May 8, 2006 Commissioners Meeting Minutes

May 8, 2006

Present:  Commissioner Richard Allan, Commissioner Michael Acierno, Commissioner Robert Heritage, Treasurer Susan Johnson, Clerk Diane Allan, Gazette Reporter Terri Hogan

Minutes:  The April minutes were approved as recorded.

Financial Report:  The financial report was reviewed with no comment.

Announcements:  Commissioner Allan reminded everyone that the Town of Brookeville election is the next day, May 9, 2006, for the seat held by Michael Acierno.

Commissioner Allan reported that he met with Specialty Driveway Services, Inc., to review the surface condition of Market Street (east).  The contractor recommended that rather than doing temporary repairs primarily along the curb line that he said would be prohibitively expensive for him to do, particularly given the Town’s intention to install new standard curbs, he would suggest using cold patch asphalt to make repairs until we’re ready for the finish job done by a contractor.

Commissioner Allan reported that Buck Bartley has poured a concrete ramp and steps at the Brookeville Schoolhouse as preparatory surfaces for Dave Yinger to complete with bricks.  He indicated that Buck’s crew had done a beautiful job of it.  Commissioner Allan commented that this was a fantastic contribution by Buck to the schoolhouse restoration that Buck had also previously donated work to.  The schoolhouse will be open again for Montgomery County’s Heritage Days on Sunday, June 25, 2006, from 12:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.

Commissioner Allan suggested that it would be a good idea if all three Commissioners attended the MML Montgomery County Chapter meeting on May 18, 2006, at 7:30 p.m. in Gaithersburg.  Featured at that meeting will be the State Highway Administrator Neil Pedersen and the new District 3 Engineer, Darrell Mobley.

Commissioner Allan reported that he and the Clerk selected a dogwood at Stadler Nursery for the Town of Brookeville to plant in honor of former Town Commissioner Pam Chandler who recently died after a long illness.  Stadler will plant the tree on Friday, May 12th.

Commissioner Allan has arranged a meeting with the Parks Department to discuss possible County assistance in the Thomas Mill millrace restoration project.

Commissioner Allan met with a representative of the Yellow Book wishing to sell space to advertise the Brookeville Academy.  He reported that small ads were priced at $35-42 per month.  The commissioners all agreed that that was too expensive.

The Brookeville Academy Business Manager, Diane Allan, reported that the Academy is booked all weekends in June.

Budget:  Regarding the annual budget proposed for 2006-2007, Commissioner Allan reported that the revenue situation was reasonably healthy at this point and he recommended that the Town begin to invest in infrastructure repair and enhancement – primarily sidewalks and curbs on High Street at the Academy and at the church and a small stretch on Market Street.  The amount set aside is $50,000.00 although no estimates have been developed at this time.  He further reported that he sent an email to the new SHA District Engineer citing the growing hazard associated with damaged sidewalk in front of the Academy.

Town Meeting:  Commissioner Allan suggested that the Town’s success in its historic preservation efforts receive some emphasis as well as the progress on the Brookeville Bypass.  The commissioners will meet next Monday, May 15, 2006, at 7 p.m. for a brief meeting before the town meeting at 8:00 p.m..  Commissioners Allan, Acierno, and Heritage will jointly present the proposed annual budget.  Commissioner Allan will present a “State of the Town”.

Town website redesign:  Commissioner Acierno reported that the redesign of the website is progressing and should be available next week.

Old Business:  Commissioner Allan reported that he is waiting for Paul Howes Plumbing to get back to him regarding the possible use of a tankless water heater to replace the current propane traditional hot water heater at the Academy.

Commissioner Heritage reported that while the decorative streetlight in front of 307 Market Street is now working, the access plate at the base is held on with electrical tape as are several others that have been repaired by Pepco.

Commissioner Heritage reported that he has found a welder who will repair the Town of Brookeville gateway sign that have been bent as well as the schoolhouse sign framework that has been damaged.  The Town entrance sign will have to be dug up and taken to the welder in Laytonsville for repair.

Planning Commission.  Commissioner Acierno moved to send another letter to the Planning Commission reiterating that they must formally approve all minutes generated by meetings conducted by the Planning Commission.

The meeting was adjourned at 10:02 pm.

Respectfully submitted by

Diane Burr Allan

April 10, 2006 Commissioners Meeting Minutes

April 10, 2006

Present:  President of Commissioners Richard Allan, Commissioner Robert Heritage, Commissioner Michael Acierno, Terri Hogan, Gazette reporter.

Minutes:  The minutes of the March previous meeting were accepted as written.

Financial Reports:  The Commissioners reviewed the data and had no questions.

Announcements and Reports:  Commissioner Allan reviewed the status of a number of projects and issues and reported on other developments.  The items on the agenda were remarked on and related actions were taken as follows:

  • Former Commissioner Pam Chandler died after a long illness.  Pam was Commissioner in 1999 and 2000.  The Commissioners moved to plant a tree on the Brookeville Academy grounds in her honor.
  • Rentals of the Academy are picking up as reported by Business Manager and Clerk Diane Allan.
  • Leary Trucking, Inc. has presented the Commissioners with a proposal to continue maintenance on North, South, and Water Streets.  The Commissioners agreed to accept the proposal for $2,970.00.  The streets in question will be scraped and graded, regraveled, and rolled.  Work will commence the week of April 10, 2006.
  • Excel removed four dead trees at the rear of the Brookeville Academy.  The usable wood was left for residents to use as firewood.  Additional tree work will be done on Town right-of-way on Market Street east.
  • The Commissioners agreed to have its contractor (Greenskeeper) provide landscaping and maintenance services to Water Street as is done on North Street.  Newly planted right-of-way trees will be mulched and tended and an area around the street lamp closest to Market Street will be cleaned and mulched.  It was also agreed that funds be budgeted similarly to initially keep the Powers’ Wood park area under control until plans are developed for plantings and other landscaping.
  • A recent meeting at the restored schoolhouse led to a decision to complete exterior features of the restoration.  Resident Buck Bartley volunteered to do necessary concrete work for a ramp to the rear entrance and footings for front steps and a brick pathway.  Dave Yinger has agreed to do the brick work and architect Miche Booz has sketched the plans.  Work is to begin soon.  The Commissioners also agreed not to have four pine benches built but rather to look for a few more period student desks and chalk or blackboards using remaining grant funds.  Commissioner Heritage agreed to find a blacksmith or ornamental ironworker to repair two damaged Town sign holders.
  • Market Street surface repairs, both short and longer term, were discussed along with curb replacement.  The Commissioners agreed to initiate repairs of potholes and begin plans for the larger project of repaving, including investigating financing options.
  • Storm water runoff continues to be a problem for water originating on High Street (Rt. 97) and flowing down the Salem Church driveway and also originating from the church parking area.  This water then floods the Kerr residence on lower Market Street.  The straw bales the Town installed last year are not sufficient to stem the flow velocity and quantity of water.  The Commissioners will seek technical assistance from Montgomery County.
  • Commissioners Allan and Acierno attended the District 14 Delegation reception in Annapolis on April 2, 2006.
  • The Town election will be held May 9, 2006, and the Annual Town Meeting on May 15, 2006.
  • An April edition of the Brookeville Times was mailed out and distributed through email.
  • The Town’s website rework is still underway.  Commissioner Acierno agreed to talk to the contractor to make sure that the project is satisfactorily completed in a timely way.
  • It was reported that Darrell Mobley has been named as SHA District 3 Engineer, replacing the retired Charlie Watkins.  Commissioner Allan will contact him to congratulate him and to ask for his assistance in removing a dead tree at the cemetery, correcting the misspelling of the “Brookville” (sic) sign, and the need for new curbs at the Brookeville Academy.
  • Diane Allan will be resigning as Town Clerk and Business Manager for the Brookeville Academy effective June 1, 2006.  She has suggested that recruitment of candidates for those positions or a combined position begin immediately so that she can provide training.  She strongly emphasized the need for a person with excellent personal skills for the Business Manager’s position as well as someone who has the flexibility to meet potential clients on weekends and on evenings and can work closely with the Treasurer.  The Commissioners will ask the Clerk to prepare a job announcement and to participate in the selection process.
  • The Clerk met with John Joyce, State National Flood Insurance Coordinator as part of the annual Community Assistance Visit process under FEMA regulations.  The Town was commended for effectively discouraging development in the floodplain.
  • There will be a meeting of MML’s Montgomery Chapter on April 20, 2006 at which there will be a tour of the Montgomery County Homeland Security Emergency Center.
  • Funding assistance is being sought from Montgomery County for the Thomas Mill cleanup project.  Councilman Knapp has indicated he will try to assist in this project.

