June 9, 2014 Commissioners Meeting Minutes

Town of Brookeville

Commissioners Meeting Minutes

June 9, 2014

8:00 pm


Present: Michael Acierno, Katherine Farquhar, Sue Daley, Buck Bartley, Susan Johnson, Andrea Scanlon, Debbie Wagner, Barbara Rey, Diane Teague, Terri Hogan


Commission Administration: Michael Acierno administers the oath of office to Buck Bartley. The new commission elects Katherine Farquhar to be Commission President.  The Commission moves to appoint Michael Acierno Brookeville as Commission President Emeritus.  The appointment serves to continue his responsibility and authority on behalf of the town as special assistant to the Bicentennial Commission.


Commission, staff and attendees express thanks and appreciation to Michael for 10 years of exemplary service. Six years were spent as Commission President.  Michael was commended for being dedicated, committed, honest, reliable and collegial.  There was much appreciation expressed for his follow through, diplomacy and professionalism in all of his dealings as commissioner.


May minutes: Approved


Budget: The budget for the current fiscal year is $90,000.00 Income tax revenues thus far are $72,000.00.  Another payment due at the end of June will bring revenues up to projections.  Most 1812 Celebration expenses are coming from grants

Additional expenses for FY 14:

  • August Events:
    • $2000.00 for clearing and mowing field behind Madison House for August events.
    • $4,800.00 for traffic engineers
    • As yet unknown costs for crossing guards during August events
  • Landscaping and maintenance for hill in front of Madison House.
  • School House Clean Up: cost for 30 bags of mulch



Academy Rental Report:

  • Academy is being used a lot for non-paying events. (Bicentennial events and Census training)
  • Annual revenues from rentals down $10,000.00 due to loss of music lessons.
  • Proposal to increases rental rates: Approved
    • o Increase single room rental to $300
    • o Increase double room rental to $550
    • o Fee for clients who rent chair/tents etc.
    • o Put minimum value on weddings.  Create wedding package.



  • Church: Bartley Corporation will perform the repairs and installation to sidewalks in front of Salem UMC.
  • Market Street:
    • Bartley Corporation is preparing bid.
    • No response from other bidders contacted. Diane will follow up.



Speed limit signs for Water Street: Signs have been ordered. Diane is waiting for response from Shannon and Baum about status. Need to determine placement.


Road maintenance contract: Neal will begin immediately.  Buck will talk to Neal about drainage problem by Cate McDonald’s house.  After August events drainage problem by Montgomery’s house will be addressed.


Landscaping: Landscaping and maintenance of hill in front of Madison House is needed. Repair and clean up should be done immediately and long term plan for continued maintenance should be put in place.


WSSC update: Karen Montgomery and Michael Acierno met with WSSC Department Director and two engineers. The open hole on Market St. near Water St. was repaired immediately.  They have agreed to raise the manhole covered standing pipes to manage flood waters that cause the sewer overflows.  Officials also confirmed that the pumping station is under capacity and capable of handling much more volume than it currently experiences.  The problem is the pressure feed pipe. Straps were improperly installed requiring the entire pipe to be replaced.  This will be done eventually. In the meantime proposed flood mitigation measure should prevent future overflows once they are implemented.  Proposal was made to request a written description of all the proposed measures planned with details.


Brookeville Bypass monthly meeting: Michael will attend the June 10 partnering meeting at 10am in Baltimore and report back.


Authority to sell beer and wine at August event: Michael Yeshenko has identified two vendors willing to sell beer and hard cider at the August events.  They are Distillery Lane Ciderworks and Heavy Seas. They are requesting a letter confirming that they are authorized to sell alcohol from the town.  Katherine will compose and send letter.


Trash contract for August event: Lowest bid for trash and sanitary services contract is $4450.  Contract includes 3 handicapped accessible toilets and 7 standard toilets. Vendor will be asked to provide sketch of proposed locations.


Open discussion:

  • Old ballots don’t need to be saved but voter register should be filed in the Academy office.
  • Schedule another Town Meeting to discuss August events: Schedule for Monday August 11, 7:00 pm.
  • Schedule Post Bicentennial Celebration: Sunday Sept. 21 at 4:00 pm.  Used Town picnic format.
  • Door to door outreach to contact each resident about August events.  Get written information together so it can be delivered with visits. Make sure all residents are visited and asked about their concerns.  Information is needed to prepare resident packet: shuttle and parking, road closures and detours, toilet locations, map.  Schedule of events and locations.


