September 13, 2010 Commissioners Meeting Minutes

September 13, 2010
8:00 pm

Commissioner President Michael Acierno, Commissioner Robert Heritage, Commissioner Katherine Farquhar, Town Clerk Cate McDonald, Treasurer Susan Johnson,  Academy Manager Andrea Scanlon.   Present during all or portions of the meeting were Town Residents Buck Bartley, Steff Kerr, Fred Teal, LGIT Executive Director Tim Ailsworth, and Gazette Reporter Terri Hogan

LGIT:  Tim Ailsworth, Executive Director for LGIT, presented the Town an award for recognition of our 20 year anniversary as a member-partner with the Trust.

310 Market:  Buck Bartley, representing Salem United Methodist Church, and Steff Kerr, owner of 310 Market St., came to request help from the Town.  SHA met with Commissioner President Acierno, Mr. Bartley and Mr. Kerr back in July and per the SHA report, MD97 is responsible for only a small percentage of the volume of water flowing to the rear of 310 Market. The main source is from the SUMC parking lot and the existing earthen berm.  Mr. Bartley feels that the SHA is partly responsible as they took out a curb along MD97 several years ago that exacerbated  the storm water runoff and the SUMC has taken measures over the years to mitigate the problem.  Mr. Bartley, owner of Bartley Construction, had his company come out and survey the problem area and is willing to donate labor but the materials needed to build a swale through 310 Market would cost $6300.  SUMC can pay 1/3 of the materials cost, 310 Market will pay 1/3, and Mr. Bartley and Mr. Kerr are requesting the Town pay the remaining 1/3.  Mr. Kerr spoke of his yard being unsafe due to the rivets cut through his yard, how his wife sprained her ankle when she walked into a rivet, concern for the safety of his 3 young children and showed a video of the torrential rain storm that took place this past August and the flow of water from SUMC parking lot, via his property, onto MD97.  Mr. Kerr stated that he and his wife are teachers at a private, not-for-profit school and cannot afford to pay for a swale to be built and generously thanked Mr. Bartley for the donation of labor to bring down the cost of this project and that he realizes as the homeowner he is ultimately responsible for the cost and his only course of action is to sue SUMC but wants to be a good neighbor and requests that the Town pay 1/3 of the cost or any amount the Town is willing to contribute.   Also, Mr. Kerr stated that he is not happy to have to give up 7 feet of his property to build a channel to move water through his east property (next to 308 Market).

Mr. Teal wanted to know if an underground pipe had been considered and what the cost would be; Mr. Bartley said an underground pipe would be too costly.

Mr. Kerr stated he contacted SHA and he will not need a permit to have a swale buildt to prevent water damage to his home.

Academy Manager Scanlon asked Mr. Bartley for a list of materials needed to see if some materials could be donated; Mr. Bartley supplied a list of materials.

Commissioner President Acierno thanked Mr. Bartley and Mr. Kerr for their time and said the Commissioners will discuss this issue later.

Financial:  The August financial report was emailed to the Commissioners prior to the meeting.

The Treasurer asked if there were any changes to FY ’10-11 budget and if the budget had been signed.  Commissioner President Acierno stated that the budget had been signed and there have been no changes to the budget.

The Treasurer stated that the Town will no longer need to budget a pre-audit paperwork fee for Bell & Frech as the auditor does not need pre-audit paperwork.    The audit will be performed this Thursday, Sept. 16th and the Auditors will also install Quickbooks.

Gravel Road Maintenance:  work on the gravel roads has been completed.  During a torrential rain storm in August, there was some damage to Water & North St but LGIT will not cover any repair costs as they consider the rivets a cause of erosion.  With winter approaching and anticipated snow pushing damages, any further work on the gravel roads will wait until spring.

Academy Update:  Rental business busy in October. Of note:

  • Increase in Yoga classes from 2 classes a week to 4 classes a week.
  • Adopt-a-Social Worker fundraiser

Donna Will booked a tea in December and was given the pre-offered reduced rate;  she inquired about 2 teas on weekends in October at the reduced rate but since October weekends are busy, the regular rate will apply and Donna Will has not booked Oct.

George Chacon, 200 Market, approached the Academy Manager about an upright piano he has in storage to donate and/or sell to the Town, if we had a use for the piano.   The pros and cons of having a piano at the Academy were discussed (maintenance cost, if renters would be interested in a piano, liability issues) and it was determined that a piano was not needed at the Academy.

Taste of Olney is scheduled for Oct.  6 and Academy Manager wanted to know if the Commissioners were interested in participating.  There was no discernable business from participating there last year; Commissioner Farquhar stated the Town should participate as it was a positive experience last year.  Cost would be $75 for a ½ table and the donation of an Academy rental was approved as a raffle item.

Yard Sale will be Oct. 2nd, rain or shine outside.  Ok for residents to use the long tables from the Academy.   A question was raised about selling baked goods and the person will need to check the health regulations with MoCo prior to the yard sale.

Schoolhouse gutters:  The cleaning expense of the schoolhouse gutters was approved; the schoolhouse will be added to the Academy’s gutter contact.

Leaf collection:  The Town will repeat last year’s procedure of offering bagged leaf collection and will see if Waste Management will provide 2 bagged pickups instead of last year’s 4 collection dates.  Question was raised if the Town needed to provide bagged leaf collection as only 2 Residents used the service; Commissioner President Acierno stated he rather offer reduced level of service instead of  no service at all.

Snow Removal:  review of snow pushing from this past winter.  The Town will request a renewal contract from our current provider, Todd Greenstone, but will add a clause that the snow removal on the streets is the priority and after the roads have been cleared and made passable, the contractor may plow any residential driveway he is contacted to do.

