March 11, 2013 – Commissioners Meeting Minutes

Town of Brookeville Commissioners Meeting Minutes
March 11, 2013
Present during the meeting were: Commissioner President Michael Acierno, Commissioners Sue Daley and Katherine Farquhar, Academy Manager Andrea Scanlon, Treasurer Susan Johnson and Clerk Diane Teague were present. Also present during the meeting were: President of the Planning Commissions Chris Scanlon, Planning Commissioner Debbie Wagner and Terri Hogan of the Gazette.
Report on Planning Commission Meeting: Chris Scanlon
Brookeville Farm Project – Mr. Sheehan’s attorney and architect presented sketches to the Planning Commission attempting to address previous concerns. The current scale is for 79 rooms which both the Planning Commission and the Town Commissioners deem to be too large. The Planning Commission does not see a benefit to the town that would warrant the time and resources required to rezone the parcel. Before refusing to initiate the rezoning on behalf of the town the Planning Commission is asking if there is any support on the Commission or among the residents of the town for the Brookeville Farms project. The proposed use is not permitted under existing zoning for the parcel. The town would need to create a new zone in the existing ordinance which involves public hearings and legal work. It is a lengthy and involved process. After a new zone is created it would be applied to the parcel. A new zoning map would be created. A new zone on a smaller scale than is being requested could be created if there were support. The main concerns of the Planning Commission are determining what is best for the town and providing the Owner with definitive answers about the prospects for approval/rezoning.
The new zone would be essentially permanent since it is difficult to revert to previous zoning if you are devaluing an owner’s property. According to Mr. Sheehan’s attorney Michele Rosenberg, anything smaller than the 79 rooms proposed is a non-starter. There is discussion of the project’s potential costs and benefits for the town especially in a scaled down version. The question is raised about whether a country inn with a maximum of 15-20 rooms would serve a need in the community. However, even a 12 room inn doesn’t fall under anything that is acceptable under current zoning. Mr. Acierno states that if the owner doesn’t see viability for less than 79 rooms then the town shouldn’t be affirmative about approving something on a smaller scale. Ms. Farquhar would like to see the business plan and expresses doubts about the demand for such a facility in the community. Possible benefits to the town include a proposal by Mr. Sheehan of a room tax that would accrue to the town and a site plan that would integrate the town and the inn site with walkways. Ms. Wagner raises concerns about unfulfilled promises made by Mr. Sheehan in the past. There isn’t data to determine if it would be more financially beneficial for the town to have an inn vs. four houses. It is determined that property taxes from four houses would more than cover the cost of the services the town would provide. The immediate cost to the town would be for legal counsel, and time. Mr. Scanlon states that most of the cost could be recovered from the applicant. The long term costs are difficult to determine and concern the viability of the project and the risk of having a vacant commercial property at the entrance to the town. It is
determined that any change in zoning should be strictly defined to avoid open questions about future use if the inn should fail or be sold. Ms. Wagner states that the question of broader support from town residents was settled during public hearings held when the property was purchased by Mr. Sheehan.
President Acierno states that any type of commercial development would jeopardize the bypass. The overriding concern is the negative impact any zoning change or any expressed intention to rezone would have on the long awaited bypass. Smart Growth policies regard bypass projects as incentives for growth and sprawl. For the first time the town is in an advantageous position with the county and it is a bad time to propose a zoning change. Ms. Farquhar states that State Senator Karen Montgomery has spoken out against raising any issue that would provide an excuse to stop the project. It is determined that Mr. Sheehan is free to develop the parcel for its intended use but should be advised to discontinue any development plans that requires a zoning change.
WSSC Sanitary Sewer Discharge in Brookeville:
Discussion: The sanitary sewage discharge on the WSSC property resulted in the spillage of 3.5 million gallons of raw sewage into the Reddy Branch. The spill was the result of a break in a 16” force main in Olney resulting in a discharge rate of 500 gal/minute. Ten thousand gallons is the threshold for what is considered a significant spill. WSSC attempted to keep up with the discharge by pumping it into trucks for removal. Mr. Acierno stated however that they were only able to keep up with about 10% of the effluent according to DEP and WSSC. When the offsite removal was slowed or stopped due to the weather the result was a geyser of sewage observed by Ms. Wagner. Ms. Farquhar observed that the remote location provided WSSC with cover and explains their complete lack of communication to town residents.
Mr. Scanlon reviewed the Consent Decree from a previous accident in 2004 when WSSC was sued by EPA. WSSC failed to execute any of the required responses listed in the decree. He states that WSSC should be held accountable to do what is stated in the decree. He also states that Brookeville should demand that WSSC explain what it will do to restore and monitor the environment and prevent future accidents. Questions about WSSC’s responsibility to test, monitor and restore are unknown at this point. It is resolved to send a letter to WSSC with the town’s concerns, complaints and demands for complying with the decree. It is also resolved to send a copy to the Maryland Municipal League with a request for advocacy and assistance with holding WSSC accountable. Likewise a copy will be sent to the Maryland Department of Environmental Protection for assistance with enforcing the consent decree and copies of reports.
Mr. Scanlon leaves at 8:40 pm
Approve minutes
Financial Report: Budget
Susan Johnson: The Loan for the Brookeville Academy is under budget and the final payment will be made on March 12. Excess: The street light budget $500 was over budget because of pole work costing
$3143. Utilities have gone up and the budget number for electricity has already been met. Propane may break even. Most of the cost overruns are electricity. All other categories look good.
Ms. Farquhar asks if higher electricity costs are related to increased rentals and if rental rates should go up accordingly especially for residents. It is resolved to provide a special cake from ACE of Cakes for the Town Meeting to celebrate the mortgage payout.
Academy Report
Rentals are up again from earlier in the year. There have been more calls for wedding receptions. Karen has terminated her weekly rental for yoga classes creating net loss compared to last year. Up to two requests to roast a pig on the lawn. Request denied for various reasons including open flame danger. On-site pig roasting service providers are allowed.
Andrea has working copy of directory/use to confirm addresses
Town Website
Susan Johnson discusses changes to the town website. The biggest change was to academy access and the Home page which doesn’t scroll anymore. Andrea and Susan want changes they requested such as changes in menu bars.
Adjourn at 9:30
Respectfully submitted by:
Diane Teague

