Process:  Attendance at Town Meeting. Distribute Resident Handbook about events.

Permitting/Vendors: Beer/Wine authority has been approved.  Trash Contract has been approved.  Traffic plan implementation bid $31,000.00. Permits are approved. Town needs to approve placement of Port-o-pots.  Siting for Food Truck Diners has been approved.  Need to make 35 numbered parking passes for Longwood for residents who have essential need to leave during road closure such as:  work, medical, visiting nurse. Need an additional 10 permits for officials attending event.

Misc.: Grant covers price of dinners for re-enactors.  Tent will fit 500 diners at tables which can be increased to 1000 with additional tent and will be determined by early ticket sales.


Special Town Meeting:  MONDAY AUGUST 11 7 PM


June 28 Heritage Days Tours: Event went well.

June minutes: approved with corrections

Brookeville Times: Include information about parking, town meeting, resident handbook, change of date for August Commissioners Meeting from the 11 to the 18 at 7 pm. Town Clean up to be held August 23 from 8 am -11 am at the Academy

Susan Johnson will create Google Calendar for staff/commissioner vacation   coverage.

Pothole repair needed asap for deep hole on the east side of Market St.

Budget: Monthly reports and budget approved

Academy Rental & Maintenance: Nothing to report.

Town Maintenance Updates:

Schoolhouse Cleanup was successful, will send thank you to Boy Scouts.

Wait to address town sign replacement until September.

Update sidewalks (Church sidewalk and Market Street): Bartley Corp. to begin work

Update speed limit sign for Water Street: Signs installed.

Landscaping on The Hill (down from Madison House): There has been progress towards stabilizing and fixing erosion problem.  Need to schedule two visits to plant and weed.

Need street and gutter clean up, trees near graveyard.  Need to fix grass and plantings where sidewalk repair is being done by Acierno’s and Heritage’s.  Street lights need to be repaired.

WSSC: Will raise manhole covers at pumping station to 2 ft. above 100 year flood plain level.

Low Verizon Wires across Heilers’ Will request that Karen Montgomery contact utility to get repair.  Buck will call also.

Buck Bartley will also address overhanging branches and low traffic sign at High St. and Market St. by Bell and Frech that is hazard to pedestrians.

Brookeville Bypass: No meeting held in July.

Other Business:                                                                               

Terri Hogan/Gazette Coverage cutback: Unfortunate timing right before events.

New Resident Greeting

Resident communications: New residents in Valley House and 2 High St. need to be         contacted.

Sept. Meeting: Strategic Priorities, Plan for 2014-15

Post-Bicentennial Town Celebration:  Sept. 21, 4 PM Town Directory


Adjourn:  9:30


Respectfully Submitted by Diane Teague