The Academy’s snow removal is a separate contract with service provided by Mark Ennes.  This past winter, the Academy’s walkways were not always cleared within 24 hours of snow fall nor was the walkway from the street made handicap accessible.   The snow pushed in front of the Academy by SHA was not cleared.  Susan Johnson will check to see what rate the Academy is being billed for shoveled snow removal.

EPA Partner Profile:  The proposed wording for the EPA’s Green Power Partner profile was reviewed and approved.  A quote from an elected official will be added and the partner profile will be submitted to the EPA.

EPA:  Per Fred Teal, the Town will receive a total of $600 from Clean Currents’s Green Neighborhood Challenge to be used to “green” the Town.  Fred Teal would like to use part of the money to buy REC (renewable energy credits) for the streetlights and schoolhouse Pepco accounts.  These 2 Pepco accounts do not consume enough kWh for a 100% wind power contract like the Brookeville Academy.  Fred Teal estimates REC will be $36 annual total for both accounts.  The $36 is in addition to the Pepco bill.  A question was raised about the pros /cons of wind energy, especially the impact to birds.  Per Fred Teal, the benefits of wind energy far outweigh any harm that may come to birds that fly into wind turbines.  Commissioner President Acierno in favor of purchasing REC for a one year period; Commissioner Farquhar seconded.

Fred Teal stated the check from Clean Currents should be mailed to the Town the beginning of October.  Once the check is received, the Town will purchase the REC’s.    The remainder of the Clean Currents money will be spent on trees.

There is a second EPA Green Power Partner sign that needs a spot.   Town Clerk advised cannot place a sign along the Town’s western portion of Market and/or High St without SHA approval.

The Commissioners will take a walk this weekend to scope out a location for the sign.

309 & 311 Market Street:  next hearing for the Wells’s property is tomorrow, Sept. 14th in the afternoon.  Commissioner President Acierno will try to make the hearing; Commissioner Farquhar cannot make the hearing; Commissioner Heritage is unsure.

Open Discussion:

BPC has the final version of the Comprehensive Plan that will need Commissioner President Acierno’s signature.  The Comprehensive Plan is due to the State by October 1, 2010.  Commissioner President Acierno will meet with Chris Scanlon Wednesday night to review the Comprehensive Plan along with Commissioner Farquhar.

The meeting adjourned at 9:40 p.m.

Cate McDonald
Town Clerk

June 14, 2010 Commissioners Meeting Minutes

June 14, 2010
8:00 pm

Commissioner President Michael Acierno, Commissioner Robert Heritage, Commissioner Katherine Farquhar, Town Clerk Cate McDonald.  Treasurer Susan Johnson and Academy Manager Andrea Scanlon were not in attendance.

Minutes: The May Commissioners Meeting Minutes and Annual Meeting Meetings were approved.

Financial:  The May financial report was emailed to the Commissioners prior to the meeting.

Commissioner Heritage will try and hang the American flags from various locations around Town but is still looking for the flags Susan Johnson was to have ordered.

Commissioner President:  Michael Acierno was unanimously selected as President of the Commissioners.

SHA:  the meeting with SHA regarding the storm water runoff issue at 310 Market will be July 1 at 9:30am.  Commissioner President Acierno plans to attend with Town Residents Bartley and Kerr.

Solar Panels:   Resident Fred Teal, 9 North St, wants approval for his BPC application for solar panels.   Commissioner Farquhar attended the BPC’s June meeting regarding this matter and is recusing herself from this discussion as she is an adjoining property owner.  Richard Chandler, 13 North St., has expressed his unhappiness with the solar panels as he will be able to see them from his backyard and they will stand out during wintertime.  The question being pondered by the Town Commissioners is how does the Town feel about solar panels, especially a large project that is being proposed by 9 North St. ( 3 panels, each approximately 12 x 8 ft.).   The Town Commissioners will request the BPC investigate what other historic districts have permitted and what regulations have been put in place concerning solar panels.   If the solar panel location at 9 North St is moved to accommodate 13 North St. view, then the solar panels will be visible by the Farquhar Residence at 1 North St.   Also, did the Town set precedence when approving a much smaller solar panel installation at 14 High St.

Academy Manager Andrea Scanlon phoned in at this point of the discussion to give the Academy report via the phone.  She was unable to attend the Commissioners Meeting tonight as her husband, Chair of BPC, was meeting with the landscape architect working with 9 North St and Fred Teal, regarding placement of the solar panels.

Academy Update:  3 new rentals since last month.  90% of the Academy rentals come from referrals not from advertising.  The yoga instructor who has contracted with the Academy for classes has met the minimum amount of students needed.

EECGB subgrant:  Town Clerk has requested July 14th for the field audit and is still waiting on the EECGB staff to confirm a date and time.

Solar Panels:  discussion continued after the Academy update: What are the trade offs for allowing alternative forms of energy?  Is it better to wait a few years for technology improvements so solar panels will be smaller and less obtrusive?  The Town needs to have a policy on solar panels and any form of alternative energy as a lack of policy is a cause of problems.  Issuing approval permits on a case by case basis is cause for concern.   Commissioner President Acierno feels we need a Town policy before the permit is issued to 9 North St and that we do not know enough about how our Community feels about solar panels and the pros / cons of having solar panels.  If this permit request is approved, what are the long term effects?  Will the solar panels become obsolete in a few years as technology advances? And then what will happen to the obsolete panels?    While the Town Commissioners do not want to discourage energy savings, there are many unanswered questions; the issue will need further research.  As of now, if the BPC approves the solar panel installation at 9 North St, the Town Commissioners will not sign the permit until they get more Community input and amend the permit.  Concern was raised: did the Town set precedence with signing the permit for 14 High St and allowing them to install solar panels;  the project at 9 North St is significantly larger and a grander scale compared to 14 High St.  Also, 14 High St’s initial permit request was not approved and was requested to scale back the size of the solar panels before their permit request was approved.

The Town Commissioners will talk to the BPC.