New Business:  Commissioner Allan reported that a resident had requested that the question of the Iraq War be placed on the ballot at the coming Town election.  Given the fact that Brookeville had no such procedural provision in its charter, he discussed protocols and precedents for “advisory referenda” or “legislative initiatives” with Jim Peck of the Maryland Municipal League.  Peck provided examples of municipal charters in Maryland that provide for placing special questions on ballots during elections.  All five of the municipalities with provisions in Maryland also had associated petition requirements with specific preparatory timeframes.  The consensus of the Commissioners was that as there was no provision in the Town Charter providing for advisory referenda, and that if there were, there was insufficient time before the next scheduled election to exercise typical petition procedures, no further action on this matter would be taken.  The Commissioners also discussed a request by a non-resident to place an ad on the Town web site.  It was acknowledged that the Commissioners provide free advertising for residents and have previously agreed to allow a non-resident to pay for “hosting” costs in exchange for an ad.  The Commissioners agreed that income to cover web site costs and related expenses from non-residents wishing to advertise would be useful.  Each ad that might be submitted would be considered individually by the Commissioners and placed along with resident ads.

The Commissioners indicated they would adjourn and then hold a brief work session on the FY 2006-2007 Budget.

The meeting adjourned at 9:45 p.m.

Respectfully submitted

Diane Burr Allan

March 13, 2006 Commissioners Meeting Minutes

March 13, 2006

Present:  President of Commissioners Richard Allan, Commissioner Robert Heritage,
Commissioner Michael Acierno, Clerk Diane Allan, Phil Wilks, Richard Kirby, Treasurer Susan Johnson, Terri Hogan, Gazette Reporter

Minutes:  The minutes were accepted as written.

Financial Reports:  Mr. Allan asked the Treasurer how much was left of the $800 grant from Heritage Montgomery that the Town received for the schoolhouse.  That data will be forthcoming.  There were no further questions regarding the financial report.

Old Business:  Richard Kirby, who is developing Powers Wood subdivision on North Street, brought Phil Wilks, land surveyor and consulting engineer, to the meeting to present the most recent plat for Powers Woods.  Commissioner Allan noted that the Town of Brookeville could not deed over a section of the schoolhouse parcel that had been donated to the Town of Brookeville for the purpose of “cleaning-up” the new subdivision plat or for any other reason.  Mr.Wilks explained that the reason for this was that there were internal parcel lines that might interfere with any future construction.  Building restriction lines, for example, might impact on a gazebo or other structure that might be contemplated.  He said the tax assessors office does not allow for 2 owners on a lot.  All of parcel A should be under one ownership according to Mr. Wilks.  Richard Kirby could grant all property to the Town of Brookeville, then the Town of Brookeville could deed it back   The entire area is dedicated to public use.  In order to create that street (North Street extended) the Town would have to go through an amendment process.  The current plat has no tax account numbers.  He said the more quickly this can be settled, the better.  Mr. Allan noted that there needs to be a signature block for the Commissioners as well as the Planning Commission.  Mr. Wilks said there was some concern that the Town of Brookeville didn’t want anything built on the parcel.  Mr. Allan said the Commissioners were looking forward to a natural park setting with perhaps benches, a table; trees and other landscaping.  Mr. Allan anticipates room for at least two parking spaces.  Mr. Wilks said there can be limitations in the general notes and that all structures could be limited to open structures.  Mr. Acierno said that Parcel D would remain property of the Town of Brookeville.  The Town Commissioners would be the owners legally and the Planning Commission would be signatories.  Mr. Acierno wanted to be sure the Town of Brookeville is protected from unanticipated use of the land.  Mr. Wilks responded that MNCPPC has a several page form to cover this or the general notes would cover the restrictions and protect the Town of Brookeville’s interests.  Mr. Kirby was concerned that the Town of Brookeville should be specified as the maintenance entity of the parkland.  Mr. Allan did not feel that the Town of Brookeville needs to be specified, that the presumption in the public record is clear enough – the Town will be responsible for the appropriate stewardship of the newly dedicated land and street.  Doug Lohmeyer, Planning Commission consultant, according to Mr. Kirby, thought that this plat constituted a resubdivision but Mr. Wilkes disagreed. WSSC right-of-way requires a right-of-way deed for the plat.  Most subdivisions plats in the County do not show the right-of-way on the plat. Mr. Allan said the Town of Brookeville would establish an account category in the upcoming budget to add maintenance for the park area.  Mr. Allan suggested the park might be named Powers’ Woods Park.  Both Mr. Kirby and Mr. Allan said the plaque to Sally Powers should be moved to a rock or tree in the park.  Mr. Wilks would like the parcel recorded with the tax office as soon as possible.

New Business:  Mr. Acierno indicated that he was planning to run again for Town Commissioner and will submit his letter of intent to run soon.

At a National Association of Home Builders – HUD sponsored event on housing technologies last week, Mr. Allan spoke with a representative of a tankless water heater manufacturer regarding the use of such equipment in the Brookeville Academy as an energy efficiency measure.  The Clerk will find out if Monty Brown, who maintains the Academy’s HVAC system, installs them.  Resident Chris Scanlon has offered to take the old water heater.