Adjourn: 9:47 pm


Respectfully Submitted by:

Diane Teague

May 19, 2014 Commissioners Meeting Minutes

Town of Brookeville

Commissioners Meeting Minutes

May 19, 2014

6:30 pm


Present: Michael Acierno, Sue Daley, Buck Bartley, Susan Johnson, Andrea Scanlon, Diane Teague, Barbara Ray, Terri Hogan


April Minutes: approved


Discussion of Annual Town Meeting Agenda:

·       Announce election results and Buck Bartley’s swearing in on June 9.

·       Recognize and thank both candidates for running and service to town.

·       Special title for Michael Acierno: To continue serving until 2014 events are over.

·       Review Budget

·       Reiterate importance of 2014 events and the benefits to the town.

·       Susan Johnson suggests scaling back requirement to hide cars.


Review of 2014-2015 Budget and Finances:

·       FY ends on 6/30/2014 so all expenses/income are not in yet.

·       $15K for Fire Panel replacement. Existing panel is zoned and will identify where trouble is but not what the trouble is. New panel will do both.

o   Preliminary pricing:

§  $9,500 to replace panel

§  $12,500 to replace panel and devices.

·       Capital Expenses: combined amount to 2/3 of budget deficit

o   Roof

o   Road Work

·       House Tour: Net profit between $4,000-5,000. (Madison supper $12,000)

Sidewalk in front of Salem UMC: represented by Buck Bartley

Bartley Corporation Bid/proposal for sidewalk repair: $22,000.00.  SUMC is requesting that the town contribute to the cost. Identify preliminary tasks.

·       Get survey to determine MD state property lines

·       Get SHA approval

·       Get HAWP

Commissioners agree to cover half the cost of the new sidewalk which includes replacement of concrete with brick pavers to match the other town sidewalks.  Town contribution is estimated to be between $10,000 and $11,000.  Buck agrees come back with a discounted price

Adjourn: 7:00 pm

Respectfully Submitted by: Diane Teague

April 14, 2014 Commissioners Meeting Minutes

Town of Brookeville

Commissioners Meeting Minutes

April 14, 2014


Present: Michael Acierno, Katherine Farquhar, Sue Daley, Susan Johnson, Andrea Scanlon, Diane Teague, Sandy Heiler, Terri Hogan



March Minutes: approved


Review Budget:

  • Snow expenses were 25% more than the amount budgeted however expenses were lower than expected given the excess of snow.
  • Received grant disbursement of $73,000.00 from the MD War of 1812 Bicentennial Commission.


Academy Rental report:


  • Both music instructors have found new space for their lessons and are giving up their leases for the Academy. This amounts to an approximate $10,000.00 per year loss.
  • Two scheduled rentals cancelled but others were scheduled so there was no net change.
  • Census Bureau is using the academy for recruiting and training for no fee.
  • Fire alarm system problem has resolved itself for the present but may need replacement if faulty part cannot be replaced.


Water Street speed limit signs: County will not provide speed limit signs so they will be supplied and installed by Shannon and Baum. Clerk is waiting for estimate.


Historic Homes Tour May 3: Preparations are on schedule. Preregistrations are below what was expected. Many same day registrations are expected based on the Symposium.


Election May 13 and transition:

  • Two candidates are running for President Acierno’s seat.
  • Election supervisor will:
    • make absentee ballots available next week
    • o print ballots
    • o register qualified voters at the election
    • o phone candidates with result after votes are counted that evening.
  • Clerk will send reminders about the election.
    • o Check with board of elections about voter registration rolls.
    • o Send email to residents when results are in.


Budget FY2014-2015: Commissioners and treasurer will meet to discuss next year’s budget on May 5, at 7:00 pm.


Annual Town Meeting: Scheduled for May 19 at 7:00 pm.

  • Commissioners will meet at 6:30 pm.
  • Swearing in of new commissioner will take place at the June Commissioners Meeting.
  • Announcement of road closure followed by mailed announcement.
  • Michael Acierno will be given an honorary position enabling him to continue serving until bicentennial events are over.


