April 9, 2007 Commissioners Meeting Minutes

April 9, 2007

Present:  Commissioner Richard Allan, Commissioner Michael Acierno, Commissioner Robert Heritage, Treasurer Susan Johnson, Clerk Paul Geib.

Minutes:   The March 2007 minutes were approved as read

Financial Report:  The financial report was reviewed    The Treasurer will provide information to the Commissioners for the development of the 2007-2008 budget for the Town.  There should be money in the budget for landscaping and finishing of the parks and for sidewalks in front of the Academy.

Clerk’s Report:  Clerk Geib reported that the Academy floors were refinished on March 30th and April 3rd  and the windows were cleaned.  The renter on April 7 had to cancel because of concern over the smell from the March 30 polyurethane application.  There still is a rental on April 21st.   Leah Burch of the Maryland Historical Trust inspected the Academy grounds on March 15th to monitor the Town’s easement agreement with the State and found the condition of the building fine.  She mentioned that if the renovation or improvement of the grounds requires going over 12 inches in depth, archaeological resources will have to be protected.  Commissioner Allan reported that he got a letter from the Trust relating the results of the inspection.

On April 17th Warren Fishpay of Siemens will come by to evaluate the fire protection system for a possible upgrade.  On April 20th, Vance Petrella of LGIT will conduct the annual Hazard Evaluation Study.

Meeting with Waste Management: Commissioners Allan and Acierno and Clerk Geib met with Anna Carbajal of Waste Management (WM) regarding providing full service on Water and North Streets.  She said that this was possible but we would have to obtain a waiver from the residents of 108 Water Street to allow the trash truck to back into their drive way to turn around.

Ornamental Light Maintenance:  The Commissioners voted to use Kirby Electric of Rockville to maintain the Town’s ornamental lights.  The Clerk will send information to Kirby Electric regarding this decision and specifications for the lights.

Academy Grounds and Parks Improvement:  Bradley Site Design will inspect the Academy grounds on Wednesday, April 11th.  The Commissioners voted to add board-on-board fencing along the boundary of the School House lot and to fund the landscaping for Powers’ Wood Park.  The Town will work with Richard Kirby in purchasing plant materials as proposed by Slater and Associates.  Mr. Kirby is obtaining process from several nurseries he has dealt with.

School House:  The Commissioners discussed plans for finishing the School House.  Walter Blank will bill a simple porch based on discussions with Miche Booz and Richard Kirby over the stone steps at the east entrance.  He will also finish the weather-stripping of the two entrances.

2007 Election:  The Clerk reported that the closing date for nominations was April 10, the following day.  On April 17 the Board of Elections will send us the voter registration lists.

Meeting Adjourned at 9:30 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted by:

Paul R. Geib, Jr.

March 12, 2007 Commissioners Meeting Minutes

March 12, 2007

Present:  President of Commissioners Richard Allan, Commissioner Michael Acierno, Commissioner Robert Heritage, Treasurer Susan Johnson, Clerk Paul Geib, Gazette Reporter Terri Hogan, Planning Commission Members Chris Scanlon, Bruce Evans, and Paul Geib, and Richard Kirby, developer of the Powers’ Woods subdivision..

Presentation by Slater Associates, Inc.: The meeting began as a joint meeting with the Town of Brookeville Planning Commission to hear and consider a presentation from Slater Associates, the Town’s contractor, regarding a site concept for the Powers’ Woods Park.  After the presentation, the group discussed the plan.  Following the discussion and questions from Town Commissioners and Planning Commissioners, authorization was given to Slater by the Town Commissioners to develop a formal design proposal and planting and signage recommendations and trail and paths network, especially the links to the Thomas mill race.  The Town Commissioners also decided to go ahead with site work on the “amphitheater area” given the availability of large stones and boulders from the water and sewer lines installation and the heavy equipment necessary to move them, trail alignments, and selection of trees and scrubs.  The Commissioners agreed that the work would be funded in several phases.  Commissioner Allan indicated he would submit a grant proposal to the Maryland Historical Trust through the Heritage Tourism Alliance with the hope of obtaining some funds to help pay for the project.

Following the presentation by Slater Associates, the Commissioners and staff moved to the Town office for the remainder of the regular business meeting.

Minutes:   The February 2007 minutes were accepted as read.

Financial Report:  The financial report was reviewed.  The Town spent $1,182 for snow removal during the March snowstorm.  It was agreed that the Town’s financial condition remained healthy and would provide a basis for moving forward with new curbs and road surface restoration on east Market Street, including speed bumps.

Brookeville Academy Landscaping Improvements:  The Commissioners approved a proposal by Bradley Site Design to enhance the Brookeville Academy grounds with new plantings, hardscaping, including around the Angel, and appropriate benches and related items.  Sharon Bradley’s proposal involved four phases:  Site Analysis, Concept Development, Design Development, and Detailed Plan Development.  Both the Bradley work and the Slater work will be coordinated and complimentary.