Mr. Allan reported that the annual County Council meeting with the Montgomery County Chapter of the Maryland Municipal League is tomorrow night at 6:30 pm at the County Council office building.  He will be attending.

Mr. Allan reported that he had a meeting with the Montgomery County Conservation Corps about clearing out the Thomas Mill race and other related projects.  They were most happy to partner on the mill race project and would begin in June and be done by September if appropriate funding and other arrangements can be worked out.  The Town of Brookeville will go jointly with them to the WSSC for possible donations of equipment and other resources.  Exposing the foundations and artifacts of the mill might be part of the project.  This would be the first major historic preservation project for the Corps.  The Town has previously received a grant from the Historic Preservation Commission for $1,400 to help cover costs of the mill race restoration and signage.

Mr. Allan reported that there will be a new subdivision containing 29 new homes near the Central Union Mission on Georgia Ave.  The Town of Brookeville may make comments.
Announcement of the date of the Planning Board’s consideration of the project will be made soon.

Commissioner Allan announced that the Town of Brookeville must renew its liability insurance soon.  The rates are expected to be considerably higher.  He suggested that the Town might want to raise the deductible for general liability to $1000.00.  That was agreed to by the commissioners.

While providing maintenance services, Olney Electric found there was no current going to the street light at 307 Market Street.  The Clerk contacted Pepco to ascertain whether there was current.  Pepco has repaired the current situation and Olney Electric will be called to finish the job.

The Clerk/Business Manager for the Brookeville Academy reported that she had  received several new bookings for April, June, July, and September.  Bookings have picked up considerably since December of 2005.

Commissioners Allan and Acierno spoke with Senator Rona Kramer recently about the Bypass and sidewalks.  Mr. Allan will be sending her a letter soon to provide her additional details on the sidewalk project that had gotten caught up along with a lot of other jobs in a great deal of political back and forth between the General Assembly and the Governor’s Secretary of Transportation.

Mr. Allan indicated he was looking for a paving contractor to provide repairs to Market Street.

Respectfully submitted

Diane Burr Allan

February 13, 2006 Commissioners Meeting Minutes

February 13, 2006

Present:  President of Commissioners Richard Allan, Commissioner Robert Heritage, Commissioner Michael Acierno, Clerk Diane Allan, Treasurer Susan Johnson, Richard Kirby, John Austin (a candidate for delegate in the 14th district), Terri Hogan, reporter for the Gazette Newspaper

Richard Kirby provided to the commissioners for their consideration and approval a building permit for his residential project on North Street.  The permit already was approved by the Brookeville Planning Commission.  He left payment for the permit fee.  Mr. Kirby also made a brief presentation of his revised plan for the Power’s Woods subdivision.  Commissioner Allan reiterated the position of the commissioners that North Street had to be clearly delineated the record plat in order to make it clear that the street was a public street to be maintained by the town.  It would also allow for identifying the location of installed street lighting, turning spaces, and the parking area at the Schoolhouse. While Commissioner Allan pointed out that this should have been done in the first place, given the apparent confusion during the deliberations of the Planning Commission, the approved original plat did not show these items.  Redrawing the plat, Mr. Kirby indicated along with additional survey time, would cost an estimated additional $1800.00.  He asked that the Town pay for half of the cost of the new plans.  Commissioner Acierno asked whether there should be a written agreement between the Town of Brookeville and Mr. Kirby about this shared new expense that all the commissioners indicated under the circumstances they felt was a fair outcome.  Commissioner Allan suggested that the minutes would reflect the agreement and the reasoning and that should be sufficient.  Commissioner Allan requested that the previously agreed-upon footpath planned between North Street and Water Street be shown on the new plat as well.  Mr. Kirby agreed.

January Minutes:  Commissioner Heritage made a motion to accept as presented and Commissioner Acierno seconded.

Financial Report:  The Pepco bill for the Schoolhouse was very high and there was discussion about having the meter checked.  Commissioner Allan indicated he would check the baseboard heaters as well to make sure they were not on.  There were no questions concerning the monthly financial report.

Website Revisions:  Commissioner Allan expressed his view that the Town website was a vast improvement over what it was.  Ms. Johnson asked that the commissioners go through each page and note changes so she can forward them to the web designers.  Commissioner Acierno asked that all forms be formatted in a ‘printer friendly’ way.

Announcements:  Charlie Watkins, the State Highway Administration district engineer, is retiring soon and a retirement party is planned for next week.  The Town purchased a new combination printer, scanner, fax to replace the broken laser printer. Commissioner Allan reported that the Town has about $600.00 worth of toner cartridges and other supplies from the old Xerox printer and asked for suggestions to dispose of them while recovering some costs.  Thursday night, February 16, 2006, at 7:30, the Montgomery chapter of the MML (Maryland Municipal League) has its annual meeting with County Executive Douglas Duncan.  The County economist will be making a presentation on the state of the County’s economy.  In March, there will be a similar meeting with the Montgomery County Council.  Commissioner Allan invited the other commissioners to attend.  Commissioner Allan indicated the Town will need to review its flood plain ordinance soon to accommodate new regulations by FEMA.  He also announced that the new contract from Greenskeeper, the town grounds maintenance provider, has been received.  The commissioners agreed to delete clipping and edging at two of the town signs from the contract.  The proposal did not include Water Street and Commissioner Allan proposed that it be modified to reflect maintaining at least 6 trees planted during the subdivision process and related mulching and weeding.  In addition, commissioner Heritage suggested the area behind resident Sid Rotter’s decaying outbuildings near the town streetlight be kept weed whacked and mowed.  Commissioners Acierno and Heritage will take a look at some right-of-way plantings someone has put in on Water Street without approval by the town.  The commissions will send back the proposed contract with revisions and request a new pricing schedule.

Approaching Budget Considerations:  Commissioner Allan reported that in looking ahead to the upcoming budget season, the Town has gotten insurance projections from LGIT (Local Government Insurance Trust) that project many categories of liability insurance to be significantly higher.

Respectfully submitted

Diane Burr Allan

January 9, 2006 Commissioners Meeting Minutes

January 9, 2006

Present:  President of Commission Richard Allan, Commissioner Robert Heritage, Commissioner Michael Acierno, Clerk Diane Allan, Treasurer Susan Johnson, and Gazette Reporter Terri Hogan

Minutes:  The Minutes from the December meeting were accepted as written.

Financial Report:  The Treasurer reported that the most recent propane delivery statement was over $1000.00.  The commissioners revisited the feasibility of installing a tankless hot water heater that heats water only on demand in order to cut propane costs.  The existing gas-fired hot water heater is almost nine years old.

The clerk asked that her salary for managing the Brookeville Academy be reduced by $100.00 per month until such time that rental activity picks up.  The Commissioners did not object.