June 10, 2013 – Commissioners Meeting Minutes

Commissioners Meeting Minutes
June 10, 2013
8 pm at  Academy Office
Present: Michael Acierno, Katherine Farquhar, Sue Daley, Susan Johnson, Andrea Scanlon, Diane Teague, Teri Hogan
Review of Annual Town Meeting: Town Meeting went well, and provided a lot of useful information, but there was low turn-out.
May Budget: approved
Academy Report: Rentals are similar with the addition of a booking by Donna Wills for a Tea.
Vinyl floors have been replaced and sealed. Problems with popping have been resolved. Wood floors have been refinished and came out well. Area of high traffic on first floor did not come out as well as the expected. Carpet will be replaced and new felt pads will be put on all the chairs. Andrea discussed the list of emergency procedures for the academy.
SHA Sidewalk Meeting: The meeting is scheduled for Wed June 26. Representative from the town will attend. If useful SHA representatives will be asked to present plans at next Commissioners Meeting.
Sidewalk repairs: Manfred did not return calls. Will follow up and talk to Buck about curb repair on Market St. in front of 212-206.
Drainage Issues on Water St.: Rain water drainage pattern is different. Karen Montgomery has complained about runoff that is flooding her garage. Neal Leary will be called to check out the problem.
2013-2014 Budget: Michael will review and make changes. It will be ready for signatures at next meeting on July 8. Meeting will start at 7:30 instead of 8:00 pm.
Gazette Article: Commissioners were concerned about an article in the Gazette that was critical of expenditures for the 2014 Celebration in the budget. Michael requested a follow-up article that would cover the events planned and clarify that the Town is spending only $10,000 and the remainder is from grants.
Problem Trees: The Burned tree on Deeds Wells property has had all the limbs removed but the trunk remains and is leaning towards the road. Call Bob Heritage to see if he knows who worked on the tree and find out if they are coming back. There is a tree in front of Jeff Issokson’s house that appears to be unstable. Andrea will ask Chris to find out whose property it is on.
Open Discussion:
Jean Athy inquired about using the academy on a weekly basis for a documentary film series. The academy is determined to be unsuitable for several reasons. Friday night rental income would be affected.
It isn’t clear if the group is expecting to pay full rental price. Too much light comes in the windows of the second floor room. The tables would have to be moved out weekly for seating in first floor room. The series is too political. It is agreed to offer the academy for one screening at no charge and suggest a list of alternative venues for the group to consider.
Adjourn 9:30 pm
Respectfully submitted by:
Diane Teague

July 8, 2013 – Commissioners Meeting Minutes

Brookeville Commissioners Meeting

July 8, 2013

            Present:  Michael Acierno, Katherine Farquhar, Sue Daley, Susan Johnson, Diane Teague,  Terri Hogan

June Minutes: approved

SHA Sidewalk Plans: Viewing and discussion

Find out who is responsible for High Street through Brookeville after the Bypass is constructed. Would SHA still have responsibility? Who is responsible for what in Brookeville afterwards?

Neighbors on west side of 97 (#22-28) oppose sidewalk proposal. Don’t see need for sidewalk to be on that side of the road.  Storm water runoff scenarios are tied to the sidewalk construction.