2014 Commemoration Update:

  • Symposium was a success. SSFS did not charge for lunch.
  • Road closure approved for Saturday from 9 am – 7 pm and Sunday from 11 am – 6pm.
  • New grants manager has applied for new grant for logistical support such as toilets and clean-up. Previous estimates were insufficient. Costs associated with horses are more than expected.
  • Ceremony for opening of Historic Trail on Jun 5 from 11-12. Beginning at the Anacostia Waterfront Park in Bladensburg. Brookeville is one of six stops.
  • May 7: There will be a walk-through of the town by participants needing space for camps, horses, vehicles etc.
  • Police will be stationed in both parking lots. Police are not charging for their services. Town will make donation to Police and Fire Departments.
  • Donations will also be made to Days in Farm and American Pony Club for their contributions to events.
  • Civic Organizations Contributing:
    • Olney Lions Club will be passing out free bottles of water
    • Knights of Columbus will be providing BBQ. They will take care of all arrangements and licenses.
    • Boys Scouts will be hanging the flags.
    • Olney Baptist Church and Sharp Street UMC will be organizing children’s activities.
  • Children’s Production:
    • Will be run by the White House Historical Society and take place at the Decatur House.
    • Academy Manager will be setting two dates for screening the production in Brookeville before the August events.
    • Linking video to town website will be investigated.
    • Misc.
      • Arrangements for wagons are being made.
      • Organizers may sell one or two raffle tickets for places in one of the wagons as “refugees”.
      • Police will be carding visitors who buy alcohol.
      • People are signing up to be re-enactors on the website.


Brick Sidewalks: Academy Manager has written a scope of work suitable for bidding for sidewalk repairs. The Heilers have requested that no work be done on the walk in front of the Madison House. Work methods to be determined between restoration and repair/replace where necessary.


Open discussion:

  • Olney Chamber would like Brookeville to recommit to $250 donation to their scholarship fund. Commissioners approved and treasurer will send.
  • Bell and Frech have permits and will go ahead with installing their signs once commissioners approve. Neither HPC or the BPC needed a full review and granted approval.
  • Town has signed up for Renewable Energy Credits (RECs).
  • Neal Leary is repairing the potholes and has submitted a contract for annual road work to be done in August.
  • Vendor Payments: The Treasurer is concerned that vendors associated with the 1814 commemoration are not allowing a reasonable amount of time for payments to be made. Contract payment terms will be checked. Commissioners approved telling vendors that a reasonable amount of time for a municipality to turn around a payment request is net 30 days with a shorter time interval possible.
  • Heritage Days:
    • The School House and sign need to be cleaned beforehand.
    • Docent/volunteer needed.
    • Children’s Production video will be running during visiting hours


Adjourn: 9:30



Respectfully Submitted by: Diane Teague

March 10, 2014 Commissioners Meeting Minutes

Town of Brookeville


Commissioners Meeting

March 10, 2014




Present: Michael Acierno, Katherine Farquhar, Sue Daley, Andrea Scanlon, Diane Teague

February Minutes: approved

Review Budget: Treasurer not present. Review again in May, July and September

Academy Rental report:

·       Increase in rentals. All Saturdays booked through first weekend in June

·       Approved: Joanne Keister’s request to use the Academy yard for a Town Yard Sale April 19 from 8 am – 2 pm.  Place announcement in newsletter.

Bypass Partnering Meeting: Scheduled for Tuesday, March 11th.  Debbie Wagner will attend. Chris Scanlon sent information about bridge and Yinger’s driveway. Survey will be completed soon.

Potholes: Clerk will call Neal Leary to repair potholes on North Street.

Water Street speed limit signs (2): In response to complaints about speeding on Water St. Commissioners approve installation of two 8 mph speed limit signs and one caution sign for children playing. An announcement about sign installation and caution to reduce speed will be placed in newsletter.

Snow Plowing Contract: Town will seek competitive bids for snow removal for 2015 winter.

2014 Commemoration: March Event at SSFS.  Confirmation received approval of Georgia Avenue closure for events in August.  

Market Street paving: There may be a possibility of more funding from the State for repairing Market St.  Water St. which floods at the end.

Brick Sidewalks: Andrea will work on narrowing scope of work to get bids for work to be done in May.