Announcements and Reports:  Commissioner Allan announced that the Montgomery County Historic Preservation Commission has awarded $1,400 to the Town for FY 2006 for use in signing the nineteenth century Thomas Mill and clearing and cleaning up the millrace and various mill foundation artifacts.  Allan also indicated that this initiative would involve establishing a collaboration with the WSSC, Park and Planning (the Reddy Branch Stream Valley Park) and the Town to help develop the project on the property.

Commissioner Allan reported that Commissioner Heritage and he attended the annual MML Legislative Dinner at the Golden Bull Restaurant.  The Town sponsored Sen. Rona Kramer and Del. Anne Kaiser.  Sen. Kramer was relatively hopeful that progress would be made in this year’s General Assembly regarding the Brookeville Bypass.

Commissioner Allan reported further developments regarding the Kirby subdivision on North Street.  He indicated that the document signed by the commissioners at the December meeting regarding a “meandering roadway” (North Street extended) was not sufficient for the developer’s purposes (although it was requested in that format by the developer).  As a result and to meet the concerns by the commissioners that North Street extended should be plainly shown on the record plat, another record plat will be prepared accordingly.  Commissioner Allan expressed his view that this was a good illustration about why the Commissioners should more actively monitor what goes on in subdivision developments while the Planning Commission is engaged in its deliberations.  Commissioners Heritage and Acierno concurred.

Commissioner Allan reported that the Hazard Mitigation Ordinance the commissioners enacted at the November meeting that had the effect of obliging the Town to participate in the Montgomery County Mitigation Plan might lead to ultimately justifying funds for use in alleviating flooding at Brookeville Road and Market Street (Georgia Avenue) and correcting road erosion and other damage that results.

The Commissioners again discussed the frequency and cost of maintenance needed to keep the Town’s streetlights lit. Commissioner Allan suggested that a lighting consultant might be engaged to assess the feasibility of changing the lights from sodium vapor to  incandescent or some other potentially cheaper to maintain lighting.

Meeting adjourned at 8:50 pm.

Respectfully submitted

Diane Burr Allan

December 12, 2005 Commissioners Meeting Minutes

December 12, 2005

Present:  President Richard Allan, Commissioner Robert Heritage, Commissioner Michael Acierno, Clerk Diane Allan, Treasurer Susan Johnson, Richard Kirby, Terri Hogan, Gazette Newspaper

Minutes:  The minutes from the November meeting were approved as written.

Financial Reports:  The Treasurer will be using a new format for presenting financial reports.  The new format will reflect expenses and revenues contrasted with annual budget numbers by each account so that the commissioners can track financial developments more closely.  The financial report was accepted as presented and is attached to the minutes.

Reports and Updates:  In the November minutes there was a discussion about a water runoff problem at the Brookeville Schoolhouse.  President Allan had indicated that there were indications that there was moisture in the crawl space and that grading around the schoolhouse needed to be finished to minimize or eliminate the problem.  Commissioner Heritage recommended that resident Buck Bartley be asked to consult and provide recommendations to the commissioners as to how to correct the problem.  It was agreed that Commissioner Allan will approach Mr. Bartley and ask him to advise the commissioners accordingly.

Powers’ Woods Subdivision:  Developer Richard Kirby made a presentation regarding the need for the Town to formally establish legal ingress, egress for prospective buyers of the two new lots established as part of the approved subdivision.  The Brookeville Planning Commission apparently did not specifically show a dedicated right-of-way that would constitute North Street extended in the final subdivision plat submitted and approved.   Mr. Kirby is in the process of refinancing the property in order to proceed with construction and development and he indicated that he required a statement by the Town that there was a formally approved ingress and egress for prospective owners.  He asked that the Town sign a statement that he provided to that effect. The commissioners agreed that they would provide such a statement and that the Planning Commission should have shown the dedicated extension of North Street servicing the new residences.  The commissioners agreed to advise the Planning Commission to review the recorded plat and take whatever action is legally appropriate to rectify the situation and to show the existence of the extension of North Street.  The Planning Commission will also be asked to coordinate this action with Mr. Kirby.

Farquhar Addition:  The HPC and Planning Commission have approved the preliminary plans for the addition to the Farquhar house and the related Town Building Permit.  The commissioners indicated they concurred with the plans and approved the signing of the building permit.  It was indicated by Treasurer Johnson that there may be a small refund in the permit fee due to Ms. Farquhar.

Excel Tree Experts:  There are four trees in various degrees of decay and presenting some danger that need to be removed on BA property abutting the Murphy residence near the Brookeville Angel.   Excel, which has been working at the east end of town, was asked to provide an estimate for this tree work.  The estimate presented was for $1800.00.  While one of the four trees was apparently inadvertently excluded from the estimate, the commissioners agreed that the estimate appeared to be an acceptable one even should there be some additional cost for another tree.  The proposal was approved with the acknowledgement that it would be amended upward.

MML Contest:  Commissioner Allan reported that this year’s Maryland Municipal League’s Annual  “If I Were Mayor” Contest offered for 4th grade students in Maryland was beginning.  He asked the Gazette if they would be interested in giving the contest some local publicity.  He also indicated he would follow up with some local elementary schools.

Wells/Rotter Properties:  Commissioner Heritage presented a collection of pictures of the Wells property showing debris, glass laying around, and three abandoned and non-registered vehicles.  It was noted all were visible from the public street (Market Street).  Commissioner Allan will write another letter asking that these materials be removed immediately in accordance with the Town Code.  Commissioner Heritage also displayed pictures of another abandoned vehicle on the Rotter property in the public right-of-way as well as pictures of sheds that appeared to be in danger of falling in and representing a nuisance and potential danger.  The commissioners agreed that there needed to be resolution to these issues.

MML Legislative Dinner:  Commissioner Allan announced that the Maryland Municipal League Montgomery County Chapter Annual Legislative Dinner will be held on January 4, 2006 at the Golden Bull Restaurant.  The Town will be sponsoring Senator Rona Kramer and Delegate Anne Kaiser for the dinner. All commissioners will attend.

Meeting adjourned at 9:30 p.m.

Respectfully submitted by

Diane Burr Allan

November 14, 2005 Commissioners Meeting Minutes

 November 14, 2005

Present:  President Richard Allan, Commissioner Robert Heritage, Commissioner Michael Acierno, Clerk Diane Allan, Terri Hogan, Gazette Newspaper

Minutes:  Following a review of the October Minutes, the Minutes were accepted as presented.

Financial Report:  Commissioner Allan reported that he had completed his section of the Management Discussion and Analysis portion of the Fiscal Year Financial Report.  He had previously met with Joe McCathren of Linton, Shafer, Warfield & Garrett, P.A., the Town’s auditor, to clarify a number of questions prior to completing the MDA.