Sidewalk Status:  SHA continues to work on a final design for sidewalk on the west side of High Street from the Church to Longwood Recreation Center.  A key part of the project is to mitigate storm water runoff issues that have long been a problem to residents along High and on west Market Street.  Design work is on schedule and should be completed within a month.  SHA will meet with the Town before any final decisions are made.

Thomas Mill Project:  Commissioner Allan reported that the Montgomery County Conservation Corps has completed clearing the Thomas Mill race from the WSSC pumping station to Georgia Avenue, except for a few large trees.   The Town paid the Town’s contractor Greeenskeeper to chip the debris and spread it at the site.

Using State Infrastructure Financing Program for Market Street Work:  The Commissioners agreed to pursue financing through the State Infrastructure Program to repair and restore east Market Street.

Brookeville Times:  The attendees discussed articles for the March issue of the Brookeville Times, including work on Powers’ Woods Park, the sidewalk project., the Thomas Mill project, and improvements to the Academy grounds, information on the accident in Town, and Town of Brookeville snow removal policy.

Town Election:  Clerk Geib will send out election notices to Town residents regarding the May 8th election for two Commissioners.

Meeting with State Legislative Delegation and County Council:  The Commissioners discussed attending a meeting on Thursday, March 15 with the State Legislative Delegation and the County Council.  Commissioners Allan and Acierno will attend the dinner meeting with the County at the monthly Maryland Municipal League Montgomery County Chapter meeting.

Meeting Adjourned at 10:08 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted by:

Paul R. Geib, Jr.

February 19, 2007 Commissioners Meeting Minutes

February 19, 2007

Present:  Commissioner Richard Allan, Commissioner Michael Acierno, Commissioner Robert Heritage, Treasurer Susan Johnson, Clerk Paul Geib, Gazette Reporter Terri Hogan.

Minutes:   The January 2007 minutes were accepted as written

Financial Report:  The financial report was reviewed.  The Commissioners and the Treasurer discussed the option of increasing principal payments on the Brookeville Academy mortgage and interest rates on the cash accounts in the report.

Support for Deeds Wells:  In response to several comments/suggestions from the community, the Commissioners discussed ways in which to provide for Town residents to be of support to Deeds Wells as he recovers from the fire that destroyed his house.  A number of residents have inquired about how to collectively respond to the tragedy.   The Commissioners agreed to have the Town Treasurer set up a Deeds Wells Fund administered by the Treasurer where residents could send contributions.   The Clerk will send out announcement of the fund and a message will be placed on the Web Site.

Status of 309 Market Street:  The Commissioners asked the Clerk to check with the MC Fire Department and the County regarding the “next steps” status of 309 Market Street – the fire site regarding  protocols of insurance, health and safety issues, impact on  property taxes, etc.  The Commissioners were responding to a concern that the burned-out house might become derelict and a public danger if there was not a known schedule for appropriately dealing with the structure and site.

Selection of Contractor for Powers Woods Project Design:  As a follow up to the joint meeting with the planning commission, the Commissioners agreed to a motion to award a contract to Slater Associates, Inc. as the contractor for the Powers Woods park project.  They noted that this was an important opportunity to connect the Town’s historic built assets and resources like the recently restored schoolhouse and Thomas Mill Race with the Town’s environmental and natural settings.

Other Potential Design Projects for the Town:  Commissioner Allan suggested that one of the other firms considered for the Powers Woods project, Bradley Site Design, be asked to evaluate and prepare a site plan for the Brookeville Academy ground, including integrating the Brookeville Angel into a more appropriate site setting involving hardscaping, plantings, and furniture such as benches.  The Commissioners agreed to proceed in this direction.

Work on Thomas Mill Site:  The Montgomery County Conservation Corps has begun work around the historic remains of the Thomas Mill.  They have cleared the area around the remains of the various Thomas Mill buildings behind the “Miller’s Cottage” and have started clearing the mill race.  The Clerk was asked to contact Greenskeeper regarding using a chipper machine to clean up the accumulated debris.  The chips could then be used to cover the various trails near the site.  The Corps will later work to remove the deteriorated split rail fence near Brookeville Road and the stream on the other side of town.

Selection of Supervisor of Elections:  The Commissioners again selected Margaret Van Gelder to run the May election in which two Commissioners will be selected.

Meeting with the County Executive:  Commissioner Allan reminded the Commissioners of a February 15th meeting of the Maryland Municipal League Montgomery County Chapter meeting with County Executive Ike Leggett.

Brookeville Times:  The Commissioners discussed the content of the next “Brookeville Times.”  It should include information on the election and reiterate the Town’s snow removal policy.

Meeting Adjourned at 9:30 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted by:

Paul R. Geib, Jr.

January 8, 2007 Commissioners Meeting Minutes

January 8, 2007

Present:  Commissioner Richard Allan, Commissioner Michael Acierno, Commissioner Robert Heritage, Treasurer Susan Johnson, Clerk Paul Geib, Gazette Reporter Terri Hogan, Richard Kirby, developer – Powers’ Woods subdivision.