Election and transition: Michael will stay on in an advisory capacity after the election to help maintain continuity through the Commemoration events.  Commissioners will decide on a title for Michael during transition.

Adjourn: 9:04 pm

Respectfully submitted by: Diane Teague

February 10, 2014 Commissioners Meeting Minutes

Commissioners Meeting Minutes

February 10, 2014

6:30 pm


Present: Michael Acierno, Katherine Farquhar, Sue Daley, Susan Johnson, Andrea Scanlon, Diane Teague

Approve January Minutes:  Approved

Potholes: Potholes on North, South and Water St. need attention. Call Neal for spot repair now before planned resurfacing in the spring.

Grants Manager Position: Michael Yesenko resigned the post and has not responded to an offer of providing a stipend for the position. Michael Acierno will contact Michael to confirm his decision and ask him to forward all grans management materials and information if he still intends to resign.  An announcement of the position will be put in the February newsletter.

Election: New Election Supervisor is needed for May election.   Announcements for this position as well as the open Commissioner’s seat will be put in the February newsletter.

Adjourn: 7:00 pm

Respectfully submitted by Diane Teague

January 6, 2014 Commissioners Meeting Minutes

Town of Brookeville

Commissioners Meeting

January 6, 2014

8:00 pm

Present: Michael Acierno, Katherine Farquhar, Sue Daley, Susan Johnson, Andrea Scanlon, Sandy Heiler, Terri Hogan, Diane Teague

December Minutes: approved

Review Budget: postponed

Academy Rental report: Andrea Scanlon – No activity to report. HAWP for tank burial approved.  Andrea will apply for mechanical permit for digging when weather warms up. Not expecting a lot of activity between now and April.

SHA Meeting Update: Rescheduled for Tuesday, Jan. 7. Michael Acierno and Chris Scanlon will attend weather permitting.

2013 Commemoration Planning update: Sandy Heiler

·       Grants: Michael Acierno signs Star Spangled 200 grant for $98,500.00 and request for first disbursement of $33,000.00.  Request to transfer use of grant funds from event planning to visitor services approved verbally but no verification letter has been received to date. Notification of grant award from Maryland Heritage Areas for $32,410.00 received in late December. Funds have not yet been received.

·       Star Spangled Banner National Historic Trail sign: Sandy received a call from Congressman Sarbanes office extending an offer to participate in the unveiling of the sign.  Brookeville is on the schedule for installation in February. Sandy will contact Sarbanes office when a firm date is set. Suggest contacting Sarbanes’ office accepting offer and request available dates. Sign will be installed in front of Academy next to Civil War sign.

·       History Symposium: Arrangements are complete. Guest speakers are scheduled.  The event is entitled: “Brookeville the Burning of Washington: A Tale of Two Capitals”.  The scheduled date is Saturday March 29, 2014 from 9:00 am -3:00 pm. Bruce Evans has facilitated the use of the Performing Arts Center at Sandy Spring Friends School. The facility has all required audio visual equipment, seating, parking etc. Need to determine registration fee, enough to cover cost of breakfast and lunch.  Meals may be served in school dining room or in the lobby of the Performing Arts Center as boxed lunches. Expecting price to be around $20.00.  Type of meals will be determined by number of registrants.  The target number of attendees is 250. Will hire publicity professional to publicize the event. Will also provide gift bags for speakers containing Brookeville War of 1812 items such as Brookeville Historic Maps, Madison dollars, etc.

·       Historic House Tour: Scheduled for May 3, 2014 from 10:00 am – 4:00 pm.  Four houses are lined up. Heritage’s, Booz/Teague, Ferris/Moneyhun, Madison House and Montgomery’s. The Valley House is for sale so availability is dependent on ownership. Clerk will speak to Palmers about making their house available. The School House will also be open. No preregistration will be required.  Attendees will purchase tickets in the Academy.  Assuming no events get scheduled at Salem, attendees can park behind the church or on the street and walk to all of the houses.  Box lunches from Panera will be available for purchase in the Academy for an additional charge.  DAR has expressed interest in participating in the event. This will help supply enough docents. Two extra docents will be needed to rotate through each house.