Reports and Updates:  
Schoolhouse:  Commissioner Allan reported on the progress of finalizing the front sign for the Brookeville Schoolhouse.  Signs by Tomorrow suggested it be made of a heavier grade of aluminum than the previous one that was temporary.  Commissioner Allan noted that the Town should try to find a metalworker to repair the decorative iron frame for the sign before the new sign could be re-erected.  Commissioner Heritage suggested a firm on Rt. 144 that he was familiar with.  He will look into it.  Commissioner Heritage also asked whether a blackboard should be acquired for the school.  Commissioner Allan indicated that a blackboard would be a good addition to the schoolhouse and also reported that the light fixture given to the Town by contractor Walter Blank could not be used in the schoolhouse; but Jaffe Electric had installed all the other fixtures the Town had procured.  Commissioner Allan noted that there is dampness underneath the schoolhouse flooring that will need to be dealt with.  Mr. Blank has suggested a foundation drainage system using perforated pipe along the North St. side of the building.  Commissioner Heritage suggested sloping the land away from the schoolhouse as well and that perhaps Buck Bartley would do that job.  Commissioner Heritage made the point that since vehicular traffic is cutting the corner at the schoolhouse very closely, perhaps a pole or bollard could be installed at the corner.  Commissioner Heritage asked what the slope was on the west side of the property.  Commissioners Allan and Acierno believed that the slope was relatively flat but also should be looked at and reshaped as necessary away from the foundation.

Church/Town Water Runoff:  The Executive Director of the Low Impact Development Institute who was brought in by Citergy LLC as a consultant to assess the storm water runoff problem from the church property that has been affecting the Steph and Hannah Kerr residence concluded that the development of a single rain garden would not be sufficient to take care of all the runoff. He said that there was far too much water involved.  He suggested the possible redesign of the church parking lot with pervious pavers, rain gardens and landscaping; in addition, the possible regrading of existing berms might mitigate the problem.  Citergy LLC, a consulting company, is providing pro bono assistance to the town on this matter.

Website:  Commissioner Allan noted that the wrong date for President Madison’s visit to Brookeville during the War of 1812 is on the website and needs to be corrected.  The correct date is August 26 and not the 24th.  Other changes were recommended to make the website more interesting and user friendly.

BA Painting:  Commissioner Allan reported that Marco Regulado of Colors Inc. has finished the painting of the Academy’s exterior trim and has corrected the mildew problem on the new addition.  He also cleaned the gutters of leaves.    The Treasurer was directed to provide a check for the final amount due on the contract to the company.

Street Lights:  Commissioner Allan reported that he had contacted the Brookeville Planning Commission about the Commissioners’ preference for using the street light types currently used by the Town of New Market for the North Street subdivision.  The BPC suggested that copper be placed on the top of the proposed lights rather than the current glass to reduce upward light “pollution.”   The Town Commissioners took no exception to that recommendation and will so notify the BPC Chair.

Snow Removal:  The Town has received a proposal from Todd Greenstone about snow plowing for the Town of Brookeville for the coming winter season.  Commissioner Allan noted that Greenstone specified in the contract plowing when the snowfall accumulated at 2 inches.  The Commissioners all agreed that plowing should take place when 4 inches of snow has fallen rather than 2 inches.  They also wanted it noted in the contract that special care should be taken by the contractor on North, South, and Water Streets to avoid too aggressive plowing that removes too much gravel.

Action on Proposed Resolution Regarding the Montgomery County Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan:  Commissioner Allan reported that the County has requested that the Town consider adopting a resolution agreeing to adopt the County’s proposal for disaster mitigation during emergencies, terrorist attacks, etc..  Municipalities with planning and land use authority must adopt the County’s plan.  Commissioner Allan asked for a motion to adopt the proposed resolution..  The County had also requested notification by the Town of any critical infrastructure like roads or bridges that sometimes flood.  The commissioners agreed that the Brookeville Road/Reddy Branch/Rt. 97 intersection should be reported as well as the mention of the proposed Brookeville Bypass as critical infrastructure that is needed to mitigate traffic bottlenecks during any Rt. 97 evacuations.   Resolution #1-11.14.05 was enacted following Commissioner Acierno’s motion to accept and Commissioner Heritage’s second.  Commissioner Allan noted to the Clerk that the Forest Conservation Ordinance needed a correct designation.

Community Bulletin Board:  The Clerk suggested erecting a community bulletin or message board to post notices and updates for residents.  The Commissioners agreed that this was a good idea and wanted to evaluate options as to types of boards and possible placement for the next meeting.

Historic Preservation Grant Application:  A new round of Historic Preservation Commission grants has been opened up for the 2006 cycle.  This resulted when the HPC decided that there were an insufficient number of approvable applicants in the first round.  Commissioner Allan indicated he would submit a grant application for a plan to “restore” the Richard Thomas Mill grounds on the east side of town.  Such a project would include identifying foundations, cleaning up the existing millrace, erecting an interpretive sign, etc. Commissioner Allan thought that the proposal should include developing a working collaboration with WSSC and the County Park program and the Reddy Branch Stream Valley Park in particular.

Wells/Rotter Properties:  Commissioner Allan will explore with the MML staff best practices for mitigating nuisances on private property.  Commissioner Heritage has been taking pictures to document the problem of abandoned vehicles and debris at the Wells property.  At the Rotter property, one or more of old storage sheds appears to be in danger of collapsing.  Commissioners Acierno and Heritage suggested that obtaining an agreement from Mr. Rotter and then perhaps contracting to have the structures and the junk inside removed might be the best approach.  Commissioner Heritage suggested a Demolition by Neglect Order might be considered.

The meeting was adjourned at 9:35 p.m.

Respectfully submitted by

Diane Burr Allan

October 10, 2005 Commissioners Meeting Minutes

October 10, 2005

Present:  President of Commissioners Richard Allan, Commissioner Michael Acierno, Commissioner Robert Heritage, Treasurer Susan Johnson, Clerk Diane Allan, and Terri Hogan of the Gazette

Minutes:  Following a review of the September Minutes, the Minutes were accepted as presented.

Financial Report:  Commissioner Allan questioned the apparent reduction in the monthly mortgage payment for the Academy to Sandy Spring Bank.  He said the payment following the new note consummated with the bank was supposed to reflect in effect a doubling of principal equating to the total amount paid under the previous note.    Ms. Johnson indicated that the mortgage payment of $1400.00 is debited automatically from the Commissioners Checking Account and had not reflected the additional amount the commissioners had wanted paid.  Commissioner Acierno suggested that to correct the problem, the Treasurer should write a separate check each month in the agreed upon amount toward the principal and write “for principal reduction” on the account memo.  Ms. Johnson indicated that she would do that.  Commissioner Heritage then moved to approve the financial report.