Revised Starting Time:  The meeting began at 8:30 p.m. rather than 8:00 p.m. to allow the Commissioners to attend a “Town Meeting” in Laytonsville called by U. S. Congressman Al Wynn.  At that meeting Commissioner Acierno brought up the need to consider the importance of funding the Brookeville Bypass – particularly in the context of Georgia Avenue being an emergency evacuation route from Washington, DC.

Minutes:   The December 2006 minutes were approved with minor corrections

Financial Report:  The financial report was reviewed.  The Commissioners and the Treasurer discussed moving funds between accounts to maximize return on the investments.  The Treasurer assured the Commissioners that no Town of Brookeville accounts contain over $100.000 in any one financial institution. A check of $20.00 covering a fuel surcharge from the December 23 rental was returned for insufficient funds.  The Academy Business Manager will attempt to contact the renter to recover those funds plus $7.00 costs.

Powers’ Woods Subdivision:  Mr. Richard Kirby, developer of the subdivision, made a presentation to the Commissioners regarding the subdivision plat.  Several general comments on the plat were discussed and clarified.  The Commissioners discussed with Mr. Kirby various landscaping alternatives for the subdivision, and costs for the various alternatives.  The Commissioners accepted Mr. Kirby’s offer to approach several landscape designers for designs and cost alternatives and to coordinate with the Planning Commission.

Brookeville Planning Commission:  The Commissioners discussed reappointing the Planning Commission members.  One member sent a written request to be reappointed.  Following a discussion where careful consideration of the issues involved and considering the best interests of the Town, Commissioner Acierno proposed that the Commissioners reappoint the current members of the Commission for no more than one year.  An additional member will also be appointed.  All agreed that closer communication between the Town Commissioners and the Planning Commission was needed.

Greenskeeper Landscaping Contract:  Commissioner Allan provided Commissioners Heritage and Acierno copies on the proposed 2007 Greenskeeper Landscaping and Lawn Management, Inc. contract for their review and input.  Following their review and approval, he will make any changes necessary and he or the Clerk will provide a signed copy to the contractor.

Public Hearing on the Brookeville Bypass:  The Commissioners urged the Town of Brookeville residents to go to the January 25th County Council Public Forum on Transportation Priorities to be recommended to the Montgomery County State Delegation to the General Assembly.  The Brookeville Bypass will be one of the priorities considered.  They discussed strategies about how to approach the forum. The Clerk will send out an e-mail and mailing to Town residents regarding this important event.  President Allan will prepare testimony for presentation to the County Council.

Town Project:  The Commissioners discussed the High Street sidewalk project and the Thomas Mill project.  The SHA is proceeding with planning the former project.

Meeting Adjourned at 10:00 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted by:

Paul R. Geib, Jr.

December 11, 2006 Commissioners Meeting Minutes

December 11, 2006

Present: Commissioner Richard Allan, Commissioner Michael Acierno, Commissioner Robert Heritage, Clerk Paul Geib, Gazette Reporter Terri Hogan

Minutes: The November minutes were approved as written

Financial Report: The financial report was not available. The Commissioners requested a status report from the Treasurer on the establishment of CDs for managing unbudgeted funds.

Announcements and Reports:

· MML Annual Legislative Dinner – All three Commissioners attended and hosted District 14 Senator Rona Kramer and Delegate Anne Kaiser. The primary purpose of the dinner was to present the MML’s legislative priorities for the upcoming session of the General Assembly.

· American Legion Flag Burning Ceremony – This was a successful event in which the Commissioners had invited the Norman Price Post #68 back to Brookeville Academy grounds to restore what used to be an annual event. Clerk Geib reported that the Legion Post was grateful for the opportunity to stage this patriotic event on Pearl Harbor Day. The ceremony was attended by numerous Legionnaires, Brookeville residents, and the general public. About 300 flags were “retired.” Everyone was amazed at the amount of flags. A number of people mentioned their gratitude at having an opportunity to properly retire their flags. The prior article in the Gazette helped generate a lot of interest. A Gazette photographer was at the ceremony.

· Annual Town Holiday Party – Everyone agreed that the 2006 Holiday Party was a great success and fun for all.

· Leaf Pick Up – The leaf pick up went according to schedule. Everyone recognized piles of leaves that Greenskeeper picked up during the second session (big piles were outside the Academy since Liberty Lawns gathered them the day before).

· Annual Financial Audit – The Commissioners were quite satisfied with the audit and the positive financial position the Town has maintained. They noted that the Treasurer should ensure that Town funds in excess of $100,000 need to be maintained in more than one account.

· Newsletter – The November Brookeville Times was distributed between Thanksgiving and the Flag Burning. Clerk Geib hopes to have the December issue distributed the week before Christmas.