Inn at Brookeville Farms built a sidewalk on their property and residents question why that isn’t sufficient?  Two crossings needed: one from church parking over to Academy and one from church side of street to the cemetery.  Whether crosswalks would have lights or raised pavement will be determined and depend on ownership.

Commissioner’s Response to sidewalk meeting:

Commissioners should acknowledge and thank them for letter and presence at meeting.  It was noted that the discussion wasn’t balanced.  The town’s greater interest wasn’t discussed.  A Proposal to provide sidewalk snow removal was suggested. Wait for feedback from residents who oppose sidewalks.

Budget: Michael will work on budget and have it ready for signatures at next meeting.

Open Discussion:          

  • Sandy Heiler will send a letter to the Gazette explaining 2014 Commemoration expenditures.
  • First installment of $20,000.00 grant was received in the amount of $15,000.00.  It will be used to open a separate account to disperse 2014 Commemoration funds. Inform grant manager Michael Yeshenko.
  • July 24th Board of Public Works Hearing: Brookeville should be well represented.
  • Tree on Wells property has been removed.
  • Dedication tree has bores.  Call Pogo
  • Try to reach Manfred again and call Neil Leary about rainwater runoff on Water St.
  • Town Picnic: Schedule for August 24 from 3-6. Town will supply burgers, dogs, condiments, soft drinks and music.  Pot luck for side dishes and dessert. Andrea will rent tables and chairs. BYOB
  • No Commissioner’s Meeting in August.

Adjourn:  10 pm


Respectfully submitted by:

Diane Teague

May 13, 2013 – Commissioner Meeting Minutes

Annual Town Meeting
May 13th 2013
7:30 pm
Michael Acierno President of the Commission
Commissioners: Katherine Farquhar and Susan Daley,
Treasurer: Susan Johnson
Clerk: Diane Teague
Academy Manager: Andrea Scanlon
Introductory Remarks
Election Results: Congratulations to Sue and Catherine on their re-election and thanks for continuing to serve.
Staff changes: Cate McDonald has stepped down as Town Clerk and has been replaced by Diane Teague. Thanks to Cate for her excellent service. Cate is continuing as assistant to the Chair of the 2014 Celebration Commission Sandy Heiler. Thanks to Margaret VanGelder for serving as Planning Commission Secretary. The job was added to the responsibilities of the clerk. Thanks also for serving as the Election Supervisor.
Welcome new neighbors Matt and Teresa Pollack.
Budget and Finances:
General: The town is slowly seeing revenues come back to 2007 levels. There is an increase in state highway user funds bringing it up to slightly over one-half 2007 levels. In addition the academy mortgage has been paid off. This will save the town $27,000.00 per year
Budget: A Preliminary Budget was distributed and is based on income and expenses projected out to end of the fiscal year June 30, 2013. There are many expenditures coming up and these will be distributed over this and next FY. A large part of the expenditures are for the 2014 Celebration. Sandy Heiler is getting a lot of grant money. The town is holding $50,000.00 in reserve as matching funds, $10,000.00 are town funds and the remaining $40,000.00 is from previous grants. Additionally there will be expenditures for sidewalk repair and resuming landscaping services for maintenance and weeding. This service had been dropped to save money after the financial collapse which caused a drastic drop in revenues coming from the state.
WSSC Sanitary Sewage Discharge update: The commissioners sent a letter to Jerry Johnson, General Manager of WSSC with specific questions about the spill. Michael Acierno summarizes his responses: WSSC will inspect the entire Reddy Branch force main by the end summer 2013. WSSC agrees to keep Brookeville informed about the progress of the clean-up. WSSC complied with SSD protocols. Brookeville was not informed because there is not requirement to inform municipalities. New bill requiring WSSC to inform municipalities takes effect Oct 1, 2013. Michael Acierno will ask about what testing has been done and whether it is safe to walk in the area.
Historic Area Tax Credits
Scott Whipple: Historic Preservation Supervisor of the Urban Design and Preservation Division Montgomery County Planning Department.
Brookeville was designated a Montgomery County Historic District in 1986. It was designated a National Historic District in 1980. This means that the buildings within the town limits are protected. This protection requires review and approval for new construction, demolition and alterations to all structures. It also means that expenditures for these improvements are eligible for Historic Area Tax Credits. There are two types of tax credits available: county and state.
County Tax Credits are for owner occupied residences. The requirement for review and approval applies to all properties within the town limits whether they are historic or not. The county tax credit is also available to all properties within the town limit whether they are historic or not. The county tax credit is 10% of a minimum expenditure of $1000. The credit is applied directly to your property bill. If the credit exceeds your annual property tax the balance can be carried forward for five years. Eligible work includes: exterior alterations, roof work, siding, windows/doors/storms, gutters, downspouts and snow eagles, painting, rehab of masonry, carpentry any cyclical maintenance and any work requiring a HAWP. Accessory structures are included. Work that is not qualified is new construction, interior work and landscaping. How to apply: Download the application from the county’s website: There is a link on the right hand side for tax credits. The work must be done by licensed contractors. Save all your invoices and receipts. If an owner has expertise to perform the work they can submit for materials but not labor. Submit your application after the work is complete. For work completed in 2013 the deadline for applications is April 1, 2014. In the last five years the county has gotten 35 applications for HAWPs and five applications for tax credits.
State Tax Credits are for owner occupied residences. The State Tax Credit applies to historic buildings only. Both interior and exterior work is eligible for the credit. Eligible exterior work is the same as the county but verify before you apply. Eligible interior work would include things like new plumbing, a new furnace or plaster repair. The credit is 20% of eligible costs applied directly to your state income tax. Costs must be in excess of $5000 spent over two years. If the credit exceeds your state tax liability the balance is refunded by check. How to apply: From the tax credit page for the county application there is a link to the state application. Applications including scope of work must be submitted and approved before the work is done. The state legislature recently passed a law allowing localities to increase their credits to
25%. Montgomery County is set to make this change for 2014. Additional information: It is worth a call to the state in an emergency if you have something like tree damage to your roof that needs immediate repair. You would have to call the state or county to find out about retroactive applications. Historic walls might qualify if they are considered a historic feature but generally the credits are for buildings. Michael Acierno will discuss the Town’s eligibility for these credits at a later date. Hopefully the council will vote for the rate increase by June. Letters from residents supporting the rate increase will be helpful later but not now. For state credits anything built after 1979 would not qualify.
2014 Commemoration
Brookeville 2014 Commemoration Planning Commission is chaired by Sandy Heiler. Michael Yeshenko is the grants manager. The commission is planning events, doing research and writing grants to fund these activities. The commission has come up with a three part plan for the celebration.
Part 1. Series of small events to educate people about evens in 1814 in Brookeville.
a. History Symposium: Presentation of papers from historians at the MD State Archive and Sandy Heiler.
b. Children’s play produced by the White House Historical Society to be presented in Brookeville with Brookeville kids.
c. Musical expert of the period David Hildebrandt will lecture and perform.
d. Group presenting 19th century entertainment.
Part 2. Two day event with many things happening at once.
a. Living history reenactments: People in period costumes representing all the professions and activities of town life in 1814.
b. Archeological Dig at Miller Site. Various parts of the current dig will be open and a special pit seeded with artifacts will be open.
c. Reenactment of major events including influx of refugees, bank silver and senate documents hidden in the PO; quartering of troops and arrival of the president and his entourage.
d. Large Dinner to reenact Brookeville feeding those fleeing the fighting.
Part 3. Documentary Video to be finished late fall of 2014
General: The commission needs lots of volunteers to be re-enactors, costume makers, artisans e.g. weavers etc. Publicity will be provided through a grant plus various organizations including the White House Historical Society, the County’s Heritage Tourism office, the state’s War of 1812 Bicentennial Commission Brookeville is now part of Star Spangled Banner National Historic Trail. The commissions will hire a professional event planner experienced in heritage style events. Sandy is working on additional grants to provide: public toilets, shuttle service to and from parking in local elementary schools, crossing guards etc. Research supported by grants and supporting organizations about Brookeville will eventually be linked through the town website. White House Historical Association will have a blog beginning June 2014.
Open Discussion
Inn at Brookeville Farms update:
The Brookeville Planning Commission and the Brookeville Commissioners have voted not to approve a zoning change to allow the proposed 79 room expansion of the inn. The project’s possible impact on the completion of the Brookeville Bypass and long term risks associated with future uses were cited as reasons for the refusal. The property is zoned for four houses.
State Senator Karen Montgomery comments.
Brookeville Bypass has been funded. In general it was a tough legislative session covering difficult issues such as guns, compounding pharmacies and the death penalty.
Letter from Rick Alan – Michael Acierno reads a letter sent by Rick Alan who was president of the commission when the academy was purchased and renovated.
Burning of the Mortgage: Treasurer Susan Johnson and Commissioners burn the mortgage in a small fire in the academy yard.
Adjourn 10 pm
Respectfully submitted by:
Diane Teague

February 5, 2013 Commissioners Meeting Minutes

Town of Brookeville
Commissioners Meeting Minutes
February 11, 2013 8:00 pm

Commissioner President Michael Acierno, Commissioners Sue Daley and Katherine Farquhar, Academy Manager Andrea Scanlon and Treasurer Susan Johnson were present. Present during the meeting was Gazette reporter, Terri Hogan,

The meeting was held in the Brookeville Academy and began at 8:10 pm.