Announcements and Reports: 

Commissioner Allan reported that the three Commissioners had a constructive meeting with County Councilperson Nancy Floreen, Chair of the Council’s Transportation Committee, to discuss moving the Brookeville Bypass to a higher priority on the Montgomery County Transportation Priorities List for this year. At that meeting, Commissioner Allan pointed out that Georgia Avenue is specified in the DC Emergency Preparedness Plan as one of thirteen evacuation routes from Washington, DC.  He indicated that Brookeville would certainly be a serious bottleneck in the event of a mass evacuation of DC and Montgomery County.  The Commissioners agreed that building the Bypass would not only improve routine and emergency North/South traffic flow, it would enhance the operation of the proposed ICC.  Commissioner Allan said that Howard County elected officials also should be contacted and their help elicited in lobbying for the Bypass, as their commuters could benefit from the construction of a bypass.

Commissioner Allan reported that Lt. Governor Michael Steele will be visiting Brookeville tomorrow and that the Town Commissioners, the Clerk, and the Treasurer would welcome him and his party at the Academy. The Lt. Governor has made a commitment to visit all incorporated towns in the state of Maryland – Brookeville would be the 54th he has visited.  Commissioner Allan stated that a representative from the State Highway Administration (SHA) will accompany the Lt. Governor as well as possibly the Secretary of Housing and Community Development and other key officials.  The format for the meeting would include introductions of attendees and short presentations, a presentation by the Town, and then conclude with a walking tour with the Lt. Governor.   The event should take approximately 11/2 hours and will end at the point where the Brookeville Bypass would originate.  Mr. Adam Rich, the proprietor of the Inn at Brookeville Farms, has generously offered to provide refreshments for the group at the conclusion of the tour.

Commissioner Allan reported that the Waste Management dumpster provided by the Town for a Fall Clean-Up Week-End was filled with dramatic speed and the contents are spilling over the top.  Commissioner Allan reported that this dumpster will be removed and asked the clerk to order another one to be placed on Water Street at the same location.

Commissioner Allan reported that Commissioner Heritage has acquired a schoolteacher’s desk for use in the restored Brookeville Schoolhouse.  The cost of the desk will come from funds made available through the Heritage Tourism Alliance grant that had been awarded to the Town earlier in the year.  Part of that grant is to go toward producing a small brochure on the history and restoration of the schoolhouse.

Commissioner Allan reported that he has sent a letter from the Town Commissioners to the Planning Commission (PC) containing protocols for keeping and approving minutes and new turn around times for accepting and approving building permits.  This letter is based on discussions held by the Town Commissioners on a draft prepared by Commissioner Acierno at the last meeting. The letter recommends that when a building permit comes to the Town Commissioners for action, it come complete with all PC and HPC (Historic Preservation Commission) recommendations so the Commissioners can make a decision with full background.  Commissioner Allan suggested that a note be put into the next Brookeville Times informing town residents of this new time provision for submission and that the building permit application go to Planning Commission Secretary Margaret Van Gelder.

Holiday Party:  Treasurer Susan Johnson suggested that a date be set for the Holiday Party.  The Commissioners agreed that Saturday, December 10, 2005, should be the date of the Annual Brookeville Holiday Party.  Volunteers would also be solicited.

Leaf Pickup:  The Commissioners decided that leaf pickups this year should be on November 19th and December 3, 2005.

Academy Maintenance:  Commissioner Acierno reported that he had met with Marco Regulado (Colors Enterprises), about painting the Brookeville Academy exterior trim, with emphasis on the badly mildewed fascia and soffits.  Marco stated that the trim would have to be treated with bleach to kill the mildew before any painting could be done.  Commissioner Heritage asked whether the painter would use Kilz or a product like that.  Commissioner Acierno reported that Mr Regulado said that Kilz didn’t work.  Marco will also reglaze several window panes that have been cracked and broken.  Commissioner Allan asked if Marco could get Bendheim restoration glass that had been used in the  windows of the Academy.  Commissioner Heritage volunteered that a former student of his has a glass business and he will try to find out about acquiring Bendheim glass for the repairs.  The Commissioners also agreed that a painting maintenance “log” be created so that there is a record of what has been painted, when, and which paints and colors were used.

Energy:  Commissioner Allan noted that some of our contractors are assessing the Town fuel surcharges as a result of the sharp increase in fuel costs.  He asked if Commissioners Heritage and Acierno felt the Town should charge a fuel surcharge to renters of the Brookeville Academy.  Commissioner Heritage said $10 or $20 for each rental seemed reasonable to him.   Commissioner Acierno suggested $20, effective November 1 and lasting through March 30, 2006.  Commissioner Acierno suggested that the surcharge funds be put into an account to pay for the modification of the existing gas hot water heater to an on demand type of hot water heater such as a tankless heater.

Kerr property storm water runoff problem:  Commissioner Allan reported that last weekend Steph Kerr had to pump 6-8 inches out of his basement, a result of the torrential rains experienced here in Brookeville and runoff originating from the church parking lot and High Street.  This matter has been previously discussed and Commissioner Allan suggested that it could be broached tomorrow with the SHA representatives should some assistance be possible to help mitigate the problem.  Commissioner Allan indicated that he would be meeting with the Executive Director of the Low Impact Development Center and the President of Citergy LLC to discuss innovative solutions to the flooding problem, particularly use of rain gardens and related methods.

Commissioner Allan reported that there will be a meeting called by Montgomery County on Emergency Preparedness on October 19, 2005, from 10a.m.-12p.m and that all commissioners were invited to attend.

Moving Trash Toters to the curb at the Brookeville Academy:  It was agreed that Commissioner Heritage would move them to the curb for pickup in October; Commissioner Acierno would handle November, and Commissioner Allan would handle December.

Gravel:  Neil Leary has been contacted by the Clerk and will complete last year’s maintenance contract by checking the condition of Water, North and South Streets.  He will grade and level North and South Streets, and leave a pile of gravel for repairs at the head of North Street.

Schoolhouse status regarding electrical installation of lights:  Commissioner Heritage will ask resident David Yinger whether he wants to construct the walkway in front of the schoolhouse.  The job may require Buck Bartley’s assistance in doing some concrete foundation work.  Commissioner Allan suggested the installation of a picket fence about 150 feet long to shield the schoolhouse from the chain link fence adjacent to the building on the west.  He suggested that the commissioners identify design options for fencing ideas by the next meeting. Commissioner Heritage thought a Tom Sawyer type fence might be appropriate.  Commissioner Acierno mentioned a fence having staggered slats, one that looks finished on both sides.  Commissioner Allan reported that both doors at the schoolhouse still needed to have weatherseal installed.

The Commissioners agreed to continue to consider ways of aesthetically screening the  garbage toters at the entrance to Water Street.

Commissioner Allan indicated he would try to get a Brookeville Times out in the next 15 days.

CGI Status:  The draft video welcoming script for the Town website that Commissioner Allan received from CGI Communications needs to be completely rewritten.  Commissioner Allan indicated he would rewrite the script.

Brookeville Angel Maintenance Status:  Commissioner Heritage asked whether maintenance work on the Angel had been scheduled.  Commissioner Allan replied that the stabilization could  proceed should the Commissioners wish to accept the approach suggested by Jim Batchelder, a preservation contractor, who would coat the Angel with boiled linseed oil and use Abatron to reconstitute the decay in the wood base.   He said an alternative would be to write a grant proposal to the Montgomery Arts Commission for funding for the project.  Repainting might also be necessary.  Commissioner Allan will report back to the Commissioners at the next meeting.