·       Progress in other areas:

o   Have lined up interpreters, bugler and 20 dragoons. A sample of the dragoons’ uniform is being made in Philadelphia to be used as template for the company that will make the uniforms. Order will be place at the end of January 2014.  Uniforms must be approved by wardrobe master. Sabers are all made. Need to find climate controlled storage for uniforms, leather helmets, plums, sabers, horse blankets etc. Ft. McHenry wants the uniforms afterwards but cannot store them ahead of time.  Suggest calling the Sandy Spring Museum or renting a climate controlled storage unit.  Will do a dry run in costume with horses in the beginning of August.

o   Recruiting poster has been posted on the War of 1812 website.  People of Ft. McHenry have responded. Expect to get citizens and militiamen with their own costumes which will meet the approval of wardrobe master. Have contacted dressmaker source that is less expensive. Ft. McHenry will provide actors to be Richard Rush and James Monroe and a bunch of civilians. 

o   Plan to make contact with the Inn at Brookeville Farms to encourage their participation.  Michael Yesenko has made arrangements for hard cider and beer. Brookeville Beer and Capital Cider. Open to suggestions for other names.

o   Shuttle Bus Service: Deposits have been made. Parking is arranged at Camp Bennett with turn-a-round at Yinger’s where welcome center will be located.  Parking with shuttle service to Longwood will also be available at the construction lot at Montgomery General Hospital and from Glenmont.  Have approval for Longwood with building and Reddy Branch Parks.

o   Contingency Planning: Consulted with organizations having experience with hosting similar events from Havre de Grace, St. Mary’s, St. Leonard’s and Riversdale. All advised to hold the event rain or shine with ample amounts of water in case of heat, cancelling only for a hurricane.  If cancellation is necessary the whole event will be cancelled.  Advice was to write contracts so that only deposits will be lost if the event is cancelled and not to get insurance coverage for that risk. Don’t consider rescheduling the event because all planning must be duplicated. Some things could be rescheduled for October.

o   Documentary: Filming has begun. Interview with Tom Canby is complete. Completed questions for interview of David Stewart scheduled for Jan 13, 2014.

o   Children’s Performance: Must schedule a date preferably before school is dismissed. White House Historical Society will begin planning as soon as they have a date. Saturday May 10, 2014 will be reserved. Will get information about what ages will be included.

·       MML Dinner update: Not well attended. Focus again on highway user revenues which remain low and less than 2013.  Estimate for 2014 is $1,722.49 and for 2015 it is $1,783.31.   Property taxes levied on residents of municipalities for services that they don’t receive such as trash collection remains unchanged.

·       Town upkeep – road conditions: Road work will be scheduled for spring unless complaints are received. Will put notice in the newsletter.

·       Severe Weather: Notice in newsletter reminding people to look out for their neighbors during severe weather events.

·       Madison Dinner Letter for tax deductions: Letters have been sent out except those needing addresses. Katherine will provide addresses

Open discussion:

oHospitality Volunteer: Ruth asked to be advised about spending limit for welcome gift/basket. Include Historic Map of Brookeville by Miche Booz, town directory, welcome email, gift certificate from Good Earth (suggest $25).  Suggestion to include coffee mugs in basket. Possibly have Brookeville mugs made.

Adjourn: 9:05 pm

Respectfully Submitted by: Diane Teague


December 9, 2013 Commissioners Meeting Minutes

Commissioners Meeting Minutes

December 9, 2013

8:00 pm

Academy Office


Present: Michael Acierno, Katherine Farquhar, Sue Daley, Andrea Scanlon, Terri Hogan, Diane Teague

November minutes: Approved


Review Budget: Proceeds from the Madison supper net nearly $11,000.00.  These funds will be put in the general fund for expenses incurred preparing for the 2014 Celebration. Sandy Heiler, Susan Johnson and Michael Yesenko, will coordinate so that expenditures made by Sandy will be paid by Susan and Michael will administer the individual grants.


Academy Report: Propane Tank and new Park Service Plaque: HAWP is approved by HPC and Planning Commission for tank and sign.  


School House Rental: Roberta Staat is no longer interested in renting the School House. The Flying Muskrat Theatre will not rent the academy because the insurance was too expensive. 


SHA Meeting Update: the Maryland 97 Brookeville Study Partnering Kick-Off Meeting scheduled for December 9 at 10 am was postponed because of the weather.