· Thermostats and HVAC Updates – The Academy Manager (Geib) provided information on repairs and maintenance regarding the Academy’s heating system. Brown’s Refrigeration installed a new thermocouple and gas line tubing in the furnace. The pilot light now runs stronger and is more reliable than previously – it had been going out sporadically. Brown’s also installed a new damper motor under the dining room floor and new digital thermostats. The new thermostats allow us to keep the temperature at a permanent hold of 55 degrees when the building is not occupied and provided for a maximum winter temperature of 70 degrees during rentals and a minimum of 70 degrees in the summer. These values can be adjusted. They should result in significant energy efficiencies.

· Tankless Water Heater and Mechanical Room Floor Treatment – Commissioner Allan reported on progress in obtaining a tankless water heater from Home Depot to replace the less efficient standard water heater. Clerk Geib also reported that Monty Brown mentioned that a number of the metal fittings and machinery parts in the Mechanical Room are rusting due to moisture coming up through the cement floor. He recommended painting the floor with a rubberized sealant paint. The Commissioners discussed dealing with both issues as soon as possible.

· Academy Rentals Update – The Academy Manager reported that the Academy, after a slow month in October, was rented every week except Thanksgiving week in November and every week except Christmas week in December. The week after the Holiday Party (December 10 -17) has three rentals and we have already two confirmed rentals in January.

· Bypass Sign – Change Names – Commissioner Allan noted that the recent elections require the revision of the names on the “Build the Brookeville Bypass” sign. The Commissioners agreed to have the names of Governor O’Malley and County Executive Leggett over the old names.

· Maintenance on Water and South Streets – Gravel maintenance was performed on Water and South Streets while maintenance on North Street was suspended temporarily while WSSC excavation and construction take place over the next few weeks.

· Fire Extinguishers/exterior water pipe stand maintenance — Clerk Geib reported that Maryland Fire Equipment Company inspected the fire extinguishers in the Academy and the Schoolhouse. Tom Musgrove replaced a missing cap on the standpipe intake outside the academy.

· County Executive Inauguration – Commissioner Allan mentioned that he represented the Town at Ike Leggett’s inauguration as County Executive and the swearing in of the County Council.

Resolutions Discussed and Adopted:

· Verizon Cable Franchise – President Allan introduced a resolution and the Commissioner’s adopted it to authorize the Verizon Cable Franchise in Montgomery County and to concur with the Verizon-County agreement as well. Following drafting of the resolution and authorizing agreement, the Clerk was instructed to mail the appropriate number of copies to the County.

· Town of Brookeville Donation of $1,500 to Olney Police Satellite Station – President Allan introduced a resolution to authorize the donation of $1,500 to the Olney Chamber of Commerce fund toward the Olney Police Satellite Station project. The resolution states, “This close-by facility provides important security and protection and overall significantly enhances the quality of life for Town of Brookeville residents. This donation provides evidence of our community’s support for the police and this vital local facility. We hope it might encourage other organizations – public and private, to make timely donations.” The Commissioners passed the resolution and the Treasurer was instructed to prepare a $1,500 check and send it to the Chamber.

· Resolution to Reappoint/Appoint Members of Planning Commission – The Commissioners adopted the following resolution introduced by President Allan following a brief discussion:,

“ This resolution would advise the Chairperson and members of the Brookeville Planning Commission that in order to clarify terms of current Planning Commissioners and to ensure both continuity and to allow for opportunities for new appointments, all terms will terminate December 31, 2006. Planning Commissioners who wish to continue as Planning Commissioners or choose otherwise would advise the Town Commissioners accordingly by January 10, 2007. The Town Commissioners will then make the appropriate appointments. In the interim, the current Planning Commission will continue to operate.”

Commissioner Allan will prepare a letter (email) to the Chairperson and members of the planning commission regarding the resolution.

Water Street Trash Can “Shielding” Proposal – The Commissioner discussed the idea of planting evergreens to shield the Water Street trash cans rather than building a fence or similar shield. Feedback from Water Street residents will be solicited.

Cemetery Trees – The Commissioners discussed planting using Willow Oaks along the Salem Methodist Church Cemetery wall.

Falling-Down Fence – The Commissioners discussed removing the deteriorated post and rail fence at Brookville Road and Georgia Avenue. Commissioner Heritage will inspect the location and recommend appropriate action.

Meeting Adjourned at 9:10 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted by:

Paul R. Geib, Jr.

November 13, 2006 Commissioners Meeting Minutes

November 13, 2006

Present: Commissioner Richard Allan, Commissioner Michael Acierno, Commissioner Robert Heritage, Treasurer Susan Johnson, Clerk Paul Geib, Gazette Reporter Terri Hogan

Minutes: The October minutes were approved as written.

Financial Report: The financial report was reviewed Treasurer Johnson reported that there is $156,208 in bank checking and CD accounts. The Greenskeeper contract payment was discussed. It was noted that the work for which the expense was incurred was approved by the Town. The required annual Town of Brookeville Financial Statements and Report for Fiscal Year 2005-2006 was received by the Town’s Certified Public Accounting firm – Linton Shafer Warfield & Garrett, P.A.