Planning Commission: Michelle Rosenfeld, JD, Bob Sheehan, owner of Inn at Brookeville Farms, architects Jeff Broadhurst and Gregory Wiedemann came to the meeting to present preliminary plans for rooms to be built next to the Inn at Brookville Farms.  Greg Wiedemann presented the plan which shows a total of 79 rooms.  It consists of one larger building and four smaller buildings in a U shape with a courtyard in the middle. It also had a spa located farther in the back as a separate building.  The buildings would have a golf cart shuttle that would run from the restaurant to the rooms.  The plan has been presented in detail to the Brookeville Planning Commission.  They will be making changes based on input from both the BPC and the Historic Planning Commission.  See commissioners’ comments below.

Bypass:  Chris Haris came and presented a letter that he wrote regarding the need for the bypass and outlining accidents that have happened near his house.  He also spoke to resident and state senator Karen Montgomery about the letter and who to send it to.  She provided him a list of officials it should go to.  Commissioner Acierno said that a plea to write letters will be in the Feb newsletter.  He asked Chris to e-mail him the letter and we could use it as a template.  Chris also offered to go door to door in the town to collect letters.

Minutes:  The minutes were approved as amended.

Financial Reports: Susan stated that the mortgage on the Academy will be paid off in March.  Commissioner Daley suggested that the town have some kind of a celebration.  No firm plans were finalized.

Academy Report:  Andrea reported that we have had a lot of rentals but they are low dollar rentals.  Many are resident rentals.  It was suggested that the newsletter mention that resident rates are for residents only and not friends or family members.  She said she has only seen this happen once.

Inn at Brookeville Farms proposal: President Acierno commented that he attended the BPC meeting where the Inn plans were presented.  He said there are several things that are conditions for any type of approval.  First is that it must not jeopardize the construction of the bypass.  If so, commissioners will not approve. Developer must get a guarantee from state and county officials that this would not happen if it were to be built.  There was also discussion that the property would have to be rezoned commercial.  It is currently zoned residential.  All commissioners agreed that there would have to be a great benefit to the town by approving the project.  Other discussion included that the project would have to be postponed until after 2014 so that there would not be construction during the 2014 celebration.  Also points to look at are what should happen in the future if it fails or gets sold.

2014 Commemoration Report: There will be a town meeting on March 18 at 7:30 in the Brookeville Academy where a full report of the plans will be presented.

Highway User Funds: President Acierno commented that our funds have increased and are up to 4 times what we have gotten the last few years.

Landscaping:  Sandy Hieler and Bob Hines have asked if the mill race could start to be cleaned up in March over spring break.  Since the town would then have to maintain this area until next year, it was decided that it would be postponed until 2014.  There was discussion that we should look for landscapers who would be willing to help and perhaps give a reduced rate.  The town needs to come up with a beautification plan and a plan for sidewalk restoration.  Some areas to include are the millrace, academy, schoolhouse, sidewalks, property in front of 205/203 Market and WSSC, hill between Issokson/Yinger, town signs, town meadow, historic lamps, and pot holes.  There was also discussion about cleaning up the millrace that leads to Oakley cabin.  It was decided that the town would try and do town signs and sidewalks in the current fiscal year.  Sidewalks would include Heritage to Heiler, Van Gelders house to Evans house and the academy area.  Commissioner Farquhar has a landscaping contact.

Misc:  Resident Debbie Wagner had a car run into her property on the snow day but she was unable to get information on the car.  It can be put in the Brookeville Times to see if anyone may have seen anything.

Meeting adjourned at 10:05 pm

Respectfully submitted,

Susan Johnson, Treasurer

December 10, 2012 – Commissioner Meeting Minutes

Town of Brookeville Commissioners Meeting Minutes
November 12, 2012

Commissioner President Michael Acierno, Commissioners Sue Daley and Katherine Farquhar, Academy Manager Andrea Scanlon and Treasurer Susan Johnson were present. Present during the meeting was Gazette Reporter Terri Hogan

Minutes: November minutes were approved after amendments. They will be posted to the website.

Financial: Reports were reviewed. Michael put all back audits and financial statements on the website so we are currently up to date.

Academy Report: The Plein Air paintings that were done around town were on display at the Sandy Spring Museum and are now at the Inn at Brookeville Farms. Roberta Staat wanted to know if the town could have the paintings on display at the Academy or Schoolhouse. Andrea does not think it will work well with the rentals that use the academy. She thought that we might be able to display them at the Schoolhouse for a specified weekend, if the Plein Air group agrees to help out. They could also be displayed during the bicentennial celebrations.

Plein Air Olney will be having another evening the spring of 2013 and would like to use the academy for an after party. Andrea stated she was fine with that.

Roberta Staat would like to rent the schoolhouse again beginning Jan or Feb 1, 2013. Andrea will discuss the deposit to cover heating costs and other final details with her once she knows when she wants to start.