LGIT Survey: Most of the questions on the survey do not apply to Brookeville.


Sidewalks: Bid proposals for sidewalks are needed.


Open Discussion: Michael Acierno, Katherine Farquhar and Karen Montgomery will attend the Maryland Municipal League Dinner. The town will sponsor Karen and Craig Zucker.


Adjourn: 9:35 pm


Respectfully submitted by:

Diane Teague

November 11, 2013 Commissioners Meeting Minutes

Commissioners Meeting Minutes

November 11, 2013

8:00 pm

Academy Office


Present: Michael Acierno, Katherine Farquhar, Sue Daley, Susan Johnson, Sandy Heiler, Andrea Scanlon, Diane Teague

October minutes: Approved


Fundraiser Dinner update: Madison Supper Final gross was approximately $37,000.00 including proceeds from silent auction and 2.3% fee for credit cards. The net proceeds are approximately $11,167 and there are some payments still due from a few. Some need to collect their auction items.  Estimates are that 1110 volunteer hours can be used to match for grants.  Need to give hours to Michael Yesenko.  These funds are discretionary and not subject to grant constraints.


2014 Bicentennial Commission Assistant Position: There isn’t much to do now that Madison supper is over. Once the letters are out the event coordinator and publicity person will be handling the reunion, other events and most of the duties of the assistant. The current salary is too much for what is being done and could be spent on the consultants. 

Discussion:  The assistant could be kept for intermittent, as needed projects and paid hourly. Many areas in town need to be cleaned up, weeded, mowed etc. before the events next summer.  Assistant could coordinate that project.  Current assistant will be notified of change in the position which will be followed by a letter from the commissioners.  November will be last month of salary. Sandy will direct work on clean up.


Managing grants: Susan Johson requested a need to clarify duties for expenditures and correspondence with regard to grant management.  Susan will write checks from appropriate accounts but not be responsible for correspondence or administrative tasks.  Susan will request that Michael Yesenko keep track of and control grant payments and reimbursements and write letters. Town will compensate him for his time if necessary.


Brookeville Archives: There are many artifacts from the Academy clean out that need to be housed somewhere. Some are of great value and at least one needs conservation. Some could be hung in the Academy. There are four other possibilities for relocation:  

·       SS Museum: It has the right kind of storage but no staff, no transcription service and no access to an item once it is there. It is good for items needing safe space. They will take anything. Need to determine if things already at the Sandy Spring Museum should be moved.  Should discuss and determine what things need a different repository.

·       Montgomery County Historical Society: Doesn’t have enough museum quality storage but very good staff.  Can’t do transcriptions but everything becomes accessible once it is there.

·       Md Historical Society: Anything of great value should go there. Letters, account books etc.

·       MD State Achives: Should receive anything that is paper and/or needs transcribing and made available on line.


Review Budget: Approved



Academy Report: Calendar is suddenly busy. Andrea attended Taste of Olney and donated rental for event. Maintenance: Friday annual inspection for elevators and fire extinguishers.  Propane Tank and new Park Service Plaque: Have approval from MD Historic trust for both.  HAWP is needed for tank and Andrea will find out if HAWP is needed for sign.  Next step is cursory review with Planning C.  Tank will also need mechanical permit and possibly fire permit. Andrea has incomplete quotes to replace rented 500 gal. above ground tank with an owned 1000 gal. below-ground tank. The plan is to bury new tank and switch over after old is empty and get it done before ground freezes.  Advantage of owning tank is that you can chose propane vendor.  New tank is $2K. Total will be close to $5k-$5.3K.  Approved to move forward.


School House Rental: Roberta Staat is interested in renting the School House for one year as a painting studio and to store and lay out work.  She is willing to sign a contract Dec 1 and agrees to vacate the space for Heritage Days and the Bicentennial.  She doesn’t want to use the existing heat. She can’t use the wood stove but will supply an electric heater of her own. She was informed that the town will not be liable for damage to property.  Andrea will check with insurance carrier.  Katherine suggests possible advantage to have building occupied.  Roberta would like to rent a portable toilet however it is not reasonable to have permanent portable toilet on the property. Other issues were holding workshops and parking. Decision is that workshops should be held at the Academy not School House.  Determine how to pay for electricity because of electric heaters. Approve given insurance and electricity issues addressed.