Report of the Academy Manager:

(1) A new pilot light and tubing to the furnace was installed by Brown’s Refrigeration. There was a leak in the old tubing and the pilot light thermocouple was rusted and worn out. Consequently the pilot kept burning out. The new pilot is much stronger now. Monty Brown stressed that the location of the pilot cannot be changed due to the requirements of the manufacturer’s specifications.

(2) Brown’s Refrigeration will send us a maintenance contract in December that will provide for quarterly inspections of the heating system.

(3) Brown mentioned that the rust on the heating system and the pipes in the basement is caused by moisture coming through the concrete floor. He recommended that we paint the floor with rubber sealant paint.

(4) The Academy is rented most of the weeks in both November, with only Thanksgiving weekend being available, and in December, except for the weekend of the Town party and the New Years weekend.

Grounds Maintenance: Clerk Geib reported that Greenskeeper after Thanksgiving will grind the stumps and clear the bushes and brush behind the Brookeville Angel. Leaf collection was scheduled for November 18 and December 2. He will send out reminders and put the December date in the next Brookeville Times.

2006 Holiday Party: The Commissioners discussed the annual Holiday Party for town residents. It will be a Pot Luck Dinner on December 9th at 6:30 p.m. The Town will provide soft drinks for all, wine and beer for the adults, and pizza for the children. The Commissioner invite residents to take part in the planning and operation of the event.

Town Flags: The Commissioners discussed take the flags off the poles in the Town. This is traditionally done after November 1st. Clerk Geib retrieved one flag that has come off its pole. We have a number of flags to be properly disposed of during the December 7th American Legion ceremony at the Academy.

New Town Sidewalks: Commissioner Allan reported that he talked with Kate Mazzara of the SHA staff and she noted that that the sidewalk project to Longwood Recreation Center will be 30% complete by January and is on track.

Planning Commission Deliberations: The Commissioners discussed recent Planning Commission meeting minutes and issues raised by them. It was noted that a resident who was not a commission member was allowed to participate in the meeting with a property owner and prospective developer as if a member of the Planning Commission. This was not considered an appropriate meeting protocol or practice. Additionally, in one case, an issue unrelated to the project being considered or the jurisdiction of the Planning Commission was raised. Commissioner Allan further noted that there were several errors of fact having to do with historical zoning and land use issues that needed to be corrected in the minutes. He made the point that it is very important that the public record of governing bodies be accurate. The Commissioners agreed to further consider these issue at their December meeting and will communicate their concerns to the Planning Commission Chair.

Meeting Adjourned at 9:30 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted by:

Paul R. Geib, Jr.

October 9, 2006 Commissioners Meeting Minutes

October 9, 2006

Present: President of Commissioners Richard Allan, Commissioner Michael Acierno, Commissioner Robert Heritage, Clerk Paul Geib, Gazette Reporter Terri Hogan, Residents Deejon Bradby, Barbara Ray, and Rebecca Yount

Minutes: The September minutes were approved with minor corrections.

Financial Report: The financial report was reviewed. There were no questions.

Brookeville Schoolhouse: Commissioner Heritage reported that the blackboard he had located for the schoolhouse was actually a “green board” and thus not appropriate. He will continue searching for a blackboard appropriate to the period in which the schoolhouse was in operation.

Discussion of Water Street Issues: The Commissioners discussed the Town’s fifty-foot right-of-way on Water Street (set by the Brookeville Planning Commission when Water Street was developed) in the context of recent Town maintenance that was performed on the street. Resident Rebecca Yount noted that there are “mature” trees within the right-of-way space and she was concerned that the Town landscape contractor would possibly damage them. The Commissioners assured her that the Town had no intention of removing or damaging any healthy trees but have directed its contractor to mulch twice a year around the trees planted by the developer and keep them weed free. Ms. Yount mentioned that several new residents on Water Street had planted a number of trees on their properties. Commissioner Allan reiterated that the Commissioners established a rebate program for residents who plant qualifying trees to encourage a “greener” Brookeville. The Commissioners discussed the apparent misunderstanding regarding the contractor’s work on Water Street and expressed interest in obtaining input from street residents on Water Street beautification ideas, particularly aesthetic improvements to the north end of the street and some type of screening for the trash cans at the south end of the street.

Discussion of Work of Contractors: In conjunction with the discussion of the Water Street issues, the Commissioners responded to Ms. Yount’s recommendation that residents be notified when contractors are in town to do specific work. Clerk Geib read several task requirements assigned to the landscaping contractor, Greenskeeper. The Commissioners all agreed that it would be impossible to inform the residents precisely when one of its contractors would be working in the Town. They mentioned that Greenskeeper would be working once a month at cleaning up leaves and debris in the gutters along the curbs of the Town streets. They assured that residents that the contractors would only be working on Town property and on the various street rights-of-way and do not go on private property without permission. The Commissioners agreed to provide some general explanation regarding the timing of the contractor’s work in the next Town newsletter.