The rentals are down until March 2013 and we have not had very many full price rentals over the past year. We have not been doing any advertising lately and may need to start in the Spring.

Planning Commission: The commissioners signed a permit for tree removal. It is not to be given to the resident until the permit fee has been paid.

Town Clerk Vacancy: The town has received two applications. Michael will be in touch with both applicants to set up interviews within a week.

War of 1812: Teleconference with Bill Penecek to discuss details of $20,000 grant with Sandy Heiler, Michael Yesenko and Michael Acierno. Michael Yesenko is our grant manager.

Town Comments: Katherine noted that a resident mentioned to her that the town was starting to look a bit trashy with leaves in gutters and needed some clean up. See next item for response

Town Maintenance: Leary Trucking is finishing up gravel work on North, South and Water Sts. After that job is complete, he will present a new contract to clean the gutters, move large rocks by fire pit, etc.

Tax Rates: The town’s tax rates have remained the same for at least the last 10 years. Susan will try and find when the last increase occurred.

Legislative dinner: Will be held on Dec 13. Brookeville was unable to attend due to scheduling conflicts.

Large Item Pick up: Postponed till spring.

Open Discussion: Andrea stated that she hoped to have the new town directory printed and distributed in May, but will need assistance verifying the rest of the listings that were mot updated at the Holiday Party..

The meeting adjourned at 9:00p.m.

Susan Johnson, Treasurer

January 14, 2013 – Commission Meeting Minutes

Town of Brookeville Commissioners Meeting Minutes
January 14, 2013
8:00 p.m.

Commissioner President Michael Acierno, Commissioners Sue Daley and Katherine Farquhar, Academy Manager Andrea Scanlon, Treasurer Susan Johnson and Clerk Diane Teague were present. Present during the meeting were: residents Buck Bartley, Chris Haris, Stefan Syski, David Yinger and friend.  Also present was Fred Ambrose of Salem United Methodist Church.

Minutes:  Minutes of the December meeting were reviewed and approved.

Financial Reports: Financial Report was approved. There were larger expenses this month due to street repaving and street clean up by Leary Trucking. There was also a large landscaping expenditure that included the cost of steps at top of walkway between Water and North Streets.

Academy Report: Andrea commented that inquiries were up. Also noted was the link to the calendar on the website needs to be switched from Comcast.  President Acierno will look at this

Salem UMC: Fred Ambrose and Buck Bartley presented issues and proposals on behalf of Salem UMC.  Their first concern is for pedestrian safety on sidewalks in front of the church and cross walks to the Academy and the grave yard.  They are also planning new signage as well as improvements to the church exterior including landscaping and ways to correct drainage problems that are causing erosion in the back of the property. They would also like to replace the mulch on the playground. The discussion was about ownership of the sidewalks and SHA jurisdiction, what part the town will play in subsidizing the projects and signage that would coordinate Academy and Church pedestrian/parking directions.  Katherine Farquhar suggested that sidewalk improvements maintain a uniform appearance with the Academy. It was resolved that Buck Bartley would get estimates for the landscaping and drainage work and that Fred Ambrose will draft a letter to SHA for the proposed work.

New Clerk: Commissioners welcome new Town Clerk Diane Teague. It was also discussed that planning commission secretary’s duties will be added to Clerk’s and position eliminated.  The position is being eliminated due to there not being enough work to warrant a separate paid position.

Maintenance: Water/North/South St. maintenance completed. Gutter cleaning completed. Gravel pile to block vehicles from using path between Water and North Street was removed and two stones from fire pit were put in its place to block vehicles.

Grants: Star Spangled 200 Grant agreement for $20,000 signed and witnessed.

Meeting Dates:

  • Date for Town Meeting set for Monday March 18th at 7:30 pm for 2014 Events presentation.
  • Annual Town Meeting Set for May 13th. Election May 7th.

Misc: Agree to donate items from the town to the Sandy Spring Museum.

Open discussion:

  1. David Yinger noted the town’s poor appearance with examples of leaves, brush and loose trash left uncollected in the streets. Michael Acierno responded that Brookeville’s funding from the state has been drastically reduced in recent years. Recent improvements in the economy will hopefully return funding to prior levels. Also savings and a grant to prepare for the 2014 Celebration will be used to spruce up the town. Katherine Farquhar mentioned that town contractors need to be informed that the town limits extend North on Georgia Ave. past Dave Yinger’s house.
  1. Contractor issues: Chris Haris noted that Leary Trucking was depositing leaf waste and debris on his property.  He also noted that Leary mentioned other sites in town where they dump clean up waste. It was resolved that all future contracts would be explicit about removing all waste from the town and that dumping on private property and town property was forbidden. He also noted that road maintenance should be performed in the Spring and that much of the work will be disturbed by winter weather and snow plows.
  1. Traffic: Chris Haris presented a letter to the Commissioners describing a recent traffic incident on his property. At issue is the continuing occurrences of speeding drivers failing to stop and hitting his fence before they regain control of their vehicle. Michael Acierno read the letter aloud and all approved sending it to SHA. He also noted that MCPS bus drivers refuse to pick up near the intersection because of safety issues. It was resolved to put an appeal for letters supporting the bypass in the newsletter.
  1. Utility Poles and Lights: Chris Haris noted a utility pole with snapped guy wires at the corner of Water and Market St.
  1. Commissioners welcome Stefan Syski a returning Brookeville resident. Stefan grew up in Brookeville and has moved back with his wife and family.