309 & 311 Market Street:  A hearing is scheduled for tomorrow, June 15th.  Commissioner President Acierno and Commissioner Farquhar will both try and attend the hearing.  Commissioner Heritage stated that Deeds Wells dropped off an envelope at his house today with a copy of the HAWP application.  It was noted that the Town cannot approve any permits until a HAWP is issued.

301 Market Street:  The Rotter Estate received the certified letter from the Town and has yet to begin work to cap the well and shed removal.  The Town will contact a lawyer to have a lien placed on the property as the Town will hire a contractor to prevent accidental entry into the uncapped well.

BPC opening:  Commissioner President Acierno has received interest from Town Resident Barbara Ray to be appointed to the BPC.  Town Commissioners will allow the notice regarding the opening to be included in the next newsletter.

Gravel Road Repairs:   Contract from Neal Leary was received and approved for $6640; no increase from the price from last year.

Open Discussion:  Annual Picnic still on track for Sunday, August 29th at 4:00pm.

The Town received a Thank You letter from Our House for the donation.

The meeting adjourned at 9:18 p.m.

Cate McDonald
Town Clerk

May 24, 2010 Commissioners Meeting Minutes

May 24, 2010
6:30 p.m.

Commissioner President Michael Acierno, Commissioner Robert Heritage, Commissioner Katherine Farquhar, Town Clerk Cate McDonald, Treasurer Susan Johnson, Academy Manager Andrea Scanlon. Present during all or portions of the meeting was Gazette Reporter Terri Hogan

Minutes: The April Commissioners Meeting Minutes were approved.

Financial: The April financial report was emailed to the Commissioners prior to the meeting.

Treasurer reports that the Town’s CD is up for renewal June 3; with the interest rates low, she will look for a better return on investment for the money.

Commissioners discussed a donation to Our House as a Thank You for participating in Clean Up Day; it was agreed upon to donate $500 to Our House. Commissioner Heritage requested a public thank you to Pogo for the mulch donation at the Annual Meeting.

Election Results: Commissioner President Michael Acierno was re-elected May 11 for another 2 year term by 12 voters. The Commissioners will elect a new President of the Commissioners at the June Commissioners Meeting.

Academy Update: Rental business has picked up. Of note:

  • Leads2Share committed to renting the Academy 2 Tuesday mornings a month until the end of this year.
  • Yoga class: rental for Monday nights and Thursday mornings during the months of June, July, and August.
  • MoCo Historical Society will hold their Annual Members Meeting June 7th.

The exterior stucco will cost approximately $7500 to repair. The gutters will need to be taken down prior to the stucco and will need some minor repairs estimated to cost $1200.

Wood floors will be refinished

LGIT’s hazard evaluation inspection noted several items that needed attention and with regards to repairs: cracked window panes that need replacement were estimate to be $50 per pane to replace with regular glass by Saul Derr; outside brick sidewalk need to be raised. Commissioner President Acierno authorized these repairs with the brick sidewalk a higher priority due to the trip and fall hazard.

North Street Parking: a Town Resident requested the Commissioners discuss the permanent vehicle storage that has been occurring at the Schoolhouse. Treasurer Susan Johnson said one of the vehicles is her husband’s work truck, which has recently been moved. Commissioner Katherine Farquhar states that she parks there during inclement winter weather. The Teal’s parked a car there short term while they were selling the vehicle. The other vehicle that was stored there for several months over the winter was not identified.

The Commissioners determined that it would be hard to restrict and enforce parking on a publically maintained street.

Energy Efficiency: Commissioner President Acierno requested the Academy Manager to look into the use of energy efficient lighting for the Academy with goal to reduce energy cost and increase energy efficiency.

LGIT: Tim Ailsworth, Executive Director of LGIT, will attend July’s Commissioners Meeting to present an award and the Commissioners will accept his dinner invitation.

LGIT insurance renewal policy was reviewed with no changes needed.

Solar Panels: Resident Fred Teal sent in a BPC application for solar panels that has been generating interest among his neighbors.

309 & 311 Market Street: The presiding Judge at the May 18th hearing found the owner of 309 Market Street in contempt of Court. The owner asked the court for another 30 day extension to complete 4 tasks he submitted to the Court. The Judge ordered him to have the tasked completed by June 15th or she will have him confined.

301 Market Street: no progress at the Rotter property. Commissioner President Acierno will give notice as required under the General Powers section of the Town Charter and request the water well be capped and removal of the sheds via certified mail.

Schoolhouse gutters: installation of the gutters was complete May 10th, with a total price for installation and repair approximately $1300. Humidifier will still to be used this summer to help with the warping as the building is unoccupied.

Gravel Road Repairs: Verbal estimate from Neal Leary is $6640. Commissioner President Acierno requested that the gravel road work start soon.

Flags: Commissioner Heritage will attempt to complete hanging the flags before the start of Memorial Day weekend.

Annual Picnic: Commissioner Farquhar proposed Sunday, August 29th at 4:00pm be selected for the Annual Picnic; there were no objections. The format will be the same as last year’s, including live music.

Open Discussion: 313 Market St was recently connected to WSSC. The WSSC contractor did not effectively patch the Market Street, causing increased road noise. Academy Manager said WSSC usually have a 2nd contractor repair the initial paving over but is could take months. Commissioner Heritage will attempt to contact WSSC to speed up the repair process.

The meeting adjourned at 7:55 p.m.

Cate McDonald
Town Clerk

May 24, 2010 Annual Town Meeting Minutes

May 24, 2010
8:00 p.m.