Sidewalks Renderings: Email to residents


SHA bypass Meeting Dec 9.  The purpose of the meeting is to initiate the Partnering-In-Design process for the MD 97 Brookeville Study project, review the goals and expectations of the group during the partnering process, and revisit the current project scope and status. Information will be made available as it comes in.  No schedule for funding yet.


Open Discussion:

·       Holiday Party: Dec. 7th. Susan will forward supply list from last year. Send email reminder and mail invitations. There will be a Food Drive. Will get missing people for directory at party.

·       Ask for Hospitality Volunteer in newsletter. Someone to make Welcome Baskets purchased by the town.

·       SSO: WSSC informed the commissioners about the failure. They found it quickly therefore it was only 200k gal.

·       People want to know what is going on with the Angel.  Susan will update the website. 


Adjourn: 9:42 pm


Respectfully submitted by:

Diane Teague

October 14, 2013 Commissioners Meeting Minutes

Commissioners Meeting Minutes

October 14, 2013

8 pm

Academy Office

Present:  Michael Acierno, Katherine Farquhar, Sue Daley, Susan Johnson, Diane Teague, Chris Scanlon, Andrea Scanlon, Stefan Syski

September Meeting Minutes: approved

MDA Document: Michael prepared MDA document to be submitted with the audit.

Budget: reviewed and accepted.

Academy Report: 

·       No new rentals other than regular. Submitted Maryland Historic Trust application for permission to bury propane tank.

·       National park service has plaque to install next to War1812 plaque. Michael has sent letter to MDHT giving permission to do this

·       Brookeville Angel: Town should decide about Angel and change the information about its location.

Bypass and Sidewalks: Planning Commission would like Commissioners approval to hire Doug Lohmeyer to act as town’s representative to the SHA for the bypass and sidewalks. Their main concern is that the town be involved and giving feedback during the planning and engineering phase of the project. Commissioners approve hiring Dour Lohmeyer. Michael had conversation with Kate Mazaro and the SHA does not want the piece of Route 97 that comes into Brookeville north of the bypass.  SHA cannot compel the town to take the road. The town has to decide if they want to take it over.

Request by Salem UMC: Salem UMC would like have an outdoor service on Sunday morning during the bicentennial weekend. A minister in period costume would perform the service. Sandy Heiler is concerned about historical accuracy.  Since Sunday events don’t start until noon and it would not be part of the scheduled events.  Commissioners feel there are no grounds for objection.  It is private property and not within the Commissioner’s purview to tell the Church what they can do.  Decision is to not interfere.

Bicentennial Events and planning:

·       There will be a Grant Award Ceremony on Oct 21 from 10-11am at the Academy. Brookeville will receive a grant from the Bicentennial Commission.  The funds will be used to finance the documentary.  Bill Penchek may get the Governor to present the check.  There will be a reception at the Madison House afterwards.  Clerk will send email asking people not to park on the street.

·       James and Dolley Madison Supper: Up to 20 reserved tables which can be increased to 30.  Sixteen interns are coming.  No sponsorship donors yet.  Need to compose IRS deduction letters.  Need to put notice on website when capacity has been met.

·       Grant Management: Michael Yeshenko is concerned about discrepancy between language in grant and how money is actually being spent. Grant has flexibility. To protect everyone concerned new policy will be to send written notification to grantors explaining any deviations in spending from the terms of the grant.

Sidewalk Repair: Discussion of proposal from Bartley Corporation of $62,000.00.  Some of the proposed work is not necessary. Question of railing for sidewalk where slope is steep on west side of North St.  Since it is a historic district and there isn’t a railing, installing one will be increasing liability.  Planning Commission should review proposal.  Sidewalk should be connected between 307 Market St. and Madison House. 


Open Discussion: In general the Commissioners and the Planning Commission should be planning what the town should look like after the bypass.  Considering questions such as: After the bypass would the town put a sidewalk from the Madison House to WSSC or from Salem to Brookeville Rd.

Large Trash pickup: The curbside option is not available.  They would charge per household Dumpster prices are: 10 cu yds: $700;  20 cu yds:$830;  30 cubic yds:$950.  Bagsters are $18-$25 each.  Waste Management will charge $154 for first bagster and $118 for each additional bagster. Decision to arrange for dumpster.  Place in School House parking lot.