The meeting adjourned at 9:30 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
Diane Teague
Town Clerk


November 12, 2012 – Commissioners Meeting Minutes

Town of Brookeville Commissioners Meeting Minutes
November 12, 2012

Commissioner Sue Daley, Commissioner Katherine Farquhar, Academy Manager Andrea Scanlon and Treasurer Susan Johnson were present. Present during all or portions of the meeting were Gazette Reporter Terri Hogan and town resident, Harry Montgomery and Sandy Heiler.

Minutes: No October minutes to approve

Financial: the Financial Report was emailed. Harry Montgomery suggested that the budget should be on the town website. Susan stated that both the budget and yearly financial statements were put up in the past. She will get the information and get it on the website. Harry asked if we knew what other towns were paying in taxes. Susan will look up that information and bring to next meeting.

Madison House Dinner: A dinner was held at the Heilers house on Nov 10, 2012 for the county executive, members of the county council, our delegates, people from the state highway administration, and our congressional representative Sarbanes. The purpose was to make clear the need for the bypass to protect the town’s historic resources. The commissioners decided to send a thank-you letter to those who attended and another letter to those who couldn’t come, along with a copy of the framed print of a watercolor by Miche that we gave to the guests.

War of 1812: Sandy Heiler requested that the town start looking for people who would like to serve on the War of 1812 committee. She would like the committee to start meeting in January of 2013. Sandy will send information to Terri Hogan for the Gazette and to clerk for the Brookeville Times. There will be a symposium on Sept 28, 2013 from 9:00 am – 7:00 pm… Also the bicentennial will be Labor Day weekend of 2014. Sandy stated that we should have exact dates by May 2013. The committee will discuss plans and the number of days the events will take place. She also suggested that the commissioners have a brief overview of the progress at the May town meeting and perhaps another separate meeting.

On December 4, Sandy will be meeting with resident Michael Yesenko and Commissioner Acierno to discuss grant writing.

Academy Report: Andrea reported that there has not been much change in usage. She had the smoke alarm replaced in the kitchen. She also had the elevator inspected and it passed.

Town Holiday Party: We need to get invitations out to the town residents as well as another reminder in the next newsletter. We also need to be sure that LesUnglesbee is invited. Andrea offered to try and get as many updates of names, e-mails, etc for the Town Directory at the party. A list of what is needed for the party will be sent out and the commissioners, Susan and Andrea will split up the list.

Large Item Pick up: No one was sure if the dates had been set. We may need to postpone till spring.

Open Discussion: Andrea stated that Chris Scanlon, PC chair will be meeting with Pepco on Nov 14 to review tree placement.

The meeting adjourned at 9:00p.m.

Susan Johnson, Treasurer

September 10, 2012 Commissioners Meeting Minutes

Town of Brookeville Commissioners Meeting Minutes
September 10, 2012

Commissioner President Michael Acierno, Commissioner Sue Daley, Commissioner Katherine Farquhar, Town Clerk Cate McDonald, Academy Manager Andrea Scanlon and Treasurer Susan Johnson.  Present during all or portions of the meeting was Gazette Reporter Terri Hogan.

Minutes: The June Commissioners Meeting Minutes were approved.

Financial:  the Financial Report was not available.

Academy Report:  rentals are currently slow.  Yoga will have one class this Fall on Thursday mornings.  Vinyl flooring replacement will need to be done soon as there was a toilet leak that damaged part of the flooring.
The MEA grant money was received.
Roberta Staat still undecided about renting the schoolhouse.

Olney Community Night – Oct 3rd: Academy Manager not be able to host table at Community Night; the Commissioners are not available that night.  Academy Manager will ask the long term Academy renters if they can host the table.  Town will donate an Academy rental for the auction.

Holiday Party:  December 8 from 6pm-10pm was confirmed for the Town’s Holiday Party

Inn at Brookeville – SHA update: Commissioner Acierno talked with SHA about the potential development at the Inn at Brookeville and the preliminary conclusion from SHA is as long as the development is not in the path of the road re-alignment, it should not be an issue.   Commissioner Acierno asked the BPC to send all current information they have about the potential development to SHA and to contact MD Planning Commission.  The Commissioners discussed the need to hire a lawyer to protect the Town’s interest with their concerns being diluting SHA / MoCo interest in the Bypass; a weak review of the potential development; and if the Town’s current resources are up to the task of this potential development.