Commissioner President Michael Acierno, Commissioner Robert Heritage, Commissioner Katherine Farquhar, Town Clerk Cate McDonald, Treasurer Susan Johnson, Academy Manager Andrea Scanlon

Present during all or portions of the meeting were Town Residents Harry and Karen Montgomery, Andrew and Mary Kay Spagnola, Debbie Wagner, Fred Teal, Teresa Meeks, Don and Sue Moore, Buck Bartley, Rev. Sue Shorb-Sterling, Les Unglesbee, and Gazette Reporter Terri Hogan

Moment of silence to honor 2 Town Resident who passed away since last year’s Annual Meeting: Sid Rotter and Andrea Barr.

Delegate Karen Montgomery: Town Resident and Dist. 14 State Delegate addressed the assembled crowd and announced she is running for the District 14 Senate seat against Sen. Rona Kramer. Delegate Montgomery stated her reasoning behind running for State Senate is she feels the current Senator does not reflect our values, specifically on the environment and family issues. The District 14 State Senate campaign will be a campaign of issues and not personalities. Key points of her campaign are: tax structure that puts an undue burden on poor and have tax loopholes for the wealthy 1%; corporate reporting that enables large corporations to form DE holding companies while small business pay MD taxes; environment – clean air, work with the Federal Government on a multi-state effort to clean up the Bay, help farmers with tax credits, find alternative forms of energy; lobbyists have undue influence at the State Capital.

Commissioner President Acierno asked Delegate Montgomery about the State budget. Del. Montgomery responded that this year’s budget is bad but not as bad as last years; that there is not more that can be cut from the budget.

Elections results: Commissioners Michael Acierno won re-election to another 2 year term.

Summary of the past 12 months:

  • Winter 2009-2010: this past winter was one of the worst on record and demonstrated how special a town Brookeville is. The Town hopes to recoup some of its February snow storms expenses from Maryland Emergency Management Agency. The Town spent around $9000 on snow removal when there was $1200 budgeted. This year’s upcoming budget will be $1200.

  • Clean Up Day: Commissioner Farquhar asked how many people were present for Clean Up day – 6 people in the room raised their hands. She remarked that April 24th was a remarkable day and it was wonderful to see people come out and help. It was announced that the Town will donate $500 to Our House for their help with Clean Up day. A special thank you for Pogo for donating 30 cubic yards of mulch. The landscaping contact was eliminated from the upcoming fiscal budget.

  • Brookeville Academy: a new tankless water heater was installed; a new supplier of propane is being used at a lower cost.

  • Renewable Energy Contract: Contract was renewed with Clean Current for a 1 year, June ‘10 to June ‘11 at $.09396, 100% wind for the Brookeville Academy. The cost is lower than last year $ .10127/kWh rate

  • Energy Conservation: Fred Teal and Deborah Wagner are involved with Clean Currents Green Neighborhood Challenge and have signed up 18 homes and will continue to recruit homes until October 10th. The Town will receive $10 per home signed up to use on a green project.

  • Schoolhouse: The gutter installation is now complete and hopefully will help the moisture issue. The Town will hold off any more work on the Schoolhouse.

  • MEA grant: the Town is eligible to receive $5000 from an EmPOWERing Clean Energy Communities grant. The Town had hoped to use this grant money for the tankless water heater but will have to explore new opportunities at the Academy.

  • Light post: the cast iron light post that needs to be replaced in front of 308 Market Street will have a liteshield that throws the light out the sides of the fixture like an oval. This will help reduce light pollution.

  • Trees: The some of the newly planted trees the Town purchased and had planted did not survive the storm. The trees were purchased from the Tree-Mendous Maryland program.

  • Gravel Roads: the repairs / yearly maintenance will start soon. There will be no work on the eastern portion of Market Street.

  • 309 Market Street: June 15th is the next scheduled court hearing. Commissioner President Acierno attended the May 18th hearing which found the owner of 309 Market Street in contempt of Court. The owner asked the court for another 30 day extension to complete 4 tasks he submitted to the Court. The Judge ordered him to have the tasked completed by June 15th or she will have him confined.

Master Plan: an extension request was granted to allow the Town to address comments from MDP and Town Residents. The Master Plan should be completed sometime this Fall. Commissioner President Acierno thanks the BPC for all hard work on the Master Plan. Commissioner President Acierno also announced there is an opening on the BPC and all Town Residents that are interested should contact a Town Commissioner.

Brookeville Bypass: The Maryland SHA gave a presentation to the State and Montgomery County officials of the need for a special exemption to Smart Growth law for the Bypass. A special exemption is needed to obtain funding and to move to next phase in construction. SHA has requested to retain the Bypass’s right-of-way from the Town to reduce potential legal issues. Several Residents express frustration about the slow progress but Commissioner President Acierno stated that there has been more progress in the past 2 years then there has been for decades.

FY 2010-2011 Budget: The Town spent less this fiscal year than budgeted and increased our reserves by 15%. The Town is in good financial shape thanks to the cost cutting that was taken this past year. The budget has not increases in cost; the landscaping contract was deleted and there will be no large trash collection this year. Question was asked about the Angle maintenance – this is a onetime expense that is carry year to year until there is a consensus about what to do with the Angle. Commissioner President Acierno stated that there is a lot more communication happening and keeping the lines of communication open are helpful in tough financial times.

Annual Picnic: the Town’s Annual Picnic will be Sunday, August 24th at 4:00pm.

Open Discussion

  • Buck Bartley, 5 Church Street, requested the Town help with a serious storm water issue across his property, across SUMC parking lot to 310 Market Street. The SUMC parking lot caused the problem but the majority of the water comes from High Street. Former Commissioner Rick Allen proposed a rain garden to solve this drainage issue but the storm water drainage that ends up at 310 Market is so severe that a rain garden will not solve the issue. Mr. Bartley, as part of his construction company, has an excavation division that has survey the drainage issue and has designed a drainage plan which will consist of a drainage swale and retaining chamber. The estimate cost of the drainage plan is $17,000. The residents at 310 Market cannot afford to pay for the drainage plan, even with financial help from SUMC. Many years back, there was a curb in front of SUMC that is no longer there that might have helped with the drainage issue. A few years ago, SHA tried to build a sidewalk along High St, but the Residents did not approve the plans, which could have mitigated some of the drainage issue. Commissioner President Acierno promised to contact SHA and request they come out to survey the storm water drainage issue and work with them on a solution. Del. Montgomery stated she will be happy to with SHA as well. High Street crests at 18 High Street and perhaps a curb from 18 High Street that continues along western Market Street will help with storm water drainage.