Adjourn: 9:30 pm


Respectfully Submitted by:

Diane Teague

September 10, 2013 Commissioners Meeting Minutes

Commissioners Meeting September 10, 2013

8:00 pm


Present:  Michael Acierno, Katherine Farquhar, Sue Daley, Susan Johnson, Chris Scanlon, Diane Teague, Terri Hogan

Approve July 2013 Minutes

Budget: Michael will convert excel spreadsheet to word document.  Only changes are lowering of deficit due to 50K to reflect amount set aside to cover grants in case they don’t come in.  Grants are coming in so there is a surplus. Susan will send revised budget for Michael to convert.

Sidewalks: Chris Scanlon representing Brookeville Planning Commission came to voice the Planning Commissioners’ unanimous support for the sidewalk proposal. He emphasized the need to take advantage of the window of opportunity presented by the SHA.  Once the bypass is complete and ownership changes the town won’t be eligible for SHA funding. The PC advises that the Commissioners commit to the sidewalk project and address the concerns of residents. The PC is willing to broker the planning process and act as liaison between the Commissioners, town residents and the SHA. They will help address residents’ concerns about SWM, impact to properties, snow removal etc.

Discussion: Michael Acierno received a letter from Debbie Wagner supporting the sidewalk proposal and believes Debbie’s viewpoint is representative of the majority of town residents. The new plan is considered to be a big improvement over the last one. It minimizes the impact on property owners; replaces trees and shrubs; addresses aesthetics and storm water management issues.  Based on the meeting with SHA representatives it is understood that SHA is willing to go through another round of conceptual design based on feedback before they would expect a commitment. The town is willing to consider providing snow removal from all sidewalks in town. The Commissioners unanimously agree that sidewalks and improvements that make the community safer and more walkable are a long-term benefit to the town and its residents. After the bypass is built the town will have the opportunity to extend the sidewalks all the way through town and introduce further traffic calming measures such as narrowing the road. 

Action items:

•        •Chris will look at the Master Plan’s recommendations for   improving pedestrian access.

•        •Commissioners will draft letter to SHA and commit to move forward with the next phase of the design process then inform residents through email.

•        •Task the PC to address the concerns of residents and property owners in the affected area and make recommendation to Commissioners and SHA.  Commissioners reserve the right to make the final decision if PC has addressed the concerns.

•        •PC will hold workshops as the plans mature to solicit input from residents.



Town Picnic: Good turn out, good food.

Town Maintenance: Postpone road maintenance until spring. Snow, rain and snow removal ruin the work. By winter establish contracts for landscaping and sidewalk repair. 

Landscaping: Schedule regular landscaping maintenance through August 2014.

Sidewalk repair: Schedule for spring. Check with Sandy to see if March is early enough for planned activities.  Get bid from Buck Bartley for concrete and find three contractors to bid on pavers. No leaf pick up this year.

Action items:

•        •          Diane and Andrea will walk sidewalks to establish scope of repair for concrete curbs, and pavers.

•        •          Call Adirondack about sidewalk damage from tree removal.

Academy: Get approval for underground propane tank from Montgomery County instead of swapping out rental. This will happen around end of Oct. Donate academy rental for Our House Gala auction. Phone in academy is dead. Boy Scouts want to do a service project in return for free use of the building. Suggest letting them do the Olney Help donation drive.

Holiday Party: Date – Dec 7th.

Large Item Trash Pick-up: Get pricing for container, bagster, and individual pick-up.

Madison Supper: Town will sponsor a table for $1000.  Michael and Katherine will sponsor a Commissioner’s table.  Town will donate an Academy rental for the auction.

Open Discussion:

Can town paypal account be used for academy rentals? Susan will check.  Concern raised by a resident. The issue is of one resident disparaging the character of another.  Should article in times be used to discourage gossip?  It is determined that the town newsletter isn’t place to tell people what to say or do.  The newsletter can be used to highlight positive contributions made by residents.  Susan had problems with new account opened when funds had to be moved after exceeding $250,000.00. Town shouldn’t be subject to $250,000.00 limit.  Grant money expenditures: Contract for event planners will be signed soon.  Waiting for corrections to contract.


Adjourn: 9:25 pm


Respectfully submitted by:

Diane Teague