Discussion of Sidewalks on High Street: Resident Barbara Ray reported that she got a letter from the Maryland SHA regarding surveying along High Street in preparation for installing sidewalks. She requested clarification regarding her property in that she understood there was an agreement not to place a sidewalk in front of her house. The Commissioners assured her that the plan for the sidewalks was for a sidewalk from 8 High Street to Longwood Recreation Center.

Town of Brookeville Website: Commissioner Acierno mentioned improvements coming to the Town’s website. Everyone agreed that the site was outstanding.

Issues: the Academy: Clerk Geib mentioned that the Academy was scheduled to be rented most of the weekends in November and December. The Commissioners discussed compact fluorescent spotlights for the outside of the academy for use as security lights and a new tankless, more efficient, water heater for the building. There was a false fire alarm at the Academy on October 8th, early Sunday morning. Clerk Geib contacted the Town’s security/alarm contractor to correct the problem.

Town Insurance Policy: Clerk Geib reported that Treasurer Johnson received that new insurance policy from Local Government Insurance Trust (LGIT). Further, he mentioned that he talked with LGIT staff regarding Town liability should a contractor employee be injured on the job while working on a Town project. It was noted that the Commissioners require all contractors to have such insurance. LGIT staff said that usually this was a workman’s compensation issue for the contractor.

Cemetery Trees: The Commissioners discussed planting two trees along High Street adjacent to the Salem United Methodist Church Cemetery to replace the diseased ones removed by the SHA. Clerk Geib was asked to talk with the Cemetery Board regarding any preferences it may have with regard to planting new trees. Commissioner Heritage recommended that the Town plant two trees roughly in the middle area of each side of the main entrance gate.

Market Street Repairs: The Commissioners will purchase 30 bags of asphalt to patch road erosion and potholes on Market Street.

Meeting Adjourned at 10:00 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted by:

Paul R. Geib, Jr.

September 11, 2006 Commissioners Meeting Minutes

September 11, 2006

Present: Commissioner Richard Allan, Commissioner Michael Acierno, Commissioner Robert Heritage, Clerk Paul Geib, Gazette Reporter Terri Hogan

Minutes: The August minutes were accepted as presented.

Report on Academy Use and Maintenance: Clerk/Business Manager Geib provided an update on Brookeville Academy use.  There were rentals during every weekend in June and on three of four weekends in July, August and September.  The tile floors in the kitchen and bathrooms have been cleaned and waxed.  Some painting of the molding must be done.  Paul did some reorganizing with Margaret Van Gelder of Planning Commission documents and the shelves in the storage/archives room.  Two of the rentals in September are wedding receptions.  The building (including the storage room) will be cleaned before each reception.  The Clerk will call Saul Derr regarding the annual fall cleaning the Academy windows.

Financial Report: The financial report will be sent to the Commissioners by Treasurer Susan Johnson.  Commissioner Allan noted that the Treasurer was going to investigate recent CD interest values for reinvestment of Town cash reserves.

Church-Town Picnic: Clerk Geib reported that the picnic had more attendance than last year and seemed enjoyable to all who attended.  District 14 Delegates Herman Taylor and Ann Kaiser presented Buck Bartley with an award for his work on the Brookeville Schoolhouse.  They also noted brick mason Dave Yinger’s contributions.

Passing of Former Commissioner Evelyn Yinger: The Commissioners noted and remembered the dedicated and faithful contributions of Evelyn Yinger as Commissioner.  During her tenure, the commissioners would hold their meetings in her home due to her disability and the unavailability of an accessible public space.

Thomas Mill Grant: The Commissioners discussed the status of the Historic Preservation Grant for signage and cleaning of the Thomas Mill millrace.  Commissioner Allan will continue to seek assistance from the Parks Department for resources to help clean the millrace area.  He will be contacting Lynn Coleman to further discuss the matter.

Greenskeeper Contract Service: Commissioner Allan discussed the recent tour of the town with Greenskeeper staff to determine additional areas that needed attention.  He asked the Clerk to contact Greenskeeper to inquire about the status of the work to be done with the addition of some work at 301 Market Street.  Commissioner Heritage will mark some over-the-sidewalk vines at 301 Market Street to be removed by Greenskeeper.  Related to this discussion, the commissioners discussed a low-hanging wire on Market Street. PEPCO determined that it was not its wire.

Tree Removal On Water Street: The Clerk reported that he had to call Arborcare during the Labor Day weekend to remove a tree from a neighboring property that had fallen across Water Street.  The Commissioners discussed who would be responsible for the cost of such removals.

Brookeville Schoolhouse: The Commissioners discussed the progress on the Schoolhouse.  Dave Yinger has almost completed the brickwork.  There will be a wood parchment in front and new lights outside.  Commissioner Allan will talk with the Sandy Spring Museum staff regarding connecting with the School initiative.

Flag Burning Ceremony: Clerk Geib noted that there are several worn flags in the storage room.   Commissioner Allan noted that the American Legion will have a flag burning ceremony on December 7th.  The Town will put that in the next Brookeville Times so that any worn or torn flags can be burned together in the Legion’s ceremony.