  • The uncapped water well and sheds at 301 Market Street was raised as an issue. The family members don’t have the house listed for sale and the house sits in an unattended state. Commissioner President Acierno advised that 301 Market was an agenda item at the preceding Commissioners Meeting and that he will give notice as required under the General Powers section of the Town Charter and request the water well be capped and removal of the sheds via certified mail.
  • Don Moore, 3 High Street, wanted to know what he should do with the ever increasing stick pile he has in his backyard. This winter’s severe weather caused a lot of limbs to fall. The Town does not have a yard waste program. Several solutions were proposed by those in attendance including have a contractor come with a chipper and make mulch. It was noted that a resident was burning trash in his yard, which is illegal in MoCo. Commissioner President Acierno thanked everyone for offering suggestions and stated this is the type of feedback the Commissioners needed when budget cuts are called for. Buck Bartley will contact a business associate with a chipper and find out his rates; the mulch will be used along the walking path in Town.
  • Fred Teal, 9 North Street, wanted to comment that we should expect more rain due to global warming and storm water management will become more of an issue in the coming years. It was also noted that this past winter weather may become more typical due to the El Nino weather pattern.

  • Les Unglesbee, 308 Market Street, wanted to say WSSC patch repair in front of 313 Market Street is not acceptable. Commissioner President Acierno stated this issue was discussed at the preceding Commissioners Meeting and the Town will contact WSSC to speed up the road repairs.

  • Andrew Spagnola, 14 High Street, stated that the pole and sign that were run down at 15 High Street in April has not been repaired. The appropriate agencies will be contact to repair their property.

The meeting adjourned at 9:45 p.m.

Cate McDonald
Town Clerk

April 16, 2010 Commissioners Meeting Minutes

April 16, 2010
8:00 p.m.

Commissioner President Michael Acierno, Commissioner Robert Heritage, Commissioner Katherine Farquhar, Town Clerk Cate McDonald, Treasurer Susan Johnson. Academy Manager Andrea Scanlon was not in attendance.

Minutes: The March Commissioners Meeting Minutes were approved.

Financial: The March financial report was emailed to the Commissioners prior to the meeting. Commissioner President Acierno will start working on FY 2010-2011 next week; does not anticipate Town property tax increases.

Commissioner Heritage comments that we should encourage Residents to tidy up their property, including the right-of-way, due to landscaping cost cutting.

Academy Update: Academy Manager emailed the Academy rental report. The Commissioners authorized advertising at the Strawberry Festival this year to increase the Academy’s exposure in the local community. Treasurer Susan Johnson comments that several years ago gave a presentation but at that time the former Academy Manager did not want to pursue advertising on-line but Susan feels it might be a good way to increase rental business at the Academy. The Commissioners agree there is a need to advertise the Academy more with the desired outcome of increased rental income.

Brookeville Bypass: Commissioner President Acierno received a call from Roy Gothy from SHA. Mr. Gothy stated that SHA is scheduled to present to the State and Montgomery County officials the need for a special exemption to Smart Growth law for the Bypass. A special exemption is needed to obtain funding and to move to next phase in construction. SHA has requested to retain the Bypass’s right-of-way from the Town to reduce potential legal issues.

Brookeville Clean Up Day: Still on schedule for April 24 from 9:00am – 11:00am. Our House has volunteered 10-12 youths and 2-3 adult supervisors to help with our efforts. Starting at 8:30am, coffee and doughnuts will be available at the Academy for anyone volunteering to help. Commissioner President Acierno states that he will be away on April 24.

LGIT: Tim Ailsworth, Executive Director of LGIT, will attend July’s Commissioners Meeting to present an award since the May meeting had to be rescheduled.

309 & 311 Market Street: The next hearing will be May 18th.

301 Market Street: a complaint about the Rotter property was received by the Town concerning the well on property. The sheds on property are also falling down. Commissioner Heritage will contact the family and ask them to repair the property. If no action, then the Town will send a certified letter to the Rotter Estate and request upkeep to the structures.

Schoolhouse gutters: Davenport Insulation partially installed gutters on the Schoolhouse in January. They ran out of materials and were scheduled to comeback and finish the installation and move the downspouts to the back of the schoolhouse. In the meantime, winter weather damaged the gutters and the estimated cost to repair will be $566. Davenport is scheduled to come back and finish that installation in next few weeks.

Road Repairs: Commissioner President Acierno would like Neal Leary to provide an estimate for repairing / maintaining the gravel roads.

May Election: The election is scheduled for Tuesday, May 11, 2010. The only nomination received by the deadline was from Michael Acierno, whose term expires this May.

Open Discussion: None

The meeting adjourned at 8:55 p.m.

Cate McDonald
Town Clerk

March 8, 2010 Commissioners Meeting Minutes

March 8, 2010
8:00 p.m.

Commissioner President Michael Acierno, Commissioner Robert Heritage, Commissioner Katherine Farquhar, Town Clerk Cate McDonald, Academy Manager Andrea Scanlon. Treasurer Susan Johnson was not in attendance. Present during all or portions of the meeting was Gazette Reporter Terri Hogan

Minutes: The February Commissioners Meeting Minutes were approved.