Large item pickup:  the Commissioners reviewed the options of a dumpster or Waste Management bagsters.   Commissioner Daley will discuss with SUMC the possibility of using the Church’s parking lot for the bagster, which will benefit the Church as they are able to use the bagsters as well.  If so, the Town will order 10 bagsters and have them in 2 locations in Town.

Walking path and Schoolhouse:   the weeds are overgrown this summer at the one-room schoolhouse and along the walking path between North and Water Streets.  This will be a large project that the Commissioners authorized to have a landscaper tidy-up.  Town Clerk will solicit a bid for the mulching and weeding.

2014 Celebration:  Sandy Heiler hosted a meeting September 5th  and came up with a list of ideas for Brookeville’s bicentennial celebration.  A 2 day celebration was tentatively selected for Aug. 23-24, 2014.

Open Discussion: none

The meeting adjourned at 9:30p.m.
Cate McDonald

June 11, 2012 Commissioners Meeting Minutes

Commissioner President Michael Acierno, Commissioner Sue Daley, Commissioner Katherine Farquhar (via Skype), Town Clerk Cate McDonald, Academy Manager Andrea Scanlon and Treasurer Susan Johnson.  Present during all or portions of the meeting were Gazette Reporter Terri Hogan and Bob Sheehan.

Selection of President of Commissioners:  Michael Acierno was unanimously voted in as President of the Commissioners.   

Minutes: The May Commissioners Meeting Minutes and Annual Meeting Minutes were approved.

Financial:  the Financial Report was emailed.  The Town Budget will be signed at the July Commissioners Meeting.

Inn at Brookeville:  Bob Sheehan, owner of the Inn at Brookeville Farms, came to the Commissioners to see seek preliminary interest / input regarding a hotel he would like to build on his 5 acre property that is located within the Town’s boundaries.  He envisions a “boutique” inn, similar to the Inn at Perry Cabin and about 20-30 rooms.  Mr. Sheehan stated he loses wedding business because there are no hotels in the immediate area.  Also, he stated the Town could benefit from a hotel by passing a hotel tax.  Commissioner President Acierno said the Town Commissioners have no immediate objections but plans would need to be submitted to the BPC and HPC and he would need to inquire if development would need a waiver from MoCo regarding the Bypass.   Mr. Sheehan said he was still in the preliminary phase and needed a more detailed business plan and design and he has talked to HPC and they seemed to like the project.

Academy Report:  the Academy had its annual fire alarm inspection and will need to replace a few sprinkler gauges.    Karen will not hold any yoga classes this summer but plans to be back this fall.

Commissioner Farquhar said  the American Legion is interested in holding their meetings again at the Brookeville Academy and ask the Academy Manager to contact them to work out the details.

Email via Town listserv: the Town’s email listserv to Town Residents will be used only for important announcements (ie – weather updates, newsletter, etc).  All other request for information to be distributed to Residents will be included in the next issue of the Brookeville Times.

SUMC:  The Church planted 3 Red Bud Trees on May 15th.   The Commissioners approved a Thank You letter to be sent.

Pepco and tree:  Commissioner President Acierno walked with the BPC to select locations for the 33 trees that Pepco will take down, which are along the WSSC property line and along North St.  According to Commissioner President Acierno and the Academy Manager, all of the trees that are to be taken down are from Town property and not from any private property.

Landscaping:  Treasurer Susan Johnson hired a landscaper to do some work on Town property that fronts the Scanlon’s and Heiler’s property.  The landscaper is asking for more money than was agreed to clean, mulch the hill and the area that curves around towards the Scanlon’s property.    The price was $140 to clean and mulch the hill and $40 a month to maintain the area until the end of the season.  He now wants $340 for the rest of cleaning.  The landscaper is Susan Johnson’s friend’s son.

Tree Removal at North and Market:   a tree that is on Town property at 209 Market needs to be removed with a permit being submitted to HPC.

Website:  Commissioner President requested that the Town e-mail be added to the front page of the website

Van Gelder permit:  Commissioner Daley signed the Town permit for the garage that the Van Gelders will be rebuilding.

FEMA:  Commissioner President Acierno is working on the forms that will allow the Town to seek reimbursement from FEMA in case there is a need.

Open Discussion: Commissioner Farquhar will be out of Town for the July 9th Commissioners Meeting.  The time of the meeting was changed to 6:00pm to allow Commissioner Farquhar to Skype.

The meeting adjourned at 9:30p.m.

Cate McDonald