Adjournment:  Commissioner Heritage moved the meeting be adjourned.  All agreed.  The meeting was adjourned at 9:30 p.m.

Respectfully submitted by

Diane Burr Allan

September 12, 2005 Commissioners Meeting Minutes

September 12, 2005

Present: President of Commissioners Richard Allan, Commissioner Robert Heritage, Commissioner Michael Acierno, Tom Hanlon, Jack Hanlon, Clerk Diane Allan, Treasurer Susan Johnson

Minutes: Commissioner Heritage moved to approve the minutes; Commissioner Acierno seconded and the motion carried.

Financial Report: The commissioners discussed ways by which interest income on town back accounts at Sandy Spring and Chevy Chase Banks could be enhanced through the consideration of a different mix of various money market accounts or certificates of deposit. Commissioner Allan asked whether the MGLIP was worth considering as an institution to bank interest-bearing funds and preserve liquidity. The commissioners also expressed their agreement that it was important to place significant funds in Sandy Spring Bank given that bank’s support for Brookeville in the past. The commissioners asked that every effort be made to keep as low a checking account balance as is operationally practical. Ms. Johnson indicated that she will provide information to the commissioners on current bank rates and products for their consideration. Commissioner Allan asked Ms. Johnson to ascertain what the auditors need regarding the GASBY Rule and the budget. There were no questions regarding the financial report.

Announcements: Commissioner Allan reported that the Salem United Methodist Church/Town of Brookeville picnic on September 11th was a big success. Many town residents attended along with two State District 14 Delegates. Commissioner Allan spoke with the church’s Paul Geib and suggested that the picnic be made an annual event. Commissioner Allan announced that on Sept. 24th Friends of Oakley Cabin are sponsoring a family sing-a-long. He also announced the annual MML legislative dinner on November 30, 2005, and asked that all commissioners should plan to attend to lobby for the Town’s agenda, particularly the bypass. All commissioners and the Clerk and Treasurer have received Visa Business Cards for use in conducting town business.

Previously, purchases were often made with the personal checks of commissioners and this was deemed a very unsatisfactory situation. Ms. Johnson asked that any purchases made with the VISA cards result in prompt submission of purchase receipts to her attention.

Planning Commission/Building Permits Recommendations: The commissioners discussed a draft memorandum to the Planning Commission prepared by Commissioner Acierno that reiterated the legal necessity of minutes-taking and formal approval of such minutes by the Planning Commission. The draft also requested that a copy of the minutes shall go to the commissioners following their reading and approval each month and that they be posted on the Brookeville website. With Regard to building permits, the draft called for additional time to be allocated for consideration by the Town Commissioners and that affected residents should get additional time as well. The Town Commissioners should see all pertinent staff reports and related material before any final decisions are made. Commissioner Allan recommended that any building project that may result in water drainage or run-off problems should be identified and mitigated beforehand. He indicated that there was draft County legislation being considered to deal with these sorts of problems and that the town would be well served to take similar action. The commissioners all agreed to the items stipulated in the draft memorandum.

Brookeville Academy Rentals: Upon the suggestion of Commissioner Allan, the commissioners agreed to modify special Academy rental fees for residents (property owners) to allow for the extension of discounts to resident renters. It was pointed out that there will be a number of accessory apartments constructed in town that suggests the need for a 2 tier rental fee system. The commissioners agreed that the new rental fee for renters will be set at one hundred twenty-five dollars.

Website contract: There was a discussion about a new website contract proposal that has been received by the town from the existing vendor. Commissioner Allan said he would make some inquiries at the MML meeting on Thursday, September 15th, as to what other small towns do to administer their sites. Ms. Johnson noted that there were no pictures on the website of the completed schoolhouse. Ms. Johnson asked what she should do with the unapproved minutes on the website.

Residential Front Yard Debris/Nuisance Issue (Deeds Wells): Commissioner Allan stated there were a couple of options as to next steps to be considered in the absence of resident Deeds Wells to respond to the commissioners’ request to clean up his driveway of assorted debris and deal with his apparently abandoned vehicles that are visible from Market Street (Rte 97). In 1984 the commissioners sent out a “dear resident” letter to deal with issues like unleashed dogs, junk and dismantled vehicles and general nuisances. He suggested that the references in that letter be invoked again. It is possible to declare the refuse, debris and vehicles as public nuisances and order that they be removed or the town will do so and charge the resident accordingly. The same approach would be applied to a nearby property where there is debris on Water Street. Under the various provisions applicable in the Code of Ordinances, the Town of Brookeville can remove the material and a lien can be placed on the property. Commissioner Heritage was asked to take pictures of the properties. The commissioners agreed that these are priority items and should be taken care of before the end of the year.

Special Fall Pickup: The weekend of October 8, 9, and 10th (Columbus Day) were designated by the commissioners as the refuse pick-up weekend. The Clerk was directed to prepare a letter to townspeople with details as to when the large item pick-up was to take place, what items could be disposed of, and what could not be dumped. The Commissioners agreed that Water Street was the best location for placement of the 30 foot bin for accepting the refuse.

Greener Brookeville Initiative: Commissioner Allan proposed an initiative to encourage the planting of native species trees in Brookeville. It would allow for reimbursement to a maximum of $25 for planting native trees on their property. Commissioners Heritage and Acierno agreed with the idea. Commissioner Allan will draft appropriate protocols and conditions for the reimbursements and will investigate whether any local nurseries would be willing to support the program with discounts on their own.

Water runoff problem at Steph and Hannah Kerrs’ property: Commissioner Allan reported that there was a severe water run-off problem that originated in the Salem United Methodist Church’s parking lot that caused flooding on a property owner’s house. Commissioner Allan spoke with Buck Bartley, President of the church trustees, about a church, town, and possibly a Sandy Spring Friends School or Boy Scout partnership in abating this problem by planting a rain garden. Buck was very agreeable to this idea. Commissioner Allan offered the pro bono services of a consulting firm he is associated with, Citergy LLC, to organize the collaboration and to identify any public or private resources available so that the rain garden can be expertly installed at no or minimal cost to the collaboration.

Academy Maintenance and Painting: Commissioner Acierno indicated he would contact Marco Regulado (Colors Enterprises) about the painting needed for the exterior trim and windows of the Academy. He would also get an estimate regarding the cleaning and repainting of the Town’s decorative lampposts.

North Street Development Street Lights: Commissioner Allan reported that the Mayor of New Market was interested in Brookeville’s cast iron Spring City lamps for New Market’s new streetscape project. In discussions with New Market’s Town Clerk, Commissioner Allan became familiar with New Market’s current post lights. He felt they would be quite nice for use in the new North Street subdivision and will recommend consideration for their use to the Planning Commission and developer Richard Kirby.