Financial: The February financial report was emailed to the Commissioners prior to the meeting

Academy Update: 5 new rental contracts since last month that are mostly graduation parties. The Gazette is $250 for a block ad per week; Commissioner President Acierno approved an ad to appear in the following weeks to see if an ad generates any business.

Academy Manager will look into buying a prepaid propane contract next year to help reduce costs.

Church Street: Susan Bartley, 5 Church Street, sent an e-mail to the Town inquiring why Church Street does not receive the same road maintenance and snow removal as the “other side streets” in Town. After some research, it was determined that the section of Church Street that is paved is the only portion that belongs to the Town. The gravel portion of Church Street is a private road and not maintained by the Town. North, South, Water, East Market Streets and the paved portion of Church Street are all legally dedicated Town streets and maintained by the Town. Commissioner President Acierno will send a letter to Mrs. Bartley regarding Church Street and maintenance.

Snow Removal: Current snow removal costs are well over budget. The Town will need to reduce its operating expenses and will not renew / engage in any optional contracts.

Commissioner Farquhar made a formal motion for the Town not to engage a seasonal landscaping maintenance contract, which typically runs March – November, which unanimously passed.

Lawn services for the Academy are separate contracts and will not be affected.

Brookeville Clean Up Day: The Town Commissioners will ask Town Residents to do simple tasks this spring. Saturday, April 24 was selected as Brookeville Clean Up Day to help celebrate Earth Day. Tasks will be mulching and maintenance of the walking path between North and Water Streets and care and clean up of the Town entrance signs. Commissioner Heritage will contact Asplundh or a similar company that will deliver free mulch. Commissioner Farquhar suggested contacting Debbie Wagner, 198 Market Street, about leading Clean Up Day.

LGIT: Tim Ailsworth, Executive Director of LGIT, will attend April’s Commissioners Meeting to present the award and has extended an invitation for dinner prior to the meeting. The Town Commissioners confirmed that 6:30pm at The Tavern will work for dinner.

309 & 311 Market St: The Courts were closed due to weather for the February hearing regarding the status of 309 Market Street. Commissioner Robert Heritage will try to determine the rescheduled hearing date.

Comprehensive Plan: Commissioner President Acierno will ask MDP for an extension for the Comprehensive Plan, which is due April 1, 2010. MDP has stated that will grant only one more extension.

May Election: A notice has been mailed to all Town Residents advising that there will be an election for one commissioner on Tuesday, May 11, 2010 and nominations are being accepted for the position of Town Commissioner. Commissioner President Acierno term expires this May. Nomination deadline is April 13, 2010.

Open Discussion: The date for the Annual Town Meeting has been confirmed as Monday, May 24th at 8:00pm.

The meeting adjourned at 9:05 p.m.

Cate McDonald
Town Clerk

February 8, 2010 Commissioners Meeting Minutes

February 8, 2010
8:00 p.m.

Commissioner President Michael Acierno , Commissioner Robert Heritage, Town Clerk Cate McDonald, Academy Manager Andrea Scanlon, Treasurer Susan Johnson. Commissioner Katherine Farquhar was not in attendance. Present during all or portions of the meeting was Harry Montgomery.

Minutes: The January Commissioners Meeting Minutes were approved.

Open Discussion: Harry Montgomery, 211 Market Street, requests that the Commissioners appoint a member to the Brookeville Planning Commission (BPC) from elsewhere in Town to even the representation on the BPC. Currently, only residents living on the eastside of Town are on the BPC.

Commissioner President Acierno advised Mr. Montgomery that is good to have a geo distribution but it is hard to get people to volunteer for positions. He advised he will solicit interest from Town Residents as there is an open spot on the BPC.

Mr. Montgomery asked what the term is for a Planning Commissioner; Commissioner President Acierno advised that Planning Commissioners serve at the discretion of the Town Commissioners.

Mr. Montgomery asked if the Town Commissioners will advertise in the newsletter of the opening on the BPC. Commissioner President Acierno advised that several members on the BPC have served for several years and may want to resign and that there is currently a spot on the BPC and will solicit interest from Town Residents; ask Mr. Montgomery if there were any other concerns. Mr. Montgomery would like to see more information about proposed improvements / renovations in Town and to have more input from Town Residents. Commissioner President Acierno will advise Town Residents on the how the BPC works and the approval process as there has been some confusion / frustration about communication with the Town. The public hearing tomorrow night may be an opportunity to discuss the procedures of the BPC; the public hearing scheduled for February 9th may be delayed due to weather.

Mr. Montgomery feels that Town Residents do not realize that they can volunteer to serve on the BPC; that once someone is appointed to the BPC that person serves in perpetuity and feels that the BPC needs to be more open with the whole process. Commissioner President Acierno will communicate that anyone is welcome to volunteer.

Mr. Montgomery feels that more polarizing issues need to be advertised more; Commissioner President Acierno will work on better communication.

Mr. Montgomery requests, as a goal, to have 3 Town residents from varying areas in Town would better serve the Town then 6 residents from the same area of Town. He has a vision of the Town as a small village and would like the gravel roads to be narrower, like lanes.

Comprehensive Plan: Commissioner President Acierno advised that the Public Meeting schedule for February 9th will be moved to February 16th due to the pending blizzard. He requested the Town Clerk to advise Town Residents via e-mail. BPC’s admin will call all Town residents without e-mail.

Financial: The January financial report was emailed to the Commissioners prior to the meeting; all was ok.

Academy Update: The networking group, Leads2Share, signed a contract to hold their meetings at the Academy until the end of June; prepaid $40 a meeting. Google calendar is ok to link to the Town’s website.

Academy Marketing: how to increase more rentals? Academy Manager looking at Google Ads; will try an ad in The Gazette. Advised there may be more interest in April with graduation season.

Schoolhouse: Davenport Insulation has partially installed gutters; they will return and switch the downspout location and finish installation but will be delayed due to snow cover.