FEMA Floodplain Management Requirements: Commissioner Allan reported that the Town must adopt ordinances by September 29th to be in compliance with FEMA floodplain management regulations.  There are two properties in town within the 100-year flood plain. While he believed that the Town had earlier enacted the County’s coverage requirements as part of the storm water management requirements, the issue needed to be checked. The Commissioners all agreed that whatever was required would be supported.

Meeting Adjourned at 8:50 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted by:

Paul R. Geib, Jr.

August 14, 2006 Commissioners Meeting Minutes

August 14 , 2006

Present:  Commissioner Richard Allan, Commissioner Michael Acierno, Commissioner Robert Heritage, Treasurer Susan Johnson, Clerk Paul Geib, Gazette Reporter Terri Hogan

Minutes: &nbsp The June minutes were accepted following two minor corrections.

Financial Report: The financial report was reviewed The Treasurer will look into short term CDs into which to deposit part of the surplus in the checking account (over $60,000.00). The group discussed the line item utility costs for the Town’s decorative street lights. It is an estimated $325 per year based on Pepco billings. Commissioner Allan reported that Dave Yinger has not yet billed the Town for the schoolhouse brickwork but that he would be encouraged to do so. Glenn Murphy will send us a bill for work on repairing the roof vent on the rear Academy roof.

Old Brookeville Schoolhouse: Work on the schoolhouse is almost done. We will need to add more top soil and the stone steps in front need to be completed. The two doors both require weather stripping and threshold seals. Two replacement lights for the exterior will be scheduled and Commissioner Heritage has contacted someone who may be able to supply us with a traditional blackboard. There is still money in the Heritage Tourism grant account for an information brochure about the school. The Commissioners will discuss an “opening event” for Town residents at the September meeting. Commissioner Allan will also discuss possible partnering with the Sandy Spring Museum regarding an educational program involving local schools and the schoolhouse.

Market and High Street Intersection: The Commissioners discussed the bumpy condition of the Market and High Streets intersection. Commissioner Allan noted that he would discuss the situation with SHA personnel at the August 17 meeting.

Trees at 198 Market Street: The Commissioners discussed the request by the owner of 198 Market Street for a determination as to whether the Town was responsible for the removal of two trees on or near the subject property. The owner was unable to supply a survey plat of the property. The Commissioners agreed that they would inspect the property and review property and parcel maps in order to determine if the trees were in Town right-of-way. If they are, a subsequent determination would have to be made to assess the condition of the trees before any further action would be taken. If the trees are on private property, the owner would have to follow the Historic Area Work Permit process before any tree removal was authorized.

New Path Between North and Water Streets: The Commissioners were pleased with the way in which the new path between North and Water Streets was constructed by developer Richard Kirby. They may consider putting a bench and or some plantings at the end of Water Street where the path begins. Some spraying of weeds may have to be done in that area as well.

Greenskeeper Contract: The Commissioners noted that the trees on Water Street were not properly mulched or kept weed free. Commissioner Allan asked the clerk to check the contract and set up a meeting with the landscaping contractor to ensure that the subject work was being performed properly.

Asphalt for Paving: The Commissioners discussed and agreed to order 30 bags of patching asphalt to be delivered to 5 High Street for temporary repair work on Market Street.

Meeting Adjourned at 9:44 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted by:

Paul R. Geib, Jr.
Town Clerk

June 19, 2006 Commissioners Meeting Minutes

June 19, 2006

Present:  Commissioner Richard Allan, Commissioner Michael Acierno, Commissioner Robert Heritage, Treasurer Susan Johnson, Clerk Paul Geib

Welcome:  The Commissioners welcomed the new Town Clerk and Brookeville Academy Business Manager, Paul Geib

Minutes:   The May minutes were approved as recorded

Financial Report:  The financial report was reviewed with no comment.

Town Budget:  The Commissioners discussed finalizing the 2006-2007 town budget with the Treasurer.  Commissioner Allan noted that our actual State income tax revenue for the current budget is coming in at around our projection of $74,000.  Commissioner Allan also noted that Sandy Spring bank has been sending him payment statements regarding the balance on the Academy mortgage loan.

The Treasurer has been paying the normal required payment $1,405 each month along with $500 additional payment on the loan principal as directed by the Commissioners.  The bank has continually had some difficulty properly recording that extra payment.  The Treasurer has been following up with the bank regarding this matter.  The Treasurer noted that the schoolhouse Pepco billing has been averaging only $12 per month following Commissioner inquiries and we now have a $120 credit with PEPCO after some initial apparent billing and/or meter errors.  Treasurer Johnson noted that the only thing left to revise by the end of June in the new budget may be the figures for the reserve funds.  Following discussion of the budget issues, Commissioner Acierno moved to approve the 2006-2007 Town of Brookeville budget.  Commissioner Heritage seconded the motion and the budget was adopted.