The Brookeville Angel: Commissioner Allan reported that prospective angel restorer, Jim Batchelder, said we would need about 10 gallons of Abatron to stabilize the Angel’s wood base. He proposed sealing the wings and head and coating the entire sculpture with linseed oil. The Commissioners took this proposal under advisement.

Schoolhouse: Colors Enterprises was asked by Commissioner Allan to paint the new exterior light fixtures the same green as the trim on the building. Once that is done, they can be installed along with the rest of the interior fixtures. The entrance walks front and back will be the next project to be done. Commissioner Heritage will speak with David Yinger to ascertain whether he will do that work. Buck Bartley will be asked to do the foundation. Commissioner Allan suggested that an appropriate wooden fence can be used to screen the existing anchor fence from view.

Water Street Garbage Cans: Commissioner Allan will ask Miche Booz if he would design a simple screening fence to shield the garbage cans on the corner of Water Street and Market Street.

The meeting adjourned at 10:55.

Respectfully submitted by,

Diane Burr Allan

July 11, 2005 Commissioners Meeting Minutes

July 11, 2005

Present:  President of Commissioners Richard Allan, Commissioner Robert Heritage, Commissioner Michael Acierno, and Clerk Diane Allan

Minutes:  Following review of the June Minutes, Commissioner Acierno made a motion to accept the Minutes as presented.  Commissioner Heritage seconded and the motion carried.

Financial Report:  President Allan noted that check number 661 for $1400.00 was outstanding and needed to be followed up on.  The Commissioners then had a discussion on optimizing ways of distributing Town accounts among savings and checking accounts in the two banks the Town utilizes.  The Commissioners agreed to have further discussions at future meetings, acknowledging that there are a number of options to review.  President Allan and Commissioner Acierno thought that on-line funds transfer capability might provide a more robust financial return capacity.  Commissioner Heritage commented that $23,000.00 is too much to be sitting for any length of time in the checking account.  All agreed that the bulk of the $23,000.00 should be in a higher paying money market account.  It was further agreed that a goal of perhaps having a monthly working balance of $10,000.00 in the checking account and the rest in a money market account should be pursued.  The consensus was that revenues coming in should go into the Sandy Spring Bank money market account rather than the checking account.  President Allan again raised the desirability of a Town credit card as a more efficient and effective device for miscellaneous purchases.  The Commissioners agreed that it was time for a credit card so that Town employees and Commissioners would not have to use their own personal cards or funds for official business and then get reimbursed.

Announcements and reports:  There are eight letters to the four State District 14 Delegates and Senator to be signed dealing with the Bypass and the sidewalk project.  They will be available at the Brookeville Academy during the week.  A discussion followed on the Letter to the Editor on the Brookeville Bypass written by President Allan.  President Allan reported that SHA District Engineer Charlie Watkins responded to his letter about the Brookeville Road intersection and how badly it had deteriorated.  Watkins said that they would follow up with Montgomery County to coordinate repairs.  President Allan reported he asked Doug Lohmeyer, the town’s planning and engineering consultant, to follow up with the County Planning staff on why the sidewalk building requirement that the Town conditioned its approval of the Inn at Brookeville Farms project several years ago to provide a sidewalk from Goldmine Road to the Salem Cemetery on the east side of Route 97 had not been complied with.  Allan had already talked to Charlie Loehr, County Planning Staff Director, on this subject who said he would look into it.  Loehr did say that the county only had a few inspectors to oversee the many conditions imposed on developments, hence the delay.  President Allan reported that the three historic site signs have been installed and are beautiful.  On June 30, 2005, Commissioner Allan faxed a response to the SHA for grant funds which could be used for Market Street curbing and repaving.  A letter from the Commissioners to resident Andrea Barr will be signed so she can go forward on various initiatives mobilizing support and otherwise lobbying for the Brookeville Bypass.  President Allan reported that Heritage Days at the Brookeville Schoolhouse was a success with many older people attending, among them octogenarians.  The Girl Scouts provided refreshments, cookies and lemonade and a red, white, and blue centerpiece.  North Street resident Tom Teal acted as a docent and did a good job.  Commissioner Heritage found another antique school desk at the Legion Yard Sale the morning of the event and it was a big hit.  The school desk the Town had been given by Sandy Spring Museum was brought down from the attic with Richard Chandler’s help.  The Heritages had refinished a third desk that had been donated by Amy Childs.  The Commissioners discussed erecting a picket or other suitable wooden fence along the property line to shield the Montgomery’s anchor fence for about 100 feet.

Report on the MML Convention:  President Allan reported that at the MML Convention in Ocean City he met with Secretary of transportation Bob Flanagan and discussed both the Bypass and sidewalks.  Secretary Flanagan said it was up to county elected officials to kick the Bypass project up in terms of priorities to 2 or 3 rather than 6 or 7.  President Allan asked him why the sidewalk project got stopped after he had been notified it was a go and the Secretary blamed it on the General Assembly.  Secretary Flanagan supports both the Bypass and the sidewalk project.  President Allan also met with the Secretary of Housing and Community Development, Victor Hoskins.

Miscellaneous Matters:  President Allan indicated that the “Greener Brookeville Initiative” will be considered during the summer as to different things that can be done to improve the natural environment in town, including street trees.  Other towns have green programs so it will be useful to consult with them.  The Commissioners agreed that the Brookeville Road Town sign needs to be taken down for repair.

Town Safety and Infrastructure Committee:  Commissioner Heritage reported on three trees that need attention in front of the fence at the Salem Methodist Church Cemetery.

Other Matters:  The Commissioners discussed the possibility of asking Miche Booz to design a shelter or attractive streetside shield for the garbage cans on Water Street to screen them from the street.  The Town will print out the final version of the forest conservation ordinance in August.  President Allan asked if the Commissioners were in favor of canceling the August meeting.  The vote was unanimous.  President Allan led a discussion about options for North Street lighting.  While the Planning Commission had the lead on this, President Allan thought the Commissioners should have input.  Considerations will include where the lights should shine, the nature of the light source, and how high they should be, among other things.  Commissioners Acierno and Heritage agreed that the Commissioners should have input since they are responsible for maintenance.  A gooseneck style lamp was discussed.  Commissioner Heritage suggested a letter to the Planning Commission stating that the Commissioners want input on the decision.  President Allan suggested it was time for a fall clean-up day and Commissioner Acierno suggested a dumpster for large items.  The issue of the Deeds Wells property and its debris in public view came up again for discussion.  Commissioner Heritage has spoken to Sid Rotter about his collection of debris on Water Street.  President Allan said the town can park a dumpster on Water Street as a central location and get rid of the Rotter debris more easily.  The Clerk was asked to get a price on a 30 foot dumpster from Waste Management.

The meeting was adjourned at 10:00 p.m.

Respectfully submitted by

Diane Burr Allan