Landscaping: The Town most likely will not commit to any landscaping contracts due to snow removal cost, HUR cuts, and anticipated road repairs this spring.

Snow Removal: Current snow removal costs are approximately $2100 over budget. The monies to pay for the snow removal overruns will come from the Town’s reserve funds. The Town will need to find ways to reduce its current operating budget.

Legislative Night: Commissioner President Acierno and Commissioner Farquhar attended the Annual Legislative Night on February 1. The main topics of conversations were the anticipated budget challenges faced by the State and that municipalities should expect more budget cuts.

LGIT: LGIT would like to present the Town with an award in recognition of our 20 year anniversary as a member-partner with the Trust. Tim Ailsworth, Executive Director of LGIT, will attend April’s Commissioners Meeting to present the award and has extended an invitation for dinner prior to the meeting.

309 & 311 Market St: the next hearing is scheduled for the afternoon of February 11, 2010; may be delayed due to impending winter weather. Commissioner Robert Heritage will try and attend the hearing.

The meeting adjourned at 8:55 p.m.

Cate McDonald
Town Clerk

January 11, 2010 Commissioners Meeting Minutes

January 11, 2010
8:00 p.m.

Commissioner Robert Heritage, Commissioner Katherine Farquhar, Town Clerk Cate McDonald, Academy Manager Andrea Scanlon, Treasurer Susan Johnson. Commissioner President Michael Acierno was not in attendance. Present during all or portions of the meeting were Fred Teal, Debbie Wagner, and Gazette Reporter Terri Hogan

Minutes: The December 2009 Commissioners Meeting Minutes were approved.

Financial: The December financial report was not available.

The Town ordered a new Dell computer which should be operational sometime in January. The current computer malfunctioned after a virus entered its system. The suspected entry point for the virus is the on-line calendar for the Brookeville Academy.

Academy Update: Rentals were down for 2009. Rental inquiries are down. The networking group, Leads2Share, will hold a trail meeting at the Academy Jan. 19th from 7:00am-9:00am.

The Dec. 26th fire sprinkler alarm was a false alarm triggered by the dry system in the attic. The fire alarm code was for water moving in the system. The alarm was serviced by Judd Fire Protection and the system is functioning properly.

Google calendar for Academy rentals: Commissioner President Michael Acierno set up a Google calendar to manage the Academy rentals. Academy Manager says the new calendar is ready to go onto the website; would like the calendar to say “reserved” vs. “busy”. The new Google calendar will replace the existing calendar feature on the Town’s website.

Schoolhouse: Davenport Insulation provided the lowest written quote for gutters: $698/COD. Installation has been delayed because of snow.

Snow Removal: The Town experienced Severe Snow/Blizzard conditions December 19-20, 2009. The Town hopes to recoup some of it snow removal expenses from the State via potential federal assistance which may be made available to local jurisdictions. Current snow removal costs for this winter have far exceeded the budgeted amount.

Weather Alerts sent to Town Residents are appreciated by all who receive them.

309 & 311 Market St: the next hearing is scheduled for the afternoon of February 11, 2010. Commissioner Robert Heritage has not been able to get in touch with Bill Calloway of Code Enforcement, via phone, to arrange a meeting prior to the hearing.

Master Plan: Commissioners Heritage and Farquhar discuss the Comprehensive Plan prior to Commissioners Meeting and will pass along their comments Commissioner President Acierno. Commissioner Farquhar questioned the future of commercial property when existing businesses cease to exist.

Public hearing is set for Feb. 9th, 2010.

Legislative Night: Annual Legislative Night will be held February 1, 2010 from 6:00pm-8:00pm in Annapolis. Commissioner President Acierno plans to attend with Commissioner Heritage. Commissioner Farquhar will not be available to attend.

Commissioner President Acierno and Commissioner Farquhar met with Josh Russin, Intergovernmental Affairs & Zone Coordinator for the Governor on Jan.5th to discuss the Governor’s priorities this legislative session, the State Budget and anticipated budget cuts, and the future of the Brookeville Bypass.

Trees: Fred Teal, 9 North Street, wants the Commissioners to take actions on the English Ivy that is growing on trees along North Street. The Town contracted with an Arborist in Fall 2008 and one of her recommendations in developing a strategy to maintain the health of our trees was ivy removal and Fred Teal wants this to be a priority for the Town for the trees along North Street and wants the ivy removed ASAP. Commissioner Farquhar wants quotes for the Town to pay for the ivy removal; having Residents performing this task during a Spring Community Clean-up, as suggested, seems to be to too hazardous and should be done by professionals.

Open Discussion:

Wireless Internet: Debbie Wagner, 198 Market Street, requested the Town to have wireless access points. This will allow Residents to have high speed internet free of charge.

Solar Coop: Fred Teal, 9 North Street, is still working on a Solar Coop for any interested Town Resident. He has been in contact with 2 companies that provide home energy audits, ecobeco and Ardently Green, to provide quotes which will range from $200-$400 or more depending on the size of the house. As of yet, no Town Resident’s have expressed interest in having a home energy audit conducted or joining a solar energy coop. Commissioner Farquhar suggested Mr. Teal prepare the information for the next Town newsletter and hopefully that will generate interested among Residents.

Clean Currents: Fred Teal and Debbie Wagner signed up for Clean Currents “Green Neighborhood Effect” seminar to learn more about this program that gives back $10 per household that signs up to contribute to a green community project.

Commissioner Farquhar wanted to know the status of stop sign at Market & High Sts. The “traffic from the left does not stop” portion of the sign is hanging too low and people are bumping their heads on the sign. The SHA maintenance division is investigating the sign placement.

The meeting adjourned at 9:25 p.m.

Cate McDonald
Town Clerk

December 14, 2009 Commissioners Meeting Minutes

December 14, 2009
8:00 p.m.