Policy on Providing Residents E-Mail Addresses:  The Commissioners discussed the need to clarify its policy regarding residents’ e-mail addresses it has and requests by residents from time to time to utilize these addresses. While they understood that the policy was not to give out the e-mail addresses, there appeared to be some confusion.  It was noted that the town mailing address list has been provided occasionally to residents upon request but not the e-mail list. Following a brief discussion, the Commissioners restated its policy that The Town of Brookeville e-mail list, maintained by the Commissioners for efficient communication with residents, is for the exclusive use of the town for such communication. No further use of the email lists is authorized.

Town Website:  Commissioner Acierno and Treasurer Johnson reported that the website designers are working on final edits to the website menu.   Commissioner Allan requested that the watermark be removed from the bottom of the web pages.  He would like to have the town address, telephone, and fax numbers on the first page.  The Commissioners would like to have their telephone numbers and e-mail address, if available, on the home page of the site.  Secretary Johnson suggested that we put photos and biographical sketches of the Commissioners and town employees on the website.  The Commissioners thought that was a great idea.

Digitized Town Logo:  Commissioner Allan requested that the digitized town logo on the website be made available to CGI Communications so they could use it for the new video welcome to the town they have produced for the town. Treasurer Johnson will follow up with the web page designer to obtain the logo.

Town Public Spaces and Grounds Maintenance:  Commissioner Allan noted a recent Washington Post article that warned against the “mulch mounds” around trees that seem to be proliferating among landscapers and homeowners.  They are bad for new trees.  He said the new trees on Water Street should be remulched in recognition of this fact and also noted that the tree the commissioners contracted with Stadler’s is planted properly.  The Town’s landscape contractor should be notified to correct the mulching of the trees on Water Street.

Maryland Municipal League Convention:  Commissioner Allan indicated he will approach various vendors at the MML Convention regarding brick paver options and products for sidewalks in town.  He will also explore public policy options regarding the administration of “Accessory Apartments” where they are allowed.  Brookeville’s zoning ordinance provides for accessory apartments but there are no policies in place spelling out policy parameters or definitions.

The Commissioners also discussed the need to streamline and clarify Planning Commission procedures regarding the sub-division process.

Town of Brookeville Newsletter:  The Commissioners discussed future articles for the town newsletter.  Commissioner Allan suggested that mosquito control tips be added to the next issue at the suggestion of resident Carmen Harding.  Clerk Geib will discuss the layout with Diane Allan.

PEPCO Emergency Contact:  PEPCO has requested two emergency contacts from the town in case of prolonged absence of electrical power.  Commissioner Allan will submit his name and Clerk Geib’s name to PEPCO as key contacts.

Brookeville Schoolhouse:  The Brookeville Schoolhouse will be open from 12:00-4:00 p.m. on Saturday for Heritage Day, sponsored by the Heritage Tourism Alliance.  Commissioner Allan reported that David Yinger is doing brick walkways and a ramp and brick storm water runoff gutters at the schoolhouse.  He has finished the main entrance walkway and is working on the front entrance.  He may be finished with the work on the front steps by Friday the 23rd.  Commissioner Heritage volunteered to get the schoolhouse sign frame repaired so that our new sign could be installed.

It was also noted that construction of two new houses on North Street and an addition to a third house will produce a lot of truck traffic and potential hazards to the schoolhouse as workers and vehicles use North Street as a construction road. The Commissioners discussed the need to address these issues and the need for warning signs and other safety measures that might be taken.

Brookeville Academy:  The Commissioners discussed several maintenance issues regarding the BA.   The Commissioners noted that the water hose to the new BA tree has been disconnected from time-to-time and not reconnected.  The tree is being watered with a timer and when the hose is disconnected it disrupts the process and could potentially damage the tree.  The Clerk was asked to mention this to the Town’s contractor, Liberty Lawns.  He was also asked to have the weeds growing behind the HVAC condenser units removed.

The Commissioners reported that the lock to the archives room is not working. Commissioner Heritage suggested the name of a locksmith to BA Manger Geib to get this problem fixed.

The Commissioners also reported the need to repair a dislodged roof vent cap over the back stairs and the need to replace one of the lights in the elevator. The BA manager will look into getting those fixed.

Trees Along Georgia Avenue (High Street)

The Commissioners discussed several potentially dangerous trees along High Street outside the Salem UMC Cemetery.  Commissioner Heritage noted that a limb from one recently damaged a car.  The town wants the State SHA to remove them but the SHA is trying to determine if the trees are actually on State property.  Clerk Geib noted that the Salem UMC Cemetery Board is also concerned about this and he will try to obtain more information from the board.  The Commissioner are interested in whether the board wants to plant new trees or extend the side walk past the cemetery to meet the sidewalk to be constructed past the Inn at Brookeville Farms.

July Meeting:  The will not be a July Commissioners Meeting.  The decision on this issue was by consensus.

Meeting Adjourned at 9:45 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted by:

Paul R. Geib, Jr.