Commissioner President Michael Acierno , Commissioner Robert Heritage , Commissioner Katherine Farquhar, Town Clerk Cate McDonald, Academy Manager Andrea Scanlon. Treasurer Susan Johnson was not in attendance. Present during all or portions of the meeting was Gazette Reporter Terri Hogan

Minutes: The November 2009 Commissioners Meeting Minutes were approved.

Financial: The November financial report was not available.

Anticipate Debt:   The Town has no debt and Commissioner President Acierno ask that the information form be send to the State stating that fact.

Office of the Governor: Josh Russin, Intergovernmental Affairs & Zone Coordinator for the Governor, has scheduled a meeting with the Town Commissioners for Tuesday, Jan 5th. The anticipated topic of discussion will be the Legislative Session and the State budget. Commissioner President Acierno plans to discuss possible cuts in the Town’s portion of municipal income tax.

Academy Update: No new maintenance issues, no new rentals and few rental inquiries. The networking group, Leads2Share, will hold a trail meeting at the Academy Jan. 19th.

Schoolhouse: Davenport Insulation verbally offered the lowest quote for gutters. Town Clerk is waiting on written contract to confirm price before committing.

Holiday Party: All went well at the December 5th Holiday Party and there was a good turnout, even with the snow.

Campaign Donation: Request for the Town to donate to the new County Council President Nancy Floreen campaign. The Town is not eligible to donate money as an entity.

Greenskeepers: The Town received a 2 year renewal contract from Greenskeepers. The Town Commissioners opted not to renew and will solicit bids from other landscaping contractors.

309 & 311 Market St: the next hearing is scheduled for the afternoon of February 11, 2010. By that date, owner is supposed to have siding and a roof on 309 Market. The Commissioners will try and schedule a meeting with Bill Calloway of Code Enforcement and the County Attorney prior to the hearing and give their recommendation to the Court which is to have 309 Market recovered. Current state of the property is a public safety hazard. The Commissioners need to determine what powers, between the Town and the County, are there to settle this issue. Commissioner Robert Heritage will call Bill Calloway and schedule a meeting for the end of January.

Master Plan: The Commissioners will discuss the Comprehensive Plan prior to the January 11th Commissioners Meeting and will pass along their comments to the Brookeville Planning Commission (BPC) afterwards.

MML: Commissioner President Acierno attended the MML Montgomery County Chapter Holiday Party December 10th. The big topic of discussion was the upcoming Maryland Legislative Session and potential cuts in the State Budget.

Open Discussion: the stop sign at Market & High Sts is deemed a safety hazard. The “traffic from the left does not stop” portion of the sign is hanging too low and people are bumping their heads on the sign. Request for Town Clerk to call SHA to review sign placement.

Weather Alerts sent to Town Residents are appreciated by all who receive them.

Question in regards to snow removal: the Town’s policy is no plowing begins until an accumulation of 4 inches of snow has fallen on the streets.

Right of Way: discussion about if there is an easement with the property at 104 Water to provide access to the houses along the western Market St.

The meeting adjourned at 9:15 p.m.

Cate McDonald
Town Clerk

November 23, 2009 Commissioners Meeting Minutes

November 23, 2009
8:00 p.m.

Commissioner President Michael Acierno , Commissioner Katherine Farquhar, Town Clerk Cate McDonald, Academy Manager Andrea Scanlon, Treasurer Susan Johnson. Commissioner Robert Heritage was not in attendance. Present during all or portions of the meeting was Gazette Reporter Terri Hogan

Minutes: The October 2009 Commissioners Meeting Minutes were approved.

Financial: The October financial report was reviewed.

Variable Debt Rate Policy: The Town submitted the debt policy to the State Treasurer’s Office.  The second requirement of the legislation was to provide the State Treasurer’s Office with completed variable rate debt forms.  The Town has no variable rate debt and submitted the forms stating that fact.

Academy Update: No new maintenance issues, no new rentals and few rental inquiries. An interesting inquiry from a networking group in the Olney / Brookeville area: they want to hold 2 short morning meetings every month. Academy Manager wants to offer them $40 a session.

Schoolhouse: One bid from Royal Gutters for $1850 which was deemed too expensive for the scope of the work. Waiting on other bids for gutters.

Greenskeepers: The landscaping contract with Greenskeepers ends this month. The Town will solicit bids from landscaping contractors for the upcoming year.

Phil Andrews Meeting: Commissioner President Michael Acierno, along with State Delegate Karen Montgomery, met with County Council President Phil Andrews on November 18th. They discussed funding of the Brookeville Bypass. County Council President Andrews was supportive of the current funding levels and a phone call with Councilmember Floreen confirmed the funding details. Also discussed the maintenance of Brookeville Road at Market Street (MD97).

309 & 311 Market St: Commissioner President Michael Acierno attended the Nov. 17th hearing concerning 309 Market St. In summary, the owner of the property, Deeds Wells, stated he has a few offers for the property but none for the listing price and his real estate agent requires him to sell his property for the listed price. The owner also stated he will apply for the proper permits to fix the roof. The Judge scheduled the next hearing for February.

Commissioner President Acierno will try and schedule a meeting with the County Attorney prior to the next hearing to discuss the progress.

Master Plan: The Brookeville Planning Commission (BPC) has provided the Commissioners with a copy of the Master Plan. The Town Commissioners will review and discuss the Master Plan at a closed door session and provide the BPC their feedback by February 2, 2010.

MML: The MML Montgomery County Chapter will hold their Holiday Dinner December 10th in Gaithersburg. All 3 Town Commissioners plan on attending with the Town hosting Senator Rona Kramer and Delegate Karen Montgomery.

Holiday Party: The Town’s Holiday Party is scheduled for December 5th. An Evite will be sent to Town Residents as a reminder.

The meeting adjourned at 9:45 p.m.

Cate McDonald
Town Clerk